ACT Alliance Communications Policy

As one of the largest global humanitarian and development alliances, ACT’s commitment to communicate the work of the alliance and global matters of injustice is paramount. ACT commits to base communication on journalistic values of timeliness, accuracy and high quality, and communicates in ways that respect the dignity, uniqueness, human rights and intrinsic worth of every woman, man, girl and boy. It does not portray people as helpless victims but recognises their immense capacity for resilience and action with strong community, cultural, and human resources. ACT responds to human suffering irrespective of race, gender, belief, nationality, ethnicity or political persuasion. Its communication is independent of any particular government’s policy and is not a tool for groups, companies and other organisations’ self-interest, including those of ACT members.

This policy establishes the principles for communications issued by the ACT secretariat or people on its behalf, such as by freelance and member writers, photographers, bloggers, and social media users commissioned by ACT, for internal or external audiences and gives guidelines on decisions that influence communications. It will help achieve the organisation’s strategic vision and objectives and ensure a consistent and coherent approach to both internal and external communications.

The ACT secretariat relies on its members to be sources of information. The secretariat acts as a facilitator and coordinator of initiatives taken by communicators in the alliance, who are, additionally, sources of communications input. This policy does not cover communicators in member organisations. ACT members are encouraged to have similar policies that meet the legal requirements of their own countries or regions and stakeholders.

The ACT Alliance Communications Policy is available in English, French and Spanish.

ACT Communications Policy updated 2020 EN

ACT Communications Policy updated 2020 SP

ACT Communications Policy updated 2020 FR

(Policies and guidelines)
