Sierra Leone Forum – Transforming Masculinity 

Focus on West Africa 

Fiona Connelly.

PHOTO: Christian Y. Bundu/Christian Aid

An innovative project led by the ACT Sierra Leone Forum has seen more than 200 men and boys become gender justice changemakers. Promoting Gender Transformative Approaches in Sierra Leone through Positive Masculinity addresses violence against women and girls and was developed with ACT’s Gender Justice programme.  

Evidence shows that men and boys must be active allies in the struggle for gender equality, transforming harmful gender norms and promoting positive behaviours. The changemakers mentor and train other men and boys to advance gender equality in their communities and advocate for gender-balanced decision-making at local and national levels. 

Using a faith-based, community-driven approach, the project promotes the positive aspects of masculinity and aims for long-term behavioural change. The changemakers’ training includes working with women and girls to develop and practice inclusive, equitable, and sustainable approaches to gender justice. These address the needs and rights of all individuals across the gender spectrum.  

Gendered challenges  

Gender-specific challenges Sierra Leone women face include: 

  • gender-based violence;  
  • limited access to higher education; 
  • restricted access to healthcare and related high maternal mortality rates;  
  • forced child marriages, including for girls as young as 12; 
  • limited access to employment, land ownership, and their own financial resources due to traditional gender roles; and, 
  • female genital mutilation, which has serious health risks and violates women’s and girls’ rights to bodily integrity and autonomy.

These issues are not limited to Sierra Leone and can be found in several African and other countries. 


 The project has led to the following transformations:  

  • Members of Positive Masculinity Clubs meet regularly to discuss and promote gender equality practices. 
  • Men and boys now challenge harmful traditional practices. This contributes to a broader cultural shift towards gender equality and reduces gender-based violence. 
  • Spouses model respectful and equitable relationships with their partners and families. Boys do the same with their families and friends. 
  • Males can better identify their emotions and seek support as needed. Communication skills and emotional wellbeing have improved. 
  • Men and boys’ greater involvement in caregiving and parenting promotes gender equality in the household. 

ACT Sierra Leone Forum accompaniment important

The ACT Sierra Leone Forum has accompanied the male changemakers throughout, providing evidence for communities that the project is having the desired effect. Gender transformative masculinity has been discussed in the media and in awareness raising programs, encouraging public discussion of policies to promote gender equality. 

A collaborative programme 

Developed with ACT’s Gender Justice programme, the project involved ACT member Christian Aid and the Christian Council of Sierra Leone, the Side-By-Side Movement for Gender Justice, the Ministry of Gender and the National Movement for Emancipation and Progress (NaMEP). 

A path for the future  

By addressing the root causes of gender inequality and engaging men as agents of change, this project will help create a more inclusive Sierra Leone. 

By Fiona Connelly, from Daisy Yator’s interview with Ms.Keziah Kargo, Christian Council of Sierra Leone General Secretary. Thank you to ACT Alliance Gender Justice staff Rachel Tavernor for additional information. A shorter version of this article appeared in the ACT Alliance Annual Report 2023. 







ACT Palestine Forum welcomes UN Resolution

ACT Palestine Forum (APF) welcomes the historic resolution in the UN General Assembly’s emergency session on the 18th of September 2024, demanding Israel “brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory… and do so no later than 12 months,” and “comply without delay with all its legal obligations under international law.” This resolution affirms the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) Advisory opinion as requested under resolution A/RES/77/247 that was issued on 30th of December 2022.1 

The resolution, passed with a majority of 124 votes, 43 abstentions, and 14 votes against it2, reflects the international community’s commitment to peace and human rights for the Palestinian people.  We view this decision as a crucial step towards ending the decades-long injustice endured by Palestinians. The resolution is also a powerful call for Israel to end its illegal occupation, halt all new settlements constructions, remove parts of the wall it has built and evacuate all settlers from the occupied State of Palestine, including those in Jerusalem. 

