Liberia: Assistance to Ivorian Refugees in Liberia- RRF 05/2021.

In November 2020, following presidential elections in Ivory Coast, the Northern and southern parts of Liberia received thousands of Ivorians refugees fleeing clashes between opposition and pro-government supporters in Ivory Coast.

To date approximately 20,651 Ivorian refugees have fled to Liberia according to reports from UNHCR and Liberia Refugees Repatriation and Resettlement Commission.

The refugees have found themselves in a desperate situation with many unmet vital humanitarian needs such as:

  1. Safe drinking water
  2. Health services
  3. Agriculture
  4. Food and non-food items
  5. WASH

ACT member in Liberia, Lutheran Development Services are planning to respond to the refugees in the sectors of non food items, food assistance, WASH and prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

Liberia_Assistance to Ivorian Refugees (RRF)

Indonesia: West Sulawesi Earthquake – RRF 04/2021

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit the districts of Majene, Mamuju, and Polewali Mandar in West Sulawesi, Indonesia on 15 January.  This was preceded by a 5.9 magnitude earthquake in the same area a day earlier with several aftershocks.  The earthquake left more than 30,353 persons in the affected districts living in temporary shelters.  The earthquake has also resulted in the disruption of electricity, communication, water supply, transportation access (by air, sea, land), and there is also security issue like road blockage due to landslides and looting of relief aids in some locations.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also put the disaster in a complicated situation. The Indonesian government has started to deploy rescue teams and assistances to the affected areas. Based on the results of a quick assessment from BNPB, the governor of West Sulawesi Province has declared the state of emergency in the province.

ACT Indonesia Forum through Pelkesi and Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU) will be supporting about 5,000 households with food, shelter materials, medical services, and drinking water, with funds from ACT Alliance’s Rapid Response Fund.

Indonesia West Sulawesi Earthquake RRF 032021




Brazil Summer Floods RRF02 2021

The São Paulo State is home 45 million people ranging from very vulnerable communities to

well structure urban and rural areas. From the beginning of the pandemic, it is the epicentre of

the COVID-19 in Brazil, with around 1.5 million cases and 47,768 deaths until this day. By

December 2020, the summer storms season started, bringing great damage to the poorest areas

of São Paulo. From 2016 to 2020, more than 75 people died from floods, 35 only in 2020.

In the São Paulo Municipality, the most affected districts are in the East, the Northwest and

the South. The Jacuí and Jardim Santa Helena neighbourhoods are in an area that follows the

river course of the Rio Tietê. The Grajaú district has many poor communities living in the

shore of the city’s larger reservoir in informal settlements.

Outside of the metropolitan area, in the coastal area known as Baixada Santista, there are

urgent situations in the municipality of Cubatão, by the Pilões River. In this year, an area

greatly damaged by the floods is the Vale do Ribeira the poorest region in the state, home of

large quilombola1 and indigenous communities, and many conservation units (protection

areas).02 RRF 2021 Sao Paulo Floods FV

Sudan: Humanitarian Response to Ethiopian Refugees in East Sudan- SDN201

In early November 2020, the Ethiopia region (Tigray) was affected by incidents of armed conflicts due to the military and political confrontation between federal and regional forces in Tigray region. Eastern Sudan has received many refugees through various border points. Sudan has received over 52,200 new Ethiopian refugees as of December 20th.

Act Alliance in joint collaboration with Caritas Internationalis, with respectively the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and CAFOD acting as lead agencies, is launching the Humanitarian Response to Ethiopian Refugees in East Sudan, aiming to reach a total of 30 000 individuals (12,900 females and 17,100 males) with a total budget of € 1,579,578, targeting WASH, Energy and Environment, Integrated GBV and psychosocial support sectors.

ACT-Caritas Appeal-SDN201

Ethiopia: Tigray Conflict Response – ETH201

A long-standing political disagreement between Ethiopia Federal government and the northern regional state of Tigray’s regional government led to an outbreak of hostilities on 4th November 2020. This was characterized by military action resulting in general insecurity in the region, internal and external displacements, and a disruption of livelihoods.

In Tigray region at least 855,000 persons are currently in need of humanitarian assistance of which include non-displaced persons, Internally Displaced persons, returnees, and over 96,000 Eritrean refugees.

Three ACT Ethiopia members, Ethiopia Orthodox Church Development Inter-Church Aid Commission (EOC-DICAC), Ethiopia Evangelical Mekane Yesus Church (EECMY-DASSC) and Lutheran World Federation (LWF) are planning to respond to this crisis.

Ethiopia_Tigray Conflict response


Jordan: Multi-sectorial Response to Refugees, Host Communities and Vulnerable Groups in Jordan – JOR211

It is estimated that 1.3 million Syrian refugees live in Jordan today. Approximately 85 per cent of them lives in the host communities, while more than 139,000 lives in two main  camps, Za’atari and Azraq. According to UNICEF, 86% of Syrian refugees outside camps in Jordan live below the poverty line. While poverty and unemployment rates were already high prior to the onset of COVID-19, Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians face even greater challenges in earning a livelihood, covering basic needs such as food, protection and accessing key services as healthcare.

