Finance just one of the ambitious climate decisions needed. PHOTO: Simon Chambers/ACT.
Here we go again. This week the UN Climate talks resume in Bonn. I wonder how aware negotiators are that they are talking about both our future and our responsibility to care for creation?
Decisions on giant climate bill
This year, there are two overarching themes. First, it is time to agree on how to pay the giant climate bill. Since the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015 parties have discussed, and adopted, several important decisions which tackle the climate crisis. However, every decision comes with a price tag.
The Global Goal on Adaptation will never be reached unless more adaptation finance is mobilized. The new Loss and Damage fund will not help communities and countries address climate-related losses and damage until it too is filled with money. And parties’ commitments to transition away from fossil fuels will never come true unless there is a radical increase in climate finance.
At COP29, the global climate summit this November, parties are expected to decide on future climate finance. That will be an extremely complex decision. It is therefore one of the hot agenda points over the next two weeks of Bonn talks. Hopefully negotiators can make progress, so that the coming finance agreement at COP29 will be ambitious and fair while ensuring that sufficient funds are mobilized and delivered.
Climate ambition decisions must be acted on
The second important theme of the Bonn talks is the national climate plans. These plans, formally known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), are the cornerstone of the Paris Agreement. Parties are expected to revise their plans every fifth year. This process is an ambition mechanism, helping us to increase our actions to tackle the climate crisis.
The NDCs may not be the biggest topic on the formal agenda in Bonn. However, it is certainly a top priority for all parties. The deadline for submitting revised NDCs is early next year. The plans should cover all the aspects of the Paris Agreement and ensure that decisions will become concrete actions.
I hope the negotiating parties in Bonn remember to include efforts to address loss and damage, to describe how they want to adapt to the effects of climate change, and how they want to transition away from fossil fuels. I hope they also remember that climate action must go hand in hand with gender justice, and that localization is a key priority.
The coming two weeks will be important. Even if the talks are technical, we should remember that these are negotiations about our future, and our opportunity to care for creation.
Mattias Söderberg is chief advocacy lead for DanChurchAid and co-chair of the ACT Climate Justice Reference Group.
Cash and Voucher Assistance: the future of people-focused humanitarian operations?
How a flexible approach to Cash Assistance could be an exceptional pathway to rapidly assess and meet vulnerable people’s immediate needs.
Daniela Varano
The use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is considered one of the 2016 Grand Bargain’s most successful achievements.
Cash transfers are direct payments of money as humanitarian assistance, usually given through physical cash, mobile money, smart card transfers or vouchers for local suppliers.
According to the World Bank, the use of cash transfers as a form of aid increased significantly during the COVID pandemic , with the number of individuals receiving CAV support increasing by 240% over pre-Covid levels.
Giving cash to people affected by disasters or conflict is effective. It is a transparent and immediate way of providing support to those in need whilst respecting their dignity and freedom to decide how to best invest in their recovery. It helps the humanitarian sector shift the focus from simple and outdated “aid” to assistance and partnership with local communities, prioritising their agency.
For these reasons, cash assistance is normally preferred by affected communities. An International Rescue Committee project in Lebanon found 80% of people in crisis preferred cash transfers to in-kind aid.
Rather than shipping humanitarian relief goods from their countries to the affected areas, when donor agencies, humanitarian NGOs and governments invest in CVA they support local markets and producers. This encourages local solutions and facilitates post-crisis sustainable recovery.
Relying on local providers also reduces logistical and operational costs and complexities, which is extremely important in a world where the number of humanitarian crises is growing, and the financing is slowing down.
Providing cash can also offer people support before the shock hits. In July 2020, pre-empting a severe flood in Bangladesh, the UN WFP sent cash assistance to more than 20,000 households. When the flood hit, more than 1 million households were inundated. Those that received the cash assistance were better prepared and many were able to evacuate household members and livestock compared to those who received no cash support.
Research suggests that if cash and voucher assistance were delivered where possible and appropriate, it could account for between 30% to 50% of international humanitarian operations.
