Consultoría para la investigación sobre un enfoque basado en los derechos para la adaptación, las pérdidas y los daños, y la resiliencia en contextos nacionales/regionales específicos 

Ubicación: Latin America and the Caribbean   
Tipo de Contrato: Consultoría  
Idiomas Requerido: Inglés y español (nativo o avanzado en ambos)  
Experiencia requerida: Experiencia con justicia climática y derechos humanos  
Fecha esperada de inicio:       17/4/2023  
Duración de contrato: 25 días en un período de 3 meses  

Fecha límite de aplicación: 12/4/2023 



Acerca de ACT Alliance  

ACT Alliance es una de las mayores coaliciones del mundo de iglesias y organizaciones relacionadas con las iglesias dedicadas a la labor humanitaria, de desarrollo y de promoción. Consta de 144 miembros que trabajan juntos en más de 120 países, con sede en 73 países, cuyo objetivo es crear un cambio positivo y sostenible en las vidas de las personas pobres y marginadas, independientemente de su religión, política, género, orientación sexual, raza o nacionalidad, de acuerdo con los más altos códigos y estándares internacionales. El 64% de nuestros miembros tienen su sede en el Sur Global,  El 30% en el Norte Global y el 6% son miembros Globales. Para obtener más detalles sobre el trabajo general de ACT, consulte

La estructura de ACT Alliance es única, con foros nacionales, subregionales y regionales que unen organizaciones basadas en la fe o relacionadas con iglesias de nivel local, nacional, regional e internacional para trabajar juntos bajo los mismos principios y estándares, aportando diferentes habilidades y experiencia para apoyarse mutuamente y aprovechar la acción colectiva en compromiso humanitario, de desarrollo y de incidencia. Gracias a la presencia de los foros nacionales de ACT en más de 50 países, y de su secretaría mundial en varios lugares estratégicos (Ginebra, Nueva York, Nairobi, Bangkok, Ammán, Bruselas, Toronto y Bogotá), ACT Alliance es capaz traer preocupaciones locales y regionales al escenario mundial. Igualmente, las tendencias y el desarrollo mundiales pueden transmitirse a la región y a niveles nacionales usando estas estructuras


Términos de referencia 

El cambio climático es un impulsor de la desigualdad, la pobreza y los desastres que impiden que las comunidades de primera línea puedan disfrutar de sus derechos humanos y llevar una vida digna. Los esfuerzos para responder a la crisis climática deben generar una nueva realidad para estas comunidades. ACT Alliance tiene la ambición de fortalecer su trabajo de adaptación, pérdidas y daños y resiliencia aprovechando las diversas experiencias, habilidades y capacidades técnicas de sus miembros. En el centro de este esfuerzo está la generación de evidencia para fortalecer un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos, para diseñar, construir, implementar y ampliar acciones que aborden la vulnerabilidad climática, promuevan la equidad económica, mejoren la adaptación y desarrollen resiliencia. 

La acción climática debe llevarse a cabo dentro del ámbito de las obligaciones de derechos humanos y de ninguna manera deberá sofocar los derechos de las comunidades marginadas y de primera línea a un presente y un futuro seguro, adaptable, equitativo y resistente, esto incluye tanto a comunidades rurales y pueblos originarios, así como a población vulnerable en zonas urbanas quienes deben ser partícipes en los procesos de toma de decisiones. La Alianza reconoce que los enfoques coherentes y probados pueden facilitar una programación más profunda y colaborativa crucial para generar cambios a nivel comunitario en el contexto del cambio climático. Sin embargo, para que dicho cambio responda a las necesidades de las comunidades, la investigación debe informar cómo los enfoques que abordan los impactos diferenciados de la crisis climática pueden defender de manera efectiva los derechos humanos en su diseño e implementación. Las respuestas climáticas deben modelarse dentro de los parámetros de los derechos humanos con un enfoque en justicia de género y protección social en el que se tengan en consideración problemáticas estructurales como la inequidad económica. 

ACT Alliance tiene la intención de realizar trabajos de investigación en tres regiones del Sur Global (Asia, África y Latinoamérica y el Caribe). Prevemos construir evidencia y conocimiento de abajo hacia arriba que sustentarán una era de discusión más profunda sobre un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos en la respuesta climática y elevando los llamados de política para su fortalecimiento a nivel nacional y global. Por lo tanto, anticipamos la entrega de valiosa evidencia para: 

  1. Fortalecer la comprensión conceptual de un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos para: 
    1. Abordar la vulnerabilidad, la adaptación, la construcción de resiliencia y las pérdidas y daños, en particular el desplazamiento inducido por el clima 
    2. Permitir la realización de los derechos humanos en el contexto del cambio climático 
  2. Analizar las brechas, los desafíos, las lecciones y las oportunidades para avanzar en los enfoques basados en los derechos humanos en el trabajo de adaptación, pérdidas y daños y resiliencia en los niveles de programación e implementación. 
  3. Brindar recomendaciones clave para fortalecer la programación climática para hacer realidad los derechos humanos y promover la equidad económica en un entorno cambiante. 

Para lograr lo anterior, se prevé el siguiente proceso preparatorio/toma de decisiones inicial: 

  • Elaboración particular de los términos de referencia a nivel regional/nacional: determinar temas específicos y partes interesadas que participarán 
  • Reuniones de planeación regionales/nacionales con DRR CCA CoP / CoP de Justicia Climática: determinar los foros de ACT participantes 
  • Desarrollar una convocatoria de consultorías a nivel nacional para el trabajo 


  • Revisión documental de la investigación existente sobre derechos humanos y cambio climático desarrollada por cualquier miembro de ACT y otros actores, así como por agencias de la ONU y otras iniciativas multilaterales. 
  • Revisión documental de métodos de proyectos/estrategias de implementación de programas existentes sobre un enfoque del cambio climático basado en los derechos en el contexto de abordar la vulnerabilidad a través de la adaptación, la respuesta a pérdidas y daños y la construcción de resiliencia 
  • Revisión documental de vínculos documentados específicos a nivel nacional entre los impactos del cambio climático y la movilidad humana (desplazamiento, incluido el desplazamiento interno, migración laboral, reubicación planificada, etc.) 
  • Discusiones participativas facilitadas con foros de ACT, comunidades de práctica regionales y globales que describen en detalle los impactos del cambio climático en los derechos humanos en sus vidas, sus diferentes experiencias con la programación en adaptación, pérdidas y daños, desplazamiento y migración, y los intentos de construir su resiliencia 



Reunión informativa previa 

Antes de iniciar la investigación, se realizará una reunión informativa con algunos representantes de los grupos de trabajo de Clima, Migración y Desplazamiento y Abogacía de ACT para construir una comprensión común del trabajo. 

Revisión bibliográfica 

El/la consultor/a adelantará una revisión de textos existentes en derechos humanos y cambio climático, y adaptación, pérdidas y daños, vínculos con la movilidad humana en el país/región y resiliencia. Se aprovecharán los documentos clave producidos por los miembros de ACT. Se buscarán estudios de casos y el/la consultor/a ayudará a la Alianza a entender cómo maximizar el impacto y la cooperación para el desarrollo con respecto a la implementación de un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos en la política climática y la programación a nivel de foro. Este análisis también debe cuestionar los esfuerzos, si los hay, por parte de los miembros de ACT para promover un enfoque basado en los derechos en la respuesta al cambio climático. 

Preguntas guía 

  • Teniendo en cuenta los derechos humanos y el cambio climático, ¿se podrían emplear niveles y enfoques de programación para fortalecer un enfoque basado en los derechos en la adaptación al cambio climático, pérdidas y daños, movilidad humana y resiliencia? 
  • ¿Qué brechas, desafíos, oportunidades existen a nivel de país para fortalecer un enfoque basado en derechos para la adaptación al cambio climático, pérdidas y daños, movilidad humana y resiliencia? 
  • ¿Qué esfuerzos facilitarían la integración de un enfoque basado en derechos a nivel de programación? ¿Cómo se rastrearían, informarían y fortalecerían tales esfuerzos? 

