A summit in the shadow of the climate emergency [COP26 blog]

A Honduran child plays in the flood waters following a destructive hurricane. PHOTO: Sean Hawkey/ACT

Climate change is not a future challenge. It is a current reality, and we are already facing some of the devastating effects that scientists link to global warming. The same scientists have made it clear that global temperature should not increase beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius. Governments around the world have made plans to reduce emissions, but when the plans are compiled, the global temperature will increase by 2.7 degrees. The situation is critical.  

Ministers and diplomats are now travelling to Glasgow, Scotland, to attend COP26, the UN climate summit. There are several important topics on the summit’s agenda, but the fact that the existing plans fail to reach the agreed 1.5 degree target will be in the headlines. What will governments and world leaders do? 

At ACT Alliance we are deeply concerned and worried. People on the frontlines of climate change are already suffering from cyclones, droughts, and heatwaves. There is no time to delay. Action is needed now to save houses, cattle, livelihoods, and human lives.  


Lack of finance 

One of the key challenges, which will be addressed at this summit, is the lack of finance. Developed countries have not delivered on their promise to mobilise 100 bn USD per year, beginning in 2020. The money, especially for adaptation, is missing and important action will be delayed.  

Without action the risk of people facing climate-induced loss and damage increases. When the cyclone wipes out a village, people will have to rebuild and resettle, or move on. In either case, they will need support. This support, so called “loss and damage finance” is not even on the agenda of COP26. Developing countries, joined by ACT Alliance, will make a strong call to address this growing need.  

A crucial opportunity 

COP26 is a crucial opportunity for world leaders to tackle the climate emergency. However, it will be a difficult negotiation as governments have different interests. The people who are most affected by climate change will stand by and wait on the side lines. Will this be the time where leaders agree to act? Or will it be yet another disappointing UN summit?  

At ACT Alliance we will do our best to push for an ambitious outcome. Wish us luck! 

Mattias Soderberg is the co-chair of the ACT Alliance Climate Justice working group. 




ACT Africa Forum hosts vaccine seminar

“Africans are not anti-vaxxers,” says Lolem Ngong, of AMREF Health Africa, one of the speakers at the vaccine equity and hesitancy workshop hosted by the ACT Alliance Africa Forum on September 30 and co-convened, with strategic partners such as the All Africa Conference of Churches, Amref Health Africa, the Christian Council of Nigeria, the Network Religious and Traditional Peacemakers and the WHO. The workshop drew more than 130 registrants. The final report is now available, as is a recording of the event.

“As a kid I knew the significance of my yellow book,” Lolem says. “We have innovated to make sure vaccines happen; why should COVID be different?” Africa’s success with child immunisation, recorded around the world in a small yellow book, shows that remote populations can be reached. Lolem also singled out the ACT Alliance Vaccine Equity Brief as an excellent blueprint for action.

Obstacles to vaccination

The rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Africa faces several obstacles. First is access to vaccines. “Globally enough vaccine is produced; the challenge is ensuring it reaches the right people,” says panelist Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki of the AllAfrica Conference of Churches. “Because of hoarding by rich countries, poor countries don’t get what they need.” Booster shots in wealthy countries will only increase this disparity.

Workshop speakers also noted the massive challenge of trying to reach 60-70% of a population of 1.2 billion people by September 2023, given that only 3-4% are now fully vaccinated.

Panelists noted that vaccine hesitancy, and issues of trust and safety will need to be addressed to reach vaccine targets.

Faith communities’ role

Africa’s faith actors have “massive health and community infrastructures” and are well-placed to assist in vaccine distribution and education, said panelists from the World Health Organization. “Honest and caring conversations” with those who are vaccine hesitant could be offered by faith actors. “Faith actors are able to reach those left behind and tackle misinformation,” added Dr. Mohamed Elsanousie of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers. African faith leaders’ access to government leaders could help government systems and policies respond to community needs.

A presentation by faith leaders from Nigeria and Zimbabwe and the feedback from breakout groups validated the role of Africa’s faith communities and faith leaders in vaccination outreach. Churches can be used as vaccine sites and faith communities are already leading by example.