Although to date, CAV accounts to only 19% of the international humanitarian assistance, international humanitarian actors are pledging to focus on it much more in the future. For instance, the IFRC is committed 50% of their humanitarian assistance through cash and vouchers by 2025.
But scaling up CVA means that the humanitarian sector needs to let go of some of its outdated assumptions and structures that prevent it from meeting the needs of people facing a crisis.
Cash assistance: localization as a core principle
The humanitarian sector stands at a crossroad. It is a well-known fact that the sector is struggling to keep pace with the growing demands placed on it. The CAV debate and efforts to implement it more efficiently could be an opportunity for bold reform and for placing accountability to affected people (AAP) at the very core of policy and decision-making.
But cash assistance is no silver bullet. Old challenges, biases, and roadblocks must not be underestimated. For instance, there is already a tendency to concentrate funding towards UN agencies and INGO consortia which can be seen to be at odds with commitments to localise humanitarian responses and funding. Limiting the number of organisations receiving funding can be financially sensible from a donor perspective but can also create a centralised and exclusive club of humanitarian players.
This concentration of funds and resource can also create inefficiencies in the system and a disconnect between local actors and governments hindering the potential of CVA. According to the report, Cash Coordination: Placing people’s needs at the center, engaging and respecting the leadership of local actors is critical to the success of any humanitarian action. They often are the first responders and will remain active long after international humanitarian actors have departed.
But tensions between action and commitments taken towards achieving localisation are growing. According to the report, “Locally-led responses to cash and Voucher in the Middle East and North Africa”, international actors must challenge existing unconscious bias and “demand and advocate for financial institutions to facilitate more collaborative funding models and increase accessibility of funds to local actors. Actionable steps would include facilitating direct conversations between donors and local actors, accounting for indirect costs for local actors into proposals, promoting alternative and innovative project design and ensuring contract provisions include local agencies in leadership positions for the project design and delivery”.
What we have learned so far
When a crisis hits, responders face the complexities of addressing people’s needs in an effective, timely and impactful way. When used flexibly, cash assistance has proven to be an exceptional pathway for rapidly assess and meet vulnerable people’s immediate needs.
After Russia’s full-scale invasion in Ukraine in 2022, Christian Aid and partner organisations adopted a Cash for Protection (C4P) approach called Assess and Assist. The premise of this approach was to rapidly light-touch assess the protection needs of those affected by the conflict and provide cash support for urgent unmet necessities. The approach was easily adopted by local and national actors and international agencies alike and proved to be an excellent way of operating on the ground.
Notwithstanding the challenges with cash coordination, the Assess and Assist methodology adopted by Christian Aid complemented other locally-led approaches, such as the survivor and community led response (sclr), and global commitments, and filled the gaps and complications related to the multi purpose cash assistance’s targeting criteria and transfer value. The people-centered and intuitive nature of the newly established Assess and Assist, proved to be a strong element in a successful appeal delivered by ACT Alliance members in Ukraine.
“For Assess and Assist we wanted to have an approach that was people-centred, but also locally led. The Ukraine team had seen that MPCA alone was not meeting all needs. Partners wanted the flexibility to assist people in a comprehensive way by covering additional needs and linking them with other services. The broader aim was to have cash assistance tailored to people’s needs, but also in line with what partners were already doing, or wanted to do”, says Matthew Tebbutt, Global Cash and Markets Adviser at Christian Aid.
The core goal of humanitarian support in a situation of crisis is to make sure that the dignity, wellbeing and human rights of those who are in need of support are upheld. For these reasons the different forms of CAV are one flexible and intuitive tool in the toolbox of Protection in Humanitarian Emergencies.
However, cash assistance works best with local actors. Local and National actors are chronically underrepresented in the multi purpose cash assistance process and those who deliver on it, are service contractors who feel they have little say in shaping it.
“To meet people’s basic needs Multipurpose Cash Assistance is generally a great approach. However, it is not the only way to use cash, we are trying to use cash approaches that are locally- led as well as encouraging the use of MPCA. We see localising MPCA as different to Locally-Led cash. Locally Led Cash is where local actors use cash to meet their own objectives, localising MPCA is more where harmonised and systematic cash is increasingly locally accountable and responsive to contextual realities. We are keen to explore how Locally Led cash and MPCA can complement each other”, points out Matthew Tebbutt.
