South Sudan Emergency Response, development and peace building initiatives for flood affected IDPs, Refugees and affected communities

South Sudan has been in a protracted crisis characterized by recurrent natural disasters, conflict, food shortages and a breakdown of livelihoods for several years.

Currently South Sudan is experiencing severe catastrophic flooding across the country, caused by torrential rains and rising water levels around Lake Victoria.

The heavy rain around Lake Victoria has brought a significant flow of water downstream towards South Sudan. This coupled with heavy rainfall across South Sudan has resulted in massive, large-scale flooding. 

The floods have caused widespread devastation and affected key infrastructure; causing submerged roads, disrupted education and health services and increased the risk of diseases.  

Many South Sudanese families have lost their homes and assets and more than half a million Sudanese refugees and returnees from South Sudan are also affected (BBC). The affected are currently seeking refuge on higher ground where there is restricted physical access. 

ACT South Sudan Forum members are submitting an appeal to respond to the flooding crisis among flood affected IDPs, refugees and host communities.


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