Interview with Andrij Waskowycz: Being the Convener of the ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum in Turbulent Times

At the beginning of July, Andrij Waskowycz assumed the role of convener of the ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum, which unites 13 member organizations providing humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Andrij, who has been in Ukraine since 1991, brings a wealth of experience to his new role. This interview delves into his perspectives on recent events, the Forum’s priorities, and his outlook on humanitarian aid and the recovery process in Ukraine.

Q: Andrij, you’ve recently taken on the role of convener of the ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum. Can you tell us about your background and what led you to this function?
Andrij Waskowycz: Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, I have made the country my home, residing in Kyiv for the past 33 years. Born in Munich to Ukrainian parents, my roots naturally drew me to Ukraine. I have been involved with humanitarian organizations since 2001, and in June 2023, I assumed the role of Head of Mission for Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe in Ukraine. Mark Mullan, the previous convener of the ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum, invited me to take on this role. I accepted because I believe the Forum is a vital platform for member organizations to exchange ideas and collaborate.

Q: Just days after you took over as convener, Kyiv experienced a devastating missile attack. Can you describe that day and its impact on the city?
Andrij Waskowycz: On July 8th, Kyiv endured one of the most tragic days since the full-scale invasion, as a missile attack struck the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital, another hospital, and several apartment buildings. Thirty-three people, including many children, lost their lives, and over 100 were injured that day. The Okhmatdyt Hospital, known for treating children with cardiac diseases and cancer, was severely damaged. The shock and devastation were immense, with people rushing to offer assistance. Even our office felt the tension; we heard the air sirens and explosions, knowing this attack was different and more destructive.

Q: How do such events affect the daily lives of people in Kyiv and the humanitarian efforts of your organization?
Andrij Waskowycz: The constant threat of missile attacks creates a pervasive sense of tension. People try to lead normal lives, but war is always present in their subconscious. For humanitarian organizations, these attacks also pose significant challenges, putting sometimes the lives of aid workers at risk. They underscore the urgency of our work and the need for coordination and preparedness.¨

Q: What do you consider to be the main priorities for the ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum?
Andrij Waskowycz: Our primary focus is enhancing cooperation, coordination, and exchange among member organizations. We’re working on joint advocacy efforts, such as ensuring humanitarian workers can be exempted from military enlistment to prevent the loss of qualified personnel. Additionally, we’re exploring ways to foster closer collaboration through the establishment of different Working Groups, for example in the field of HSS (Health Security and Safety), which are of common interest to all our member organizations. We are also considering establishing a Working Group on Mental Health and Psycho-Social Assistance. Many Forum members are active in this field, and a broader exchange of ideas regarding support for people with mental health issues could benefit various projects. Mental health is a significant issue in Ukrainian society, with estimates indicating that over ten million people in Ukraine need psycho-social assistance due to trauma from shelling, violence, and loss.

Q: You recently attended the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin. What were the key takeaways from this event?
Andrij Waskowycz: The conference was highly significant, bringing together over 3,500 participants, including many from civil society for the first time. It served as a crucial platform for networking, discussing Ukraine’s recovery, and forming new partnerships. The presence of high-ranking politicians and the discussions on funding and rebuilding efforts underscored the international community’s commitment. The conference emphasized the need for immediate recovery actions to restore hope and normalcy for those living in devastated areas.
However, I believe that civil society representatives should have been more involved in the official program of the Conference. Civil society plays a crucial role in Ukraine’s reconstruction, especially given the declared focus on the „human dimension“. Reconstruction must extend beyond restoring material infrastructure to include renewing the social fabric, with appropriate social protection systems and effective social services. Much advocacy is still needed to ensure that the “human dimension” and the role of civil society in Ukraine’s reconstruction process receive the attention they deserve, particularly concerning the follow-up Ukraine Recovery Conference to be held in Italy next year.

Q: How important is the role of local organizations in your work, and what lessons can other countries learn from Ukraine’s experience?
Andrij Waskowycz: Local organizations are crucial because they understand the needs of their communities intimately. Ukraine has a very vibrant civil society and therefore very strong local organizations in the humanitarian sphere. Other countries can learn the value of empowering local organizations. These organizations often start from volunteer initiatives, responding quickly to crises, and as they grow, they must balance maintaining their agility with meeting donor requirements. “Localization” is a very important topic in the context of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum could be a good platform to advance the debate around “Localization” within the civil society and the international humanitarian community in Ukraine.