 “Although there are signs of the pandemic easing in the Global North, this issue is far from being resolved in Global South countries, especially in Africa,” said Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance General Secretary, in his closing remarks.Faith actors have a fundamental role to play in tackling misinformation, enhancing confidence and calling out vaccine apartheid.”

Workshop participants have finalized a Declaration drawing on the main messages and themes discussed at the webinar.


Volunteer-based localization in Amity’s flood relief response

ACT member Amity Foundation, like many ACT members, collaborates with a dense network of volunteers all over China in responding to major natural disasters. For example, the staff of the Tongxinyuan Social Service Center in Hebi City joined Amity’s relief response to the Henan flooding in July and August 2021. What does its founder say about the collaboration?

At the end of July 2021, heavy rain caused serious floods across China’s Henan Province, a landlocked area in the central part of the country, around 800 km south of Beijing. The floods affected over 13 million people in 150 counties. 302 people died in the floods and 50 were declared missing. In addition to human casualties, million hectares of crops and infrastructure were destroyed, leaving millions of people in need for life-saving emergency supplies.

For this response, Amity worked closely with local communities and organisations, relying on numerous volunteers supporting transportation and distribution of the emergency supplies. Alone in the two transit depots in Xinxiang and Hebi, through which Amity was channeling relief supplies to the affected regions, more than 300 volunteers contributed their time and energy to support the logistics and help the people in need. Amity together with the volunteers provided support to over 50,000 families living in eight cities, 106 towns and 284 villages in the province.

Liu Hongpeng, the founder of Tongxinyuan social service center located in Hebi City, and his colleagues joined the Amity Foundation’s flood relief response to the Henan flooding from 23rd July until August 3. Liu reflects on the collaboration among local organizations, their volunteers, and Amity.

Liu Hongpeng (second from left) brought a number of generators, emergency lighting equipment, instant noodles and other supplies to Huangzhuang Village in Xun County.

Liu Hongpeng worked closely with Amity staff at the supply transit depot once it started to operate. Through the transfer station, the Amity Foundation cooperated with local social organisations, organising disaster relief logistics quickly and efficiently. Liu believed that this model of cooperation was sustainable and effective. “We are familiar with the local circumstances, and we can take the responsibility for assessing the needs and keeping close contact to all the stakeholders, while Amity is responsible for fundraising and procurement of supplies”, he says. “Then we work together during the distribution and transportation process. Together we work perfectly in this way!“

Boy volunteer carries water bottles from a truck

Inspiring collaboration

Liu appreciated the spirit of Amity staff and volunteers at the transit depots. “They are particularly hard-working, and not delicate at all! The weather was extremely hot these days. Regardless, the Amity rescue team still participated in the loading of supplies, as well as the procurement of supplies, registration, transport, etc. They always worked so diligently, during the hot weather and covered with sweat like raindrops.” According to Liu Hongpeng, the Amity staff were not afraid of hardship and fatigue, inspiring the volunteers from other organizations. “Volunteers did not know each other, but in the transit depots, we all worked together just like strings twisted into a strong rope.”

Volunteers team up to manage the relief at the Amity transit deports

Praising the fast distribution

‘Pragmatism’ is another word that Liu Hongpeng uses in describing Amity. “I’ve come across many public welfare organisations, but it’s rare to find one as effective and pragmatic as Amity! Sometimes Amity set up distribution points at a village or resettlement site, or the rescue team distributed the supplies directly. In this way, villagers could receive the supplies as soon as possible. I think this way is quite good because the disaster struck suddenly, and we were not prepared beforehand. With complex traffic conditions, we had to deliver large amounts of supplies within the limited distribution time.”

