The first revision of SYR171 is being issued as necessitated by the level of funding raised for the Appeal to
date, with priority for this revision given to livelihood and education interventions. Among the key
changes made under this revision is the inclusion of an early recovery livelihood program for issuing loans
to Syrian refugees in host communities to “(re-) start-ups of Small-Medium Enterprises” by the
Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR). Government approval has already been granted
to start the implementation of this component.
The International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Lebanon proposes to re-allocate resources to the
education sector owing to the relatively low level of funding for the different sectors of response; IOCC
therefore decided to reduce activities in other sectors, and prioritize education as a strategic priority.
Education and youth are main pillars to protect children and to contribute to build a better future for
them. IOCC Lebanon is not requesting an increased amount but just reducing the requested amount
under other sectors and moving it to the education sector.
Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Jordan and Syria have not revised their appeal and/or budget.
The changes reflected in this revision are corrections due to formula errors in the original budget, resulting
in a change in their appeal budget. The Consolidated Revised Budget is on pages 38/39 of this document.
The main Appeal narrative and the intervention strategy remain largely the same, and the Secretariat
continues to raise member and donor awareness and support coordination for this Appeal to support the
complex needs of the Syria Crisis.