In Eastern DRC, militia commonly known as wazalendo (patriots), have joined forces with Government military forces (FARDC) to fight rebel groups (including M23) who have terrorized North and South Kivu for nearly two years in the Masisi territory (United Nations Group of Experts on the DRC).
The fighting and displacement which was previously taking place and affecting persons within the greater Masisi territory in North Kivu area has now spread to other parts of Eastern DRC including Sake, a town of strategic importance.
Heavy fighting between the Congolese army and M23 rebels has escalated between 28th January -12 February 2024 in the territories of Masisi, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo, fueling regional tensions and causing an increase of displacement of 13 percent according to IOM with 1.65 million people currently displaced in North Kivu alone.
The escalation of tensions in recent weeks has triggered a continued movement of populations previously living in camps or with host families towards the province of South Kivu in Kalehe territory, in the direction of Goma and surrounding areas (Relief Web) and to Uganda and Tanzania.
ACT Members in DRC, Uganda and Tanzania are planning to respond to the affected through a regional appeal.