Taller/diálogo con las organizaciones miembro 

Diseñar y realizar un taller/diálogo con los miembros del foro de ACT para probar algunas hipótesis, desarrollar mensajes clave de promoción y recopilar información adicional para el informe final. ACT Clima / RRD CCA CoPs/ Grupos de trabajo sobre migración y desplazamiento 


El/la consultor/a conducirá varias entrevistas con agentes clave, idealmente expertos en clima y derechos humanos en las esferas de políticas, promoción y programación. Se generará una lista de entrevistados junto con el foro de ACT. 

Reuniones intermedias 

Dependiendo del progreso de la investigación, se organizará mínimo una reunión semanal o quincenal con representantes del foro ACT y respectivos grupos de trabajo. 



Un informe final de unas treinta páginas, escrito en inglés, presentará los resultados de la investigación, destacando:  

  • El contexto del estudio y la metodología elegida (2-3 páginas). 
  • Una descripción general de los contextos de los derechos humanos y el cambio climático, una base conceptual del enfoque del cambio climático basado en los derechos (6 a 9 páginas). 
  • Un análisis de las brechas, limitaciones, oportunidades para avanzar enfoque basado en derechos con énfasis en espacios y procesos de políticas, y enfoques de programación (8-10 páginas). Se debe proporcionar un enlace al discurso global y qué brechas/oportunidades para elevar a nivel global (2 páginas). 
  • Ejemplos de casos de enfoque basado en derechos en intervenciones climáticas a nivel nacional (10-12 páginas)  
  • Recomendaciones concretas que incorporan un enfoque doble: promoción de políticas y programación (4 a 6 páginas) 

Intercambio y restitución 

El/la consultor/a será invitado a presentar su análisis, conclusiones y recomendaciones a la ACT Foro & Clima/ Grupos de trabajo sobre migración y desplazamiento. Siguiendo esto reunión, el/la consultor/a puede ser requerido a revisar su informe. 

Calificaciones y experiencia 

El/la consultor/a deberá tener: 

  • Al menos 3-4 años de experiencia con justicia climática y/o derechos humanos 
  • Conocimiento en trabajo de programación y políticas de cambio climático 
  • Algún conocimiento sobre temas de migración y desplazamiento. 
  • Buen conocimiento de las políticas nacionales de cambio climático, DRR, migración y desplazamiento de Honduras, Brasil, Perú y Argentina  
  • Capacidad de escucha y de cooperación 
  • Deseable experiencia laboral con organizaciones/actores basados en la fe actores y/o grupos religiosos  
  • Facilitación participativa efectiva para discusiones y reuniones 
  • Capacidad a escribir textos de alto calidad, informes claros y concisos en inglés 
  • Excelentes habilidades logísticas 
  • Fuerte conocimiento de computación para reuniones virtuales, incluyendo experiencia usando Microsoft Word, Skype y Zoom (deseable también Microsoft Teams) 
  • Fija prioridades, satisface plazos y maneja el tiempo eficientemente 
  • Altamente organizado y orientado al detalle  


  • Fecha límite para envío de ofertas: 5/4/2023 
  • Selección de la oferta por el trabajo grupo: 11-13/4/2023 
  • Reunión previa para el comenzar la misión: 17/4/2023 
  • Reunión provisional: fecha a ser determinada 
  • Envío del reporte final: 17/7/2023 
  • Presentación del estudio: fecha a ser determinada 


El/la consultor/a trabajará en colaboración con el equipo del programa climático y rendirá informes al Gerente de Justicia Climática y punto focal del Foro ACT instituido para esta consultoría



Solo se considerarán empresas o consultores registrados. Las partes calificadas e interesadas deben enviar su solicitud de licitación con el titulo “Consultoría para la investigación sobre un enfoque basado en los derechos para la adaptación, las pérdidas y los daños, y la resiliencia en LAC” a: antes del 12 de abril de 2023  

En su licitación, por favor incluir:  

  • Expresión de Interés, incluido estimación de tiempo   
  • Currículum del/la consultor/a  
  • Justificación de consultoría o compañía registro.  
  • Muestras o enlaces de trabajos de consultoría previos.  
  • Lista de 3 personas de referencia profesional  
  • Oferta financiera: tarifa diaria bruta para la consultoría en USD, incluidos los gastos generales administrativos, impuestos y cargos  

Tenga en cuenta que solo solicitantes preseleccionados serán contactados  


Consultancy for Research on A rights-based approach to adaptation, loss and damage, and resilience in specific national/regional contexts   


Location: Latin America and the Caribbean   
Type of Contract: Consulting  
Languages Required: English and Spanish (native or advanced in both)  
Experience Required : Experience with climate justice and human rights
Consultancy begin aim date: 17/4/2023  
Duration of contract : 25 days within a period of 3 months  

Application deadline:                   12/4/2023  


About ACT Alliance  

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 144 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to 

  ACT Alliance’s structure is unique, with national, sub-regional and regional forums that bring local, national, regional and international church-related organisations to work together under the same principles and standards, bringing different skills and expertise to support each other and leverage collective action in humanitarian, development and advocacy engagement. Thanks to the presence of national ACT Forums in over 50 countries, and of its global secretariat in several strategic locations (Geneva, New York, Nairobi, Bangkok, Amman, Brussels, Toronto and Bogotá), ACT Alliance is able to bring local and regional concerns to the global arena. Conversely, global trends and development can be transmitted to the regional and national levels using these structures. 

Terms of reference 

Climate change is a driver of inequality, poverty and disasters that keep frontline communities from being able to enjoy their human rights and lead dignified lives. Efforts to respond to the climate crisis must create a new reality for these communities. ACT Alliance has the ambition to strengthen its adaptation, loss and damage and resilience work drawing on the diverse experience, skills, and technical capabilities of its membership. At the center of this effort is the generation of evidence to strengthen a human rights-based approach, to design, build, implement and scale up actions that address climate vulnerability, promote economic equity, enhance adaptation and build resilience. 

Climate action should be delivered within the purview of human rights obligations and not by any means stifle the rights of frontline and marginalized communities to a safe, adaptive, equitable and resilient present and future, this includes both rural communities and indigenous peoples, as well as vulnerable populations in urban areas who must be participants in decision-making processes. The Alliance acknowledges that coherent and tested approaches can facilitate deepened and collaborative programming crucial for delivering change at community level in the context of climate change. However, for such change to respond to needs of communities, research must inform how approaches addressing differentiated impacts of the climate crisis can effectively uphold human rights in their design and implementation. Climate responses must be modeled within the parameters of human rights with a focus on gender justice and social protection that consider structural problems such as economic inequality. 

ACT Alliance intends to undertake research work in three Global South regions (Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean). We envisage to build bottom-up evidence and knowledge that will underpin an era of deepened discussion on a human rights-based approach in climate response and elevating policy calls for its strengthening at national and global levels. As such, we anticipate the delivery of valuable evidence that: 

  1. Strengthens a conceptual understanding of a human rights-based approach to: 
    1. Tackling vulnerability, adaptation, resilience building and loss and damage, in particular climate induced displacement 
    2. Enabling the realization of human rights in the context of climate change 
  2. Analyse the gaps, challenges, lessons and opportunities for advancing human rights-based approaches in adaptation, loss and damage and resilience work at the programming and implementation levels. 
  3. Provide key recommendations to strengthen climate programming to realize human rights and promote economic equity in a changing environment. 

