ACT Palestine Forum endorses ACT EU/CIDSE statement on demolitions in the Masafer Yatta communities

The ACT Palestine Forum has endorsed a joint statement by CIDSE and ACT Alliance EU on Demolitions in the Masafer Yatta communities.

A recent decision by the Israeli High Court of Justice “effectively gave a green light to forcibly transfer over a 1000 people from 8 villages in the area that the Israeli military has declared as a ‘’firing zone 918’’,” according to the statement.

The West Bank Protection Consortium reports “an increase in military pressure on the residents and has documented the destruction of at least 27 structures, including 16 donor-funded structures and 12 homes. As reported by the UN OCHA, the Israeli authorities did not allow alternative shelters to be installed in several communities after the demolitions.”

The statement goes on to call for the EU and member states to:

  • Engage diplomatically with the Israeli government at the highest level to signal that forcible transfer of Masafer Yatta residents – a grave breach of international law – will have consequences for bilateral relations of the EU and the member states with Israel
  • Call on the Israeli government to stop demolitions in the Masafer Yatta area, as well as military training exercises and other practices aimed at intimidating the residents
  • Ensure that humanitarian access to the communities is allowed at all times
  • Demand approval of master plans in Masafer Yatta
  • Discuss amongst donor states and the EU concrete legal steps available to the EU and/or MS to address

Read the full statement here.


UPDATE: 2022 Season of Creation Celebration Guide in multiple languages 

Each year, ACT Alliance members join other Christians around the world to pray, act and advocate for our common home, Earth, by celebrating the ecumenical Season of Creation. 

The Season of Creation begins on September 1, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology.  This year’s theme is “Listen to the Voice of Creation,” and the urgency of doing so is symbolised by the Burning Bush 


The advocacy suggestions in this year’s Celebration Guide are to listen to, reflect upon and amplify the voices and ideas of those who have contributed least to climate change and the loss of biodiversity, but who are most affected by these crises.  

Women and girls in all their diversity, youth, and migrants are rarely heard in at the global level where important decisions are made on climate and biodiversity. They have voices and use them to say important things about climate and biodiversity, including local solutions. But they are not heard by those in power. This has meant they cannot access the resources they need to act upon local solutions.  

ACT Alliance is getting ready to amplify those voices and concerns about climate at COP27 in Egypt this November. The advocacy suggestions in the Season of Creation Celebration Guide include what people in the communities we serve have asked for, and ideas on how your groups can help amplify their voices and concerns. 

How to participate  

Please encourage your members to participate in this year’s Season of Creation and promote their activities. Visit the Season of Creation website for more information, resources and promotion tools.  You can download a copy of the Celebration Guide in English or Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian and Portuguese.  

Follow ACT Now for Climate Justice on Twitter for the latest news about the Season of Creation. 



Media Release: Bonn UN climate negotiations 

A silent vigil at COP26, Glasgow, for those living with the impact of climate-induced loss and damage. Photo: Albin Hillert/LWF

After two weeks of negotiations, climate talks in Bonn hardly moved an inch. Not on emission reductions, and not on how to mobilise the financial support vulnerable countries need to address the impact of the climate crisis.  

It was good to see parties listen to each other, and to see that a greater understanding of the seriousness of these talks is emerging. Yet concrete results were scarce.  

Climate disasters were at the heart of the talks, as were the effects of loss and damage that people and communities face. Developed countries acknowledged that there is a gap both in the amount of existing funding and in concrete ways of addressing  these challenges.  

While concern about those who are affected increased, negotiators couldn’t agree on how to move to solutions. We remain where we started two weeks ago.  

An  agreement on process is needed to make progress in the actual talks. We need a formal agenda item on finance arrangements for loss and damage at COP27. Without it, communities facing the impact of loss and damage will find themselves in increasingly desperate situations. As we saw in Bonn, countries agreeing on the decision-making process is a prerequisite for enabling loss and damage finance.  

