“2020 will go down in history for the global pandemic, but also as proof of human kindness and determination,” says Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance General Secretary, in his foreword to the ACT Alliance 2020 Annual Report.
“COVID-19 highlighted existing vulnerabilities and affected hard-won socio-economic progress.” Rudelmar says. “Yet we also saw governments and organisations collaborate to contain COVID-19 and work towards reopening the world in a more just and inclusive way.”
ACT Alliance and its members quickly adapted to the reality of COVID-19, calling for vaccine equity and working closely with civil society, the UN and other partners. Members shared strategies in virtual meetings on how to reduce COVID-19’s impact on their work. These activities, and many others, are more fully described in the Annual Report.
“2020, for me, was also a year of hope,” says Rudelmar. “People selflessly extended their support to friends and strangers alike.”
In 2020 ACT also celebrated its 10th anniversary. Since 2010, our members have made ACT the largest Protestant and Orthodox network of churches and agencies engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work.
Read more in the Annual Report, available for download here.