Humanitarian advocacy

ACT Alliance views advocacy as a critical and complementary means of ensuring effective protection for communities in emergency contexts. Advocacy in emergency is a means to implement the humanitarian imperative and ACT’s mandate as found in its founding document.

ACT’s humanitarian action is guided by the fundamental humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, and grounded in the desire for the legitimate and effective implementation of international humanitarian, refugee and human rights law.

The ACT Alliance and ACT members have endorsed the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response and adhere to the principles of the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief which are the fundamental standards for all ACT humanitarian programs. Therefore, ACT does not tie the promise, delivery or distribution of assistance to the embracing or acceptance of a particular political or religious creed.

ACT Alliance believes that advocacy is crucial to any emergency response in order to amplify people’s voices, to ensure that responses are appropriate to people’s needs and rights and to ensure that they respect humanitarian principles.

It may relate to, for instance, protection, access, promoting good practice of humanitarian and development work, prevention of escalation of violence, conflict transformation and promoting nation/society-building as part of reconstruction and rehabilitation.

There are two elements to ACT Alliance’s vision of humanitarian advocacy:

  • Humanitarian People-centred Advocacy
  • Humanitarian System-centred Advocacy

For the first, ACT humanitarian advocacy should focus on people – highlighting unacceptable humanitarian situations causing adverse impacts on populations, and ensuring voices of the communities and affected populations are brought to the forefront. It is the imperative of ACT Alliance in our entire humanitarian advocacy messaging to ensure that affected populations are at the centre of what we do.

ACT uses different methods and approaches to advocacy and with a variety of publicity, choosing different methods when defining its strategy to advocate. ACT may also take various roles in advocacy, including facilitating advocacy done by others rather than being the main public advocacy actor.

Humanitarian advocacy

ACT Alliance views advocacy as a critical and complementary means of ensuring effective protection for communities in emergency contexts. Advocacy in emergency is a means to implement the humanitarian imperative and ACT’s mandate as found in its founding document.

ACT’s humanitarian action is guided by the fundamental humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, and grounded in the desire for the legitimate and effective implementation of international humanitarian, refugee and human rights law.

The ACT Alliance and ACT members have endorsed the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response and adhere to the principles of the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief which are the fundamental standards for all ACT humanitarian programs. Therefore, ACT does not tie the promise, delivery or distribution of assistance to the embracing or acceptance of a particular political or religious creed.

ACT Alliance believes that advocacy is crucial to any emergency response in order to amplify people’s voices, to ensure that responses are appropriate to people’s needs and rights and to ensure that they respect humanitarian principles.

It may relate to, for instance, protection, access, promoting good practice of humanitarian and development work, prevention of escalation of violence, conflict transformation and promoting nation/society-building as part of reconstruction and rehabilitation.

There are two elements to ACT Alliance’s vision of humanitarian advocacy:

  • Humanitarian People-centred Advocacy
  • Humanitarian System-centred Advocacy

For the first, ACT humanitarian advocacy should focus on people – highlighting unacceptable humanitarian situations causing adverse impacts on populations, and ensuring voices of the communities and affected populations are brought to the forefront. It is the imperative of ACT Alliance in our entire humanitarian advocacy messaging to ensure that affected populations are at the centre of what we do.

ACT uses different methods and approaches to advocacy and with a variety of publicity, choosing different methods when defining its strategy to advocate. ACT may also take various roles in advocacy, including facilitating advocacy done by others rather than being the main public advocacy actor.

Qualité et responsabilité

L’intervention humanitaire de l’Alliance ACT  s’appuie sur le cadre de la Norme Humanitaire Fondamental afin d’assurer qualité et redevabilité. La Norme Humanitaire Fondamental  établit Neuf Engagements que les organisations et personnes engagées dans l’intervention humanitaire peuvent utiliser afin d’améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité de l’aide qu’elles apportent. Elle facilite aussi une meilleure redevabilité envers les communautés et les personnes affectées par cette crise, sachant que ce envers quoi les organisations humanitaires se sont engagées leur permettra de les rendre redevables.

