“Liberated by God’s grace, a communion in Christ living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world.”
This is the vision statement adopted by the Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) for
the LWF strategy 2012 – 2018.
Working for dignity and justice with compassion and commitment, the LWF as a global communion of churches respects diversity, in culture, history, theological understandings, perspectives on moral and ethical questions, and practice of ministry, mission and service, as a richness of God’s creation.
Position: Program Officer (Asia) in the Department for World Service
Place of Assignment: Geneva, Switzerland
Starting Date: To be negotiated
Duration of Contract: Initial contract of 5 years
The Department for World Service is the international humanitarian and development arm of the
Lutheran World Federation (LWF) . World Service works with local and international partners to alleviate suffering, combat injustice and poverty, and lay the foundation for a life in dignity for all. More
than 5,000 committed staff persons work for World Service in remote areas and often insecure
situations, touching the lives of over 2 million people across 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin
America and the Caribbean.
Required Qualifications:
Master’s degree in humanitarian or development work, and/or other related social science.
Several years of professional experience in emergency response or development in a
management role. Experience working with NGOs, UN agencies or faith based organizations.
Experience in the supervision of staff and ensuring compliance and quality of the work.
Fluency in English and proven working knowledge of languages relevant to the Asia region.
Strong organizational, relational and enabling management skills, with diplomacy, respect and
a supportive approach.
Strong computer literacy and interpersonal, verbal and written communication.
Candidates for this position require a Church Endorsement.
Closing date
Applications (including motivation letter, detailed curriculum vitae in English, church endorsement and
copies of diplomas and work certificates) with the names and e-mail addresses of three references (two
professional from present and/or previous employers/supervisors and one character reference) should
be sent by 30 April 2016 to:
Ms Aline Ritchie
Head of Human Resources
The Lutheran World Federation
P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
E-Mail: lwf_hrapplicants@lutheranworld.org
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