Q: What are the main challenges faced by humanitarian organizations in Ukraine, and how should they address these challenges to improve their effectiveness?
Andrij Waskowycz: The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has seen a troubling trend where the funding for aid is decreasing even as the demand for assistance continues to rise. The decrease in funding can be attributed to donor fatigue, economic pressures on donor countries, and shifting global priorities. Simultaneously, the demand for aid is rising due to the ongoing war, displacement, and deteriorating living conditions. To address this situation, humanitarian organizations need to diversify their funding sources, increase advocacy efforts to highlight the urgency of the humanitarian crisis, and collaborate more closely with local partners to maximize the efficiency and impact of available resources. These challenges and topics concern all members of the ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum, and it is therefore their joint responsibility to discuss these topics and find proper solutions to these difficult questions. To initiate and facilitate such a discussion among the members is also a task for the convener of the ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum.

Bracing for an Intense Hurricane Season in Haiti

This blog was written by Prospery Raymond, the ACT Haiti Forum Convenor, and originally published in Spanish here.  It was written before Hurricane Beryl (the second named storm of the year) reached category 4 and battered a number of Caribbean islands before turning towards Mexico this week.  He highlights the complexity of vulnerabilities for populations in Haiti who already experience so many challenges, should a storm like Beryl strike the island.

As the 2024 hurricane season started on June 1st in the Atlantic, forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) paint a concerning picture for the region. According to NOAA, this year the hurricane season is hyperactive, and forecasts show an 85% chance of an above-normal season, and only a 10% chance of a near-normal season and a 5% chance of a below-normal season. These intense storms are expected to be fueled by the effects of climate change and the ongoing La Niña phenomenon. As the hurricane season officially began on June 1 and runs until November 30, various actors are preparing to address the situation.

The agency predicts between 17 and 25 named storms, with 8 to 13 potentially becoming hurricanes (winds exceeding 119 km/h), and 4 to 7 reaching Category 3 or higher (winds over 178 km/h). If Haiti is struck by a Category 3 or stronger hurricane this year, the consequences could be catastrophic, particularly in a context in which more than 50% of the population are in acute food insecurity, 580,000 displaced people have fled gang violence and the spread of cholera has already killed 1278 people since its reappearance in 2022.

Given this multidimensional, complex, and complicated crisis, the question arises: How can we better approach this hurricane season, given the intensifying needs for planning, prevention, and response? Significant efforts have been made, such as identifying over 1,400 shelters across the country using geospatial information. However, these shelters do not all meet the required criteria for adequately housing displaced individuals, lacking proper sanitation facilities, potable water, and food storage capabilities. Moreover, with access to many routes already blocked, delivering aid could be challenging if the country experiences a Category 3 hurricane or higher. Even tropical storms may cause important flooding.

In a conversation with Aldrin Calixte, the Director of the local NGO Haiti Survie, who specializes in natural resources and sustainable development, he shared that his organization has already developed a contingency plan to better participate in the response to storm or hurricane crises that could affect the communities in the South and Northeast departments where they operate. Calixte’s plan takes into account the significant challenges of the moment, such as difficult access, rising prices of basic goods, and their availability in the Haitian market and intervention areas.

 I also discussed the matter with Salomon Brutus, an Agronomist and the Humanitarian Coordinator for the joint office of DKH, LWF, and NCA in Haiti. He believes it is crucial for civil society organizations, the structures of civil protection and local authorities to work togetherto foster better coordination and support to communities in the process of reducing risks, in conducting anticipatory actions before crises to reduce the impacts of the disasters, as well to work in synergy during the response phase by assisting affected people efficiently and on time. For this season, he is collaborating with a network of nine ACT Alliance member organizations in Haiti, aiming to cover at least five departments with a plan to help vulnerable communities to be better prepared. While creating the plan is one thing, implementing it is another challenge, but significant efforts are being made in both preparation and execution.