We believe that this resolution has the potential to strengthen the efforts towards achieving a just and lasting solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict and it emphasizes the necessity of adherence to international law and human rights standards. We call upon the international community to take concrete actions to ensure the implementation of the resolution to ensure the protection of human rights. 

We urge all concerned parties to commit seriously to a peaceful and sustainable resolution of the conflict. We call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and an end of all forms of violence against Palestinians by settlers and the Israeli army in the West Bank. 

APF also urges all members of the ACT Alliance and the churches, particularly those active in the countries that voted against the resolution, to continue advocating with politicians and decision-makers to support the right of Palestinians to self-determination. Their support is essential to building a future of peace and justice for all peoples in the region, the Holy Land, and the world. 

At APF, we reaffirm our commitment to supporting the Palestinian people in their pursuit of their legitimate rights and we commit to providing humanitarian assistance and aid to all those affected by this conflict to be able to live in freedom, dignity and justice.  

We call upon all people around the world to stand by this resolution and support it by all possible means. We also underscore how the Security Council resolutions and the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice constitute additional legal and moral frameworks that must be upheld. This is essential for ensuring the realization of Palestinian rights and the end of the occupation, and upholding a global commitment to an international order based on the rule of law and international law. 


ACT Alliance statement on the situation in Lebanon

ACT Alliance is deeply concerned about the escalating violence in Lebanon. Lebanon has been under constant bombing since September 23, 2024. On the 28th of September, Beirut had witnessed more than 85 raids in one night. As the situation in Lebanon deteriorates, we urge immediate international support to address the unfolding humanitarian crisis. The magnitude of this emergency calls for immediate assistance. The people of Lebanon are already enduring immense hardship and cannot wait any longer. 

We call upon the international community to take action to:

  • Request a cessation of hostilities and stop the displacement of around 1.2 million Lebanese, and other vulnerable people who sought refuge in Lebanon.
  • Prioritize the protection of civilians and take responsibility as duty-bearers.
  • Halt arms sales and transfer to Israel. All responsible parties should comply with UN Resolution ES-10/L.31/Rev.1 and “halt the transfer of arms, munitions, and related equipment to Israel”.
  • Support humanitarian actors, including ACT Alliance members, in their continuous work to respond to the needs of those affected, especially the families, mothers and children who lost all their savings and belongings and, most importantly, are not safe. 

We call on all ACT Members to:

  • Fund the LEB 241 appeal to enable ACT members operational in Lebanon to provide life saving support to those affected.
  • Continue to advocate at national and international levels to end the hostilities and protect international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights.

We express our strong condemnation of the repeated violations of IHL principles, particularly concerning the ongoing targeting of civilians, the media and humanitarian workers. Upholding IHL is of paramount importance, and all parties involved in the conflict must adhere to the fundamental obligation to distinguish between civilians and combatants at all times. The protection of civilians must remain a priority, and compliance with IHL is essential to reduce suffering and preserve human dignity during armed conflict.

The Current Situation in Lebanon

Up until the 8th of October 2024 as per Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), It is estimated that 990 shelters are hosting 181,700 Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs). These numbers don’t take into consideration the estimated 1.2 million people who are residing with families and friends, or those who are on the streets as they cannot find a shelter to go to. The toll on civilians, especially the most vulnerable populations such as children, women, the elderly, and people with disabilities, is devastating as they had to leave their homes and find shelter under bridges and in tunnels to find protection from bombings.