National and local flexibility is paramount to ensure effectiveness and meet the real needs during a crisis, but this need is often downed by the pressure to harmonise and coordinate on Multi Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA).
“The ACT Secretariat is committed to supporting members in the use of cash in humanitarian programming. Currently, approximately 7% of RRF funds (ACT GRRF 2023 Annual report) are used for the purposes of cash programming. This statistic places our Alliance significantly behind the wider humanitarian sector in terms of the use of cash. We are keen to understand why this is the case and to work with members to help strengthen our common understanding and use of cash for high quality and effective humanitarian programming”, explains Niall O’Rourke, Head of Humanitarian Affairs for ACT Alliance.
ACT Alliance Syria Forum message to the VIII Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”
A complex humanitarian emergency in Syria of more than 13 years, had led to the near collapse of the country’s economy and its physical infrastructure. This crisis was exacerbated by the 2023 earthquakes, and is far from being over. In fact it is getting worse. Today, Syrians are unable to provide the most basic needs for themselves and their family members. They are left with limited choices: buy food or pay rent; buy medicine or send their children to school. For millions, even these simple choices are no longer an option. Taking care of one’s health and purchasing warm winter clothes are the vaguely remembered luxuries of a distant past. Constant conflicts and widespread poverty, combined with the international community’s unwillingness to fund needed disaster risk reduction programmes[1], early recovery and reconstruction have taken a toll on the Syrian people. If not addressed, critical looming challenges threaten to significantly worsen the already dire situation of the Syrian people.
The overlap of Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCMs), sanctions imposed on the country in 2011 by other states, with these multiple crises have created a shortage of essential goods and major restrictions on financial flows. This has led to skyrocketing prices, the loss of purchasing power, and an extremely high rate of unemployment[2]. Today, an estimated 90 percent of Syrians live below the poverty line.[3] The cost of living, as measured by the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB), has more than doubled compared to this period in 2023, a 122 percent increase. The Syrian Pound (SYP) remains relatively weak in 2024 and has lost more than half its value on the parallel market.
In addition to natural and political factors, the direct, indirect, accumulative and combined impact of UCMs will perpetuate the impoverishment and suffering for the population of the country without affecting their officially intended targets.
Members of the ACT Alliance Syria Forum[4] include national and international organizations that have operated in Syria since 1994. In this letter submitted to the Brussels conference, the Forum would like to address important matters that are much needed to alleviate the suffering of more than 16.7 million Syrians needing humanitarian assistance[5] within Syria as well as its neighboring countries.
Regional Impact
Since October 2023, the escalation of hostilities in northwest Syria has led to unprecedented levels of suffering, as reported in the 2024 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). This includes numerous casualties, forced displacements, and the destruction of critical infrastructure. Given a level of destruction and suffering not seen since 2019, proxy conflicts and internationally-supported military actions persist in various parts of the country. Increased airstrikes have been observed on civilian facilities (airports), vital infrastructure and civilian neighborhoods in and around Damascus where international non-governmental organizations operate, affecting the delivery of essential humanitarian support.
In Northeast Syria (NES), civilian infrastructure, such as power and water stations, have been deliberately targeted. This has severely undermined the region’s ability to meet people’s essential needs, especially in harsh winter weather. The effects of the attacks are expected to continue as the infrastructure requires extensive repairs beyond the capabilities of humanitarian organizations.
In Northwest Syria, clashes between the Government of Syria and non-state armed groups continues. This has led to forced displacement of civilians and is obstructing access to vital services. Civilian infrastructure, including healthcare facilities and schools, continues to be targeted by airstrikes and shelling, increasing the humanitarian crisis in the region.
Reduced Funding
Funding to support the Syrian crisis was substantially reduced in 2022. ACT Alliance members operating in Syria made the difficult decision to choose between delivering food, or medicine or shelter. These basic needs must be met and more support must be allocated to humanitarian organizations working within Syria. The international community is urged to distinguish between the political and humanitarian aspects of the crisis and ensure that the human rights of the Syrian people come first.
