On October 8, the Nicaraguan government started meteorological monitoring through the Nicaraguan Territorial Studies Institute (INETER) and issued a yellow alert. According to INETER, hurricane Julia hit Nicaragua with rainfalls between 200mm to 250mm have saturated soils, and wrought havoc across the country, especially in the North and South autonomous regions, where indigenous populations are still recovering from the 2020 hurricane season. The Hurricane has affected communities and populations throughout the national territory, especially in the centre, west, and south of the country. About a million people are left without power and heavy rains and floods forced the evacuations of more than 13,000 families, while some 31,170 people lack access to drinking water. The central government has begun to respond at the level of urban areas and in shelters that were set up.
The Centro Interclecial de Estudios Teológicos y Sociales (CIEETS), the Consejo de Iglesias Pro Alianza Denominacinal (CEPAD), and the Iglesia Luterana Fe y Esperanza (ILFE), members of the ACT Forum Nicargua, seek to provide humanitarian assistance to 755 affected families from November 2022 to February 2023 in three sectors: Food security, Shelter and household item and WASH. To that end, a RRF of 151,148USD has been approved.
RRF 16 2022 Nicaragua Hurricane Julia