The Covid19 pandemic highlights and foster inequalities. Women’s pregnancies have increased in the department of Grand Anse. Reasons for this are: lockdown allows risks of sexual assault sometimes forcing victims to live with their aggressor, the closure of schools and reduction in livelihoods forcing women to engage in free unions or early marriages, lack of sexual and reproductive education, lack of access to contraceptives. A year after the Pandemic is evident the strong need to tackle issues related to women and reproductive health, access to Livelihood and Water and Sanitation, a traditional women-assigned task within the communities and strongly link with stopping the propagation of the virus. This proposal aims at tacking this context revealed in a specific area of the country (Haute Voldrogue, department of Grand Anse, Commune of Jeremie) traditionally neglected and with high levels of vulnerabilities. The activities will run for a period of 6 months, with constant monitoring aiming to update the context and work for adaptative and longer-term strategies, linked with the gender component.