Area Secretary for Asia Department for Mission and Development

The Department for Mission and Development in LWF has the mandate to support member
churches in their mission to proclaim the gospel, advocate for justice and peace and work for
people and with people in need. To achieve this goal, DMD supports churches in the global LWF communion mainly though network and relationship building, sharing resources and knowledge, training and capacity development and financial assistance.

The main thrust of the Area Secretaries is to accompany churches to nurture and further their Lutheran contextual identities, mutually learning from each other and building relationships among members.

Required qualifications:

Degree in Theology

Proven experience in a position involving mission, theological reflection, as well as planning,
administration and/or management of mission or church-related development
projects/programs with LWF member church, mission society, related agency or ecumenical
organization in an international environment

Able to establish excellent working relationships with a variety of people and culturally
sensitive. Ability to set new priorities regularly, to be flexible, committed and dedicated

Excellent communication, collaboration and presentation skills and a good facilitator in
workshop/meeting settings. Skills in conflict mediation. Problem-solving, empathy and
persuasive skills

Excellent written and spoken English, working knowledge of one language of the Asia region
is required

Candidates for this position require a church endorsement by an LWF member church.
Applications (including motivation letter, detailed curriculum vitae in English, church endorsement and copies of diplomas and work certificates) with the names and e-mail addresses of three references (two professional from present and/or previous employers/supervisors and one character reference) should be sent by 25 October 2015 to:

Ms Aline Ritchie, Head of Human Resources
The Lutheran World Federation
P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland