ACT Alliance Statement to the Commission on Population and Development (CPD51)

ACT Alliance Submitted a Statement to the UN Commission on Population and Development. ACT members and partners have been engaged in various events at the 51st Session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD51).

“As a coalition of over 140 churches and faith based organizations working in humanitarian
response and human rights-based development in over 100 countries, ACT Alliance affirms our
commitment to the Programme of the International Conference on Population and Development,
urges its full implementation and calls for a joint resolution at the 51st session of the Commission
on Population and Development. ACT Alliance is committed to ensure gender equality as a
common value and believes that gender equality and access to sexual and reproductive health and
rights is a prerequisite for ensuring the enjoyment of other rights and for poverty reduction.

We welcome the theme of the Commission “Sustainable cities, human mobility, and
international migration” as the needs and rights of some of the most marginalized in the world,
particularly migrant women and girls, requires urgent resolution. Substantive progress is
desperately needed in view of the grave human rights infringements and consequences for
population policies by growing numbers of refugees, migrants, and displaced people in the world

The full Statement is available here.