ACT Alliance urges Member States to adopt Political Declaration at CSW69

10 March 2025Global

March 9, 2025


New York, USA: As diverse faith actors, serving communities in over 120 countries, we call on Member States to be accountable to the commitments made in 1995 in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. In times of increasing backlashes against human rights and gender equality we reaffirm the importance of adopting the proposed Political Declaration at the 69th UN Commission on the Status of Women.

The Beijing Platform for Action remains an ambitious blueprint for women’s rights. Human rights defenders, including women of faith, are on the frontline of defending women’s rights and advancing gender justice. The context for working for gender justice is ever-changing.Thirty years later, it is critical for Member States to adopt a Political Declaration, which calls to: 

  • Reform discriminatory laws and practices, transform gender stereotypes and negative social norms, and address multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination;  
  • Reaffirm the need to ensure adequate, predictable, sustainable and long-term funding, including transparent allocations of resources, as a means to eliminate structural inequalities;
  • Recognise the importance of men and boys fully engaging as strategic partners and allies… for the achievements of gender equality;
  • Ensure women’s full, equal and meaningful participation and leadership at all levels of decision-making and in all stages of peace processes.

Faith and rights-based actors, including the members of ACT Alliance from diverse regions, are collectively advocating for gender justice in their communities, countries, regions and globally. We will continue to defend human rights and push for global commitments that protect the most vulnerable and the rights of women and girls in all their diversity.


Media contact:
Simon Chambers
Director of Communications