To achieve the above, the following preparatory process/initial decision-making is envisaged: 

  • Further elaborating the Terms of Reference at regional/national level – determine specific topics and stakeholders to be involved 
  • Regional / national planning meetings with DRR CCA CoP / Climate Justice CoP – determine participating ACT forums 
  • Developing a call for consultancies at national level for the assignment 


  • Desk-based review of existing research on human rights and climate change developed by any ACT members and other actors, as well as by UN agencies and other multilateral initiatives.  
  • Desk-based review of existing project methods/programmes implementation strategies on a rights-based approach to Climate change in the context of addressing vulnerability through adaptation, loss and damage response, and resilience building. 
  • Desk-based review of nationally specific documented links between the impacts of climate change and human mobility (displacement, including internal displacement, labour migration, planned relocation, etc.) 
  • Participatory facilitated discussions with ACT Forums, regional and global Communities of Practice that describe in detail the human rights impact of climate change on their lives, their different experiences with programming in adaptation, loss and damage, displacement, and migration, and attempts at building their resilience. 




Before starting the research, a briefing meeting will be held with some representatives of the ACT “Climate, Migration and Displacement and Advocacy working groups” to build common understanding of the assignment. 

Literature review 

The consultant will conduct a desk-based review of the existing literature on human rights and climate change, and adaptation, loss and damage, links with human mobility in the country/region, and resilience. Key documents produced by ACT members will be availed. Case studies will be sought, and the consultant will help the alliance understand how to maximize impact and development cooperation concerning the implementation of a human rights-based approach in climate policy and programming at forum-level. This analysis should also interrogate efforts, if any, by ACT members in advancing a rights-based approach in climate change response. 

Guiding questions 

  • Considering human rights and climate change, programming levels and approaches could be employed to strengthen a rights-based approach in climate change adaptation, loss and damage, human mobility and resilience?  
  • What gaps, challenges, opportunities exist at country level for strengthening a rights-based approach to climate change adaptation, loss and damage, human mobility and resilience?  
  • What efforts would facilitate the integration of a rights-based approaches at programming level? How would such efforts be tracked, reported, and strengthened? 

Workshop/dialogue with the member organisations 

Design and conduct a workshop/dialogue with ACT forum members to test some hypotheses, develop key advocacy messages, and gather additional inputs for the final report. ACT Climate / DRR CCA CoPs/ Migration and displacement working groups. 


The consultant will conduct several interviews with key informants, ideally climate and human rights experts across the policy, advocacy, and programming spheres.  A list of interviewees will be generated in conjunction with the ACT forum. 

Intermediate meeting(s) 

Depending on the progress of the research, a minimum of one meeting will be organized on weekly or fortnightly basis with representatives of the ACT forum and respective working groups. 



A final report of about thirty pages, written in English, will present the results of the investigation, highlighting: 

  • The context of the study and the methodology chosen (2-3 pages). 
  • An overview of the human rights and climate change contexts, a conceptual underpinning of rights-based approach to climate change (6-9 pages).  
  • An analysis of the gaps, limitations, opportunities for advancing rights-based approach with focus on policy spaces and processes, and programming approaches (8-10 pages). A link to the global discourse and what gaps/ opportunities to elevate at a global level should be provided (2 pages).  
  • Case examples of rights-based approach in climate interventions at national level (10-12 pages) 
  • Concrete recommendations incorporating a 2-pronged approach: Policy advocacy and programming (4-6 pages) 

Sharing and restitution 

The consultant will be invited to present his/her analysis, conclusions, and recommendations to the ACT Forum & Climate/ Migration and displacement working groups. Following this meeting, the consultant may be required to review his or her report. 

Qualifications and experience 

The consultant shall have: 

  • At least 3-4 years of experience with climate justice and/or human rights 
  • Knowledge on climate change programming and policy work 
  • Some knowledge of migration and displacement issues. 
  • Good knowledge of the national policies (Honduras, Brazil, Peru, Argentina) of climate change, DRR, migration and displacement. 
  • Listener and highly cooperative 
  • Experience working with faith-based actors and/or religious groups desirable  
  • Effective participatory facilitation of discussions and meetings 
  • Ability to write high quality, clear, concise reports in English 
  • Excellent logistical skills 
  • Strong computer and virtual meeting including experience using Microsoft Word, Skype and Zoom (and Microsoft Teams as an added asset) 
  • Sets priorities, meets deadlines, and manages time efficiently 
  • Highly organised and detail oriented  


  • Deadline for submission of tenders:  5/4/2023 
  • Selection of the offer by the working group:  11-13/4/2023 
  • Pre-meeting for the start of the mission: 17/4/2023 
  • Interim meeting: date to be determined  
  • Submission of the final report:  17/7/2023 
  • Presentation of the study: date to be determined 


The consultant will work in collaboration with the Climate program team and report to the ACT Climate Justice Manager and the ACT Forum focal point instituted for this consultancy. 



Only registered consultants or companies shall be considered. Qualified and interested parties should send their tender application titled “Consultancy for Research on A rights-based approach to adaptation, loss and damage, and resilience in LAC” to: by 12/4/2023  

In his tender, please include:  

  • Expression of Interest, including time estimation  
  • CV of the consultant  
  • Justification of consultancy or company registration.  
  • Samples of/or links to previous consultancy work completed.  
  • List of 3 professional reference persons.  
  • Financial offer: gross daily rate for the consultancy in USD, – including administrative overheads, taxes and charges.  

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.  

Rapid Response Fund Review – Consultancy

 Location: Home-based, no travel expected 
Type of contract: Consultancy 
Languages required: English
Experience required: 5 years
Consultancy start target date: March 2023 
Duration of Contract: one month 

Application deadline: 19 March 2023 

About ACT Alliance 

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 147 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to  

ACT Alliance’s structure is unique, with national, sub-regional and regional forums that bring local, national, regional, and international church-related organisations to work together under the same principles and standards, bringing different skills and expertise to support each other and leverage collective action in humanitarian, development, and advocacy engagement. Thanks to the presence of national ACT forums in over 50 countries, and of its global secretariat in strategic locations (Geneva, New York, Nairobi, Bangkok, Amman, Brussels, Toronto, and Bogota), ACT Alliance brings local and regional concerns to the global arena.  

Terms of Reference

The ACT Alliance Secretariat seeks to engage a consultant to review the Rapid Response Fund (RRF).  The RRF is ACT’s flagship funding mechanism for locally led response.  The fund provides funding primarily to national level ACT members with the capacity and mandate to respond to humanitarian emergencies in their localities particularly during the early phases after a disaster.  The mechanism supports life-saving activities for rapid onset, slow onset and/or complex small- and medium-sized emergencies.  RRFs are expected to be implemented within a period six-month timeframe.   


Work undertaken as part of the consultancy should include the following core components: 

  • Desk review of RRF documents 
    • Existing policy documentation and guidance relating to the RRF  
    • RRF responses in the period 2018 – 2022: Sample review of fifteen responses against CHS commitments (with a focus on the roles of requesting members and secretariat, based on the evidence available) 
  • Interviews with key stakeholders of the fund  
    • Funding and requesting members (including members involved in sampled responses), ACT secretariat staff 
  • Analysis and triangulation of findings  


The consultant will provide a report with: 

  • An analysis of the current state of the Rapid Response Fund mechanism   
    • Its strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats 
    • Its adherence to quality standards against CHS commitments 
  • Recommendations on how to improve the RRF mechanism 

Required Skills and Experience

  • More than five years’ experience in Humanitarian programme/project evaluation, including collecting data in interviews, surveys and focus groups and analysis; 
  • Experience of working in humanitarian contexts and the nexus with development 
  • Excellent knowledge of humanitarian quality and accountability standards 
  • Familiarity with networked and faith-based organisations 
  • Familiarity with faith actors in humanitarian response 
  • Fluency in written and spoken English. 