Liu Hongpeng believes that the adjustment of working approaches not only ensured the efficiency of the distribution of supplies, but also enhanced the collective decision-making and self-management capabilities of villages and communities. “These methods actually reveal that Amity members indeed care about the feelings of the people in need.“

Liu’s experiences

Liu Hongpeng has been committed to public welfare for more than 10 years. He has won awards and honors due to his commitment to public welfare. However, dealing with the sudden flood at the doorstep, Liu still found himself a little unprepared. “Fortunately, we could cooperate with the Amity Foundation, which has inspired us in terms of our own working philosophy, methods and details. Thank you, Amity! Later, I also checked the website of Amity Foundation, learning that Amity has been working in many fields of public welfare for years. I hope there will be more opportunities in the future to work together with Amity”, said Liu Hongpeng with great expectation.

How to engage with COP26 happening in Glasgow

COP26 begins this November 1 in Glasgow, UK after a pause of nearly two years, and runs until November 12, with several faith activities scheduled just before it starts. The first COP since COVID-19 spread around the world, COP26 promises to be an important moment to address delayed climate justice promises and future investments.

What are the issues this year? The latest report from the IPCC (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) shows that if the global temperature continues to increase, the chance to keep that increase below the scientifically recommended maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius will disappear. The NDCs (national climate plans) submitted for this COP, if successfully implemented, would lead to a rise of 2.7 degrees. 1.5 degrees is still possible, but it requires immediate and ambitious emission reduction commitments.

There is an urgent need for vulnerable countries to adapt to the dramatic impact of climate change which they currently experience, and to address the resulting loss and damage. This need will increase steadily as the global temperature increases. Adequate finance, investment and the political will to act will be required for a just result.

The summit must be a success, or the climate emergency will become even worse.

ACT Alliance’s Key Asks

ACT’s key asks for COP26 include:

  • A call for scaled-up ambition in emission reduction commitments
  • That women in all their diversity participate equally in all climate change decision-making processes.
  • Separate finance targets for mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage. Loss and damage finance must be its own category in the post-2025 finance architecture.
  • Developed countries must meet their climate finance commitments, and climate finance must be split evenly between mitigation and adaptation.
  • A recognition that COVID-19 has created opportunities for all countries to restructure their economies to enable people and planet-centred solutions.
  • All articles of the 2015 Paris Agreement must become operational. However, ending without a decision on carbon trading will be better than a bad decision.

ACT in Glasgow

The ACT delegation will be reporting regularly from COP26. News on two new ACT reports (one on Gender, one on Climate Finance) blogs from Global South members, media releases, videos, interviews and more will be provided each day. Sign up for the ACT COP26 Communications google group by sending an email asking to be added to: fiona.connelly@actalliance.org. Please note that each person who wants to be added must send their own email request.

Virtual engagement

Many events are being streamed live this year for those who can’t be in Glasgow. Here are a few highlights. More will be posted on our COP26 communications google group (see above) and social media (see below). Register soon! Here are just a few ways you can be involved:

Sign the Pray and Act petition. Available in Spanish and English.

Watch the Pray and Act webinar on Faith Engagement at COP26.

Sunday, October 31, 16:30 GMT: Join the interfaith Talanoa Dialogue which includes Zoom dialogue rooms.

Tuesday, November 2, 19:30 GMT: Watch the livestream of the Pray and Act Faith in Action petition hand in ceremony.

Stay posted for more news on livestreamed ACT events.

Social Media

Follow ACT on social media, where we’ll post about events, reports, news and special quotes from some of our ACT members.

  • Twitter, twitter.com: ACT Now for Climate Justice/ @actclimate. Find or share COP26 news with these hashtags: #ActforClimate #COP26. If you are discussing the impact of climate change on women and girls, don’t forget to use the hashtag #TheRoad2Equality
  • Or Facebook, facebook.com ACT Now for Climate Justice /@actclimate

Faith leaders urge US President Biden to end embargo against the Cuban people

In a 15 October letter to US president Joe Biden, ACT Alliance General Secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria joined the World Council of Churches, Council of Churches in Cuba, and other faith-based groups in urging an end to nearly 60 years of embargo against the Cuban people, who are facing an appalling humanitarian situation.

“The Obama administration, with your support, sought to rethink the policy and pursue re-engagement with Cuba, by relaxing sanctions, allowing direct flights between the two countries, and easing restrictions on US citizens traveling to and doing business in Cuba,” the letter reads. 

