Work with us

ACT Alliance is a network of more than 140 organizations operating in 120 countries. Our engagement in the humanitarian, development and advocacy fields is supported by a small Secretariat in Geneva and across ACT’s regional offices.

Do you want to apply your coordination or research skills to the humanitarian, advocacy, and development fields? Are you as committed as we are to delivering aid more efficiently?

Whether you are a specialist in gender, climate or migration issues, a field researcher, a communications expert or a finance and administration professional, join our team of passionate and talented people and be part of the solution.

Values, impact and people

ACT Alliance works to ensure that the rights and dignity of refugees and people on the move are upheld and their humanity is recognized and respected.



Closing Date


The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) started its Caribbean program in 1983 and has been registered in Haiti since 1995. The current strategy, covering the period 2015 – 2020 is entitled “Building Resilience in Haitian Communities” and focuses on the four strategic areas of intervention: Emergency-preparedness and response, Sustainable livelihoods, Human Rights / Rights-Based Approach and Organizational Effectiveness. The implementation is done with and through local civil society partners, and geographically, the work is concentrated in the Grand’Anse and West departments.

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) is in Haiti since 2007.  The role of the office is to support local partners with the implementation and monitoring of humanitarian projects.  The majority of the projects take place in the department of the South-East, with some others in the South and North-West.  The main interventions in Haiti are about emergency preparedness and response planning, immediate response, food security and disaster risk reduction.

In 2015, DKH and LWF decided to integrate their organizational structures in Haiti, to tackle the triple challenge of covering operational costs, reduced funding and increased needs in the country, and to take advantage of synergies and complementarities. While both organizations will continue to adhere to their respective mandates in Haiti, they operate in one office under a joint Country Director, governed by a Cooperation Agreement. Processes to harmonize procedures, regulations and standards are underway. An initial review of respective programs and partners has been launched, and the process of aligning strategies and programs will take place in 2016.

In this context, DKH and LWF are looking for an experienced Program Manager.

More information here

Major functions summary

ACT Alliance has recently proposed a revision to its Humanitarian Response Mechanism, which will require a significant overhaul of existing tools and policies. The Humanitarian Officer will be responsible for ensuring the creation of these tools and policies, as well as manage the implementation of the reform of the mechanism, including training, pilot phase and evaluation and full implementation at both the Secretariat-level (Geneva and Regions) as well as across the forums. In line with the key ambitions of ACT Alliance, the revised mechanism places a specific importance on the role of local and national responders to communities in humanitarian crises and emergency relief responses.

The position will work closely with the Secretariat regional teams, ACT Alliance forums at the country-level, as well as with the ACT Alliance Humanitarian Policy and Practice Advisory Group, a group made up of experienced humanitarian professionals from across the Alliance. The position will be line managed by the Global Humanitarian Coordinator.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Supports the Global Humanitarian Coordinator by leading the development of the new Humanitarian Response Mechanism, including networking with other humanitarian agencies, donors and relevant UN agencies to understand best practices for emergency response
  • Develops and manages timeline and implementation plan
  • Ensures creation of relevant tools, policies and frameworks related to the Humanitarian Mechanism
  • Ensures inclusion of the perspectives of ACT members and forums and ACT secretariat staff on policies and procedures relevant to humanitarian response and dissemination to the same
  • Trains and advises ACT members and forums and ACT humanitarian staff in the regions in the implementation of the revised mechanism
  • Ensure regular reporting to the Global Humanitarian Coordinator, the Core Management Team, as well as the ACT Alliance Governing Board on the development and implementation of the revised Humanitarian Mechanism

Competences and behaviours

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role
  • Effectively motivates, influences and develops others, drives high performance, inspires people to follow them and acts as a role model

Working relationships

  • Reports to Global Humanitarian Coordinator
  • Liaises with Humanitarian Policy and Practice Advisory Group
  • Engages with forums, Secretariat regional teams
  • Supports the Secretariat regional teams and forums

