As Climate Summit begins, Churches call for action now!

Churches supporting climate justice
Ecumenical family marching in solidarity with communities that are most vulnerable to climate change at the Global Climate Strike. Photo: Joanna Patouris

As states gather at the United Nations for the Climate Action Summit, taking place on 23 September, the ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation and World Council of Churches, which together represent 580 million Christians globally, are strengthening their collective call for climate justice and immediate action.

As we focus on the interconnectedness of God’s creation, our churches are urging governments worldwide to take stronger measures and present concrete plans to address climate change – now.

The world is facing the impacts of climate change at an increasing pace, escalating humanitarian needs, and leading to economic free-fall and trauma borne of violent natural disasters: Hurricane Dorian, Cyclone Idai, the Amazon fires, flooding in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar, drought in the Horn of Africa. There will be “a next disaster,” and the most vulnerable people—those who have done the least to contribute to climate change—are likely to face the brunt of its impact.

As people of faith, we call on the nations gathered at this summit to act ambitiously to address the impact of climate change, and to work with renewed vigor to keep global temperature rise below 1.5C.  The time to act is now.  Our care for God’s creation cannot afford more delay.

We shall do our part.

We call on our member churches, organizations, and communities to rise to this most important challenge of our time. We stand united against divisive forces that seek to negate scientific facts and silence the voices of women, of youth, of indigenous people and others who stand to lose everything as climate change ravages their lives and livelihoods.

We stand with the most vulnerable. 

We call especially for action by developed nations to increase their ambition in meeting emissions targets, in providing financing, and in focusing on adaptation and mitigation for those most affected by climate change.

Climate change has become a climate emergency.

Deep-seated transformation must happen now.

[UNGA Blog] Biodiversity as God’s Blessing

The Season of Creation is an annual celebration of prayer and action to care and protect Creation. The theme this year, “Web of Life: biodiversity as God’s blessings,” allows us to meditate on two essential components of creation: it comes from God and we play a part in it. 

“God said, this is a sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations; I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of a covenant between Me and the Earth” (Genesis 9:12-13).

The book of Genesis begins with God’s affirmation that all of creation is “very good’’ (Genesis 1:30). We are part of a complex, delicate and interdependent web of life which is valuable because it is created, sustained and redeemed by God.

Humanity is called to reflect on God’s image within the community of fellow creatures. In the New Testament, we learn that all things were created by Christ, giving particular value to each creature (Colossians 1:15-20). God’s ultimate purpose from creation to re-creation encompasses all that we call biodiversity.

The biblical witness is that the web of life – biodiversity, matters because human well-being depends on stable and thriving ecosystems and services: from clean water and food to oxygen, clothing and climate regulatory services, amongst other resources we use from nature. Biodiversity matters because God gives value to every creature that is created, yet today, human behaviour is destroying the fabric of God’s creation at an unprecedented rate.

Biodiversity matters because all of God’s creatures have value. The loss of biodiversity is an issue of justice because it is the poor and marginalized who directly depend on the health of ecosystems and are most severely affected by the collapse of the natural systems that sustain all life. Billions of people today face the loss of productive soils, clean water, forests, fish and coral reefs, and biodiversity loss is a major driver of human migration.

More information on Season of Creation 2019 is available here.

Blog by Arnold Ambundo, ACT Alliance, Climate Justice Project Coordinator.

ACT joins human rights leaders in a pledge to tackle climate change

ACT Alliance has signed onto a landmark declaration alongside over 200 representatives from grassroots networks, environmental, and human rights groups, calling on governments and corporations to tackle the climate crisis.

The declaration was adopted at the first-ever Peoples’ Summit on Climate, Rights and Human Survival (18- 19 September). The Declaration highlights the threat that climate change poses on human survival, the environment, and on the enjoyment of human rights for current and future generations.

A part of the declaration reads:

We envisage a world where people thrive as part of nature and where human rights –including the rights of Indigenous Peoples – and the environment come before corporate profit, in an era in which people are more connected with each other and with the planet. 

We want to live in safe, equal, peaceful and just societies. In societies where every individual and all communities enjoy fair, secure and sustainable livelihoods; participate in decision-making on matters that affect their lives, and have access to information and justice.