Unilateral Coercive Measures
Organizations operating in Syria today still face significant limitations in designing their activities. They face restrictions in the selection of local suppliers and service providers. Excessive compliance requirements create challenges in access to international procurement and receiving funds.
The December 2022 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2664 provides broad humanitarian exemptions meant to mitigate the impact of counter terrorist measures on the delivery of humanitarian aid. In the spirit of this Resolution we ask for humanitarian exemptions to be systematic, clear, and harmonized between jurisdictions. The Unilateral Coercive Measures negatively impact the delivery of humanitarian support by delaying the response. This reduces its potential and increases both its cost and the daily hardships faced by the Syrian people.
We call for:
○ A comprehensive revision of the sanctions’ framework from a legal perspective, conforming with both International Law and International Humanitarian Law to avoid any breach.
○ A sincere analysis of the sanction’s intended, unintended and counterproductive impacts on the Syrian people from a humanitarian perspective.
The ACT Alliance Syria Forum denounces the double standards shown following the 2023 earthquake that greatly affected Syria and Turkey. We urge the international community and the European Union to see the restrictions and pre-conditions imposed on reconstruction-related activities from a humanitarian perspective rather than a political lens. We call on the international community to support national and international organizations that are re-establishing access to essential infrastructures to meet the basic needs of the Syrian people.
Renewed International Commitments
The ACT Alliance in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon also request renewed international commitments to long-term actions for refugees and host communities which are centered on empowering their agency and autonomy. This includes – but is not restricted to – inclusion, income generation and labour market participation. Ensure that the needs and preferences of refugees and vulnerable populations are reflected in national response plans, compensation schemes, and economic packages as well as social protection schemes supported by international financial institutions and that such commitments translate into inclusion in service provision. There is also a dire need for more funding as the needs are ever growing.
We urge the Brussels conference and the international community to understand how coercive measures, the lack of funding and aid politicization have and continue to hinder the delivery of a principled, timely and efficient humanitarian response which the population of Syria is entitled to, and to take the necessary actions to tackle those challenges.
Enough is Enough: Statement of the ACT Palestine forum on the Situation in Gaza
As Christians, we witness the ongoing barbarities in Gaza with heavy hearts.
The atrocities we see daily challenge international humanitarian law and our Christian principles of compassion, solidarity, dignity, respect, inclusion, and justice. It is unacceptable that faith-based and civil society organizations providing humanitarian assistance in Palestine face barriers to delivering life-saving assistance to those in desperate need. It is also unsufferable that many churches and people of faith remain silent and don’t denounce what is going on in Gaza. We must clearly state that “Enough is enough!” Denying millions of Palestinian people access to the essentials for their survival, is an outrage. Aid agencies report that half a million people in Gaza are on the brink of starvation, while the entire population of 2.3 million faces acute food shortages. Despite compelling evidence, the international community has yet to take decisive action to prevent the worst.
If not the institutions that bear a strong moral compass, like the churches, then who else will raise their voices to denounce these injustices against humanity? It is our collective responsibility to advocate for compassion, inclusion, and justice, based on our intrinsic moral responsibility. As Christians, we are obligated to manifest the interconnectedness of peace and security with our beliefs, in the context of our economic, social, and political life together. Our theological positions should find pragmatic expression in our actions to denounce injustices and announce the Good News. The cries of present hardships in Gaza and the lack of political will to ensure long-lasting peace resonate in the heavens. The urgent calls for aid serve as a rebuke against any notion that our Christian and faith-based institutions bear no responsibility to advocate alongside those in distress. We must champion peace and justice by using our influence, values, and moral authority to foster dialogue, reconciliation, and respect for human dignity among the conflicting parties. We must demand, as humanitarian faith-based organizations, to be able to deliver humanitarian assistance free from barriers. We can use our platforms to advocate, as we know that our guidance can shape public opinion and encourage positive actions.
There is no peace without justice, nor justice without peace.