Calidad y rendición de cuentas

La respuesta humanitaria de ACT Alianza usa el marco de la Norma Humanitaria Esencial como punto de referencia para garantizar la calidad y la rendición de cuentas. La Norma Humanitaria Esencial establece Nueve Compromisos que las organizaciones y las personas implicadas en la respuesta humanitaria pueden utilizar con el fin de mejorar la calidad y la eficacia de la asistencia que proporcionan. Asimismo, facilita una mayor rendición de cuentas a las comunidades y las personas afectadas por crisis, ya que éstas, al saber a qué se han comprometido las organizaciones humanitarias, podrán exigirles que rindan cuentas al respecto.

Quality and accountability

ACT Alliance’s humanitarian response uses the framework of the Core Humanitarian Standard as the benchmark by which to ensure quality and accountability.  The Core Humanitarian Standard sets out Nine Commitments that organisations and individuals involved in humanitarian response can use to improve the quality and effectiveness of the assistance they provide. It also facilitates greater accountability to communities and people affected by crisis: knowing what humanitarian organisations have committed to will enable them to hold those organisations to account.

Intervention humanitaire d’ACT

Les membres d’ACT répondent à diverses situations d’urgence.

  • Des cas d’urgences soudains, tels que des catastrophes naturelles
  • Cas d’ugences à grande échelle ou globaux
  • Des cas d’urgences complexes ayant des besoins multisectoriels
  • Des crises prolongées, telles que la guerre et l’instabilité à long terme qui ‘normalise’ un cas d’urgence

L’Alliance ACT par son système d’appel lève des fonds pour répondre aux besoins des communautés en situation d’urgence.

Respuesta humanitaria de ACT

Los miembros de ACT responden a varios tipos de situaciones de emergencia:

1. Emergencias repentinas como los desastres naturales.

2. Emergencias mundiales/a gran escala.

3. Emergencias complejas, donde hay necesidades multisectoriales.

4. Crisis prolongadas, como una guerra larga o inestabilidad a largo plazo, que ‘normalizan’ la situación de emergencia.

Por medio de sus solicitudes de ayuda, ACT Alianza recauda fondos entre sus miembros para satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades en situaciones de emergencia.

ACT humanitarian response

ACT members respond to a variety of types of emergency situations.

1.       Sudden-onset emergencies such as natural disasters

2.       Large-scale/global emergencies

3.       Complex emergencies, where there are multi-sectoral needs

4.       Protracted crises, such as long term war and instability that ‘normalises’ an emergency

Through its Appeal function ACT Alliance raises funds within its membership to meet the needs of communities in emergencies.

Planification de la préparation et réponse aux urgences

La planification de la préparation et réponse aux urgences fait partie intégrale du renforcement de la capacité de l’Alliance ACT de répondre plus efficacement aux urgences en améliorant la coordination et la rapidité d’intervention. A travers les forums nationaux et internationaux d’ACT, les membres d’ACT développent ensemble des plans de préparation et réponse aux urgences  (EPRPs), développant ainsi une compréhension commune des désastres potentiels dans la région et comment le forum ACT pourra y répondre.

Lorsqu’une catastrophe a lieu, le premier impératif d’ACT est de sauver des vies et d’apporter son soutien à ceux qui sont affectés. L’expérience démontre que plus les membres d’ACT et les forums sont préparés à un éventuel bouleversement de la vie quotidienne, plus rapide et efficace sera la réponse.

Les forums d’ACT utilisent des lignes directives et outils spécifiques à ACT afin d’appuyer le processus de développement d’un EPRP ainsi que de le réviser et mettre à jour annuellement.

Planificación de la preparación y la respuesta frente a emergencias

La planificación de la preparación y la respuesta frente a situaciones de emergencia es un elemento integral del fortalecimiento de la capacidad de ACT Alianza para responder de manera más eficaz a distintos tipos de emergencias con una mejor coordinación y puntualidad. A través de los foros nacionales y regionales de ACT, los miembros elaboran juntos planes de preparación y respuesta frente a emergencias (PPRE), llegando a un entendimiento común sobre los desastres potenciales en la zona y cómo responderá a ellos el foro de ACT.

Cuando ocurre una catástrofe, el imperativo inmediato de ACT es salvar vidas y apoyar a los afectados. La experiencia muestra que cuanto mejor preparados estén los miembros y los foros de ACT para una posible alteración de la vida cotidiana, más rápida y eficaz será la respuesta que proporcionen.

Los foros de ACT usan directrices y herramientas específicas de ACT para apoyar el proceso de desarrollo de los planes de preparación y respuesta frente a emergencias, y revisan y actualizan sus planes cada año.