ACT Palestine Forum welcomes UN Resolution

ACT Palestine Forum (APF) welcomes the historic resolution in the UN General Assembly’s emergency session on the 18th of September 2024, demanding Israel “brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory… and do so no later than 12 months,” and “comply without delay with all its legal obligations under international law.” This resolution affirms the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) Advisory opinion as requested under resolution A/RES/77/247 that was issued on 30th of December 2022.1 

The resolution, passed with a majority of 124 votes, 43 abstentions, and 14 votes against it2, reflects the international community’s commitment to peace and human rights for the Palestinian people.  We view this decision as a crucial step towards ending the decades-long injustice endured by Palestinians. The resolution is also a powerful call for Israel to end its illegal occupation, halt all new settlements constructions, remove parts of the wall it has built and evacuate all settlers from the occupied State of Palestine, including those in Jerusalem. 

We believe that this resolution has the potential to strengthen the efforts towards achieving a just and lasting solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict and it emphasizes the necessity of adherence to international law and human rights standards. We call upon the international community to take concrete actions to ensure the implementation of the resolution to ensure the protection of human rights. 

We urge all concerned parties to commit seriously to a peaceful and sustainable resolution of the conflict. We call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and an end of all forms of violence against Palestinians by settlers and the Israeli army in the West Bank. 

APF also urges all members of the ACT Alliance and the churches, particularly those active in the countries that voted against the resolution, to continue advocating with politicians and decision-makers to support the right of Palestinians to self-determination. Their support is essential to building a future of peace and justice for all peoples in the region, the Holy Land, and the world. 

At APF, we reaffirm our commitment to supporting the Palestinian people in their pursuit of their legitimate rights and we commit to providing humanitarian assistance and aid to all those affected by this conflict to be able to live in freedom, dignity and justice.  

We call upon all people around the world to stand by this resolution and support it by all possible means. We also underscore how the Security Council resolutions and the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice constitute additional legal and moral frameworks that must be upheld. This is essential for ensuring the realization of Palestinian rights and the end of the occupation, and upholding a global commitment to an international order based on the rule of law and international law.