The consultant will report to ACT’s Global Humanitarian Operations Manager and will liaise with the humanitarian staff within the secretariat. 

Tender process

Only registered consultants or companies shall be considered. Qualified and interested parties should send their tender application titled “RRF Consultancy” to: by 24.00 CET 19.03.2023. 

In your tender, please include: 

  • Expression of Interest, outlining relevant experience, understanding of the TOR and suggested approach to implementation inclusive of delivery timeline up to a maximum of 25 days’ work. 
  • CV of the consultant(s) and where relevant information re the company. 
  • Examples of relevant previous consultancy work.  
  • List of 3 professional references. 
  • Financial offer: gross daily rate for the consultancy in USD, EURO or CHF – including administrative overheads, taxes and charges. 

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. 


Humanitarian Finance Coordinator

Duty station: To be based in Bangkok, Thailand
Contract type: fixed term contract  
Duration: 12 months, renewable
Worktime: 100% FTE 
Target start date: As soon as possible 
Reports to: Finance Manager/Humanitarian Operations Manager 
Languages required: English 
Experience: 5 years 

Application deadline: 05.03.2023 


About ACT Alliance 

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 144 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to   

ACT Alliance’s structure is unique, with national, sub-regional and regional forums that bring local, national, regional, and international church-related organisations to work together under the same principles and standards, bringing different skills and expertise to support each other and leverage collective action in humanitarian, development, and advocacy engagement. Thanks to the presence of national ACT forums in over 50 countries, and of its global secretariat in strategic locations (Geneva, New York, Nairobi, Bangkok, Amman, Brussels, Toronto, and Bogota), ACT Alliance is able to bring local and regional concerns to the global arena.   


Major functions 

The Finance Coordinator is a member of the Operations Team of the secretariat, reporting to the Finance Manager and matrix managed by the Humanitarian Operations Manager. S/he is primarily responsible for supporting the Ukraine appeal (UKR221) and its requesting members.  This post will also share the responsibility, as needed, for the financial management of the humanitarian mechanism, including all appeals, rapid response funds and any future humanitarian funding approaches including consortia.  


Duties and Responsibilities 

Appeals & Rapid Response 

  • Monitor income flows to appeals and rapid responses, highlighting funding deficits and/or discrepancies.  
  • Coordinate pledges and financial contributions with funding and requesting members ensuring transfer to requesting members in a timely fashion. 
  • Review clauses of appeal contracts and track, together with the humanitarian team, the requirements related to finance and reporting. 
  • Communicate with the humanitarian team, the Ukraine appeal coordinator, and with members as needed for clarifications related to finance and issue confirmation of funds received etc. 
  • Timely booking of all appeal pledges, income, and transfers in the finance system. 
  • Timely review of budgets reports and appeal budget revisions submitted by requesting members prior to publication and in conjunction with the Ukraine appeal coordinator and humanitarian operations manager. 
  • Ensure creation and accurate filing of finance related documentation for appeals and rapid response. 
  • Generate and disseminate regular appeal fund status overviews to the Humanitarian Team and relevant member organisations. 
  • Coordinate regular update meetings with the Ukraine appeal coordinator to ensure information exchange.Review financial reports and audits forin accordance with given standards. 
  • Participate in monitoring visits when requested by the Humanitarian Operations Manager. 
  • Provide cover and support for/to the other Humanitarian Finance Coordinator as needed.  


Finance system 

  • Document financial processes in the finance system related to the humanitarian mechanism. 
  • Suggest developments and modifications to the finance system to improve ways of working and to adapt to future changes in ACTs humanitarian mechanism relevant to finance.  


Humanitarian Mechanism  

  • Represent the Finance Team in discussions and inputs regarding the new Humanitarian Mechanism and Operations Manual. 
  • Coordinate adaptation of finance system to the new humanitarian mechanism processes. 


Bank (access to be confirmed) 

  • Manage directly bank transfers/payments for appeals, or instruct other members of the finance team. 
  • Manage communication with the bank and member organisations regarding appeal donations, in particular with regards to due diligence for sanctioned regions and countries when relevant. 


Competences and behaviours 

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team. 
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity. 
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives. 
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role. 


Working relationships 

  • Internally: collaborate closely with the Finance Manager and other finance staff, Ukraine Appeal Coordinator, Humanitarian Operations Manager, Regional Humanitarian Programme Officers, and Head of Humanitarian Affairs, as well as other secretariat staff and consultants, as relevant.  
  • Externally: communicate with relevant ACT member organisations, and service providers in relation to finance. 


Skills and experiences 

  • Relevant degree in financial management or business administration or other relevant educational background combined with professional experience; 
  • Professional accounting qualification preferred but not essential. Must have however strong systems knowledge and a complete understanding of all aspects of accounting, production of financial statements and internal controls.   
  • Minimum 5 years of work experience relating to financial accounting and administrative management; 
  • Experience in a non-profit organisation at country and /or regional levels; 
  • Experience in working with humanitarian responses preferred; 
  • Ability to work with tight deadlines and to deliver results with limited supervision; 
  • Ability to function under pressure and to handle multiple tasks simultaneously; 
  • Excellent organizational and computer skills (including excellent command of spread sheets and financial management software); 
  • Self-motivated and with a positive attitude; 
  • Precise, curious, analytical and organized mindset; 
  • Pays attention to detail and takes pride in delivering accurate, high-quality work; 
  • Flexible, innovative and effective in working collaboratively as part of a multicultural team; 
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; knowledge of other languages is an asset. 



ACT provides equitable compensation and pension packages and flexible working conditions. ACT also applies a non-discriminatory approach to recruitment and celebrates a diverse workforce. Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV and a cover letter (no certificates or other documents at initial application stage), in English and by email only, to by 05.03.2023 (24.00 CET). Please put “Humanitarian Finance Coordinator” in the subject line and name your documents: “Firstname Lastname CV” and “Firstname Lastname Cover letter”.   

Please note that ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme As part of reference checking, ACT will contact the current and former employer(s) of the preferred candidate, asking them to complete a Statement of Conduct form as well as to provide general references.  

We ask for your understanding that we are only able to contact shortlisted candidates. 


ACT Alliance Finance Manager

Duty station: To be based in, Amman (Jordan), Bangkok (Thailand), Geneva ( Switzerland) or Nairobi (Kenya) 

Contract type: Staff position  

Duration: Indefinite  

Worktime: 80-100% FTE 

Target start date: 1st April – 1st May 

Reports to: Director of Operations  

Languages required: English 

Experience: Minimum 7 years of relevant work experience 

Application deadline: 05.03.2023 


About ACT Alliance 

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 144 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to  

ACT Alliance’s structure is unique, with national, sub-regional and regional forums that bring local, national, regional, and international church-related organisations to work together under the same principles and standards, bringing different skills and expertise to support each other and leverage collective action in humanitarian, development, and advocacy engagement. Thanks to the presence of national ACT forums in over 50 countries, and of its global secretariat in strategic locations (Geneva, New York, Nairobi, Bangkok, Amman, Brussels, Toronto, and Bogota), ACT Alliance is able to bring local and regional concerns to the global arena.  


Major functions summary 

The Finance Manager is under the direct supervision of the Director of Operations. The Finance Manager is responsible for overseeing the work of the ACT Secretariat’s finance team and enhancing financial management and efficiency, including ensuring accurate and timely financial accounting and reporting, and minimizing financial risks. S/He ensures that the internal financial systems, policies and procedures work optimally to meet the requirements of the ACT Alliance as well as those of external donors and diverse regulatory environments in which ACT operates. 