ACT Alliance is disappointed by the lack of substantive progress. The climate crisis is far too serious. Urgent action should not be delayed by discussions on process. On the road to November’s COP27, we urge parties to engage immediately to solve the agenda disagreement on the Glasgow Dialogue so that it will be possible to discuss and decide on loss and damage finance arrangements at COP27.  

To restore trust in climate negotiations and ensure further progress in the climate talks we also urge developed country parties to arrive at COP27 with the following: 

  • Concrete finance pledges for loss and damage, so that the lack of these funds does not continue to block the negotiation process.   
  • Concrete finance pledges for adaptation. This would show they are keeping their Glasgow promise to double adaptation support. 
  • New and more ambitious positions for COP27 to ensure that negotiations can deliver a successful result. No one should be left behind when the world addresses the climate crisis.  
  • A commitment to ensure meaningful and effective participation of observer organisations in the UNFCCC climate conferences.

 For more information or to arrange an interview , contact:

Fiona Connelly, Communications Coordinator, Climate Justice, ACT Alliance; +1 (647) 210-1238




What will solve the climate crisis? 

Photo: Albin Hillert/LWF

By Mattias Soderberg

The climate crisis is real. For me, and many others living in rich countries, the climate debate may seem like a theoretical challenge – something that may happen in the future. However, for most of the world’s population, the effects of climate change are already here and there is no time to waste. 

The solutions are known, and to a large extent they already exist. We just need to implement them.  

These solutions include renewable energy, tree planting, irrigation systems, cooling facilities, weather forecasts, insurance and a lot more. There are many good solutions which could help people, communities, and countries, if only the right investments were made.  

So why hasn’t it been done already? 

There are likely many good reasons, but a root challenge is the lack of funding. The lack of official climate finance, as well as financial flows of both private and public funds through trade, investments, and other transactions generates a big shortfall.  

If the scientific predictions about the future are true (and they usually are) we have no other option than finding and mobilising the necessary funds. This is the background to the ongoing UN climate negations in Bonn, where parties are currently discussing future climate finance.  

Three recommendations 

I have three recommendations to the negotiators. First, make sure that the talks about finance are based on need as concluded by science. The current goal for climate finance, that rich countries annually should mobilize 100 bn USD, is not based on science. It is a political goal which was easy to communicate. But the climate crisis cannot be solved through messages which are easy to communicate. Investments must be made, and the money must be found.  

My second recommendation is therefore to make sure adequate funds are mobilised. This is easy to say and more difficult to achieve. To begin with, investments in fossil fuels and solutions which contribute to global warming should end. The money should instead be invested in the solutions we need. Then, solutions which could be funded through markets should be promoted through trade and investment. In the UN climate talks these are referred to as financial flows, and they must contribute to the transition towards green and resilient development.  

However, not all solutions can be funded through markets. Actually, a big portion of the most important solutions, including adaptation and efforts to address climate-induced loss and damage, will only be realized if grants are available. Currently, this is included in the official climate finance that developed countries commit to delivering every year.  

Grants can be mobilized by rich countries through their annual national budgets. These funds must be drastically scaled up so that rich countries can increase their grant-based support to developing countries. However, considering the huge need for funds I am afraid these budget allocations, even if they are increased, will not be enough.  

Which is why my last recommendation is to explore new and innovative ways to mobilise additional support. This may sound like a fantasy, but when the UN called for submissions on climate finance earlier this year, several parties proposed considering innovative finance solutions. Some years back there was even a high-level process within the UN climate talks to identify innovative ways to mobilise climate finance. That process delivered a report but was not followed by concrete agreements. As several parties have started to talk about innovative finance again, I believe the time is right to try.  

I therefore hope that parties again will look for ways to scale up climate finance. We have the solutions, but we lack the money.  

Without climate finance there is no climate action. 

Mattias Soderberg is co-chair of the ACT Alliance climate justice group. 

Resilience Award 2021 goes to project that crosses borders

A multifaceted project that spans three South Asian countries is the winner of the 2021 Resilience Award. 