“The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the problems in Cuba,” the letter continues. “We ask you to take a bold choice and end the embargo against the Cuban people.”

The letter also calls for eliminating the cap on remittance and reactivating non-family remittances, allowing Cubans abroad to better support their own families and communities.

“We strongly believe that there are other ways to engage with the Cuban authorities to discuss and overcome disagreements on issues and legacies, without affecting the people who want to live in human dignity,” the letter concludes.

Read the full letter here.

ACT Alliance Annual Report 2020

Kenyan pastoralists learned to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with the support of ACT members. Photo: P. Kwamboka/LWF

“2020 will go down in history for the global pandemic, but also as proof of human kindness and determination,” says Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance General Secretary, in his foreword to the ACT Alliance 2020 Annual Report.  

“COVID-19 highlighted existing vulnerabilities and affected hard-won socio-economic progress.” Rudelmar says. “Yet we also saw governments and organisations collaborate to contain COVID-19 and work towards reopening the world in a more just and inclusive way.” 

ACT Alliance and its members quickly adapted to the reality of COVID-19, calling for vaccine equity and working closely with civil society, the UN and other partners. Members shared strategies in virtual meetings on how to reduce COVID-19’s impact on their work. These activities, and many others, are more fully described in the Annual Report.

“2020, for me, was also a year of hope,” says Rudelmar. “People selflessly extended their support to friends and strangers alike.”

In 2020 ACT also celebrated its 10th anniversary. Since 2010, our members have made ACT the largest Protestant and Orthodox network of churches and agencies engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work.

Read more in the Annual Report, available for download here.

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Part of the solution: Africa’s Multistakeholder Dialogues

“Africa is rising – we are planting trees, we are restoring eco-systems, we are embracing solar energy, we are creating green jobs. We must commit to doing more of all of these. We are innovative – we don’t have to be victims. We are part of the solution.” With these words Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, Anglican Archbishop of Capetown, South Africa, rallied participants at the opening of mid-August’s virtual Africa Multistakeholder Dialogues (MSD). Archbishop Thabo is also ACT Alliance’s Eminent Faith Leader on Climate Justice. 

The Africa MSD drew 94 ACT Alliance members, government representatives and members of think tanks from countries such as Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa and Zimbabwe. It was an opportunity to look at “how we plan to build systems that will enable us to live with climate change impacts,” says Julius Mbatia, ACT Alliance’s Global Climate Justice Programme Manager, based in Nairobi.  “It was significant that this was an African-led group,” he adds.  

Participants appreciated the in-depth discussions and explanations of Nationally Determined Contributions. The role of gender and youth in climate justice were part of the dialogues. “This [event] was eye-opening in terms of gender’s relationship to climate change,” said Maureen Magak of YWCA Kenya. Robin Mwanga, a youth participant, noted the same about learning more of youth’s importance in the struggle for climate justice.  

Participants drafted a Declaration at the end of the dialogue. They committed to promoting a green recovery as part of Africa’s response to the impact of COVID-19. “Developed countries must invest in multiple sectors and think broadly of growth and development, including social security and safety nets,” says Julius. “We must transform our leadership in Africa to plan much better.” This will also require to systemic changes within African institutions.  

Participants will also advocate for more accountability in the current global financing. “The financing should be accountable and transparent, whether it comes from government or the private sector,” says Julius. “And all finance that drives development should include climate change considerations.” 

Participants agreed that multistakeholder partnerships would help Africa recover from COVID-19 and climate crisis impacts. Participants also validated the ecumenical and moral reasoning that those most affected by the climate crisis should be able to thrive. Linked to this, discussions at the global level should have a justice perspective and focus on what is just for those who are most vulnerable and most affected by the climate crisis.  

 Participants look forward to continuing to work together for climate justice.  “We are only closing the Zoom links,” said Elizabeth Kiisigha Zimba, ACT Alliance Regional Representative for Africa, “the engagement continues.” 