An interesting approach utilized by several organizations and communities in Haiti is the SCLR (Survival Community Lead Response) in which support is provided to initiatives and actions led by the communities themselves and a hand is given to amplify the impacts. This approach, employed by DKH, LWF and NCA with their partners in Haiti, is a crucial aspect of helping communities, especially leaders, guide anticipation efforts, plan with local authorities, prepare, and intervene in within 24h to 72h after a disaster response without external intervention. Some communities are better prepared to take charge before, during, and after crises, thanks to valuable experiences gained from various challenges the country has faced over the past five years. For me, SCLR is the way forward to help have more resilient communities in Haiti.

OCHA and the DGPC (Directorate of Civil Protection) are already working to facilitate better planning for this year’s hurricanesThe 1,400 temporary shelters identified and set up across the country are importantHowever, the question remains: How will they implement this plan given the challenges we already face? Communication about the severity of the situation is lacking, and the population should be on alert regarding potential disasters. The rainy season of May 2024 already highlights the shortcomings and challenges the country could face if communities see more torrential rain and severe wind.

Resources are lacking, but communication about potential dangers is not up to par. Some communities receiving support from local authorities and external aid may be able to cope, but not all communes are in the same situation. Insecurity and population displacement remain challenges that are difficult to predict but easy to address if the Haitian state prioritizes preparedness and prevention. With more prevention efforts, we can reduce the need for response in the event of a hurricane, for example.

Angeline Anesteus, Action Aid director and CLIO President mentioned how they are very focused on anticipatory actions with multiyear projects to carry out activities in the field, particularly in the Grand Anse area. They have emergency funds to implement rapid actions if a hurricane should hit Haiti. CLIO members are encouraged to work together to avoid duplication and have more effective interventions in many communities. 

For several years, one of the manifestations of climate change in Haiti has been prolonged periods of drought in various regions. Some communities in the south and Grand Anse departments did not receive a drop of rain from November 2022 to July 2023, making it extremely difficult for thousands of farmers to find drinking water and sustain their crops and livestock, as water sources were on the verge of drying up. However, 2024 has brought a different scenario, with significant rainfall starting in February and increasing in May, leading to minor flooding and even tornadoes in some areas, including the Bassin Bleu region in northwestern Haiti.

During my visits with farmers in the in the South-West region in August and November 2023, they complained about the drought affecting their work areas in the year before. They told me they continued to pray for rain in the coming months, but hoping not to experience excessive rainfall or storms. For now, they have received enough rain in early 2024 to aid their planting efforts and hope for a good harvest during Haiti’s spring season from April to July 2024. I hope their prayers will continue to be answered, and Haiti will not be affected by serious storms this year. Even with good prayers, effective preparation and prevention remain crucial. We must continue to inform populations and communities on how to behave before, during and after meteorological events like storms, hurricanes, tornadoes. Haiti cannot withstand another disaster. Many decision-makers know what to do, but will we unite with a strong will to protect the population this year, setting aside political considerations and instead focusing on saving the already drifting economy and – most importantly – innocent lives, with the potential to grow and better serve the country in the future?


Together, we can make a difference!!!

ACT Alliance joins religious leaders in call for global health equity as nations gather to finalize Pandemic Agreement


ACT Alliance is one of over 100 religious leaders and faith-based organizations globally calling on leaders of the World Health Organization to secure equity commitments to protect all populations everywhere from future pandemics. The letter was delivered on the opening day of the intended final nine-day negotiating session in Geneva for the Pandemic Accord, a new international agreement of UN member states to bolster pandemic prevention, preparedness and response efforts.

“The sanctity of human life often seemed forgotten in the pandemic, with the lives of people in wealthy nations appearing to be valued over those in low- or middle-income countries,” states the letter. “As you enter the final stage of negotiations, we implore you to deliver an agreement that ensures every life is valued equally.”

Millions of people lost their lives during the COVID-19 emergency due to late and inequitable access to tests, treatments and vaccines. The letter urges negotiators to reach an agreement that ensures that everyone, everywhere can benefit from scientific advancement and that the tools needed to fight the next pandemic are shared equally, including necessary knowledge and technology.

It also urges negotiators to ensure that intellectual property barriers are removed when necessary, and that people in the Global South are “treated not as mere samples for pandemic monitoring, but as equal partners in a collective endeavour towards a healthier world.” Over the course of the pandemic, despite the sharing of genetic information that enabled production of effective vaccines, these products were not accessible to many. The proposed pathogen access and benefit sharing (PABS) mechanism in the agreement aims to remedy this by ensuring that sharing of pathogen data also enables equitable access to resulting medical tools.

Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, general secretary of ACT Alliance said, “We stand at a critical moment where the conscience of humanity must guide our actions. The inequities uncovered by the pandemic demand a response rooted in compassion and justice. As nations convene to shape the future of global health, let us not forget that every life is precious and deserving of equal protection. The Pandemic Accord must be a testament to our commitment to valuing every individual, regardless of their geography or socioeconomic status. We urge negotiators to seize this opportunity to ensure that the lessons learned from COVID-19 pave the way for a world where health equity is not just an aspiration, but a reality for all.”

Letter signatory Archbishop Thabo Makgoba of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa said, “As the world prepares for future pandemics, it is essential that it plans to give equal protection to all people, everywhere, not only for moral reasons but to protect one another. COVID-19 showed us that none of us are safe until all of us are safe, and that only a comprehensive response that covers the world can bring pandemics under control.”

The letter was organized by Public Citizen, in collaboration with the ACT Alliance, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice and the People’s Vaccine Alliance.

The final text of the Accord is slated for presentation to the World Health Assembly in May.


Reflecting on Guatemala 2019 and Looking Forward to Guatemala +5

Written by Luis Berneth Peña, consultant facilitating this regional process.

In March 2019, the ACT Alliance community gathered in Guatemala, marking a significant milestone in the collective journey towards advocating for Humanitarian Response, Climate Justice, Gender Justice, Migration and Displacement, Peace, and Human Security. This gathering was more than a meeting; it was a collective call to address the pressing challenges that threaten the fabric of societies in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), as well as the mission of the ACT Alliance.

This year marks 5 years since that key event, and ACT is now working with members in LAC and other regions in preparation for Guatemala +5, which will take place in Bogotá, Colombia, from May 19-23, 2024.

The Guatemala 2019 event underscored the strength found in unity and collaboration. Representatives from various countries and organizations within the ACT Alliance united to analyze trends that undermine human rights and promote conservatism. This dialogue acknowledged the challenges posed by certain ideologies and practices, referred to as “fundamentalisms,” recognizing them as potential threats to democracy and human rights, with particular impacts on the feminist movement and sexual and reproductive rights.

Goals Achieved and Lessons Learned

A significant achievement of the Guatemala 2019 event was the formulation of a unified stance in defense of the ACT Alliance’s protocols and Diaconal work. Participants concurred on the importance of continually updating their analysis to understand the dynamics that undermine human rights and foster exclusion, hate, and socio-economic inequalities. This consensus led to the development of strategies that champion inclusive and cooperative agendas, aiming to promote justice, inclusion, and democracy.

Guatemala +5: Building on the Foundations

As the Alliance looks forward to Guatemala +5, the commitment deepens, and the goals grow even more ambitious. This forthcoming event will build on the solid groundwork established in 2019, advancing collective efforts to positively influence global change. Guatemala +5 extends an invitation not only to those in the target regions but also to anyone worldwide who shares the vision of a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future. Please click here for more information on Guatemala +5, and here for the concept note.

Participants can anticipate engaging in a series of dialogues both National and Regional to co-create solutions and strategies to address the challenges identified during the consultation. The activities before Guatemala +5 will provide a platform for sharing successes, learning from one another, and reinforcing the determination to continue advocating for human rights.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

The ACT Alliance warmly invites participation in this vital dialogue. Whether as a member of the ACT Alliance, a partner organization, or an individual committed to human rights, every voice is crucial. Together, a future where justice and human rights triumph can be co-created.

For more detailed information about the national processes and the event in Bogotá, please contact us by email.


ACT statement on the attack on HEKS colleagues in Ukraine

ACT Alliance and the ACT Ukraine Forum were shocked and saddened to learn today of the deaths of two aid workers from our member HEKS/EPER, and the injury of four other HEKS/EPER employees yesterday in the southeast of Ukraine.

The aid workers were conducting a field assessment when they were attacked at about 2:30pm.

ACT Alliance offers its condolences and prayers to the friends and families of the colleagues killed, and to all the staff of HEKS, as well as all ACT members working in Ukraine in light of this devastating news.

HEKS is working to ensure the safe evacuation of the affected staff, and are providing support to all the staff involved, and their families.