Developing a community plan for flood risks. PHOTO: LWSIT/ACT

“It was really a very difficult decision, there were so many innovative and interesting projects, but in the end, we chose this one because of its many dimensions and impact on a great number of people,” said Julius Mbatia, ACT Climate Justice manager. The selection was made from 14 worthy entries by ACT’s Climate Justice Reference Group and the ACT CoP on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction.

The Transboundary Flood Resilience Project was awarded the $6,000 US Resilience prize at an ACT Climate Justice meeting in February 2022, where project representatives spoke about their project and its impact.    

Involving households, communities and local governments, the project has also built disaster response links between governments in Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Lutheran World Federation Nepal (LWF Nepal) and Lutheran World Service India Trust (LWSIT) joined forces with RDRS Bangladesh as partners on the community-based project.  

The project addresses climate-related flooding and soil erosion where the Gandak-Ganges/Brahmaputra and Padma River basins converge, upstream from the mouth of the Ganges at the northern tip of the Bay of Bengal. The two river basins and their tributaries traverse heavily populated areas. Floods regularly cause heavy loss and damage, including to human life. 

Technology and nature-based knowledge 

The project has helped the communities develop and enhance a disaster warning system that incorporates both technological and nature-based knowledge.  

Local communities manage gauge stations that measure water changes, part of a transboundary community-based early warning system. People living upstream share real time flood information with downstream communities in all three countries, using a cell phone messaging service. They are linked to government meteorological departments.  

The project incorporates local traditional knowledge and Indigenous practices, so that bird and animal early warning signals are tracked. “Nature-based solutions are some of the most influential activities the project has supported,” note the implementers.  

As a result of the project, communities now use indigenous and local seeds to help with disaster resilience, planting fruit and trees along the riverbanks to help manage flood impacts. They are engaged in environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. Organic integrated farming is on the rise. Locally available materials ranging from banana leaves to bottles have been adapted for use during floods, for example, as flotation devices. Outreach to local forest groups has led to a growing number of forest-based green enterprises and livelihoods.  

Community and local government partnerships 

The Transboundary Citizen Forum (TCF) was created to encourage collective advocacy on cross-border issues. It also builds local capacity and encourages knowledge sharing between communities in all three countries. TCF advocacy has resulted in greater commitment from national and regional governments to emergency preparedness training in the communities. The TCF has equal representation of women and men, due to involving women in all project activities. 

The partnership between communities and local governments has contributed to local ownership of the program and to local solutions for disaster preparedness. It has strengthened participatory policy and planning processes that address the needs and priorities of communities. This includes grain and seed banks and access to crop and livestock insurance. 

Local government has endorsed the initiative in their fiscal policy, a commitment that will continue after the project is phased out. 

Cross border links 

The governments of the three countries now share information on managing water-related disasters. Frequent meetings between their various government departments have led to improved communication, greater emergency preparedness and improved government responses to crises.  

Links between upstream and downstream communities at the national and transboundary level have contributed to their greater understanding of shared socio-economic and cultural values and this has eased existing tensions due to political boundaries. 

Amplifying lessons learned 

Information about the program is widely shared through collaboration with researchers and academics, and through newsletters, journals, and workshops with the stakeholders and in South Asian networks. 



Major ACT and WCC publication on ecumenical diakonia released

A significant publication on ecumenical diakonia, providing a common platform for the churches and ecumenical partners worldwide for acting and reflecting together, has just been published by ACT Alliance and the World Council of Churches (WCC). 

The joint publication, “Called to Transformation – Ecumenical Diakonia,” provides the theological foundation for the humanitarian and development work carried out by ACT members around the world. It not only helps churches to share ideas and lessons with each other, but also offers a prophetic perspective of being a church in challenging times”, said ACT General Secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria in a presentation of the document on June 9. This is motivating the joint work of churches and church-related organizations to promote justice, inclusion, and solidarity.”  