Numbers Reflecting the Crisis

  • Displacement: Over 1.2 million  people are estimated to be internally displaced, with many fleeing to shelters that lack basic resources, 181,700 IDPs have been hosted in shelters while the rest either reside with family members or have found rented spaces.
  • Health: Hospitals and clinics report that they are operating at full capacity, with a 60% shortage in essential medical supplies. Over 20% of displaced families have at least one member requiring urgent medical care.
  • Loss of life: Over 1,530 have been reported dead since the 16th of September bringing the total toll from the 7th of October 2023 to 2,119 people reported dead. Amongst them more than 127 children and 261  women, 77 health workers. 10, 019 have been wounded. All within a few days. These numbers do not include the bombardment of buildings in Beirut on the night of the 9th of Oct as authorities have no count yet and the numbers keep on rising. Many bodies remain under rubble, and numerous people are still missing.  
  • Shelter: The 990+ newly opened shelters urgently require resources to support displaced families such as food, mattresses, pillows, blankets, electricity, and fuel.
  • Protection: Reports show that up to 50% of displaced children are showing signs of trauma, and women are increasingly vulnerable to gender-based violence.

A Call for Global Solidarity

We call on the international community to act now. Lebanon cannot bear the burden of this crisis alone. All of Lebanon is affected. A cessation of hostilities and a protection of civilians is essential and more urgent than ever. The humanitarian response must be scaled up to provide urgent assistance, restore dignity, and protect lives. 

We stand united in our commitment to uphold human dignity and human rights, and we call on all states and civil society to join us.

Download the full statement here

ACT Alliance and Caritas Internationalis statement on Sudan to UNGA high level side event

“The cries of our children will echo for generations if the world does not act now.”

This is what ACT Alliance and Caritas Internationalis were told by a local faith leader in Sudan in advance of the UN General Assembly, taking place in New York this week. The crisis in Sudan is growing ever more alarming and the numbers of people affected by the conflict and impending famine are staggering, with over 10 million now displaced.

ACT and Caritas prepared a joint statement for a UNGA high level side event entitled “The Cost of Inaction: Urgent and Collective Support to Scale Up the Humanitarian Response in Sudan and the Region.”  In the statement, ACT and Caritas raise three points:

  1. A commitment to a partnership-based approach to support local first responders in Sudan,
  2. A call for unimpeded humanitarian access from all parties to the conflict to enable the provision of aid, and
  3. Raising voices of people and communities impacted by the conflict.

The statement calls on “Governments at UNGA to take every diplomatic action possible to end this catastrophe, and to unlock support to the local first responders.”

Read the full statement here.

Read the joint ACT/Caritas appeal for humanitarian relief in Sudan here.

Annual Report 2023 now available 


“For ACT Alliance, 2023 was marked by significant achievements, partnerships, and collaborative efforts that underscored our commitment to building a more sustainable and just future for all,” says ACT General Secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria. “Faced with increasing social and political polarization and shifting narratives, ACT’s commitment to human rights, inclusion and justice remained unwavering.” 

The 2023 issue of the ACT Alliance Annual Report features a spotlight on West Africa, highlighting an innovative Gender Justice and member collaboration called Transforming Masculinity.  There are also updates on ACT’s Climate Justice, Migration and Displacement, and Emergency Preparedness and Humanitarian Response programmes, as well as news on the work of Forums, the audited reports and the growing list of ACT members around the world.  

We hope you enjoy this celebration of the work of the alliance.

The 2023 Annual Report can be downloaded in English, French or Spanish at the links below. 





Implementing the Pact of the Future will need a focus on key values

The passage on September 22, 2024 of the Pact for the Future at the United Nations was a moment for celebration as the world looks to address global crises, new and emerging issues,  accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and reinvigorate multilateralism.  

Once the applause died down, the question on many people’s minds became “Now what?  How do we implement this Pact in the world of 2024 and beyond?” 

This will be the challenge.  The world now is very different than it was when the SDGs were adopted as a political framework. Rising fundamentalisms, polarization, and the erosion of values of inclusion and justice in favour of individualism and discrimination have left the world with seemingly much less appetite for ambition. 

“When they were adopted, the SDGs had broad-based support within countries, in civil society, and allowed many countries to advance the agendas of the goals.  In contrast, many of the underlying values that should underpin the implementation of the Pact for the Future- climate justice, gender justice, inclusion- are being eroded around the world, even within many faith institutions,” said Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, general secretary of ACT Alliance. 