Duties and responsibilities 

Finance and Cash Management 

  • Assume responsibility for the organisation’s financial management and reporting. 
  • Develop and manage relevant financial policies, procedures and control systems. 
  • Lead the development of operating and donor project budgets ensuring a collaborative process with relative stakeholders. 
  • Provide advice on Swiss and other relevant local accounting and financial management practices to ensure full compliance with standards in vigour. 
  • Analyse, consolidate and report quarterly on the ACT Secretariat’s financial income and expenditure. Ensure that, at minimum, quarterly “Budget vs. Actual” reports are presented to all programme managers and main stakeholders for regular review and monitoring of costs. 
  • Develop financial modelling, financial forecasts and financial analysis to support and monitor the annual financial plan and long-term strategy. 
  • Provide regular and critical financial information to the Director of Operations and Core Management Team (CMT) and make actionable recommendations on both strategy and operations. 
  • Oversee long-term budgetary planning, cost management, and reserve build-up in alignment with the organisation’s strategic plan.  
  • Ensure that cash-flow forecasting is developed, and that accurate cash forecasting is maintained. 
  • Maintain external relations, partnerships and networks, including those with banks, auditors, donors, and other INGOs. 


Financial risk management 

  • In coordination with the finance team and budget holders, monitor budget execution of all grant contracts and ensure compliance. 
  • Analyse all foreign exchange risk and, in coordination with Managers, monitor Forex gains/losses on all grant contracts. Review foreign exchange reporting policy on all foreign currency grants to ensure minimal exposure to the organisation. 
  • Ensure that all appropriate closure processes are used to guarantee the accuracy of financial data. 
  • Ensure that adequate internal controls are functioning to guarantee accurate transaction entry in the accounting system and that the potential for fraud is reduced to a minimum. 
  • Oversee and ensure continual improvement of ACT’s financial accounting system for both operational and humanitarian finance.  


Audit, Internal Controls and Compliance  

  • Produce consolidated ACT Secretariat accounts in accordance with IFRS & Swiss GAAP. Support and oversee audits and use the outcomes from the different reviews to improve internal financial processes. 
  • Prepare the reporting, in cooperation with the Director of Operations, to the Board and the Finance Committee. 
  • Serve as key point of contact for external financial auditors in coordination with the Director of Operations and ensure that external and project audits are adequately supported and monitor the evolution of the audit to minimize potential risks. 
  • Oversee continuous improvement of the finance internal control systems. 


Team Management 

  • Oversee the development of the finance team, based currently in Switzerland and Bangkok, to achieve best practices and optimal output, while reducing costs where appropriate and possible; this includes ongoing review of the various financial processes for efficiency (including automation where possible) and appropriate controls. 
  • Ensure that the finance team have the required tools and skills to perform their work to a high standard and that they work efficiently and effectively. 


Skills and experience: 

  • BA or Masters Degree in finance, financial audit and/or Certified Accountant. 
  • At least seven years of accounting, financial management and/or financial audit experience. 
  • Good knowledge of IFRS, Swiss GAAP or similar accounting standard(s). 
  • Experience in financial controls and process development in a Swiss and/or Non-profit environment. 
  • Knowledge of, and experience in, working with grants from key international donors. 
  • Excel and financial systems proficiency – preferably with experience in Office 365 Dynamics (previously Navision) and Continia expense reporting system. 
  • Strong skills in analysing and producing financial overviews and financial forecasting.  
  • Strong organizational and project/process management skills. 
  • Ability to present complex financial data in a format easily comprehensible to people with little or no finance background. 
  • Flexible, innovative and effective in working collaboratively as part of a multicultural team. 
  • Willingness and drive to work independently with limited supervision. 
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; good knowledge of French or other languages is a strong asset.  



ACT provides equitable compensation and pension packages and flexible working conditions. ACT also applies a non-discriminatory approach to recruitment and celebrates a diverse workforce. Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV and a cover letter (no certificates or other documents at initial application stage), in English and by email only, to by 05.03.2023 (24.00 CET). Please put “Finance Manager” in the subject line and name your documents: “Firstname Lastname CV” and “Firstname Lastname Cover letter”.   

Please note that ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme As part of reference checking, ACT will contact the current and former employer(s) of the preferred candidate, asking them to complete a Statement of Conduct form.  

We ask for your understanding that we are only able to contact shortlisted candidates.  

Humanitarian Planning Monitoring, Evaluations and Reporting Officer – Ukraine Appeal  

Duty station: European country (hosted through an ACT member organisation) or home- based contract. (Ukrainian or EU nationality or the right to work and travel in the EU area is required for this position due to visa constraints.) 
Contract type: Local contract hosted by an ACT member organisation or consultancy  
Duration: 14 months (or until 30th April) 
Worktime: 100% FTE 
Target start date: As soon as possible   
Travel: Occasional to Geneva and/or field locations 
Experience: 5 years minimum with project or programme coordination & monitoring responsibilities 


About ACT Alliance 

ACT Alliance is the world’s largest coalition of Protestant and Orthodox churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 144 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to   

Major functions 

The Humanitarian PMER Officer will report to the ACT Alliance Ukraine Appeal Coordinator and will be matrix managed by ACT’s Humanitarian Operations Manager. The post’s major functions include development of a PMER framework for the ACT Alliance Ukraine Appeal (UKR221), together with requesting (implementing) member organisations to the appeal. The post holder will strengthen the quality of PMER for all requesting members in the appeal and the secretariat by providing technical assistance and guidance across all relevant areas of PMER – planning, monitoring, evaluation/review, reporting, learning and accountability. She/he will provide capacity building support in PMER to staff of requesting members and the secretariat as required. The PMER Officer will work in close collaboration with the PMER/MEAL teams in requesting member organisations to coordinate data collection, analysis, feedback from affected populations and information to inform operational planning, decision-making and quality programming. She/he will also support the work of other appeals if capacity allows. 

Duties and Responsibilities 

Appeals & Rapid Response 

  • Develop a PMER framework with requesting members for the Ukraine Appeal UKR221. 
  • Provide technical advice and support to requesting members and the secretariat to ensure implementation of the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) and delivery of a high-quality response. 
  • Support the coordination of planning and reporting from the different requesting members. 
  • Monitor implementation of projects included in the appeal – this will include field and remote monitoring. 
  • Generate and disseminate regular PMER Appeal updates and overviews to the Humanitarian Team and relevant member organisations. 
  • Coordinate regular update meetings with the Humanitarian Team to ensure information exchange regarding the appeal.  
  • Review and approve all narrative reports and evaluations/reviews related to the Ukraine Appeal. 
  • Undertake monitoring visits as directed by the ACT Alliance Ukraine Appeal Coordinator or the Head of Humanitarian Affairs. 
  • Facilitate learning from the appeal and ensure learning is shared with members and the secretariat in a structured way. 

Competences and behaviours 

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team.  
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity. 
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives. 
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role. 

Working relationships 

  • Internally: collaborate closely with the Appeal Lead/Humanitarian Programme Officer for Europe, the Global Humanitarian Operations Manager, the Head of Humanitarian Affairs, and the wider humanitarian team, as well as other secretariat staff and consultants, as relevant.   
  • Externally: close collaboration with PMER/MEAL staff in requesting members and with other relevant partners and external donors. 