Bad news for the climate, times three

ACT Alliance at the Climate March at COP 25, the previous UN climate conference. COP 26 is this November 1-12.

Three recent climate reports point to the major climate challenges facing the world. The future looks dark, but there is still hope and opportunities for action. I would like to share my recommendations on what needs to be done, but first a look at the three reports. 

In early August, the UN Climate Panel released the latest research on global warming. It has already been well covered in the media. It points out that climate change will have very serious consequences in the coming decades, and that countries must drastically increase their ambition to reduce it. 

On Friday, September 17, two new reports were released showing how the countries of the world are trying to deal with these challenges. One report came from the UN Climate Secretariat, UNFCCC. They have looked at the climate plans that the countries of the world have drawn up and it does not look good. If all the plans come to fruition, global temperatures will rise by 2.7 degrees. Both the Paris Agreement and the researchers point out that the temperature should not rise by more than 1.5 degrees. 

But 2.7 degrees is only possible if developing countries receive the climate support that the rich countries have promised. Unfortunately, the third report, from the OECD, shows that the rich countries are not living up to that part of the agreement. This means that developing countries will find it difficult to implement their climate plans, and then the temperature will rise even more. 

In short, it looks really, really bad. 

But there is still hope, and it is the first report, by climate scientists, that shows the way. It points out that it is still possible to reach the 1.5 degree goal and to deal with the climate crisis.

Here are my four recommendations for what to do:

  • All countries, and especially rich countries, must once again look at their climate plans and see where it is possible to increase ambition. Every instrument must be in play and must work quickly. 
  • Climate support for developing countries must be increased. This means more money to ensure that developing countries can prioritize both mitigation and adaptation work.  
  • We must focus more on climate adaptation. Climate scientists have emphasized that even with the most positive climate scenarios, the challenges will be great, not least for poor and vulnerable countries. Without climate adaptation, we risk seeing hunger, conflict and migration increase. 
  • Even though politicians have a special responsibility, they cannot solve the climate crisis alone. Everyone has to make a contribution. Companies, organizations, individual families and each person can make a difference. We must all therefore consider what we can do for the climate. 

The three reports are scary reading, but there is still hope. I hope all governments in the coming months take the climate more seriously, and act. When we move to the upcoming UN climate summit, COP26, we need world leaders to step up and show leadership.  

Mattias Söderberg is Senior advocacy advisor for DanChurchAid  and is co-chair of the ACT Alliance Climate Justice Reference Group. 


ACT announces Goodwill Ambassadors

ACT Alliance is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Dr. Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel and Dr. Humberto Martin Shikiya as ACT Goodwill Ambassadors. Each brings a wealth of experience to these newly created positions.  

Appointed following the invitation of ACT’s Secretary General Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, the ACT Goodwill Ambassadors will spotlight critical issues affecting our planet and its people. Both have been deeply involved in the life of the Alliance and are at the top of their field with talents and achievements that have made them household names.  

ACT’s Goodwill Ambassadors will raise awareness and mobilize support among their already broad audiences to help ACT fight climate change, promote peace, human security and gender justice, and realize the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Dr. Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel, ACT Goodwill Ambassador for Climate Justice 

“I feel honored to be nominated as ACT Goodwill Ambassador,” says Prof. Dr. Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel, pastor and political scientist.  

Dr. Füllkrug-Weitzel brings more than 20 years’ experience on governing bodies of the ACT “family” (ACT International, ACT Development, ACT Alliance, and ACT EU) and was the Moderator of the ACT Alliance Governing Board from 2010 to 2014. “The ACT family – with its specialised knowledge of the issues and with the political experience of its members – plays a strong part in the advocacy work of the ecumenical family,” she says.  

Dr. Füllkrug-Weitzel was President of ACT Alliance member Brot für die Welt from 2000 until February 2021 and active in the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).  

“One of my major concerns in the last decade has been climate justice,” says Dr. Füllkrug-Weitzel. “I have met communities all over the world and seen the devastating effects of climate-related disasters on their livelihoods, their communities, their identity and their culture.” 