The document provides a solid base for discernment for churches and specialized ministries to address the complexity of issues facing humanity today, he added. It features resources to strengthen the diaconal capacity of the churches and to advance cooperation with specialized ministries. 

Writing of this document was a recommendation of the Malawi consultation in September 2014, when churches and specialized ministriesrepresentatives from all the continents gathered to reflect on the work they are supposed to do together,” said Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, WCC deputy general secretary, in the presentation. 

Besides adding the geographic and confessional contexts of practicing diakonia, the study document also addresses the diaconal response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with examples of diaconal ministry from every continent. 

With this publication, we now have a common understanding on diakonia – and that should take churches and their partners toward the next level of ecumenical cooperation in diakonia,” said Phiri. The WCC central committee has recommended that churches and specialized ministries all over the world use it. 

In learning from each other, and in sharing, we can make a real difference to the lives of many people,” said Rev. Karin van den Broeke, chief programme officer of the Kerk in Actie (Netherlands), moderating a June 9 presentation of the ecumenical diakonia document. Inviting everyone to discover the publication now available online, van den Broeke encouraged them to move and act together on our pilgrimage of justice and peace in the world.” 

The publication “Called to Transformation – Ecumenical Diakonia” is available here:

ACT and WCC joint publication “Called to Transformation – Ecumenical Diakonia”


ACT-WCC delegation visits Russia, sees church response to refugees from Ukraine

This photo story is reprinted with permission from the World Council of Churches.

Following a mid-March visit to Ukraine and the bordering countries of Hungary and Romania, an ACT Alliance and World Council of Churches (WCC) and ACT Alliance delegation visited the Russian-Ukrainian border area around Rostov-on-Don on 22-26 May.

24 May 2022, Rostov-on-Don, Russia: Refugee families from Ukraine queue to receive aid packages at the main humanitarian aid centre of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) diocese of Rostov-on-Don in southwest Russia, located by the Protection of the Theotokos Church in Rostov-on-Don. The aid centre serves as a collection and distribution point for aid to refugees arriving from neighbouring Ukraine, close to a million of whom have fled to Russia according to mid-May figures from the United Nations (UNHCR) following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. While some refugees receive temporary accommodation and meals through the Russian state, the church’s main aid centre in Rostov-on-Don offers bi-weekly packages of food and other essentials for refugee families housed on their own in and around Rostov-on-Don, as well as supplying pampers, clothing and other items upon request. The centre serves some 130 refugee families daily. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

Both visits have taken place against the backdrop of a war causing millions of people to flee Ukraine. As the month of May drew to a close, UNHCR figures indicate nearly 7 million people have crossed the borders to neighbouring countries, close to a million to Russia.

23 May 2022, Taganrog, Russia: Members of a delegation from the World Council of Churches and the ACT Alliance are shown around by director Alexei Resvanov at the Romashka sports and recreation complex in Zolotaya Kosa, southwest Russia near the border to Ukraine. Romashka hosts several hundred refugees from the Donbas region in Ukraine, most of them children from orphanages formerly in the Donbas region of Ukraine, evacuated as military tensions grew in eastern Ukraine and along the border between Ukraine and Russia in mid-February 2022. While the refugees receive Russian state support for accommodation and meals, the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) also accompany them, providing spiritual and psychosocial support, as well as processing and responding to individual or more specific requests or needs expressed by the refugees. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

Upon invitation from the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) – a member of the WCC and whose Department for External and Church Relations is a member of the ACT Alliance – the delegation visited aid centres and places of temporary accommodation for refugees from Ukraine in the Rostov-on-Don and Shakhty dioceses, both of which border the Donbas region of southeast Ukraine.

 In Rostov-on-Don and Shakhty, the Russian Orthodox Church accompanies refugees primarily from Donbas, and while some refugee families receive accommodation and food support from the Russian state, the church also accompanies them through spiritual and psychosocial support, as well as by collecting and distributing aid packages for self-housed refugee families.