A superficial peace that ignores underlying injustices is fragile and unsustainable. True peace requires addressing the root causes of the conflict in Palestine, ensuring fairness, the application of international conventions and the upholding of human rights. Pursuing justice through violent means perpetuates cycles of revenge and conflict, therefore, justice must be pursued in ways that promote reconciliation, healing, and stability.
The disproportionate response by the Israeli armed forces to the massacre carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023 has moved beyond what can reasonably be called “self-defense.” The right to self-defense has its limits in international law and in the principles we collectively depend on to enable humanitarian access and assistance. These have now been massively eroded.
The International Criminal Court (ICC), is currently analyzing South Africa’s genocide case against Israel. As faith-based organizations committed to international law we support the Court in its crucial and difficult work. However, protecting civilians from the scourge of conflict and war crimes is everybody’s responsibility.
Therefore, we call on all ACT Alliance members and their related churches to proactively engage to stop the atrocities and promote peace and dignity for the people affected by the conflict. This includes:
Call for an immediate ceasefire to allow aid into Gaza, protect civilians, and uphold human rights;
Call on their government to take decisive action to prevent further suffering in Gaza and advocate for increased humanitarian assistance and support for the Gaza’s population, particularly for those on the brink of starvation, the sick and injured.
Call on churches and religious leaders to break their silence and speak out against the injustices in Gaza and to mobilize and support efforts for peace, justice, and humanitarian assistance;
Urge the conflicting parties to allow unhindered access for humanitarian organizations to deliver life-saving assistance;.
Appeal to all parties involved in the conflict to adhere to international humanitarian law and to prioritize the protection of civilians;
Call for an immediate ceasefire and the reopening of a dialogue towards a lasting peace agreement;
Stress the significant responsibility of religious leaders in denouncing the risk factors of genocide and preventing atrocities;
Call on religious leaders to use their moral authority to advocate for peace, justice, and the protection of human rights in Gaza;
Support efforts towards accountability and justice through legal mechanisms such as the International Criminal Court.
ACT Alliance joins religious leaders in call for global health equity as nations gather to finalize Pandemic Agreement
ACT Alliance is one of over 100 religious leaders and faith-based organizations globally calling on leaders of the World Health Organization to secure equity commitments to protect all populations everywhere from future pandemics. The letter was delivered on the opening day of the intended final nine-day negotiating session in Geneva for the Pandemic Accord, a new international agreement of UN member states to bolster pandemic prevention, preparedness and response efforts.
“The sanctity of human life often seemed forgotten in the pandemic, with the lives of people in wealthy nations appearing to be valued over those in low- or middle-income countries,” states the letter. “As you enter the final stage of negotiations, we implore you to deliver an agreement that ensures every life is valued equally.”
Millions of people lost their lives during the COVID-19 emergency due to late and inequitable access to tests, treatments and vaccines. The letter urges negotiators to reach an agreement that ensures that everyone, everywhere can benefit from scientific advancement and that the tools needed to fight the next pandemic are shared equally, including necessary knowledge and technology.
It also urges negotiators to ensure that intellectual property barriers are removed when necessary, and that people in the Global South are “treated not as mere samples for pandemic monitoring, but as equal partners in a collective endeavour towards a healthier world.” Over the course of the pandemic, despite the sharing of genetic information that enabled production of effective vaccines, these products were not accessible to many. The proposed pathogen access and benefit sharing (PABS) mechanism in the agreement aims to remedy this by ensuring that sharing of pathogen data also enables equitable access to resulting medical tools.
Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, general secretary of ACT Alliance said, “We stand at a critical moment where the conscience of humanity must guide our actions. The inequities uncovered by the pandemic demand a response rooted in compassion and justice. As nations convene to shape the future of global health, let us not forget that every life is precious and deserving of equal protection. The Pandemic Accord must be a testament to our commitment to valuing every individual, regardless of their geography or socioeconomic status. We urge negotiators to seize this opportunity to ensure that the lessons learned from COVID-19 pave the way for a world where health equity is not just an aspiration, but a reality for all.”