Faith actors should be leaders in the moral aspects of the Pact, but too many faith actors espouse inclusion but exclude others based on their gender or sexual orientation, or their national origins.   

“Now is the time for faith leaders to stand up for the key values that will enable us to live into the Pact for the Future.  Solidarity and justice should be what we live as well as what we say,” said de Faria. 

The Pact for the Future may lack the vision or accountability mechanisms the world hoped for, but the door is now open for increased ambition as the appetite for the values and results of the Pact increase in nations and the public.  There is a big opportunity for the world to move forward, when it is ready. 

“I call for the full moral engagement of governments, faith actors, civil society, and the whole of society to advance the Pact for the Future, rooted in compassion, solidarity, justice, inclusion and justice. Together we can bring about a better world, a better future,” de Faria concluded. 

Blog: World Leaders Must Step Up Climate Finance at UN General Assembly

As world leaders converge on New York for the annual United Nations General Assembly, the spotlight should be on a critical aspect of the climate crisis: finance. While the talks in New York are not a formal climate summit, the discussions taking place this week are pivotal for our planet’s future.

This year’s climate debate centres on funding, a departure from previous negotiations that focused on emission reduction, adaptation efforts, and addressing climate-related loss and damage. The shift recognizes a fundamental truth: without adequate financial backing, even the most ambitious climate decisions will remain mere words on paper.

Ministers attending the UN General Assembly are engaging in high-level discussions, both formal and informal, as parties push their positions forward in anticipation of COP29 in November. These meetings present a crucial opportunity to increase climate ambition and commit to mobilizing larger amounts of climate finance.

The urgency of scaling up climate finance cannot be overstated. It is the key that unlocks effective climate action across all fronts. From enabling developing countries to transition to clean energy to funding crucial adaptation measures in vulnerable communities, finance is the lifeblood of global climate efforts.

World leaders must recognize that the climate crisis demands more than just promises – it requires concrete financial commitments. The discussions in New York should pave the way for substantial increases in climate funding, setting the stage for meaningful progress at COP29.

As these leaders return home from the General Assembly, it is imperative that their words translate into action. The commitments made in New York must be reflected in national policies, budget allocations, and international cooperation efforts.

The clock is ticking on climate change, and the world cannot afford further delays. It’s time for world leaders to find their wallets and provide the funding needed to tackle this global crisis head-on. The future of our planet depends on the decisions and commitments made today.

Mattias Söderberg is co-chair of the ACT Alliance Climate Justice Reference Group and Chief Advocacy Advisor for DanChurchAid.

Image of Mattias Söderberg

Affirming our unique role as development & humanitarian NGOs: interview with ACT EU member CEOs


This article was written by Stefano Filipuzzi and previously published on ACT Alliance EU website

Following ACT Alliance EU’s General Assembly, we interviewed three of the CEOs of our member organisations – DCA Secretary General Jonas Vejsager Nøddekær, Diakonia Czech Republic Executive Director Kinga Komorowska, and NCA Secretary General Dagfinn Høybråten—to hear their perspectives on the alarming trends in national development and humanitarian agendas and learn more about the steps being taken to navigate and influence the evolving global landscape.  

CEOs of our member organisations recently met in Brussels during ACT Alliance EU’s General Assembly. This year, with EU elections looming and alarming trends in national development and humanitarian agendas, talks centred on reaffirming the role of civil society at this crucial juncture.

We interviewed three of the CEOs of our member organisations – DCA Secretary General Jonas Vejsager Nøddekær, Diakonia Czech Republic Executive Director Kinga Komorowska, and NCA Secretary General Dagfinn Høybråten—to hear their perspectives on these trends and learn more about the steps being taken to navigate and influence the evolving global landscape.

