“In 2022, the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the existential threat of climate change, and the impact of ongoing conflicts were exacerbated by the war in Ukraine,” says Rudelmar Bueno da Faria, ACT General Secretary in his 2022 Annual Report message. “Despite these challenges, ACT and its members were able to consolidate our work as a relevant and cohesive faith-based alliance.”
The 2022 issue of the ACT Alliance Annual Report has special features on the work of ACT’s MENA region and ACT’s global advocacy programme. You will find out more about the work of other ACT regions and members as well as about 2022’s activities on Climate Justice, Migration and Displacement, Gender Justice and ACT’s other programmes.
You’ll also find news on ACT’s engagement at the World Council of Churches General Assembly, our new joint ACT/WCC publication on ecumenical diakonia, and our work to combat vaccine inequity.

The Annual Report can be downloaded in English, French or Spanish using the links below.