We are very close to one of the most important benchmarks in the life of the ACT Alliance: its General Assembly!
Ten months ago, when I joined ACT Alliance as its General Secretary, I thought that we would have a lot of time to prepare this global gathering. Very soon I realized that this will not be a regular Assembly that will only be dealing with statutory requirements or approving policies and strategies. It will, in fact, be a prodigious moment in the life of the Alliance, which will ignite renewed commitment and engagement, new approaches, ambitious prophetic standing, and that will boldly call us to stand before the challenges that the world is putting before humanity.
During the last ten months, I have had the privilege of engaging with regional and national forums, local and global members, and connecting with different stakeholders. I was able to engage in critical conversations with members and forums on issues that are crucial to consider in a membership network. When visiting the actual work done by ACT members and forums, I immediately sensed the extraordinary experience, expertise and influence that the ACT Alliance provides, but more importantly, the potential that we have as an alliance, which we can leverage even more than we already do.
Our 3rd Assembly will be a special benchmark in the history of the ACT Alliance, because it will not only be about “business as usual”, but will transcend to a new phase, which will raise up the prophetic and political dimension of our work, associated with our Christian values to promote and fight for justice and dignity for all.
The 2018 Assembly will be a moment of celebration, for the good work done, a moment for analysing the shortcomings to ensure a coherent, relevant and effective network, and a moment to move strategically forward to position our alliance as one of the world´s largest humanitarian, development and advocacy networks.
In a polarized world, fuelled by hatred, violence and populism, we have the moral obligation to provide assistance to the most vulnerable, to express solidarity with the marginalized and excluded, and to challenge structures and root causes that undermine life with dignity.
Therefore, I see the ACT General Assembly in Uppsala as a call for full engagement in the life of the alliance, committing each of its members to work closely together for the common good. It is the “Kairos” moment, the time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of our crucial vision, an opportune and decisive moment for us not only to make a difference in the life of people, but to make transformations that will enable all people to have life, and life in abundance.
This is not an easy task, but a necessary one. ACT Alliance is well positioned to make a positive difference, building on our unique and relevant structures (national and regional forums, communities of practice, etc.), as well as on our diverse and distinctive membership (local, national, regional and international organizations).
My excitement about the positive vibes coming from the alliance is an indication that I really feel that our gathering in October/November will boost all of us to engage in this new phase of the life of the alliance. Everybody will have the conviction that we are walking in the right direction, and that we are prepared to enter into a new phase, which includes engagement with like-minded organizations and people of good faith, who want to promote an inclusive agenda that leaves no one behind.
I make a call to each of you to engage in this special moment in the life of our alliance. Let´s celebrate, let´s discern together, and let´s transform the world!
Rudelmar Bueno de Faria is the General Secretary of the ACT Alliance. Previously, Rudelmar served as the World Council of Churches Representative to the United Nations in New York. He has over 25 years of experience working with national and international faith-based organizations with work-related experience in more than 85 countries.