Letter signatory Archbishop Thabo Makgoba of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa said, “As the world prepares for future pandemics, it is essential that it plans to give equal protection to all people, everywhere, not only for moral reasons but to protect one another. COVID-19 showed us that none of us are safe until all of us are safe, and that only a comprehensive response that covers the world can bring pandemics under control.”
The letter was organized by Public Citizen, in collaboration with the ACT Alliance, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice and the People’s Vaccine Alliance.
The final text of the Accord is slated for presentation to the World Health Assembly in May.
East Africa: two new Climate Justice projects
PHOTO: ADS/ACT. Adaptation funding in Kenya will help communities tackle drought.
Two recent projects launched under the Climate Justice programme will make a big difference to climate justice advocacy on adaptation in Africa. While mitigation is critical in addressing the impacts of climate change, adaptation is urgent and the main climate priority for the continent.
The Locally Led Climate Fund (LLCF) grew from seed funding provided by the ACT Canada Forum. The pilot project, which runs from April 2023 to April 2024, is the result of a 2022 consultation between the Canada Forum and ACT members in the East of Africa. Discussions with the Canada Forum are now underway for the next phase of the project. The LLCF accepts contributions from all ACT members and Forums who wish to support locally led climate action.
The second project supported by a philanthropic organisation, BMGF, supports needs-based adaptation advocacy. ACT is part of a consortium led by the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA). Other consortium organisations include the Organization of Instituted African Churches and the East African Farmers Federation. “Each organisation in the consortium brings something unique,” says Vincent Ondieki, ACT’s new Kenya-based staff supporting the projects. “ACT’s focus is our faith-based approach to advancing advocacy.”
Locally Led Climate Fund (LLCF) pilot project
The LLCF pilot project focuses on practical grassroots projects and enhancing communities’ advocacy skills. Working with a range of African ACT Forums, it involves local communities in creating local solutions such as the following:
Members of the Kenya Forum, including Lutheran World Federation, World Renew and Anglican Development Services, train climate ambassadors as agents of change who in turn inform others in their communities. Participants are drawn from rural areas and represent diverse abilities, genders and ages.
The Uganda Forum advocates for increased financing from their national government to support adaptation needs at the local level
The Zimbabwe Forum addresses local water shortages by drilling deep boreholes to access potable water, an idea proposed by local communities. It also documents Indigenous knowledge on how best to respond to climate change at the community level.
The Ethiopia Forum delivers adaptation alternatives through activities such as poultry raising, beekeeping and vegetable production.
Needs-based adaptation advocacy
As a member of the adaptation advocacy consortium led by PACJA, ACT focuses on advocacy for agricultural adaptation at the national and regional levels. Through an application process, the following ACT Forums were selected to participate in the project: Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Ethiopia Forums.
The project’s goals are centred around support to agricultural adaptation and increasing the flow of climate finance to local communities. The means to achieve those goals include:
Enhancing faith actors’ and leaders’ understanding of their country’s National Adaptation Plans so that they can hold duty-bearers accountable.
Enhancing faith actors and leaders’ ability to influence their national governments.
Building cooperation with governments and multifaith actors on adaptation goals.
This article is based on an interview with Vincent Ondieki, ACT Alliance Senior Programs Officer for Climate Justice. For more information, please contact him at
Reflecting on Guatemala 2019 and Looking Forward to Guatemala +5
Written by Luis Berneth Peña, consultant facilitating this regional process.
In March 2019, the ACT Alliance community gathered in Guatemala, marking a significant milestone in the collective journey towards advocating for Humanitarian Response, Climate Justice, Gender Justice, Migration and Displacement, Peace, and Human Security. This gathering was more than a meeting; it was a collective call to address the pressing challenges that threaten the fabric of societies in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), as well as the mission of the ACT Alliance.
This year marks 5 years since that key event, and ACT is now working with members in LAC and other regions in preparation for Guatemala +5, which will take place in Bogotá, Colombia, from May 19-23, 2024.
The Guatemala 2019 event underscored the strength found in unity and collaboration. Representatives from various countries and organizations within the ACT Alliance united to analyze trends that undermine human rights and promote conservatism. This dialogue acknowledged the challenges posed by certain ideologies and practices, referred to as “fundamentalisms,” recognizing them as potential threats to democracy and human rights, with particular impacts on the feminist movement and sexual and reproductive rights.