24 May 2022, Shakhty, Russia: A church volunteer distributes clothing to a refugee woman from Ukraine at the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) Shakhty diocese’s aid centre for Ukrainian refugees at the Church of the Don Icon of the Mother of God, in Shakhty, southwest Russia. Following the eruption of war in Ukraine, many refugees from the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine have taken refuge across the border in neighbouring Russia. Located close to the border, Shakhty diocese receives refugees mainly from the Luhansk area of Donbas, the majority of whom are women and children. The aid centre serves as a collection and distribution point for aid to refugees arriving from neighbouring Ukraine, close to a million of whom have fled to Russia according to mid-May figures from the United Nations (UNHCR) following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

The visit also included opportunities to meet and listen to local church leaders and how they work to respond to current realities in the region.

For the general secretary of the ACT Alliance Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, this visit evidenced the traumatic and stressful experience refugees face in conflict situations. “It is crucial that humanitarian actors, including churches, affirm the primacy of the humanitarian imperative, and take action to prevent and alleviate human suffering arising out of this war. Refugees must be assured that humanitarian principles are upheld, and nothing should override them,” Bueno de Faria said.

23 May 2022, Rostov-on-Don, Russia: Metropolitan Mercury of Rostov and Novocherkassk (Russian Orthodox Church) receives members of a delegation from the World Council of Churches and the ACT Alliance. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

For WCC deputy general secretary Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, the visit served as a reminder of the importance of churches engaging in ecumenical diakonia – a substantive publication on which is forthcoming from the WCC.

“Churches, specialized ministries, ecumenical organizations have shown deeply inspiring work to support those who are fleeing inside and outside Ukraine since the beginning of the war this past February. We see the importance of the role of ecumenical diakonia in the life of the church, and pray that this heartfelt response will continue,” Phiri reflected.

23 May 2022, Taganrog, Russia: A girl plays in an open courtyard at the Kotlostroitel Children’s Wellness Centre ”Sunny” in the village of Krasnydesant, near Taganrog in southwest Russia, which following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February serves as temporary accommodation for refugees from the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine — most of them women, children and elderly people. While the refugees receive Russian state support for accommodation and meals, the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) also accompany them, providing spiritual and psychosocial support, as well as processing and responding to individual or more specific requests or needs expressed by the refugees. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

Recalling the experience of travelling along the border west of Ukraine, WCC director of international affairs Peter Prove reflected on the importance of witnessing humanitarian realities on all sides of the war, in order to support adequate measures for peace long-term.

24 May 2022, Rostov-on-Don, Russia: Church volunteers prepare aid packages in a storage room at the main humanitarian aid centre of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) diocese of Rostov-on-Don in southwest Russia, located by the Protection of the Theotokos Church in Rostov-on-Don. The aid centre serves as a collection and distribution point for aid to refugees arriving from neighbouring Ukraine, close to a million of whom have fled to Russia according to mid-May figures from the United Nations (UNHCR) following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. While some refugees receive temporary accommodation and meals through the Russian state, the church’s main aid centre in Rostov-on-Don offers bi-weekly packages of food and other essentials for refugee families housed on their own in and around Rostov-on-Don, as well as supplying pampers, clothing and other items upon request. The centre serves some 130 refugee families daily. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

“While it may be difficult to see a clear path to peace in this conflict, as a worldwide fellowship of churches we must continue to engage and to support efforts for genuine dialogue between all parties involved. And in the midst of all this, it is essential that humanitarian efforts – of which churches form a significant part – remain neutral and provide for people in need wherever they are and from wherever they come,” Prove said.

23 May 2022, Taganrog, Russia: A woman refugee pushes a pram through a pathway at the Kotlostroitel Children’s Wellness Centre ”Sunny” in the village of Krasnydesant, near Taganrog in southwest Russia, which following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February serves as temporary accommodation for refugees from the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine — most of them women, children and elderly people. While the refugees receive Russian state support for accommodation and meals, the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) also accompany them, providing spiritual and psychosocial support, as well as processing and responding to individual or more specific requests or needs expressed by the refugees. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

ACT Alliance at Stockholm+50 : Youth taking Lead

By Emma Berglund

This week in Stockholm, the commemoration of the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment will celebrate 50 years of global environmental action. “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity” will bring together nations and stakeholders to collaborate, share expertise and work towards  accelerate the implementation of the “UN Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, including the 2030 Agenda, Paris Agreement on climate change, the post-2020 global Biodiversity Framework, and encourage the adoption of green post-COVID-19 recovery plans” (Stockholm+50). 

