Reflecting on Guatemala 2019 and Looking Forward to Guatemala +5

Written by Luis Berneth Peña, consultant facilitating this regional process.

In March 2019, the ACT Alliance community gathered in Guatemala, marking a significant milestone in the collective journey towards advocating for Humanitarian Response, Climate Justice, Gender Justice, Migration and Displacement, Peace, and Human Security. This gathering was more than a meeting; it was a collective call to address the pressing challenges that threaten the fabric of societies in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), as well as the mission of the ACT Alliance.

This year marks 5 years since that key event, and ACT is now working with members in LAC and other regions in preparation for Guatemala +5, which will take place in Bogotá, Colombia, from May 19-23, 2024.

The Guatemala 2019 event underscored the strength found in unity and collaboration. Representatives from various countries and organizations within the ACT Alliance united to analyze trends that undermine human rights and promote conservatism. This dialogue acknowledged the challenges posed by certain ideologies and practices, referred to as “fundamentalisms,” recognizing them as potential threats to democracy and human rights, with particular impacts on the feminist movement and sexual and reproductive rights.

Goals Achieved and Lessons Learned

A significant achievement of the Guatemala 2019 event was the formulation of a unified stance in defense of the ACT Alliance’s protocols and Diaconal work. Participants concurred on the importance of continually updating their analysis to understand the dynamics that undermine human rights and foster exclusion, hate, and socio-economic inequalities. This consensus led to the development of strategies that champion inclusive and cooperative agendas, aiming to promote justice, inclusion, and democracy.

Guatemala +5: Building on the Foundations

As the Alliance looks forward to Guatemala +5, the commitment deepens, and the goals grow even more ambitious. This forthcoming event will build on the solid groundwork established in 2019, advancing collective efforts to positively influence global change. Guatemala +5 extends an invitation not only to those in the target regions but also to anyone worldwide who shares the vision of a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future. Please click here for more information on Guatemala +5, and here for the concept note.

Participants can anticipate engaging in a series of dialogues both National and Regional to co-create solutions and strategies to address the challenges identified during the consultation. The activities before Guatemala +5 will provide a platform for sharing successes, learning from one another, and reinforcing the determination to continue advocating for human rights.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

The ACT Alliance warmly invites participation in this vital dialogue. Whether as a member of the ACT Alliance, a partner organization, or an individual committed to human rights, every voice is crucial. Together, a future where justice and human rights triumph can be co-created.

For more detailed information about the national processes and the event in Bogotá, please contact us by email.