“Tackling climate change requires the full involvement of climate-vulnerable people and communities – not only because they are the most affected, but because they are knowledge keepers of the sustainable solutions needed to tackle the crisis,” says Isaiah Toroitich, ACT’s Head of Advocacy and Development Policy.

As a signatory of the declaration, ACT Alliance pledges to strengthen its efforts to ensure that human rights remain at the core of climate activism. 

ACT Alliance participated in the Peoples’ Summit which took place ahead of the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit. The Summit was organized by the United Nations Human Rights Office, Greenpeace International, Amnesty International, Center for International Environmental Law, Wallace Global Fund, and the New York University School of Law Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. 

The full Declaration is available here


In Central Sulawesi the resilience of the people was not buried with their homes

Michael Yudha

Church World Service’s Leslie Wilson looks very energetic. Together with dozens of other elderly people, she dances and smiles to the rhythm set by the gymnastic instructor, Stevany, a Pelkesi nurse. These dancing seniors welcomed the ACT Alliance Joint Monitoring Visit (JMV) team who arrived in Simoro, Sigi Regency, on Tuesday, September 3, 2019.

Besides Simoro, Pelkesi has also served the community of Tuva since the Central Sulawesi earthquake struck the Sigi Regency area in September 2018.

ACT Alliance members Pelkesi (Indonesian Christian Association for Health Service; ICAHS), CWS (Church World Service) and YEU (Yakkum Emergency Unit) provided humanitarian assistance to the area through the ACT Appeal.

Pelkesi’s Health Service and DRR

The JMV team tasted jamu, a medicinal herbal drink made by the Pelkesi health unit. On the many display tables that the villagers prepared there were various local chips and jamu. All of these products are the work of the Simoro Village women’s group.

“We chose jamu as a healthy drink because of its nutritional and vitamin value. We provide training for the elderly and women in this village. Herbal ingredients are easy to get around here and they can also be planted by the locals, if need be,” said Megawaty, a village midwife, smiling sweetly. She has served in Simoro for 3 years. Pelkesi recruited her as a health officer after the earthquake.

After tasting jamu and taking part in the dancing, the JMV team participated in a group discussion. Villagers were divided into three groups: village administrators and officials, the elderly, and health officers.

Although the services here focus on health promoting activities, Pelkesi also gives special attention to disaster risk reduction strategies. Villagers received first aid training, participated in simulations and received information on supplementary feeding (PMT) for babies. “After getting disaster training from Pelkesi, we realized the importance of prioritizing disaster risk reduction. We strongly support these efforts and therefore we budgeted first aid, simulation and PMT training activities in the village action,” exlained Hery Pampow, mayor of Simoro.

Pampow then invited the JMV team members to each plant a tree in the village educational forest. “This place is used as an education forest where the community and children can learn about the functions of forests, the types of plants, their benefits and how to prevent potential erosion and landslides in the area around the village,” Hery Pampow said with pride.

CWS Shelter

The next day, the JMV team visited the Church World Service shelter in the Sidera region.

Michael Koeniger, Country Director Indonesia & Timor-Leste, Church World Service, said that he was impressed with the participation and openness of the residents, who strongly supported the implementation of the shelter project so that it could be completed on time. “Shelter is a basic aid needed for a better recovery after a disaster. We hope that the use of this shelter can further motivate affected residents to work for to a better future, “said Koeniger in his opening remarks.

“Currently CWS is still distributing clean water while waiting for the well construction to be completed.” Said Beno Peuru, CWS Operational Manager. Together with Beno and Michael, the JMV team inspected the drilling well site. The sound of diesel engines and drills is loud. From the here, you can see the Gawalise mountains extending like a giant fortress that encloses Palu bay.

Life in internally displaced people’s camps after a disaster is hard. However, after getting shelter assistance and moving to more permanent houses, the affected residents feel safer. “Our children now look more cheerful. They like to play in groups because our houses are built close together. We feel safer and more comfortable living here,” said Mrs. Dorce while sitting with the JMV team in a circle on her house mat floor.

“We want to start farming again soon: planting corn, pepper and vegetables. If the well is ready by spring, we can use it to irrigate the agricultural land around this house,” Yohanes Rombe said.  