However, while recognizing the many efforts that have been made for environmental protection over the last decades, this is not the time to celebrate. We are standing at a turning point in human history, facing a triple planetary crisis of pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss and the window of opportunity to limit global warming and strengthen resilience and adaptive capacities of our communities is growing smaller and smaller. 
It is imperative that Stockholm +50 does not become “just another meeting”, but actually a turning point in which direct and decisive action may be taken for a sustainable transformation and climate justice. 
Over the last two days prior to the Stockholm +50 meeting, almost a hundred young people from all over the world have met for the Youth Environmental Assembly. To collectively finalize the Youth Policy Paper, support the draft of speaking points for youth delegates who will speak during the plenary sessions, as well as hosting capacity building and networking for young climate activists. The Policy Paper will be launched on Friday, but the third draft version can be found here. 

As youth activists, we stand on the shoulders of thousands of climate champions, who have fought for climate justice over the past 50 years, here in Stockholm and all over the world. Instead of commemorating 50 years of fruitless high-level UN meetings, I want to instead commemorate those who are not here today, those who stand at the forefront of environmental degradation and face the immediate effects of climate change. Those who are facing threats, violence and imprisonment as environmental defenders and activists. We demand climate justice for all. 

Emma Berglund is the Co-Chair of ACT Alliance Youth Community of Practice  and Agera volunteer within Act Church of Sweden.
“Ageravolontärerna” (Act volunteers) is a network of internationally engaged youth within Act Church of Sweden and Church of Sweden Youth. From the left Lovisa, Elvira, Alicia, Zandra and Emma.

ACT Alliance at the International Migration Review Forum


ACT Alliance participated in the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), from the 16th to the 20th of May in New York. The following comments were submitted by ACT at the policy debate session on May 18.

ACT Alliance is a member of the Global Coalition on Migration (GCM), and endorses the recommendations made in its Spotlight Report on Global Migration. We are also a founding member of the Climate, Migration and Displacement Platform (CMDP), whose remarks we support as well.

We welcome the policy debate today but remain concerned that we are now further from the aim of making migration more humane and bringing a much-needed paradigm shift than when the GCM was adopted. The progress declaration of the IMRF in its final form, although initially more ambitious, makes this painfully clear.

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that migrants are still vulnerable in many situations. Urgent action is needed to better protect their rights. Such action is indeed possible when there is political will.

Examples of positive practices in response to the pandemic included the swift implementation of alternatives to detention, suspension of returns, and the simplified regularisation of status for undocumented migrants. This showed that a different way is possible. 

Conversely, indiscriminate border closures, massive layoffs, unplanned returns, and exclusion from access to health measures have hit many migrants hard and have disproportionately affected migrant women.

Thus, the pandemic has glaringly shown how arbitrarily the political process treats migrants.

The scope of changes needed can only be achieved if states focus on Objective 5 of the GCM, enhancing the availability and accessibility of regular migration pathways.  It remains one of the most under-fulfilled objectives of the GCM.

Despite the initiatives some states have taken to improve their own array of pathways, the reality is that they remain limited in scope and fall far short of what’s needed.

There are tools in the GCM and other instruments that can and should be used to turn regular pathways from a privilege for the few into a rights-respecting and gender-responsive reality to address current mobility and protection needs. These include labour mobility agreements, free movement regimes, and improved procedures for family reunification and academic mobility. They also include practices for admission and stay to address vulnerabilities in migration, based on compassionate, humanitarian or other considerations, which can complement other tools and help close protection gaps.

