One Voice for One Path: Dialogue and Peace in Latin America and the Caribbean

ACT members from across Latin America gathered in Bogota, Colombia, joined by some members from Europe and North America, in late May to continue the dialogue on: “Regressive Agendas and their Impact on Democracies and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

At the end of the five-day event, the participants issued a public statement entitled One Voice for One Path: Dialogue and Peace in Latin America and the Caribbean. In it, they call on churches and faith communities to “in God’s name, act now in a firm and determined manner to eradicate all types of practices that harm, threaten, and violate human rights, democracies, creation, and social justice, wherever they come from.”

They further call on the international community “to promote inclusive agendas that defend human rights and strengthen our democracies. To governments and economic actors, we urge you to open spaces for real and effective dialogue.”

Finally, they commit to being ready and willing to engage in dialogue.

The full statement is available in Spanish and English.