Qualifications, skills and experience

  • At least five years of humanitarian or emergency response experience (preferably a combination of field and HQ programme management experience)
  • Excellent knowledge of humanitarian issues, humanitarian principles and standards, major global actors and humanitarian coordination mechanisms
  • Good knowledge of major back donor requirements for funding, or a willingness to seek out the relevant information
  • Ability to work flexibly and independently in a networked working environment
  • Excellent writing skills and an ability to communicate clearly and respectfully; superior time management and organisational skills
  • Excellent knowledge of English language, working knowledge of French or Spanish an asset


  • This is a 2 year contract
  • Some travel required, up to a maximum of 20% (primarily to Regional Secretariat offices)

About ACT Alliance

ACT Alliance is a coalition of more than 140 churches and faith-based organisations (FBO’s) working together in over 100 countries to create positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality. ACT Alliance is supported by 25,000 staff from member organisations and mobilises about $1.5 billion for its work each year in three targeted areas: humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy. ACT Alliance is deeply rooted in the communities it serves. It has earned the trust and respect of local people long before large international interventions scale up, and remains steadfast in its grassroots commitments for many years after world attention has shifted elsewhere. For more details about the general work of ACT, please click on this link:

How to apply

Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV and a cover letter, in English and by email only, to by Friday 08 January 2016. Please put “Humanitarian Officer” in the subject line.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

This is a local hire, and only candidates with a valid Swiss working permit will be considered.




ACT Alliance is recruiting a Logistics/Operations Officer

Major Functions:

The Logistics and Operations Officer plays an imperative role in delivering on of the strategic aim of the ACT Alliance: “A Robust Alliance”. The position supports delivery of operational functions related to logistics, governance liaison as well as the IT strategy for a decentralized Secretariat. In addition, this position also ensures HR support to the Head of Finance and Administration. The position will report to the Head of Finance and Administration and will entail some travelling.

Main duties and responsibilities:

The main duties and responsibilities related to this position are divided in three main categories:

a) Coordination of planning and logistics for meetings

  • Plan and organize the big annual meetings of the Secretariat such as the ExCom meetings, the Governing Board meetings and the Advisory Group meetings and other ad-hoc meetings that might take place.
  • Review and costing of venues
  • Preparations and management of agenda in liaison with COO/HoFA/HoP
  • Coordinate the preparation and distribution of relevant documents
  • Work with the Office assistant to ensure logistics preparations for major meetings
  • Liaise with Board members as necessary

b) Coordination of Operations

  • Coordination of operations related to a decentralized Secretariat
    • Coordination of requirements for various stakeholders
    • Liaison with service provider
    • Follow up on configuration including testing
    • Be the key account manager of IT hosting/infrastructure service provider
  • Coordinate administrative and operational issues of decentralized offices.
    • MoU revisions
    • Office issues
    • Office equipment incl. IT
    • Coordinate with the HoFA the implementation project of a collaborative IT platform
  • Focal point for ACT hosts in regions (WCC, CWS, NCA, LWF)
  • Other operations coordination as necessary in support of the core management team

c) Coordination and support to the Human Resources Function of the Secretariat

  • Preparation of consultancy contracts
  • Preparation of employment contracts
  • Coordination of service providers related to salary and benefits (insurance, pension, work permits etc)
  • Manage recruitment process including filtering applications and provide recommendations on initial shortlisting.
  • Other HR support as required

Competences and behaviours

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role
  • Effectively motivates, influences and develops others, drives high performance, inspires people to follow them and acts as a role model

Working relationships

  • Liaises with ACT Governing Board and ExCom members for preparation of governance meetings.
  • Engages with the ACT secretariat programme’s team and liaises with other staff as relevant
  • Liaises with the Director/COO, Head of Finance and Administration, Head of Programmes on relevant operational issues
  • Reports to Head of Finance and Administration
  • Technical skills and experience
  • A minimum of five to seven years of relevant work experience in an international environment
  • Highly developed interpersonal and communications and negotiation skills
  • Ability to achieve in highly networked environment and to turn strategies into plans and actions
  • Relevant academic degree, management, business administration
  • Excellent knowledge of English and French, working knowledge of Spanish an asset

The position is recruited locally and for candidates with a valid work permit in Switzerland. If you are interested kindly submit your CV, application letter and information about three potential references via email to by  Wednesday December 9. Kindly put Logistics/Operations Officer as a reference.