Jordan ACT forum members DSPR, ELCJHL, LWF and MECC  will respond to the humanitarian crisis with an appeal to raise USD 1,849,233, to build the resilience of the affected communities and continue addressing the most pressing basic needs of the health, food security, NFI’s, protection and livelihood sectors.

JOR211 Appeal_Multi-sectorial Response

Honduras and Nicaragua Emergency Response to Hurricanes Eta and Iota in Central America CAM201


Response and recovery due to impacts of the Hurricanes ETA & IOTA in Honduras and Nicaragua


Honduras and Nicaragua have been hit by 2 consecutive Hurricanes  in a 15 days period starting in November 1st and ending by the 18TH of November. The hurricanes were named Eta and Iota.


Nicaragua,was the entry point for both hurricanes. On November 3, Hurricane Eta hits between Bilwi and Haulover in the northern Caribbean, as a category 4 hurricane. On November 16th Iota made landfall, affecting areas that remained flooded due to the first event.



In Honduras  Hurricanes ETA & IOTA affected the north-western and Atlantic coast between the first and third week of November 2020 .750,000 families in the most vulnerable areas have been affected. The Valley of Sula was highly affected and remained isolated. This is the economic core of the country.


In a region already hit by protracted crisis such a migration and the recent economic and health impact of Covid 19; this Appeal aims at the response and recovery in both countries and will focus on  the following sectors: Shelter, Non-food items, Food Security, WASH, protection and Psychosocial wellness, Cash transfer.


The requesting Members are: CASM ,OCDIH, ASONOG (Honduras), ILFE, CIEETS, CEPAD, Federación Luterana Mundial (Nicaragua).

The Appeal Target is :$ 1,172,360


Appeal Honduras and Nicaragua Hurricanes Eta and Iota CAM201

Iraq: Building Resilience for IDPs, Refugees, Returnees and Host Communities Affected by the Conflict in Iraq- IRQ211

The protracted humanitarian crisis in Iraq remains one of the largest and most volatile in the world. The COVID-19 outbreak hit a country already facing a humanitarian crisis, further deepening vulnerabilities and disrupting on-going efforts to deliver aid to the most vulnerable people in acute need of humanitarian assistance.

More than 1.77 million people  have acute humanitarian and development needs according to the Iraq Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO, 2020). IDPs in and out of camps, returnees, and Refugees experienced partial or full collapse of living standards and disrupted access to basic goods and services, exhausting their capacities to cope and frequently resorting to negative coping strategies.

ACT Iraq Forum members LWF and CA will respond to the prolonged crisis with an appeal to raise USD4,977,126 over two years.

IRQ211_ Iraq Appeal

RRF 14-2020 Colombia Landslide Dabeiba

As a result of the intense rainfall caused by the last 2 hurricanes (ETA and IOTA) that hit the Colombian Caribbean and the La Niña phenomenon from the Pacific Ocean: The rural area of the Antioqueño municipality of Dabeiba, in 4 of its villages: Dabeiba Vieja, Botón, Mohán and El Cajón,suffered a landslide of large proportions leaving more than 200 families without their homes, their belongings, their crops and their farmyard animals. On the morning of Sunday, November 15, DAPARD (Administrative Department of the System for the Prevention, Attention and Recovery of Disasters) reported that of the 16 people who were missing, eight were found alive “and they are in the five shelters that the municipality has set up for the affected people.”

Thus, the current tally of casualties of the torrential rains according to the Unified Command Post (PMU), is of 3 deceased and eight missing persons. Likewise, there are 497 affected people from 201 families, 20 injured, 67 homes destroyed and 104 damaged, 3 educational centers affected, as well as 5.5 kilometers of road affected.RRF14 2020 COL Dabeiba LandSlide

Armenia: Armed conflict in Nagorno Karabakh – massive arrival of displaced people

The armed conflict has put Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh in a state of crisis. According to the preliminary assessment of needs 100,000 spontaneously arrived people need food, shelter, clothing, including for cold season, footwear, blankets, pillows, bedding, sanitation and hygiene items, stationery for schoolchildren, technical means for on-line classes, cash for payment for utilities, medicament, and other essentials. Spontaneous arrivals are staying with hosts, guest houses, hotels, resorts, in public buildings such as schools, kindergartens, community halls. The onset of cold winter weather makes the provision of suitable shelter and NFIs, such as blankets and warm clothes crucial. Pre-existing economic and food security vulnerabilities in Armenia limit coping capacity in areas currently receiving high numbers of spontaneous arrivals. ART, a national member of ACT Alliance will assist the most vulnerable 2,000 individuals for 3 months to meet their essential needs: food, hygiene and sanitary items, bedding, household appliances, payment for utilities.

ART is currently developing ACT Appeal to scale up the response.

RRF_132020_Armenia_Armed conflicts in Nagorno Karabagh