YEU for Disability and Psychosocial

On day three, the JMV team arrived at Sudirman’s newly built home. Sudirman has lived in Ngatabaru since he was born. Unfortunately he has been paralyzed from the waist down for five years. “I am grateful and thankful to YEU for providing permanent housing assistance. If not, I would still be living in a temporary barrack,” Sudirman explained.

There are two disabled people in Ngatabaru who received permanent housing assistance from YEU. The artisans of Ngatabaru were involved in the construction process “YEU provides carpentry and building training to villagers. My wife and I help supervise the work and select materials used,” Sudirman continued.

A total of 50 permanent houses specifically designed for disabled people will be built by YEU in three districts; Palu, Sigi, Donggala. “The concept of the houses we build is inclusion. We provide these houses with disabled access facilities and universal toilets. Work is carried out in bulk and involves the villagers themselves.” YEU’s information and communication staff gave a brief explanation of the project to the JMV.

Before the earthquake’s devastation, Ngatabaru had plans to build drainage channels along the village’s main road. The waterways are important to prevent rainwater overflows and protect the road body from erosion. However, the plan had to be canceled to prioritize post-earthquake emergency response activities.

The village of Bangga experienced a worse fate. Many houses had already been destroyed by the earthquake, flash floods destroyed Bangga completely. More than 400 families were forced to live in internally displaced camps because their houses were levelled by massive flash floods in April 2019.

“Many of our residents are stressed.  Two people committed suicide,” said Dewi, the head of the RT (Rukun Tetangga; groups of household) in Bangga.

“YEU provides psychosocial services anddisaster risk reduction training. We have a map of threats and vulnerabilities but it’s not enough. We need capital for business or work. Our village can no longer be inhabited and we must join the relocation programme from the government,” Dewi said quickly and straightforwardly.

From the results of discussions between the JMV team and a number of Bangga residents, it appears that a number of humanitarian organizations have carried out emergency responses in various forms, from WASH facilities, tents, cash assistance to health and psychosocial services.

“After a disaster, it is better to immediately coordinate between the aid agencies and the local government, then create a service intervention matrix. This way we can systematically map  the needs and the assistance provided.,” advised Leslie Wilson. A number of residents and the Bangga government officials welcomed Leslie’s suggestion. “Yes, that should be the case. The support of NGOs is crucial and much needed to show the government the gaps we are facing. The government has frequently conducted surveys and data collection, but we haven’t seen practical results,” said Jaya, Head of Bangga development section.

After visiting Pelkesi, CWS and YEU projects, the JMV team held a coordination meeting and shared their findings. “There has been a lot of progress, but much more needs to be done. I think livelihoods are also a major problem that we must pay attention to,” Leslie Wilson said.

She was very impressed with the spirit of life and optimism shown by the residents of Bangga. Despite the repeated disasters, the resilience of the people was not buried with their homes.

It’s time to focus on adaptation

By Mattias Söderberg, co-chair of the ACT Alliance working group on climate change

Climate change is increasingly leaving trails of destruction with devastating human consequences. Earlier this year, we have witnessed the catastrophic impact of Cyclone Idai, which affected vulnerable communities in southern Africa. Imagine if those communities would have had the same preparedness and financial means that people in rich countries have to deal with the effects of climate change. 

Researchers and practitioners from all over the world have stressed the positive influence adaptation efforts have on communities: they reduce the risk of poverty and promote sustainable and resilient development. Members of ACT Alliance, are engaged in adaptation around the world and are witnessing first-hand the power of these efforts.

Adaptation makes a difference!

Whilst it is clear that adaptation has a positive effect, it remains underprioritized, politically and financially, as mitigation is seen as the most pressing matter. Recent reports on climate finance, both from the OECDand the Standing Committee on climate finance, confirm that mitigation continues to be prioritised over adaptation. 

A new global initiative could fix this imbalance.

In 2018 global leaders from the political and business world, such as former UN Secretary general Ban Ki-moon, the entrepreneur and investor, Bill Gates and the CEO of the World Bank, Kristalina Georgieva, launched the Global Commission on Adaptation. Today the commission published a report arguing that there is an urgent need for adaptation and that scaling up the support is top priority.

