ACT Alliance PME Handbook

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME), along with other standards, provide the main vehicle through which issues of Q&A are addressed in the work of ACT Alliance. Systematic and regular monitoring will ensure collection, analysis and utilization of vital programme information to inform programme decisions while ACT evaluations will help identify lessons and leverage learning within ACT. It is envisaged that this handbook will provide a common Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) reference for promoting evidence-based decisions making and expanding opportunity for sharing lessons for improving programme quality and results of ACT appeals and Rapid Response Funds (RRFs) as well as development practice across the Alliance.

Better planning and functional monitoring and evaluation systems help in translating Q&A issues into real practice of programme management and implementation.

The ACT PME Handbook is available in English, French and Spanish.

ACT PME Handbook_English

ACT PME Handbook_French

ACT PME Handbook_Spanish

(ACT Policies and guidelines)