Goals Achieved and Lessons Learned
A significant achievement of the Guatemala 2019 event was the formulation of a unified stance in defense of the ACT Alliance’s protocols and Diaconal work. Participants concurred on the importance of continually updating their analysis to understand the dynamics that undermine human rights and foster exclusion, hate, and socio-economic inequalities. This consensus led to the development of strategies that champion inclusive and cooperative agendas, aiming to promote justice, inclusion, and democracy.
Guatemala +5: Building on the Foundations
As the Alliance looks forward to Guatemala +5, the commitment deepens, and the goals grow even more ambitious. This forthcoming event will build on the solid groundwork established in 2019, advancing collective efforts to positively influence global change. Guatemala +5 extends an invitation not only to those in the target regions but also to anyone worldwide who shares the vision of a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future. Please click here for more information on Guatemala +5, and here for the concept note.
Participants can anticipate engaging in a series of dialogues both National and Regional to co-create solutions and strategies to address the challenges identified during the consultation. The activities before Guatemala +5 will provide a platform for sharing successes, learning from one another, and reinforcing the determination to continue advocating for human rights.
Join Us in Shaping the Future
The ACT Alliance warmly invites participation in this vital dialogue. Whether as a member of the ACT Alliance, a partner organization, or an individual committed to human rights, every voice is crucial. Together, a future where justice and human rights triumph can be co-created.
For more detailed information about the national processes and the event in Bogotá, please contact us by email.
Blog: Waiting for the rains
By Collins Shava
As you travel across Zimbabwe, particularly in communal areas, you will be greeted by maize fields full of wilting crops, dying due to “thirst.” The rains have been erratic and unpredictable this season. It does not look good for farmers that depend on rain for irrigation. Our country is headed for a long drought.
Dr Anxious Masuka, Zimbabwe’s Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Development said on February 21 that if the country did not receive rain in the following two weeks, Zimbabwe would need to find alternative ways to get maize supplies. This would most likely mean importing grain from countries that have an excess. The cost of living would increase, increasing the vulnerability of a large part of the population. Drought will be a disaster for Zimbabwe, as its people are facing other economic challenges.
Drought and climate change
For me, climate change is the biggest threat to the well-being and livelihoods of people in African nations such as Zimbabwe. Climate uncertainty is increasing African countries’ vulnerability to more occurrences of drought and floods. The World Bank predicts the annual likelihood of Zimbabwe enduring severe drought will increase by 21 percent from 2040 and 2059 and by 47 percent from 2080 to 2099, compared to the baseline period of 1986 to 2005. Due to climate change, Zimbabwe will have more occurrences of drought than ever before.
Small holder farmers who largely depend on rainfed agriculture and do not have access to irrigation infrastructure will be most affected. Most grow their crops in fields of between one and ten hectares, primarily using traditional farming practices.
One solution: Pfumvudza plots
Over the past few years, the Government of Zimbabwe has introduced the “Pfumvudza/Intwasa” farming technique, known to communities as “dhiga udye.” With this technique, small holder farmers plant a wider variety of crops in mulched basins. In 2023 3.4 million pfumvudza plots were prepared for the current 2024 farming season. This practice has helped the country maintain a constant supply of grain, so far.
With projections of reduced annual rainfall in 2040, Zimbabwe will need to develop more initiatives to complement the Pfumvudza programme. This will help small holder farmers and communities adapt to climate change.
Do communities and farmers know what’s coming?
A growing number of people in Zimbabwe now understand the impacts of climate change. Others believe the current climate shocks, drought and floods are a spiritual issue, because the gods/God is angry with the people. As a religious person I understand this perspective and appreciate these beliefs. But given the current phenomenon, it is wise to consider that while we may pray for rain, our requests may not be granted. What we can pray for is to ensure that the gods/God provides wisdom to our scientists and leaders to develop and implement methods to navigate climate change.