ACT Alliance joins with HEKS in strongly condemning this unjustifiable attack, which is a serious violation of international humanitarian law.  Humanitarian workers and civilian populations must never be targets in conflict.

Read more on the HEKS website.

ACT joins Interfaith Liaison Committee call to COP28

30 November 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Carine Josiéle Wendland, a Lutheran World Federation delegate from the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil speaks as people gather for a so-called Talanoa dialogue at the (Anglican) Christ Church Jebel Ali in Dubai, in connection with the United Nations climate summit COP28. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert
30 November 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Carine Josiéle Wendland, a Lutheran World Federation delegate from the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil speaks as people gather for a Talanoa dialogue at the (Anglican) Christ Church Jebel Ali in Dubai, in connection with the United Nations climate summit COP28. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

On November 30, 2023, the first day of COP28- the UN climate conference- in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, people of faith gathered at Christ Church, Jebal Ali, to hold a Talanoa dialogue, helping to define the call from people of faith to this COP.

A Talanoa dialogue is a way that people in the Pacific come together to discuss and decide on difficult issues facing their communities.  A Talanoa asks, and the people who are present answer, three questions:

  1. Where are we at?
  2. Where do we want to go?
  3. How do we get there?

This Talanoa was hosted by the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC.  ILC’s purpose is to bring together people of faith who participate in climate justice work, particularly in UNFCCC spaces, to coordinate and act together, and the Talanoa is a key part of ILC’s work each year. ACT Alliance is part of the ILC, along with the WCC, LWF, and a wide range of other organisations.

On December 8, the ILC shared their Call to COP28 with the UNFCCC Secretariat.  The call addresses a range of justice topics within the climate negotiations including intergenerational justice, Indigenous people, gender, climate finance, mitigation and just transition, the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), loss & damage, the Global Stocktake (GST), human rights, and international food systems & agriculture.

The full call can be found here.

ACT members responding to deadly earthquake in western Afghanistan

A devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake flattened homes and infrastructure in western Afghanistan on October 7, 2023. Photo: ACT member
A devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake flattened homes and infrastructure in western Afghanistan on October 7, 2023. Photo: ACT member

Just before lunchtime on October 7, 2023, a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake with continuous aftershocks struck Herat province in western Afghanistan, flattening thousands of homes as well as schools and other infrastructure, with over 2000 reported killed and over 12,000 people impacted.  These numbers are expected to rise as some remote areas have not yet been reached by first responders.

Because of the timing of the earthquake, many women and children were in their homes preparing lunch for the families, which led to 2/3 of the affected people being women and children.

ACT members immediately began to respond to the needs in the communities affected, contacting local partners, beginning to do needs assessment and to move relief supplies into the area, including winterized tents, hygiene kits, and other needed items.

Winterized tents like this are being provided by ACT members to affected families after the October 7 earthquake. Photo: ACT member

ACT members also immediately engaged in the complicated coordination with local and national authorities, the UN and other NGOs needed to ensure that aid reaches the communities and families where it is most needed as quickly and effectively as possible. ACT members are planning to provide emergency assistance as soon as possible before the harsh winter hits western Afghanistan.  

ACT members are planning response over the coming year and a half, including the provision of emergency shelter like the winterized tents, blankets, clothes and kitchen supplies, WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), providing hygiene and dignity kits, building latrines and bathing places, providing water purification systems, multi-purpose cash assistance, and protection for people who are more vulnerable now that they have lost their homes. 

In the longer term, ACT members plan to rebuild homes, to provide solar systems to health centres, build community kitchens, and provide lanterns to households impacted by the earthquake and its aftershocks.

For more information about ACT’s response, or to contribute, please contact Waqas Muhammad, Humanitarian Program Officer Asia-Pacific at

ACT Honduras Forum condemns attack on environmental and human rights defender

The ACT Honduras Forum issued a statement condemning the attack on José Ramiro Lara from ASONOG, the Forum Coordinator, on September 15.  Ramiro Lara had been working with a community in the “La Hondura” micro-watershed, denouncing the degradation of the forest which has in turn contributed to a water crisis in the region.  He and his family were targeted and attacked.  Fortunately, they survived the attack.

The Forum is calling on the Honduran government to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators. “We urge the government of Honduras to conduct a thorough investigation into the attack against José Ramiro Lara and to ensure that both the material and intellectual perpetrators are held accountable,” the statement reads.