The UN Network on Migration’s Thematic Working Group 3 on regular pathways, which was co-led by ACT Alliance (together with the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network and OHCHR), issued a Guidance Note on this topic last July which we hope will lead to more consistent adoption of these much-needed policies and practices.

Migration and climate change

As a network that has been advocating for climate justice for many years, we would like to insist that climate change is not so much an “emerging challenge” as it is an intensifying crisis, which must be addressed on multiple fronts. In the context of human mobility, which interacts with climate change in complex ways, this means that we must avoid one-dimensional policy responses.

There are those whose lives and livelihoods have already been massively impacted by climate change, and who may even be forced to relocate in the not-too-distant future. Many others have been facing tough circumstances and have had to supplement family income with occasional cross-border work. Others still may have gone abroad for a period of time with the intention to return, only to realize that the basis of their livelihood has continued to erode, so they may need to extend their stay, change their status, or be allowed to leave and return, depending on their situation.

All of them would benefit from a more holistic and flexible approach by states to the question of regular pathways, so that they are not forced into situations where their options are diminishing and they may end up without status, without protection, and without hope. In this, the climate crisis is creating groups whose needs are at the same time very specific, but also common to migrants in general. For all of them, a human-rights based approach to regular pathways that overcomes the current hesitancy of states, is central to preserving their dignity and creating a brighter future.


Finally, we would like to recall the importance of complementarity between the GCM and all other relevant frameworks, not least the Global Compact on Refugees, which promotes the elaboration of complementary pathways. Lessons from this should be applied in the context of GCM implementation, so that human rights, refugee rights, and migrants’ rights are upheld coherently and consistently, and so that no person is excluded from additional protections and opportunities on account of a disconnect between government policies.

We thank you for this opportunity.

Prepared by Alison Kelly, ACT’s UN Representative, and Christian Wolff, ACT’s Migration and Displacement Programme manager.


ACT Europe Forum statement calls on the EU and European governments to maintain commitments to development assistance

Refugees in Sudan, fleeing from the Tigray region of Ethiopia, are paid to help build 3.5m latrines in the Tuneybah refugee camp as part of NCA’s work in the joint ACT/Caritas response to the crisis. Photo: Iker Muntes-Burgos/NCA

The ACT Europe Forum released a statement at its annual meeting on May 12, calling on the EU and European governments to maintain their Official Development Assistance commitments. The forum is deeply concerned about the multiple crises triggered or exacerbated by the war in Ukraine and their impacts on other countries, especially in the Global South.

The forum has been heavily engaged in responding to the Ukraine crisis through humanitarian response and advocacy. Its members are also responding to crises in countries including Ethiopia, Syria, and Yemen, and to the growing drought and potential famine in the Horn of Africa.

The ACT Europe Forum is concerned by the decisions by several European governments to move ODA funding- previously committed to long-term development assistance and humanitarian efforts across the globe– to receive Ukrainian refugees in Europe.

The forum stands united in asking the EU and European governments to retain previous commitments to ODA and to fund the necessary reception of Ukrainian refugees from other sources.

“We are deeply concerned about the multiple crises facing the most vulnerable people in the world today,” the statement reads. “Conflict, Covid-19 and the climate crisis have pushed more people into poverty, food insecurity and displacement. The number of people in need of humanitarian aid is rapidly increasing.”

ACT’s European members are “very worried about a number of European countries that have reduced their development aid funding to countries and groups affected by poverty, or are planning to do so,” noting that “these political actions are weakening trust in international commitments, and weakening the critical fight against poverty and the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals.”

The Forum urges the EU and its member governments “to keep up the ambitions and meet the targets they have set for humanitarian and development funding.”

Dagfinn Høybråten, the Secretary General of Norwegian Church Aid and chair of the Europe Forum, highlighted that “it is our moral obligation to stand with our brothers and sisters wherever they are and regardless of how that might benefit ourselves. Our message is quite simple: Do Ukraine well, without dropping the ball on other crises.”

Read the full statement here.