Cameroon: Influx of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the Far North Region

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 37/2015.

An ACT Alliance response is needed to ameliorate the living conditions of IDPS in host communities following the increasing attacks of the terrorist group Boko Haram in the towns and villages of the Far North Cameroonian border with Nigeria. The Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Cameroon present on the ground with its diaconal department is well known in the affected areas and can lead many life-saving interventions if resources are available to respond to their urgent humanitarian needs.

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Central African Republic (CAR): Support and protection of war affected vulnerable communities

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 36/2015.

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Finn Church Aid (FCA) are providing support to conflict-affected populations in CAR thanks to the ACT Appeal CAF151. LWF focuses on Social Cohesion, Food Security and Nutrition in the Nana Mambéré and Ouham Pendé Provinces. FCA is implementing Education and WASH activities in the Mambéré Kadéi Province, as well as in Bangui.

While this response is very necessary, the Appeal is not fully funded and pledges came rather late. This, combined with critical security issues, explain the reduced levels of implementation thus far. This is why the Appeal is being extended, until April 30th 2016 (instead of December 31st 2015).


Jordan, Syria, Lebanon: Syria Humanitarian crisis

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 35/2015.

ACT members in the region coordinate the humanitarian response in the ACT Jordan/Syria/Lebanon (JSL) Forum. Members have carried out their own detailed needs assessments and response in various sectors, which include but are not limited to food, NFI, psychosocial support, persons with disabilities (PWDs), education, shelter, home repairs, hygiene, and health.

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India: Cyclone and floods in Tamil Nadu

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 34/2015.

ACT India Forum members, UELCI and CASA are currently monitoring the situation in their operational areas. The field staff are assessing the needs and should an intervention be necessary, will request an RRF or a Preliminary Appeal.

Currently, the needs are food (rice, dhal, cooking oil, salt, chilly powder, turmeric powder etc.) and non-food items such as clothes and daily household items.

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South Sudan: Protracted Conflict Crisis

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Nr 33/2015.

The ACT Forum-South Sudan is planning to respond through an overall objective of enhancing the living conditions of the most vulnerable people impacted by the protracted crisis through access to basic needs of life & resilience of their livelihoods. To achieve this, there is need to provide people affected with multi sector assistance in the following priority areas: Food Security and Livelihoods, Shelter & NFIs, Education in Emergency (EiE), WASH, Health & Nutrition, and Psychosocial support.



Afghanistan and Pakistan: 7.5 Earthquake

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 32/2015.

ACT Pakistan Forum, comprising Christian Aid, Church of Sweden, Community World Service Asia, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, ICCO Cooperation and Norwegian Church Aid, is currently gathering information through different sources including local staff and partner organizations and a response will be planned based on the needs identified in the affected communities.

In Afghanistan, members are currently conducting assessments either directly or through partners on the ground. Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) is geared to provide an immediate small-scale emergency response (food, water, blankets). Community World Service Asia is currently reviewing plans and potential gaps and is considering food, non-food items, winterization kits, WASH and health.

The situation is currently very fluid and can change drastically at any moment. Members are closely monitoring the situation and will plan a response based on the needs and gaps identified.


Mexico: Hurricane Patricia

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 31/2015.

ACT members in Central America are permanently monitoring the situation and are making plans to send a rapid response team to visit the area. A detailed analysis of the humanitarian situation will be done in coordination with the Mexican Government and organizations on the ground, based on the needs assessment, geographic prioritization, and the potential proposal made by partner organizations for a humanitarian intervention.


Philippines: Typhoon Koppu hits Central & Northern Philippines

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Nr.: 30/2015.

ACT Philippines Forum members ICCO Cooperation, Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Christian Aid (CA) and the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) are currently collecting information from their local partners or networks within the affected areas. After gathering sufficient information, it will be determined if a response is needed.



Afghanistan: Ongoing fighting in Kunduz causing new wave of displacements

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 29/2015.

It is still unclear whether an ACT response would be required, but if the conflict continues, it is expected that massive displacements will occur and those internally displaced will definitely require humanitarian assistance.

The situation at the moment is very fluid and can change drastically at any moment. Members are closely monitoring the situation and will plan a response based on the needs and gaps identified.

Due to the volatile situation in Kunduz City, it is very difficult to acquire detailed information at the moment.

The members of ACT Afghanistan Forum include Christian Aid, Community World Service Asia, Hungarian Interchuch Aid and Norwegian Church Aid.


Iraq: IDP Crisis

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 28/2015.

Planned activities for ACT Member Christian Aid in the Federal Iraq region include: hygiene kits; food items (raw items & ready-made/processed food); chronic diseases medications; clothes and underwear items; Bedding (Mattresses, pillows, sheets, blankets). Planned intervention in the Iraqi Kurdistan region by Christian Aid includes: food items; winterisation Items; cash assistance and cash for work livelihood activities; and vocational training courses and small grants.

ACT Member The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) plans to respond in the following sectors: food security; WASH; NFI; psychosocial support; and school facility improvement.
