Program Executive for Diakonia / Churches and SDGs

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has an opening in its Geneva offices for a






Starting date:  as soon as possible

Closing date for applications:  17 November 2019

Duration of contract:  initial contract of 5 years

Extensive travel of more than 20 days per year

Candidates for this position require a church endorsement



The Department for Theology, Mission and Justice (DTMJ) is primarily responsible for programs and themes geared towards supporting the presence and witness of the member churches (MCs) of the Lutheran World Federation – a Communion of Churches (LWF) globally and locally.  DTMJ also houses the advocacy unit of the LWF.

DTMJ develops and inspires theological reflection that articulates the understanding of being Lutheran churches in communion. It discerns and addresses issues that represent theological challenges to the churches today and require global reflection. It supports, equips and strengthens LWF MCs in holistic mission.

DTMJ programs are related to Theological Studies, Church in Mission and Action for Justice and cover a wide area of themes, among them building the capacity of member churches on humanitarian responses, migration projects, UN SDGs agenda and partnerships, and member church development projects.

The purpose of the work done by the team “Churches in Mission” is to support, equip and strengthen LWF MCs in their holistic mission through reinforcing their leadership capacities and organizational / structural development, including youth and women.

The purpose of the position is to lead, in coordination within the wider program Diakonia and Development, the program named “Waking the Giant – Churches’ involvement in the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development”, an ecumenical multi-country program. This program aims at strengthening churches’ capacity to effectively contribute to the achievement of the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with ecumenical actors. It is implemented with global and local ecumenical partners, and covers a wide range of themes such as good health and well-being (SDG3), quality education (SDG4), gender equality (SDG5), reduced inequality (SDG10) and peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG16).

The program is continuously being developed and funding is being raised on an on-going basis. The initial three-year phase was initiated in 2018 and includes work in four countries. In the long term, the aim is to expand the program to more countries.

Required Qualifications

  • University degree or equivalent in development studies, social studies or other relevant field.
  • Knowledge of the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development and related processes.
  • Working knowledge and/or experience in developing country and first-hand knowledge of LWF member churches or other churches within the ecumenical movement.
  • Excellent written and spoken English and ideally working knowledge in Spanish. Working knowledge of further LWF languages is an asset.

Additional Study and Experience

  • Proven international experience in positions involving project/ program planning, management and administration in the area of development with churches, mission societies, related agencies or ecumenical organizations.
  • Experience in making contribution to applied research.
  • Experience in working with the UN structures as well as multilateral and/or bilateral donors.
  • Advanced skills in monitoring and reporting; ability to comply with stringent requirements of multiple donors.
  • Problem-solving skills, initiative and empathy.
  • People management skills.

Supervises national Coordinators in up to seven countries (four effective in 2019) – no direct management line.

LWF Core Skills

  • Initiative – level high
  • Working effectively with others – level high
  • Leadership – level confirmed
  • Analytical thinking – level confirmed
  • Achieving results – level confirmed
  • Accountability – level confirmed

Required Skills

  • Project management – level high
  • Communication / networking – level high
  • Facilitation / Negotiation – level high
  • Innovation – level confirmed
  • Resources management / fundraising – level confirmed
  • Advocacy – level confirmed


Position Environment and Dimensions

Waking the Giant” is a complex and innovative multi-stakeholder, multi-country and multi-donor initiative. The program potentially attracts the interest of actors beyond the traditional partners of LWF, creating visibility of the work of DTMJ and the churches among governmental and intergovernmental actors. Reporting to the Program Executive for Diakonia & Development in charge of diakonal activities in member churches, the incumbent will liaise with the following persons:

Internally, interacts with the team of Churches in Mission-DTMJ, with National Program Coordinators in the target countries (four in 2019), with the internal Head of Advocacy, with communication staff, Resources Mobilisation and PMER coordinators and other Program staff in DTMJ, as well as with regional secretaries.

Externally, interacts and cooperates with MCs, donors and related agencies, ecumenical organizations (in particular ACT), UN, NGOs, any other LWF stakeholders concerned


Main Duties

Organisational Development Support

Supervises the implementation of program activities in the target countries done by National Coordinators. Leads the implementation of global activities related to the program, in consultation with ACT and in coordination with other DTMJ programs and other departments of the Communion Office.

Subject Expertise

Provides the overall coordination for the respective program work under her/his responsibility, including conceptual and methodological development.

Ensures the program is theologically rooted and advocacy oriented. Liaises with the Head of Advocacy for consistency.

Provides subject expertise to LWF MCs, WS country programs, and other CO departments.

Facilitates knowledge / practice sharing and collaborative processes with faith-based, ecumenical, or thematic-relevant organizations.



Ensures a proactive, high-quality and appropriate communication flow with all internal / external stakeholders and various audiences, particularly ecumenical organizations and global partners.

In cooperation with the LWF Office for Communication provides content material for and promotes news stories relating to the portfolio.

Develops and updates content for the Waking the Giant website.

Project Management, Fundraising and PMER

Establishes a monitoring system for the program, coordinates monitoring activities in target countries and globally with the cooperation of the DTMJ PMER Coordinator.

Produces regular progress reports on the program as per donor and internal LWF requirements.

Coordinates the budgeting process of the program in collaboration with the DTMJ Finance Coordinator, ensures financial monitoring, expenses approval, and financial reporting of the program.

Leads the communication with funding partners regarding the program. Coordinates further fund-raising efforts for the program, in collaboration with the DTMJ Resource Mobilization Coordinator.

People Management

Creates a conducive environment for the team with proven people management good practices.

Ability to facilitate relationships of political nature, both ecumenical, governments and the UN.

