RRF 07 2024 – Zimbabwe Responding to Drought

Zimbabwe is experiencing a severe drought due to significant below-average rainfall experienced during the last rainy season October 2023– March 2024 (ReliefWeb).

The country received less than 20% of the typical rainfall expected during this season. El Niño events in Zimbabwe appears every two to six years and have been associated with prolonged dry spells, reduced rainfall, and increased temperatures.  Water shortages and loss of crops are often the effect, affecting food security and livelihoods.  On 4th April 2024, the president of Zimbabwe declared drought a national disaster in Zimbabwe (BBC). All 72 districts are affected in varying degrees with 30/72 being the most affected (OCHA, 5 May 2024).

ACT Zimbabwe National Member MEDra is planning to respond using RRF funds through providing unconditional cash / Vouchers to 1440 people, implement WASH activities and provide Psycho social Support over the period of 3 months.

RRF 07 2024 Zimbabwe Drought