Liberia: Ivorian Refugees Crisis.

Since the morning of Monday the 2nd November 2020, Liberia border with Ivory Coast has been occupied by thousands of Ivorian refugees.

This is the outcome of political clashes between opposition and pro-government supporters in Côte d’Ivoire’s Central and West-Central regions.

It is highly probable that many refugees will remain in Liberia for the foreseeable future until it is safe for them to return home.

ACT Liberia Forum member, Lutheran Development Services is conducting a rapids needs assessment and plan to respond to some of the refugee needs.

Liberia_Ivorian Refugees

Jordan: Humanitarian Crisis

It is estimated that 1.3 million Syrian refugees live in Jordan today. Approximately 85 per cent of them lives in the host communities, while more than 139,000 lives in two main  camps, Za’atari and Azraq. According to UNICEF, 86% of Syrian refugees outside camps in Jordan live below the poverty line. Most Syrian families rely on humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs at a time of aid cuts and economic downturn compounded by the coronavirus pandemic.  Due to COVID-19, many refugees and local Jordanian lost their jobs. This had impact on lack of food and make a high pressure on the families in Jordan, and many of the host communities lost their jobs. The total number of positive tested people in the country are 198 thousand, with 2,442 associated deaths.

While poverty and unemployment rates were already high prior to the onset of COVID-19, Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians face even greater challenges in earning a livelihood, covering basic needs such as food, protection and accessing key services as healthcare.

Alert-Humanitarian crises in Jordan

Iraq: Humanitarian Crisis (Call-4-Action)

The protracted humanitarian crisis in Iraq remains one of the largest and most volatile in the world. The COVID-19 outbreak hit a country already facing a humanitarian crisis, further deepening vulnerabilities and disrupting on-going efforts to deliver aid to the most vulnerable people in acute need of humanitarian assistance. The people most in need of such assistance continue to be those directly affected by the conflict against ISIL and recently affected by the pandemic compromising of (Internally displaced people, “approximately 1.4 million, 70 per cent of whom have been displaced for more than three years”, Syrian Refugees approximately 253,000, Returnees and host communities in and out of camps).


Ethiopia: Tigray Conflict.

In the evening of Tuesday, 3 November 2020, reports indicate that Tigray regional special force attacked the northern command base of the Ethiopia Federal army. As a result, Ethiopia Federal military was deployed to restore law and order. The conflict has erupted and is ongoing and even escalating to affect Eritrea.

According to unconfirmed reports from OCHA, the conflict has already resulted in massive internal displacements. According to UNHCR, more than 30,000 refugees from Tigray have already crossed the border to Sudan and their numbers are continuously increasing.  The ACT Ethiopia Forum stands in solidarity with all affected, and calls for a peaceful resolution, and the immediate stop of the fighting.

In collaboration with other relevant stakeholders, ACT Ethiopia Forum further calls for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor to allow relief operations and the protection of all civilians and humanitarian aid workers.

Ethiopia_Tigray Conflict.

Ethiopia: Tigray Conflict

In the evening of Tuesday, 3 November 2020, reports indicate that Tigray regional special force attacked the northern command base of the Ethiopia Federal army. As a result, Ethiopia Federal military was deployed to restore law and order. The conflict has erupted and is ongoing and even escalating to affect Eritrea.

According to unconfirmed reports from OCHA, the conflict has already resulted in massive internal displacements. According to UNHCR, more than 30,000 refugees from Tigray have already crossed the border to Sudan and their numbers are continuously increasing.  The ACT Ethiopia Forum stands in solidarity with all affected, and calls for a peaceful resolution, and the immediate stop of the fighting.

In collaboration with other relevant stakeholders, ACT Ethiopia Forum further calls for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor to allow relief operations and the protection of all civilians and humanitarian aid workers.

Ethiopia_Tigray Conflict.