The full statement in Spanish and English can be found here.

ACT General Secretary brings greetings to the LWF Assembly in Kraków, Poland

ACT General Secretary speaking at the LWF Assembly in Poland. Photo: LWF/Albin Hilert
15 September 2023, Krakow, Poland: ACT Alliance general secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria shares greetings as Lutherans from around the globe gather for the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Thirteenth Assembly, held in Krakow, Poland on 13-19 September 2023 under the theme of ’One Body, One Spirit, One Hope’. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance’s General Secretary, is in Kraków, Poland attending the Lutheran World Federation’s  Thirteenth Assembly, which is bringing together 355 official delegates as well as associate members, ecumenical guests, presenters, ex officio members, volunteers and staff under the theme One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.

De Faria addressed the Assembly on September 15, bringing greetings from the ACT Alliance:

I extend my warmest greetings to the esteemed members of the Lutheran World Federation Assembly 2023. As the General Secretary of the ACT Alliance, Action by Churches Together, I convey my heartfelt regards on behalf of our alliance’s entire membership. I wish you wisdom and courage as you engage in these important deliberations. 
It is both a pleasure and an honor for me to participate in the 13th General Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), convened here in the historic city of Kraków, Poland, under the theme “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.” 
The theme of this Assembly carries profound significance in today’s world. It underscores the imperative of unity and collaboration among diverse churches, individuals, and communities. It also underscores the pressing need to work collectively in addressing global challenges such as social injustice, climate change, and conflict. This theme emphasizes the interconnectedness of humanity, highlighting that a shared sense of purpose and hope can serve as a catalyst for positive change. Ultimately, it encourages us to recognize our common humanity and unite in our efforts to create a more inclusive, just, and sustainable world. 
My connection with the LWF dates back to 1992, during my time in Brazil. In total, I have been engaged with this organization for 31 years, with 18 of those years spent as a dedicated staff member in the Department for World Service. I vividly remember my first attendance at a General Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation in 1997, held in Hong Kong. The issues we contemplate today are markedly different from those of 1997. 
Presently, the world faces escalating polarization in our societies, coupled with the emergence of new anti-rights narratives that challenge the principles underpinning human rights, inclusion, democracy, solidarity, and justice. Ethical and social norms are being reshaped to accommodate ideologies that perpetuate exclusion, prioritize economic systems, and normalize violence as a determinant of societal behavior. Democracy is under threat in many regions, and the convergence of religious, economic, and political fundamentalisms fuels polarization, discrimination, and exclusion in our societies. 
The world grapples with a profound moral and ethical crisis, underscoring the crucial role that churches and faith-based organizations play in addressing its root causes. The Lutheran World Federation, a founding member of the ACT Alliance, has evolved significantly since its inception, firmly establishing its presence in multilateral political arenas by championing human dignity and justice, while recognizing the pivotal role of faith communities and local actors. 
As ACT Alliance, we recognize the urgency of intensifying our efforts in areas such as climate justice, linking it to the importance of humanitarian preparedness, as well as advancing gender justice and tax justice. As champions of justice, unity, and humanitarian endeavors, we celebrate this opportunity to collaborate in our shared commitment to effecting positive change in the world. 
Your integral role within the ACT Alliance amplifies our collective voice for justice, compassion, and transformative action. Together, we can shape a world that truly reflects our shared values. 
May our joint endeavors inspire meaningful change and pave the way for a brighter future for all. I extend my best wishes for a successful and productive Assembly. 

ACT Palestine Forum statement: APF Condemnation of the escalation of violence at Jenin Refugee Camp

The ACT Palestine Forum issued a statement on July 4, 2023, condemning the escalation of violence at the Jenin Refugee Camp which has left at least 8 people dead and 50 injured.  

“We emphasize that the protection of civilians and respect for international humanitarian law should be paramount in any conflict,” the statement reads.  “The excessive use of force against civilians, including children and the elderly is deeply concerning and unacceptable.”

The ACT Palestine forum “call[s] the international community and related parties, including the United Nations, regional and international organizations to react immediately without delay to address the situation and for immediate cessation of hostilities that ensure the safety of all civilians including those living in refugee camps and its surrounding.”

Read the full statement here.