We welcome how the report stresses local action and financing as critical, given that most sustainable and long lasting results happen at this level.

The report also argues that under prioritization is due to the inadequate inclusion of vulnerable communities at decision-making level. Special emphasis is given to indigenous peoples, who are often on the front lines of climate change. Yet they face constraints in responding due to social and political marginalization. An argument that ACT Alliance supports.

We are happy to see the report bring forth the gender dimension of adaptation. Women and girls are still excluded from decision-making processes, although they are one of the most vulnerable groups to climate change.  

We call on governments to consider the urgent call made in the report and increase their focus on adaptation. Political leaders should live up to their promises and increase the balance between mitigation and adaptation, making it inclusive and more sensitive to the needs of the most marginalised.

[Press release] Climate Adaptation: without it we might face havoc

Not focusing on adaptation to climate change is myopic and risks losing sight of long-term impact 

GENEVA – The Global Commission on Adaptation has issued a new report, which sheds light upon the threats posed by climate change, but even more, the need for the international community to focus on adaptation to climate change as a preemptive strategy. 

According to the report, climate-related impacts will push more than 100 million people within developing countries below the poverty line by 2030. Without adaptation agricultural growth will decrease by 30 percent and the people facing lack of water one month per year will reach 5 billion USD by 2050.

“Climate change is a terrible threat to creation, to our countries and communities. However, this catastrophic threat can be handled, if we promptly invest in adaptation strategies and projects that help communities adjust.” Said Mattias Söderberg, co-chair of the ACT Alliance working group on climate change.
The report stresses how investing in adaptation would reduce displacement due to climate -related disasters, protect biodiversity and have the potential of a 7 trillion USD in total net benefit. 

“ACT Alliance welcomes the findings of the Global Report on Adaptation. There is no doubt that investing in adaptation makes humanitarian and financial sense.  Lack of adaptation will lead to climate-related loss and damage and require additional investments.” Said Söderberg.  

Governments have promised to deliver climate finance to developing countries, but until now, they have failed to prioritize adaptation, and instead focused on mitigation strategies and investments. This attitude is myopic and focuses on the immediate consequences rather than on long term solutions. By 2020 the total annual climate finance will probably reach 100 bn USD; it should be balanced between mitigation and adaptation. 

“I hope governments read the report carefully, especially its conclusions. The Climate Summit will meet in New York on September 23 and we expect to hear more pledges in support of adaptation. That is what is needed now!” Concluded Mattias Söderberg.

ACT Colombia Forum statement on peace and security in Colombia

We, the ACT Colombia Forum, as part of the ecumenical family and as international organizations with presence in Colombia, promote and defend human rights and international humanitarian law from a human dignity perspective, and we have the fundamental task of continuing to accompany the Final Peace Agreement implementation process, as well as making visible and respond to the humanitarian situation of the most remote and affected communities in this country.

Concerning the decision of a group of ex-combatants of the former FARC-EP to return to armed struggle, and the uncertainty that this generates, we call on the national Government, the international community, the Colombian society and the media to:

  • Recognize the positive developments of the Final Peace Agreement since its signing; recognize the lives that it has changed and the violence that it has prevented.
  • Accompany ex-combatants who continue to be linked to the process despite the threat of violence against them, and comply with what was agreed for them and their families in the Final Peace Agreement.
  • Promote a message of forgiveness, reconciliation and justice, which play a fundamental role in the building of peace and the restoration of human relations and social tissue; we express the willingness of our churches to support these processes.
  • Protect the lives of those who work for peace and the defence of human rights.
  • Insist on the resumption of the negotiation table between the National Government and the ELN guerrilla, understanding that the only way out of the conflict is dialogue.

September 06, 2019

Signed by the following Forum member and guest organizations:






Statement in Spanish.


Christians come together in prayer and action for Creation

The Season of Creation is an annual celebration of prayer and action to care and protect Creation. The Season begins with the day of prayer, today on September 1 and runs through to October 4, the Feast of St. Francis – the patron saint of ecology in many traditions. The celebration began in 1989 with the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s recognition of the day of prayer for Creation and is now embraced and celebrated by tens of thousands of Christians of all traditions from around the world.