Skills and experiences 

  • Relevant degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Sociology or equivalent, with a strong emphasis on quantitative studies and statistics related to PMER/MEAL  
  • Experience in designing and conducting impact assessments preferred. 
  • Practical experience with setting up and managing digitalized PMER/MEAL or project management systems in an international context. 
  • At least 5 years’ experience with project or program coordination and monitoring responsibilities. 
  • Minimum of 3 years working experience in the humanitarian or development sector. 
  • Ability to work with tight deadlines and to deliver results with limited supervision. 
  • Ability to function under pressure and to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. 
  • Ability to travel in countries of the Appeal, such as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine (as the security situation allows). 
  • Excellent organizational skills. 
  • Self-motivated and with a positive attitude. 
  • Precise, curious, analytical and organized mindset. 
  • Pays attention to detail and takes pride in delivering accurate, high-quality work. 
  • Flexible, innovative and effective in working collaboratively as part of a multicultural team. 
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; good knowledge of Ukrainian, Russian and/or and other relevant European languages is a strong asset. 



ACT provides equitable compensation and pension packages and flexible working conditions. ACT also, applies a non-discriminatory approach to recruitment and celebrates a diverse workforce. Interested and qualified candidates should send only their CV and a cover letter, in English and by email only, to Please put “PMER Officer Ukraine in the subject line and name your documents: “Firstname lastname CV” and “Firstname lastname Cover letter.” Please mention your current location.  Also, please mention whether  you have Ukrainian or EU/EEA nationality or have the right to work and travel in the EU area. 

Please note that ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme As such, part of reference checking, ACT will contact the current and former employer of the preferred candidate, asking them to fill in a Statement of Conduct. 

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.  

Please note that only applications by Ukrainian or EU/EEA nationals or those with the right to work and travel in the EU will be considered and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.   



ACT Alliance: Global Security Advisor

Duty station: ACT Regional office (Amman – Bangkok – Bogota – Kenya) or home based as consultant 
Duration: 12 months renewable  
Worktime: 50% initially with possibility to increase in future years 
Deadline: 5th February 2023 


About ACT Alliance  

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 144 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to 

Major functions 

The Global Security Advisor (GSA) serves as the primary safety and security advisor to the ACT Alliance Secretariat. The role reports to the Director of Operations at the ACT Secretariat in Geneva and advises on security risk management strategy, crisis management and staff security policy 

The position also works with ACT’s Safety & Security Community of Practice (SSCoP) which develops and shares best practice resources, tools, strategies and trainings for the wider ACT Alliance membership. The GSA is responsible for developing functioning relationships with ACT structures including ACT Regional offices, Advisory Groups, other Communities of Practice, regional and national forums help reduce the risks faced by ACT members and partners implementing programmes in complex environments.  

The GSA will build relationships with external agencies with a focus on aid sector safety and security and build the reputation of the Alliance on best practice activities 

Duties and responsibilities 

The main duties and responsibilities related to this position are  

  1. Provide safety, security and crisis management advice and trainings to the ACT Secretariat as a member of their crisis management team.  
  2. Monitor media sources, security networks and other information sources to remain current on global security trends and how they affect the aid sector security  
  3. Promote good security risk management strategies amongst ACT Alliance members through developing tools, resources, capacity building programs and sharing of good practices to improve Duty of Care within the membership.  
  4. Advise on training for ACT members or forums with a primary focus on security risk management, first aid, gender security, crisis management and other topics as requested by ACT members.  
  5. Support the work of the ACT SSCoP  
  6. Provide security related information and stories for ACT’s website and newsletters 

Working relationships  

  • Reports to the Director of Operations at the ACT Secretariat in Geneva 
  • Liaises with ACT’s Safety & Security  Community of Practice (SSCoP) 
  • Engages with ACT Regional offices, Advisory Groups, other Communities of Practice, regional and national Forums. The GSA build relationships with external agencies with a focus on aid sector safety and security. 

Competences and behaviours  

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team.  
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity.  
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives.  
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role.  
  • Effectively motivates, influences and develops others, drives high performance, inspires people to follow them and acts as a role model.  

Technical skills and experience  

  • Relevant education / degree in social sciences, international politics, management, or a security related field. 
  • A minimum of 8 years of relevant work experience in an international and NGO environment.  
  • Experience of managing and/or training security for humanitarian organizations or equivalent. You should have field experience with humanitarian organizations in disaster or conflict-effected countries.  
  • Ability to apply logical thinking and common sense to gathering and analysing information, designing, and testing solutions to problems 
  • Experience in developing tools and resources to improve Duty of Care capacity for a diverse range of aid organizations.  
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English (other languages are advantageous) and ability to work effectively in an international and cross-cultural environment  
  • Excellent knowledge of Humanitarian Principles. 



Interested and qualified candidates should send only their CV and a cover letter, in English and by email only, to by 05/02/2023 (24.00 CET). Please put “[name of position]” in the subject line and name your documents: “Firstname lastname CV” and “Firstname lastname Cover letter”. Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply.   If you wish to apply as a consultant, please also join with your application a justification of consultancy or company registration. 

ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme As such, ACT will contact the current and/or former employer(s) of the preferred candidate going back 3-5 years as part of reference checking, asking them to fill in a Statement of Conduct. When applying for this position, please confirm in the body of the email that you give your consent to ACT asking your current/former employer8S) for a Statement of Conduct should you be the preferred candidate after interview.  

Kindly note that if you do not hear from us within four weeks of the vacancy deadline, you should please consider that your application has not been retained.   

Consultancy for Research on a rights-based approach to adaptation, loss and damage, and resilience in Africa

Location: Country-level travels involved 
Type of Contract: Consultancy 
Languages Required: English 
Experience required: 7 years of experience with climate change programming, and human rights  
Consultancy start target date:   16/02/2023 
Duration of Contract: 25 days over a 3-month period 
Application deadline: 13/02/2023 


About ACT Alliance 

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 144 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to 

Terms of Reference 

ACT Alliance would like to engage a consultant for Research on a rights-based approach to adaptation, loss and damage, and resilience described within these Terms of Reference. 

ACT Alliance’s structure is unique, with national, sub-regional and regional forums that bring local, national, regional, and international church-related organisations to work together under the same principles and standards, bringing different skills and expertise to support each other and leverage collective action in humanitarian, development, and advocacy engagement. Thanks to the presence of national ACT Forums in over 50 countries, and of its global secretariat in several strategic locations (Geneva, New York, Nairobi, Bangkok, Amman, Brussels, Toronto, and Colombia), ACT Alliance is able to bring local and regional concerns to the global arena. Conversely, global trends and development can be transmitted to the regional and national levels using these structures. 

Climate change is a driver of inequality, poverty and disasters that keep frontline communities from being able to enjoy their human rights and lead dignified lives. Efforts to respond to the climate crisis must deliver a new reality for these communities. ACT Alliance has the ambition to strengthen its adaptation, loss and damage and resilience work drawing on the diverse experience, skills, and technical capabilities of its membership. At the core of this effort is the generation of evidence to strengthen a human rights-based approach to designing, building, implementing, and scaling up actions that tackle climate vulnerability, enhance adaptation, and build resilience. 

Climate action should be delivered within the purview of human rights obligations and not by any means stifle the rights of frontline and marginalized communities to a safe, adaptive, equitable and resilient present and future. The Alliance acknowledges that coherent and tested approaches can facilitate deepened and collaborative programming crucial for delivering change at community level in the context of climate change. However, for such change to respond to needs of communities, research must inform how approaches addressing differentiated impacts of the climate crisis can effectively uphold human rights in their design and implementation. Climate responses must be modelled within human rights’ parameters.  

ACT Alliance intends to undertake research work in Africa, interrogating rights-based approaches, and practices in climate change programming in select countries. We envisage to build bottom-up evidence and knowledge that will underpin an era of deepened discussion on a human rights-based approach in climate response and elevating policy calls for its strengthening at national and global levels.  