They bring a combination of vast operational experience globally, politically and in NGO leadership. We asked their perspectives on challenges currently affecting the development and humanitarian sector and the main priorities for change. We also asked them about the contributions ACT Alliance EU, its members & supporter bases, and the sector at large must make to address these global challenges.


Priorities and challenges in the development and humanitarian sector

When asked about the key priorities for change in humanitarian aid and development, our interviewees emphasised several critical issues.

Decolonisation and localisation of aid

One overarching concern is the slow progress in decolonising and localising aid efforts. “In 2016, the world’s largest donors and development organisations committed to ensuring that at least 25% of aid funds would be administered by local responders,” explains DCA Secretary General Nøddekær. “However, today, only 1.2% goes to local actors. This is not good enough, and the relief and development sector need to do some soul-searching.”

Dagfinn Høybråten of NCA echoed these sentiments, stressing that while localisation is essential for effective and sustainable responses, the dominance of large Western organisations within the international aid system continues to hinder progress. This situation affects the quality of efforts and perpetuates the false narrative that local partners are less capable of managing humanitarian crises compared to large international NGOs and the UN. A narrative that should be relegated to history, according to Nøddekær.

Diakonia CR’s Kinga Komorowska provided a stark example from Czechia, where governmental restrictions on fund transfers to third parties threaten to undermine collaboration between international and local NGOs. “While all major donors encourage or even require international NGOs to collaborate with local ones, this option may no longer be viable for those (co-)funded by the Czech government,” she laments.

Growing funding gap

Another pressing issue highlighted by Høybråten is the growing funding gap, which poses a severe challenge to effective humanitarian action. “Last year, only 40% of humanitarian funding needs were met, compared to 60% the year before,” he notes. “Meanwhile, budgets for development aid are falling even faster than humanitarian allocations.”

This growing discrepancy, DCA’s Nøddekær adds, leads to greater human suffering and prolonged recovery times. Consequently, “local teams and partners must shift some focus to meet the most basic needs of communities in crisis as early as possible,” as waiting for external aid may no longer be viable. At the same time, however, he stresses the importance of resisting the temptation to allocate dwindling resources solely to crisis response.

Politicisation of aid

The politicisation of aid emerged as a significant theme in the discussions, with NCA’s Secretary General emphasising that geopolitical interests increasingly influence aid distribution. “The long tradition of providing foreign aid in solidarity with those in need globally is under serious threat across Europe as governments increasingly frame aid as a tool to advance national geopolitical interests,” he observes.

This troubling trend undermines universal humanitarian principles. As DCA’s General Secretary explains, “aid is not primarily directed by need but by political agenda.” As a result, “humanitarian crises in regions of less strategic importance are frequently overlooked, leading to severe underfunding and inadequate support for those most in need.”

Promotion and implementation of a less siloed approach

Moreover, while the aid system grapples with becoming more locally led, it also struggles to adopt a less siloed approach across humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding sectors. “NCA, like many ACT Alliance members, works across the humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding pillars,” Høybråten explains. “For our country teams, this means that the HDP Nexus is not just about coordination and financing but also about programmatic approaches. How can we achieve better results by strengthening the connections between our interventions? Even more importantly, how can we learn from our partners?”. To underscore this perspective, Høybråten cites an upcoming study by NCA and two partners, which highlights that the distinctions of the international system hold little relevance for local actors who seamlessly cross these lines to meet the needs of their communities.

The call to action for civil society

Faced with these daunting and complex challenges and ambitions, what scope do development and humanitarian agencies have to shape change?

First and foremost, in the minds of the Secretaries General is to reaffirm our role as civil society organisations. “We must remind our own supporters as well as those in power that we exist to translate the commitment of our constituencies to justice and solidarity, and their faith, into action,” asserts Høybråten. Building on existing and potential connections with parishes, churches, associations and schools presents opportunities to engage supporters, especially youth: “The future is in the hands of the next generations, and we need to invest our time in helping them to shape a better world” (Kinga Komorowska, Diakonia CR).