Each year, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our shared home. As followers of Christ around the globe, we share a role as stewards of God’s Creation and believe that our wellbeing is connected with that of the planet.

This year’s theme is Web of Life: biodiversity as God’s blessings. The theme encourages reflection on two essential facts about creation: it comes from God, and we play a part in it.

During the Season, we unite as one family in Christ; we celebrate the bonds that we share with each other and with every living creature on earth. We spend time in prayer and reflection of ways to inhabit our common home more sustainably, and we raise the voice of the most vulnerable in various public spheres. In an ecumenical spirit, we acknowledge that creation is a gift to all of us and that we are called to share responsibility for its protection.

As a member of the Season of Creation’s Ecumenical Steering Committee, ACT Alliance plays a key role in designing and influencing the celebrations and activities and in amplifying the voices from communities most affected by environmental injustices.

 Season of Creation connects to the ongoing efforts of ACT’s Climate Justice Project, mobilizing the support of the ecumenical family and enhancing the political momentum for ambitious climate action while building the capacity of ACT members, faith actors, communities and policymakers in developing countries to engage in targeted advocacy towards their governments.

 Throughout the Season of Creation, to the upcoming Climate Action Summit in New York, to the 25th UN Climate Negotiations, ACT will continue to call for renewed global solidarity with people and communities in developing countries, particularly those that are living on the front lines of climate change and are facing slow or sudden extreme weather events. 


How to get involved?

More information on Season of Creation 2019 is available here.

A Celebration Guide is available here


Blog written by Arnold Ambundo, ACT Alliance, Climate Justice Project Coordinator.

Prof. Azza Karam elected Secretary General of Religions for Peace

We congratulate Prof. Azza Karam for being appointed as the new Secretary General elect of Religions for Peace.

Formerly, Prof. Karam was the chairperson of the UN interagency taskforce for cooperation with faith-based organisations and she is widely known for her expertise in religion and development.

ACT Alliance has successfully collaborated with Prof Karam in many occasions, most recently in the context of new chair in Religion and Sustainable development, at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam that ACT and ICCO launched jointly in January 2019.

“Prof. Karam’s appointment is a tribute to her expertise and years of inter-cultural leadership. She championed interreligious dialogue and cooperation wherever she served.  We, as ACT Alliance, look forward to collaborating with her in her new role” said Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance General Secretary.

Prof. Karam was affirmed by acclamation in Lindau, Germany where the Religion for Peace met for their 10th World Assembly.

Read Religion for Peace announcement here

Religious leaders come together in defence of the Amazon

Protestant and orthodox leaders join forces and embrace the call of the Catholic Church and Pope Francis to denounce the appalling attack on the Amazon rainforest.

With unprecedented wildfires that are currently destroying the largest tropical rainforest on earth, which contributes to producing 20% of oxygen in the atmosphere, the dangers of permanently compromising the “lung of the earth” are before us.

Human activity and human greed have been harming this precious resource for many years however, the speed of destruction is soaring. The Brazilian INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais) published data showing an 278% increase in deforestation in Julycompared to the same month a year ago.

“The Amazon is being destroyed and there is no time to waste. Religious leaders must act together for the sake of humanity.” Says Brazilian-born Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, General Secretary of the ACT Alliance, a coalition of more than 150  faith-based organisations. “The behaviour of the Brazilian government is inexcusable. Thinking of attracting business by destroying the Amazon rainforest is a visionless  strategy. Disregarding science is a recipe for disaster ”

The Synod of Bishops on the Amazon is scheduled to meet in Rome in October 2019. 79 Faith- based organisations have already signed the  “Somos las Amazonia”, a declaration that expresses support for the Synod’s vision and outlines a pathway for action and political pressure to protect the rainforest, the indigenous communities and those human right defenders who risk their life to preserve the Amazon.

“The growing threats to the Amazon are no accident but the result of weak environmental policies and the little attention paid to those indigenous communities who are the true forest keepers” said Sarah de Roure, Country Manager of Christian Aid Brazil.

For more information about the “Somos las Amazonia” declaration click here

Read the declaration of Fórum Ecumênico Brasil ” Brazil: Our Common Home Aflame” here