Alert 11 2020 Landslide Colombia

During the night of Friday the 13 November 2020, the town of DabeibaViejo in Colombia , was affected  by High Precipitations that   caused a great  landslide in Dabeiba, western Antioquia. The emergency has so far left six dead and 16 missing persons, as confirmed by the National Unit for Risk Management, UNGR. The evacuation of the nearly 600 families in the affected  zone was one of the actions prioritized by the authorities, the precipitations are forecast to continue for the next 10 days in the area. Alert Landslide Colombia Nov 2020 Final version

Sudan: Tigray Conflict.

In the evening of Saturday the 7 November 2020, the region of Gedaref state in Sudan, reported receiving thousands of civilians who were fleeing from conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.  The Tigray regional special force attacked the northern command base. ACT member NCA (Norwegian Church Aid-Sudan) is extremely concerned about the worsening crisis in Gedaref/Kassala as the number of refugees continues to grow. As of 16 November, over 27,600 refugees had crossed the border since 7 November with reports indicating that there are over 2000 refugees crossing the border every day. Most of the refugees are mainly women and children and they are arriving in bad physical and health condition.

There is a shortage of housing, food, water, medicine and other equipment as well insecurity and lack of protection against Gender-Based Violence. The refugee camps in Kassala and Shagarab can help but are not equipped to cope with larger arrivals.

Sudan_ Tigray Conflict (Alert)

Alert-11-2020 Hurricane ETA Honduras and Nicaragua

By  Monday, November 2nd, the National Disaster  Authorities for both Nicaragua and Honduras, reports that, given the characteristics of its movement and speed of its winds, ETA has become a Category 4 Hurricane before touching land, by November 4 it has been degraded to Tropical Storm but keep influencing both countries. 

The public advisory issued by the National Hurricane Center, in November 2, ETA presented an eyewall of an extremely dangerous hurricane, moving around onshore along the coast of northeastern Nicaragua and Honduras. 

It is expected to bring life-threating STORM SURGES, CATASTROPHIC WINDS, FLASH FLOODING, AND LANDSLIDES. Even after degrading to Tropical Storm

Alert Nicaragua and Honduras _Hurricane Eta

Nagorno Karabagh: Armed conflicts

On the morning of Sunday the 27 September 2020, Azerbaijan army attacked the region of Nagorno Karabagh using heavy artillery, tanks, aircraft and missiles. Towns and villages were bombed, including the capital city of Sepanakert. This conflict put country in the state of crisis. 47 civilian is death and 135 wounded, while 90.000 people has to seek refuge. The military operations may expand beyond the conflict zone, resulting in serious atrocities and a humanitarian crisis in the region, exacerbated by the situation related to the coronavirus outbreak. This situation is undermining regional security and peace, significantly raising the risks of a full-fledged war. 90.000 affected people are currently hosted in hotels, camps, vacant buildings and families with many unmet vital humanitarian needs such as access to: food, shelter, clothing, including for cold season, footwear, blankets, pillows, bedding, sanitation and hygiene items, stationery for schoolchildren, technical means for on-line classes, and payment for utilities.

ART, a national member of ACT Armenia forum intends to support displaced persons, predominantly women and children with shelter, food and non-food items.

Alert_Armenia_Armed conflicts in Nagorno Karabagh

Philippines: Typhoon Goni

Super typhoon Goni made landfall in Bato, Catanduanes on the early morning of 1 November, 2020.  The category 5 typhoon considered as the world’s strongest typhoon this year, had maximum sustained winds of 225 km/hr and gustiness of up to 280 km/hr and moving at 25 kph affecting 372,716 families or 1.4 million people in five regions across Central and Southern Luzon. Last week a weaker typhoon, typhoon Quinta affected the same areas while another one, typhoon Atsani, has entered the Philippines right behind Goni on a slightly different path.  Philippines is still experiencing high number of COVID-19 cases which makes the situation complicated.

ACT Philippines Forum has convened and plans to raise an appeal to support their response.  The members have been coordinating with other humanitarian actors especially through faith-based networks, NASSA/Caritas Philippines and the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches – PhilRADS,

ALERT Philippines Typhoon Goni