For Komorowska and Høybråten, this involves explaining what we do, to be aware of global suffering and the ways of alleviating it, and to know the impact of national policies and their power as citizens to hold government to account on issues as pernicious as the politicisation of aid. “This threat is one that speaks to our strengths as ACT Alliance. We can speak directly to the public in the language of fairness, morality, solidarity, and justice. We can speak to our constituencies in the language of our shared faith.”

Nøddekær further underscores the multiple constituencies and partnerships of influence in the work of DCA and ACT EU organisations: “We work with both large and small companies and offer various support and co-operation opportunities in both Denmark and the countries we work in internationally. All our advocacy efforts will need to be informed by and closely linked and anchored in the work and analysis of our civil society partners in the countries where we work.“

A collective voice to inspire political change

In this period of elections globally, resulting in many cases in alarming consequences for support to those in crisis globally, our collective voice and advocacy is crucial: “In the upcoming year, Denmark will join the UN Security Council and assume the presidency of the European Council, providing two crucial platforms for multilateral and supranational advocacy” highlights Nøddekær. And Komorowska argues that the juncture also challenges over-reliance of civil society agencies on the government funding, “we all have to diversify our donor portfolios at a time when needs are outstripping donor funding commitments, and where donors’ “strategic priorities” which may not be in line with our core values and objectives.”

Leadership in today’s landscape

And finally, what does it take today to be a visionary development and humanitarian leader?

With combined vast experience in leadership in operations, political advocacy and civil society engagement, we asked what core skills development and humanitarian leaders need to make change in today’s landscape:

  • Leaders must deliver a clear, courageous and values-based vision. This calls for bold leaders who are willing to challenge the growing trend of inward-looking, self-interested political agendas prevalent in many European countries. More than ever, the world needs leaders who can inspire hope during times of crisis. (Dagfinn Høybråten)
  • They must sharpen their listening skills: As support for populist right-wing parties surges across Europe, leaders must engage with politicians as well as citizens holding diverse views on aid and development. This is crucial to avoid exacerbating polarization while steadfastly upholding principles such as human rights and the rule of law. (Jonas Nøddekær)
  • They need brave authentic communication: leaders must find how to navigate the ratio challenge of upholding humanitarian principles, protecting the dignity of individuals and also to be brave enough to break the taboo of not showing suffering. We have created a false picture of the situation in the places where we provide aid. Yes, we do change lives (temporarily?) for some people, but the needs are massive and we are not able to help all. (Kinga Komorowska)

Daily Abuses and a Poisoned Political Atmosphere: Local NGOs Denounce During Digital Solidarity Visit

ACT Alliance General Secretary Joins Digital Talks with Ecumenical Partners on Holy Land Situation

The leadership of ACT Alliance, the World Council of Churches and Caritas Internationalis had planned a solidarity visit to Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza from 5-9 of August to witness the humanitarian, psychological and social impact of the ongoing war. However, recent events in the region have forced the organisations to postpone their travels.

The visit aimed to document the impact of the hostilities on civilians, express solidarity to the churches and organisations that are working to bring solace to the men, women and children that face the consequences of the conflict and, advocate for unhindered humanitarian access and a full ceasefire.

Despite the inability to hold in-person meetings, the leadership of  ACT Alliance,  the WCC  and Caritas Internationalis will hold a  two-day digital meeting on August 7-8 with key actors, churches and families to express their support to the populations facing hardships and deliver a strong message of peace.

Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, General Secretary of ACT Alliance, expressed regret at not being able to travel to the Holy Land and called on all ACT members to continue their advocacy for a ceasefire, unhindered humanitarian access, and respect of international humanitarian law.

“Postponing our solidarity visit due to ongoing violence doesn’t diminish our resolve. Gaza’s urgent need for peace and humanitarian support remains a top priority. Let’s unite for justice and access to aid for those suffering,”de Faria said.

Read ACT Alliance Palestine Forum’s statement on the situation in Gaza