As ACT Alliance Goodwill Ambassador for Climate Justice, she will support ACT’s advocacy on climate justice in relation to Agenda 2030 and the Sendai Framework for Action of DRR and the UNFCCC, with a focus on the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. 

“As one ecumenical family we have a huge opportunity to magnify the voices of the most excluded communities and people and bring the hope and ethical convictions of the churches to fruition,” she says. 

Dr. Füllkrug-Weitzel is also a member of the German Council for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals Commission of the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Development and Peace Foundation (sef:). 

Dr. Humberto Martin Shikiya, Goodwill Ambassador for Sustainable Development 

Photo: Marcello Schneider/WCC

Dr. Humberto Martin Shikiya of Buenos Aires, Argentina, brings his academic background in economics and international cooperation to his current role as the Secretary General of Qonakuy, a network of Latin American and Caribbean Protestant and Evangelical universities working towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

“It is a privilege to serve ACT Alliance and collaborate with its vision and strategic objectives for climate justice in the midst of a world of scandalous social, economic, gender, ethnic and other inequalities,” says Dr. Shikiya. “Transformational development puts people at the center of dignity, alongside caring for all of God’s creation. Full access to human rights is essential in these critical times.” 

Dr. Shikaya is a co-founder of CREAS (the Regional Ecumenical Advisory and Service Center) and currently vice president of Argentina’s CREAS. He has been a member of ACT Alliance’s Executive Committee and ACT’s Membership and Nominations Committee.  

As ACT Goodwill Ambassador for Sustainable Development, Dr. Shikaya will support ACT’s advocacy to counter inequality and economic injustice in alignment with the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the underlying principles of the Sustainable Development Goals.  

Building Back Better in Haiti

A house built by ACT members in Haiti still standing after the August 2021 earthquake. Photo: ACT Haiti Forum
A house built by ACT members in Haiti still standing after the August 2021 earthquake. Photo: ACT Haiti Forum

As the ACT Haiti Forum have worked to bring life-saving relief to communities impacted by the August 14 earthquake, they uncovered some excellent news about the work done by ACT members after the Hurricane Matthew in 2016.

ACT members constructed about 100 houses for families who lost their homes in the hurricane and repaired more than a thousand, and as needs assessment teams have visited those communities, they have found that every house that they visited which was built and repaired by ACT members is still standing and looks to be structurally sound.

“We are really proud that we did a really good job in this situation,” said Prospery Raymond, the convenor of the ACT Haiti Forum.  “All the houses that we have seen since the earthquake that we built are still standing.”

“Some neighbours went to those houses, and put their children in those houses, because they felt safe in them in the first days after the earthquake,” he continued.  “They were confident in those houses.  They became points of safety for the community in those first days.”

The ACT Forum is already working hard to support the communities impacted by the August 14 quake, and plans to use the same housing design for rebuilding strong homes that they used after Hurricane Matthew.

“As we have a good model already, that has received certification from the state and aligned with local customs, that means that as soon as we have the resources, we can move forward rebuild faster- the construction will be better.”

In addition to having an engineer design stronger houses, the ACT reconstruction took advantage of a few other things: they made sure strong foundations were built for the houses, which was unusual in the area at the time.  They also worked with families to find the best place on their property to build the home, and used international standards in the mix of cement and sand used to make the materials.  All of these factors helped to produce houses which remained standing after the powerful earthquake in August.

The ACT Haiti Forum is already distributing shelter and hygiene kits, and is providing safe water to communities.

More information on the ACT response can be found in the ACT Appeal here.

“The situation is still very critical,” Prospery concluded. “There are more than 800,000 people living in very difficult situations.  People are living outside their houses, in the rain, because their houses are cracked and collapsed.  We need some support in order to help those people to survive this difficult situation. We will provide support with transparency and respecting the tradition and local customs.”

To donate to support ACT’s work in Haiti to help families and communities to build back better, please inform the Director of Operations, Nancy Etté and Head of Humanitarian Affairs, Niall O’Rourke with a copy to the Finance Officer, Marjorie Schmidt.