There is a need to listen to science and start working on climate adaptation initiatives to cushion our communities to climate change. National and local governments and development partners need to play a leading role in implementing climate adaptation initiatives to save our communities.
We now need to focus more on efficient water harvesting techniques, improved climate-smart varieties of seed, and new farming practices that respond to how the climate is changing. Most importantly there is a need to constantly raise community awareness of the effects of climate change.
Collins Shava is a climate change specialist who is co-chair of the ACT Alliance Climate Justice Campaigns and Communications group. He has worked with the All Africa Conference of Churches and was an LWF youth delegate at previous COPs. He now works with an African environmental agency.
PHOTO: Albin Hillert/LWF. The keys to adaptation are part of the COP28 Climate March.
It was expected that COP28 in Dubai would revolve around controversies on loss and damage; instead, it is likely to be remembered as a threshold when the world decided to transition away from fossil fuels. Significant progress was also made on how humankind can adapt to the unfolding climate crisis.
Before Dubai, climate negotiations had failed to define adaptation goals. Having no agreed goal had led to the fragmentation of adaptation activities and funding projects in the Global South. Too many claimed to target adaptation needs which, in reality, had no relevance at all.
Global Goal on Adaptation
As a result, there was significant pressure to define a shared Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). The work program to define it, launched at Glasgow’s COP26, had reached its end. After parties in the technical negotiations had sabotaged any progress in defining the goal, the political dialogues at COP28 were able to deliver decisions.
The most significant contributions of the GGA are its eight thematic target areas, which range from advancing food security on our warming planet to protecting cultural heritage. Parties also agreed to a cycle for evaluating needs to tailor action and support. This consists of dimensional targets on planning, implementation and monitoring, most to be achieved by 2030.
The framework that will guide action has several principles that are important for ACT Alliance: targeting vulnerable populations such as women and people with disabilities; respecting human rights; and supporting local leadership. It also emphasises nature-based solutions to build resilience, linking climate and biodiversity.
Far from final
The governance framework is far from final. The most obvious omission is the exclusion of defined adaptation indicators. However, a work program has been established to develop science-based metrics. Notably, although action and support are discussed in the framework, no new additional financial commitments were made. On a positive note, a ministerial dialogue was established to develop plans to double adaptation funding. This is needed due to the declining share of adaptation in climate finance – despite a commitment to increase it.
The decisions made at COP28 will need to be translated into national and sub-national policies guiding adaptation action. ACT Alliance members have diverse expertise in building adaptive capacities, decreasing vulnerability and increasing resilience. This is a golden opportunity for members to advocate for establishing or renewing existing national policies to reflect human rights and equity-oriented outcomes in the GGA – and to follow the progress of turning words into action.
Niko Humalisto is a member of the ACT Alliance Climate Justice Advocacy group. He works as a leading advocacy specialist in Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission and holds a title of an adjunct professor in the University of Eastern Finland. Apart from his work in advancing climate finances and circular economies, he volunteers in the bicycle workshop of Turku, Finland.
Bravery, resilience and solidarity: Ukraine 2 years after the invasion
For the Ukrainian people displaced or still living in the country, ACT Alliance has truly been hope in action. Tirelessly responding to the ever-changing needs of those affected by what has been the largest refugee crisis in Europe since the Second World War, for the past two years our members have been a model of holistic and coordinated approach.
Our humanitarian aid workers have been operating in a very dangerous and volatile setting, putting their lives at risk every single day. Regrettably, two HEKS staff recently lost their lives during a drone attack, sending shock waves across the whole community. Incredible bravery, resilience, and solidarity has marked the Ukraine response all along, following the illegal full-scale Russian invasion in 2022.
Since the beginning of the conflict our response has focused on providing lifesaving support to the communities who faced this tragedy, in 2023, ACT Alliance launched a revised Ukraine appeal (UKR221), with Christian Aid joining as requesting member.
Our Total ACT reponse for Ukraine is constantly changing to meet the need for psychological, spiritual and practical support, strengthening the Survivor and Community Led Response approach – which relies on the partnership with communities and local organisations to assess the situation on the ground and be in the driving seat of the response.