 The consultant will 

a) Develop a conceptual understanding(framing) of a rights-based approach to: 

  1. Tackling vulnerability, adaptation, resilience building and loss and damage in particular climate induced displacement  
  2. Enabling the realization of human rights in the context of climate change  

b) Interrogate various climate change projects in Africa and present case examples of climate interventions at practical programming level in which rights-based approaches are considered 

c) Conduct an analysis of gaps, challenges, lessons, and opportunities for advancing rights-based approaches in adaptation, loss and damage and resilience work at programming/implementation levels 

d) Provide key recommendations for strengthening climate programming to realize human rights in a changing climate 


  • Desk-based review of existing research on human rights and climate change developed by any ACT members and other actors, as well as by UN agencies and other multilateral initiatives.  
  • Desk-based review of existing project methods/programmes implementation strategies on a rights-based approach to Climate change in the context of addressing vulnerability through adaptation, loss and damage response, and resilience building 
  • Desk-based review of nationally specific documented links between the impacts of climate change and human mobility (displacement, including internal displacement, labour migration, planned relocation, etc.) 
  • Participatory facilitated discussions with ACT Forums, regional and global Communities of Practice that describe in detail the human rights impacts of climate change on their lives, their different experiences with programming in adaptation, loss and damage, displacement, and migration, and attempts at building their resilience  


Expected Activities


Before starting the research, a briefing meeting will be held with some representatives of the ACT Climate, Migration and Displacement and Advocacy working groups to build a common understanding of the assignment. 

Literature review  

The consultant will conduct a desk-based review of the existing literature on human rights and climate change, adaptation, loss and damage, links with human mobility in the country/region, and resilience. Key documents produced by ACT members will be availed. Case studies will be sought, and the consultant will help the alliance understand   how to maximize impact and development cooperation concerning the implementation of a human rights-based approach in climate programming at country-level. This analysis should also interrogate efforts, if any, by ACT members in advancing a rights-based approach in climate change response.  

Guiding questions 

  • Considering human rights and climate change, programming levels and approaches could be employed to strengthen a rights-based approach in climate change adaptation, loss and damage, human mobility, and resilience?  
  • What gaps, challenges, opportunities exist at country level for strengthening a rights-based approach to climate change adaptation, loss and damage, human mobility, and resilience?  
  • What efforts would facilitate the integration of a rights-based approaches at programming level? How would such efforts be tracked, reported, and strengthened?  

Workshop/dialogue with the member organisations 

Design and conduct a workshop/dialogue with ACT forum members to test some hypotheses, develop key advocacy messages drawing from findings, and gather additional inputs for the final report. ACT Climate / DRR CCA CoPs/ Migration and displacement working groups 


The consultant will conduct several interviews with key informants, ideally climate and human rights experts across the policy, advocacy, and programming spheres.  A list of interviewees will be generated in conjunction with ACT Africa Forum. 

Intermediate meeting(s) 

Depending on the progress of the research, a minimum of one meeting will be organized on weekly or fortnightly basis with representatives of the ACT forum and respective working groups.  


Final report  

A final report of about thirty pages, written in English, will present the results of the research and highlight: 

  • The context of the study and the methodology chosen (2-3 pages). 
  • An overview of the human rights and climate change contexts, a conceptual underpinning of rights-based approach to climate change (6-9 pages).  
  • An analysis of the gaps, limitations, opportunities for advancing rights-based approach with focus on programming approaches (8-10 pages). A link to the global discourse and what gaps/ opportunities to elevate at a global level should be provided (2 pages).  
  • Case examples of rights-based approach in climate interventions at national level (10-12 pages)  
  • Concrete recommendations on advancing and strengthening rights-based approaches in climate change programming (4-6 pages)  

Sharing and restitution 

The consultant will be invited to present his/her analysis, conclusions, and recommendations to the ACT Africa Forum & Climate/ Migration and displacement working groups. Following this meeting, the consultant may be required to review his or her report. 

Qualifications and experience 

The consultant shall have: 

  • At least 3-4 years of experience with climate justice and/or human rights 
  • Knowledge on climate change programming and policy work  
  • Some knowledge of migration and displacement issues  
  • Good understanding of the –climate change, DRR, migration and displacement policy architecture in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Malawi 
  • Listener and highly cooperative 
  • Experience working with faith-based actors and/or religious groups desirable 
  • Effective participatory facilitation of discussions and meetings 
  • Ability to write high quality, clear, concise reports in English 
  • Excellent logistical skills 
  • Strong computer and virtual meeting including experience using Microsoft Word, Skype and Zoom (and Microsoft Teams as an added asset) 
  • Sets priorities, meets deadlines, and manages time efficiently 
  • Highly organised and detail oriented 


  • Deadline for submission of tenders: 30/1/2023 
  • Selection of the offer by the working group: 13/2/2023 
  • Pre-meeting for the start of the consultancy: 16/2/2023 
  • Submission of the final report: 15/5/2023 


The consultant will work in collaboration with the Climate programme team and report to the ACT Climate Justice Manager and the ACT Forum focal point instituted for this consultancy.  


Tender process 

Only registered consultants or companies shall be considered. Qualified and interested parties should send their tender application to: by 13/02/2023 

In your tender, please include: 

  • Expression of Interest, including time estimation 
  • CV of the consultant 
  • Justification of consultancy or company registration. 
  • Samples of/or links to previous consultancy work completed. 
  • List of 3 professional reference persons 
  • Financial offer: gross daily rate for the consultancy in USD, – including administrative overheads, taxes, and charges. 

Kindly note that if you do not hear from us within four weeks of the vacancy deadline, you should please consider that your application has not been retained. Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. 

Consultancy for ACT Safeguarding

Location: Home-based, no travel expected
Type of contract: Consultancy – individual contract 
Languages required: English 
Experience required: 5 years or more  
Consultancy start target date: 20/02/2023
Duration of Contract: 25 – 30 days (to conclude by June)
Application deadline: 27.01.2023

About ACT Alliance

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 144 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to

Our goal is to promote a locally led and coordinated approach to advocacy, humanitarian and developmental issues.

ACT Alliance’s current Safeguarding-related positions and practices are found in the ACT Quality and Accountability Framework, ACT Code of Conduct, ACT Code of Good Practice, Humanitarian Protection Policy, Complaints Policy, ACT Child Safeguarding Policy, ACT Humanitarian Operations Manual, Communities Data Safeguarding Policy, Communications Policy.

ACT aligns with the following International Standards:

  • The Code of Conduct for International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief
  • The Sphere Standards
  • Principles of Partnership
  • Core Humanitarian Standard
  • Code of Good Practice for NGO’s responding to HIV/AIDS
  • Istanbul Principles for Development Effectiveness
  • SCHR Misconduct Disclosure Scheme

More details on these policies and standards can be found at 

ACT Alliance currently has a Child Safeguarding Policy (2015), but it is anticipated that the Safeguarding Policy developed in this consultancy will replace this. The ACT Alliance Safeguarding Community of Practice has been in place since 2021.


The ACT Alliance seeks to strengthen its policy position and guidance for members in regards to Safeguarding and is seeking a Safeguarding specialist to lead the process of developing a Safeguarding Policy, Safeguarding Guidelines and Safeguarding training to serve as resources for the ACT Alliance secretariat and members. While some members have their own policy positions, procedures and internal resources for Safeguarding, ACT aims for this piece of work to provide a common position for the Alliance on what Safeguarding means for and in our work together, and resources for members who don’t have their own, or are needing support building their Safeguarding capacity. 

Scope of Consultancy  

The consultant is expected to provide leadership in this area of work, but work closely and collaboratively with a small working group (5-6 people), who represent the following key stakeholders: 

  • ACT Alliance Safeguarding Community of Practice 
  • ACT Quality and Accountability Reference Group
  • ACT Gender Reference Group

For buy-in across the Alliance the consultancy will also require opportunities for some input and engagement from across the ACT membership, in the form of for example, survey to members, focus group discussions, comments and contributions on draft documents from members.