Der/die Referent/in trägt zur Konzeptionierung, Strategiebildung und Positionierung der Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe in Grundsatz- und Policyfragen der Humanitären Hilfe und des Humanitären Völkerrechts bei.

Er/sie vertritt die Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe im Bereich humanitärer Policy- und Grundsatzfragen gegenüber öffentlichen Institutionen/Gremien, in nichtstaatlichen Fachverbänden/Netzwerken, bei Veranstaltungen/ Foren sowie Kooperationspartnern auf deutscher, europäischer und internationaler Ebene.

Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst:

  • Analyse und Positionsentwicklung zu übergreifenden Policy- und Grundsatzfragen der Humanitären Hilfe sowie des Humanitären Völkerrechts und seines Umfelds
  • Analyse und Positionsentwicklung zu gewichtigen humanitären Katastrophen/Krisen und ihres Umfelds, insbesondere in friedenspolitischer und -ethischer Hinsicht
  • Beratung und Unterstützung des Vorstands, der Programmabteilung Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe und anderer Arbeitseinheiten bei der Entwicklung entsprechender humanitärer Policy, humanitärer Hilfsmaßnahmen und Lobby- & Advocacystrategien
  • fachliche Unterstützung bei der Einbeziehung von Trends, Erfordernissen von Querschnitts- und Grundsatzthemen in das inhaltliche Qualitätsmanagement der Humanitären Hilfe
  • Beratung ausgewählter internationaler Partner des Werkes in humanitärer Policy, in humanitärem Völkerrecht und ihrer Umsetzung in Hilfsmaßnahmen
  • Vertretung in internen Veranstaltungen und Arbeitsgruppen

Sie erfüllen folgende Voraussetzungen:

  • abgeschlossenes sozialwissenschaftliches oder juristisches Hochschulstudium
  • Nachweis der Fähigkeit zu eigenständigem wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten durch Promotion oder Veröffentlichungen wäre wünschenswert
  • umfassende Kenntnisse im Bereich der internationalen Politik, der Humanitären Hilfe und des Humanitären Völkerrechts, sowie der Friedenspolitik inkl. Kenntnis des jeweiligen aktuellen Forschungsstandes dazu
  • umfassende Kenntnisse und belastbare Kontakte in der nationalen und internationalen politischen Institutionalität und der weltweiten zivilgesellschaftlichen und ökumenischen Strukturen
  • mehrjährige qualifizierte internationale Berufserfahrung im Bereich der Humanitären Hilfe
  • Fähigkeit zum strategischen Planen und Steuern
  • Bereitschaft und Fähigkeit zu Teamarbeit
  • Selbstbewusstsein, Entscheidungsstärke, Belastbarkeit, Lernbereitschaft
  • Souveränität bei der Außenvertretung des Stabsreferats und der Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
  • eloquentes und sicheres Auftreten, hohe Kommunikationskompetenz
  • sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch und mindestens einer zweiten relevanten Fremdsprache
  • gute Kenntnisse der gängigen MS-Office Programmen
  • Tropentauglichkeit und Bereitschaft zu Dienstreisen

Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen der Stabsreferatsleiter Herr Dr. Thorsten Göbel (Tel.: 030 / 65211-1839) gerne zur Verfügung.

Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Behinderung stehen wir aufgeschlossen gegenüber.
Die Mitgliedschaft in einer evangelischen oder der ACK angehörenden Kirche und die Identifikation mit dem diakonischen Auftrag setzen wir voraus. Bitte geben Sie Ihre Konfession im Lebenslauf an.

Die Vergütung erfolgt in Anlehnung an den TVöD, Entgeltgruppe 13, nach der Dienstvertragsordnung der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (DVO.EKD).
Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung richten Sie bitte bis zum 30. November 2015 an:
Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V. – Personalabteilung, Frau Schlagloth
Caroline-Michaelis-Straße 1, 10115 Berlin

Provide overall leadership, representation and effective management of the Lutheran World Federation, Department for World Service (LWF/DWS) Country Program in South Sudan so as to achieve the intended results, outcomes and impacts for the focus groups and program participants of concern to LWF/DWS. This will include the formulation or adjustment of the Country Strategy and implementing it in an accountable and participatory manner in accordance with approved LWF/DWS policies, manuals and guidelines, the Global LWF/DWS Strategy, the Representative’s Work Plan and any other work plan or Terms of Reference (TOR) of the department.



Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) works to save and change lives and to fight injustice in over 32 countries, making us one of the largest aid organizations in the Nordic region. Last year we were able to reach over three million people impacted by disaster situations, refugee camps and struggling communities. In addition we were able to help victims of war and disaster in 130 countries through the ACT Alliance. We are now seeking a new colleague who will work with us "Together for a just world".

NCA is seeking an experienced and motivating leader to be based in our office in Islamabad, Pakistan. The Country Representative is the senior management position and has responsibility for the strategic leadership of NCA's office and Country Program in the region, which includes the further development and strengthening of the funding base. They will be responsible for representing NCA in relevant forums with national authorities, international and national organizations, donors, other faith-based alliances and partners as well as the media. Our Pakistan programmes focus on emergency response, disaster risk reduction, gender justice and peace building.


The Department for Mission and Development in LWF has the mandate to support member
churches in their mission to proclaim the gospel, advocate for justice and peace and work for
people and with people in need. To achieve this goal, DMD supports churches in the global LWF communion mainly though network and relationship building, sharing resources and knowledge, training and capacity development and financial assistance.

The main thrust of the Area Secretaries is to accompany churches to nurture and further their Lutheran contextual identities, mutually learning from each other and building relationships among members.

Required qualifications:

Degree in Theology

Proven experience in a position involving mission, theological reflection, as well as planning,
administration and/or management of mission or church-related development
projects/programs with LWF member church, mission society, related agency or ecumenical
organization in an international environment

Able to establish excellent working relationships with a variety of people and culturally
sensitive. Ability to set new priorities regularly, to be flexible, committed and dedicated

Excellent communication, collaboration and presentation skills and a good facilitator in
workshop/meeting settings. Skills in conflict mediation. Problem-solving, empathy and
persuasive skills

Excellent written and spoken English, working knowledge of one language of the Asia region
is required

Candidates for this position require a church endorsement by an LWF member church.
Applications (including motivation letter, detailed curriculum vitae in English, church endorsement and copies of diplomas and work certificates) with the names and e-mail addresses of three references (two professional from present and/or previous employers/supervisors and one character reference) should be sent by 25 October 2015 to:

Ms Aline Ritchie, Head of Human Resources
The Lutheran World Federation
P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

LWF-DWS has established its operations in the Central African Republic (CAR) in early 2013. The CAR Operations has opened to a regional emergency response to the displacement of CAR populations in both CAR and Cameroun since October 2014. LWF in CAR and Cameroon is implementing multisectoral projects focusing on communities in the following sectors: WASH, Livelihoods, Shelter & NFI, Food Security and Protection (principally social cohesion). These projects are funded by a wide variety of donors, including the BMZ, UNHCR, CHF and ACT Alliance.

More information here

The Head of Communication implements the LWF communication strategy, leads the communications office and communication projects in the LWF.

He/she is an advisor on all aspects of communication to the LWF Leadership Team and ensures that LWF’s communication is making visible the work of the LWF as a global communion of churches. This is essential in order for the LWF to carry out its mission as a faith-based organization working with its member churches, ecumenical partners, related organizations and the public.

See the vacancy here

Within the context of the Diakonia Team, and the Global Mission Unit as a whole, this position:

(1) directs and provides strategic leadership to the ELCA’s engagement with global companions and other Lutheran and ecumenical partners for Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Learning (PMERL) on international development projects and programs;
(2) provides technical advice and support to GM to ensure integration of GM’s PME processes into GM-supported projects and programs;
(3) provides leadership and technical assistance towards the development of strategies for engagement with global companions and ELCA synods and congregations involved in international development projects and programs from the perspective of better PMERL;
(4) expands cooperation between independent Lutheran organizations, Lutheran World Federation, Lutheran World Relief and other governmental and NGO partners engaged in international development projects and programs; and
(5) increases the availability of resources for PMERL for the continued improvement of GM-supported international development projects and programs (e.g. from foundations and other grantors).

More information click here

Application on-line click here

Position Advertised by ACT member Norwegian Church Aid. For more information and to apply click here

Position Advertised by ACT member Norwegian Church Aid. For more information and to apply click here