From initial discussions within the ACT Safeguarding Community of Practice, ACT members have some different and nuanced perspectives on what “Safeguarding” means in their work. There is broad consensus that it includes Child Safeguarding, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment, and preventing neglect, psychological harm, racial abuse, neglect and emotional abuse.  Members aim to have strong mainstreaming and awareness of Gender and Disability within Safeguarding as are aspects of faith considerations and/or theology that supports Safeguarding.

Expected Deliverables  (these will be developed in parallel so the content of each aligns and complements the other deliverables)

  1. ACT Safeguarding Policy
  • This Policy would provide ACT Alliance with a common position of what is meant by Safeguarding, common definitions related to Safeguarding, Safeguarding Principles that ACT and its members will adhere to and guidance on what the ACT Secretariat and members should have in place for a minimum expected standard of Safeguarding. 
  • To note there is an existing ACT Child Safeguarding Policy (2015) and this new ACT Safeguarding Policy is expected to replace the Child Safeguarding Policy by building on the Child Safeguarding elements to incorporate other aspects of Safeguarding, such as PSEAH.

2. ACT Safeguarding Good Practice Guidelines

  • These Guidelines will be a reference guide for ACT Members with guidance, tools, templates, checklists, and resources they can use to strengthen their Safeguarding practice. We aim for it to be very practical. We would like to include templates, resources from ACT Safeguarding CoP members.
  • It’s expected that the majority of content of these Guidelines will not be developed new, but will be a collection and curation of existing resources, from ACT members and from existing publicly accessible materials. To note, some initial work has been done on collecting and collating the members resources that could be included in these guidelines.  
  • The Guidelines will also include links  to a curated collection of training resources (that already exist and are publicly accessible)

3. Safeguarding Training for ACT members (to be delivered by end March 2023)

  • This consultancy would design a blended-learning training resource that will be housed on the ACTLearn Fabo platform and can be used by ACT members to orient them to the ACT Safeguarding Policy and provide foundational knowledge and skills in Safeguarding.
  • To note, there is an existing set of ACT Child Safeguarding e-learning Modules, which can be adapted or referred to.
  • If videos are to be used in the training, ACT Alliance will provide the support in recording members to present the online modules, however, the consultant would be expected to provide scripts. 

Skills / Experience 

  • Proven expertise in Safeguarding (including PSEAH and Child Safeguarding)
  • Demonstrable capacity to develop policies, trainings and guidelines for practitioners
  • Experience of working with organisations with a range of capacities. 
  • Excellent ability to write concisely and in simple and clear English. Knowledge of French or Spanish would be an advantage.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Understanding and experience in developing Safeguarding resources for faith-based stakeholders an advantage
  • Experience working with networks and alliances is an advantage. 
  • Understanding of the ACT Alliance an advantage


Tender process

Only registered consultants or companies shall be considered. Qualified and interested parties should send their tender application titled “ACT Alliance Safeguarding Consultancy” to:  by 24.00 CET 27th January 2023.

In your tender, please include:

  • Expression of Interest, outlining relevant experience, and suggested approach in implementing the Terms of Reference inclusive of delivery timeline up to a maximum of 30 days work.
  • CV of the consultant(s) and where relevant information re the consultancy company.
  • Justification of consultant’(s) or company registration.
  • Samples of/or links to previous consultancy work. 
  • List of 3 professional references.
  • Financial offer: gross daily rate for the consultancy in USD, EURO or CHF – including administrative overheads, taxes and charges.

Kindly note that if you do not hear from us within four weeks of the vacancy deadline, you should please consider that your application has not been retained. Only shortlisted participant will be contacted

Important Note: We kindly ask you to read the ACT Code of Conduct and ACT Alliances principles and policies. All consultants are required to sign the ACT Code of Conduct when entering into any kind of engagement with ACT Alliance. We expect you to strictly maintain the confidentiality of all documents shared/produced during this assignment.

Assembly Coordinator for the 2024 ACT General Assembly 

Duty station: Bangkok, Thailand; other locations in Asia Pacific possible 
Contract type: Staff position  
Duration: Two years (50% Year 1, 100% Year 2)  
Target start/end date: 01 March 2023 to 28 February 2025 
Reports to: Director of Operations  
Travel: Occasional to Geneva, frequently in the Asia Pacific region 
Languages required: English 
Experience: 5-10 years of relevant work experience 
Application deadline: 09 January 2023 


About ACT Alliance  

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 144 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to  

Job Summary 

The ACT Alliance Secretariat is looking for an Assembly Coordinator. Depending on the candidate, the position can be located at ACT’s Bangkok office or remotely. The Assembly Coordinator will be responsible for the coordination of the planning, implementation and follow-up of the 2024 ACT General Assembly to take place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, hosted by ACT member YAKKUM.  

Duties and responsibilities 

ACT Alliance works mainly through ACT Forums, a coordination platform that allows collaboration amongst members at national and regional levels. The 2024 General Assembly will be an opportunity for the ACT Alliance to demonstrate the value of a forum-driven Alliance through leadership of ACT forums in the Asia-Pacific region. The Assembly Coordinator will ensure the meaningful engagement of ACT forums and national members through locally led and decolonised approaches. 

The main role is to be the focal point for organising the ACT General Assembly 2024, in particular to: 

  • Coordinate the planning of the programme of the Assembly, including the business sessions and other programmatic sessions.  
  • Coordinate the engagement with members and forums in the Asia Pacific region into the planning of the programme. 
  • Support the planning of pre-meetings: regional, youth (days before in person) and potentially others. 
  • Work with the local host organisation and ACT Indonesia Forum, and support of their delivery of agreements around venue and other logistics.  
  • Plan the agendas and support the meetings of the Assembly Advisory Committee.  
  • Chair the Secretariat Assembly Planning Group 
  • Coordinate the work of Secretariat staff towards the Assembly, define timelines, instructions and support. 
  • Facilitate the registration process and related infrastructure around participation.  
  • Plan and coordinate documentation and mailings to Assembly participants.  
  • With support of the finance team set up formal agreements and monitor budget and results. 

Competencies and behaviours 

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team.  
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity. 
  • Strong awareness of socially inclusive and culturally sensitive approaches.  
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives. 
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role. 
  • Effectively motivates, influences and develops others, drives high performance, inspires people to follow them and acts as a role model. 

Working relationships 

  • Liaises with Secretariat staff, ACT members, particularly in the Asia-Pacific Region, and external stakeholders. 
  • Engages with Assembly Advisory Committee, Secretariat Core Management Team, Secretariat staff and local host. 
  • Reports to the Secretariat Assembly Planning Group, the line manager will be the Director of Operations. 

Skills and experience 

  • A minimum of 5-10 years of relevant work experience, including with civil society networks and diverse stakeholders, including NGOs, multilateral bodies, and faith-based organisations. 
  • Substantive experience in organising international/regional conferences and meetings.  
  • Relevant university degree; Masters’ degree an advantage. 
  • Excellent command of English language, working knowledge of French, Spanish and/or other languages desirable. 



Interested and qualified candidates should send only their CV and a cover letter, in English and by email only, to by 09 January 2023 (24.00 CET). Please put “Assembly Coordinator” in the subject line and name your documents: “Firstname lastname CV” and “Firstname lastname Cover letter”. Female and regional candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.   

ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme As such, ACT will contact the current and/or former employer(s) of the preferred candidate going back 3-5 years as part of reference checking, asking them to fill in a Statement of Conduct. When applying for this position, please confirm in the body of the email that you give your consent to ACT asking your current/former employer8S) for a Statement of Conduct should you be the preferred candidate.  

Kindly note that if you do not hear from us within four weeks of the vacancy deadline, you should please consider that your application has not been retained.