Special Duties

As may be assigned by the supervisor.

Major Challenges

This function implies coordination between a large variety of actors, related agencies (funding partners), churches and ecumenical actors as well as the UN and government in different geographical regions. The pilot nature of the program requires the incumbent to balance new opportunities with high quality and implementation of ongoing processes.

To apply, click on the following link:

Bread for the World: Head of Pacific Liaison Office [Leiter*in der Verbindungsstelle (VEST) für den Pazifik]

Bread for the World (BfdW) is  looking for a new director of its Pacific Liaison Office. S/he will manage the work of the office which collaborates with the partner organisations of BfdW from the Pacific region.

The person will be situated in Madang / Papua New Guinea. Knowledge of German on native-speaker level is a basic pre-condition.

Please apply until 6th October 2019.

For more information, please look into the job advertisement.

Bread for the World/DKH: Ecumenical Relations Officer [Referent*in für internationale Ökumene und Netzwerke]

Bread for the World (BfdW) and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) are looking for a new Ecumenical Relations Officer. He*she will serve as a liaison person with the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation and ACT, and coordinate all relations with the ACT Secretariat and the wider ACT Alliance network.

The person will be situated in BfdW’s/DKH’s headquarter in Berlin. Knowledge of German on native-speaker level is a basic pre-condition.

Please apply until 16th September 2019.

For more information, please look into the job advertisement.

Compliance and Complaints Handling Officer

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has an opening in its Geneva offices for a







Starting Date:  As soon as possible

Duration of Contract:  Initial contract of 5 years

Closing date for applications:  15 September 2019

Candidates for this position require a church endorsement


The Department for World Service is responding to humanitarian emergencies and human needs on behalf of the Lutheran World Federation – a Communion of Churches (LWF). In pursuance of its responsibility and based on its strategy, World Service:

  • Provides support to refugees, returnees, internally displaced people, their host communities and communities at risk, emphasizing livelihoods, quality services, protection and social cohesion.
  • Establishes and runs country programs and emergency operations.
  • Engages in cooperation and partnership with governmental and non-governmental organizations, the relevant United Nations agencies and other structures involved in humanitarian and development programs as they link to the World Service mandate and represents the LWF in the ACT Alliance.
  • Operates together with and on behalf of the LWF member churches.

This position is part of a global Geneva-led PMER and QAA team, setting high quality and accountability standards, developing and ensuring that the necessary monitoring and evaluation systems, infrastructure, staff skills and knowledge are in place and constantly improving internal mechanisms related to compliance.

The purpose of this position is to enhance accountability and compliance related to the LWF Code of Conduct (CoC) and relevant policies for World Service at all levels. The incumbent ensures that all complaints received through World Service are dealt with in a timely and fair manner, in accordance with agreed procedures and guidelines. The incumbent contributes to the revision and implementation of the World Service accountability and complaints handling protocols, bringing in technical knowledge, building further capacity at all levels, and ensuring that Country Programs and Emergency Operations receive and give the necessary information and documentation related to accountability.

Required Qualifications

  • Masters in Social Science, Psychology, MBA or other business or finance studies, Human Resources or similar subjects related to the function.
  • Strong understanding of safeguarding and protection policies and challenges.
  • Ability to apply international standards of protection and accountability.
  • Proven expertise in investigations at the work place according to international standards required (related certifications an asset).
  • Proficient level of English and fluency in French. Spanish an asset.

Additional Study and Experience

  • At least 5 years working experience in similar positions.
  • Substantial experience in leading investigations of serious complaints and drafting high-level reports.
  • At least 3 years working experience in the humanitarian or development work in the field.
  • Proven experience in capacity building measures in face-to-face as well as ICT based trainings.
  • Able to work within a team in an international environment.

LWF Core Skills

  • Achieving results – level high
  • Accountability – level high
  • Working effectively with others – level high
  • Analytical thinking – level high
  • Initiative – level confirmed
  • Leadership – level confirmed

Required Skills

  • Ability to rapidly assimilate a range of complex information and make expert judgements – level high
  • Training capacities – level high
  • Central ledger management, communication and reporting – level high
  • Case management – level high
  • Popularization of technical jargon – level high
  • Confidentiality management – level high

Position Environment and Dimensions

Internally, as a member of a team of QAA, interacts and plans with the Regional Program Coordinators in World Service in Geneva; assumes a global technical responsibility in view of support to the field operations.    On related issues, closer collaboration with the other teams of World Service (Global Funding Team, Finance) as well as with Human Resources is required.

Externally, interacts and cooperates with technical staff from related agencies, other like-minded organisations, UN and other donors, as well as external service providers in case of specific investigations.

Extensive travel of more than 20 days per year

Main Duties

Complaints Handling and Investigations

  • Handles individual cases of complaints received at international level, including cases of fraud, corruption and other serious misconduct as defined in the LWF Code of Conduct.
  • Coordinates and facilitates investigations.
  • Provides advice and backstopping of complaints handling at national level.
  • Identifies internal and external qualified experts to investigate complex sensitive complaints.

Capacity Development

  • Reinforces the capacities of World Service and its field programs in handling complaints, investigations and audits according to agreed standards.
  • Brings people and processes together to enhance compliance with the LWF Code of Conduct, policies and procedures in World Service operational systems, including Counter Terrorism Legislation.

Compliance Monitoring and Budgeting

  • Develops guidance notes for fundraising and budgeting for complaints handling and investigations.
  • Monitors regularly the level of compliance and need for support of country operations.

Documentation and Learning

  • Documents outcomes and learning from complaints handling.
  • Reviews the internal complaints recording system, enters and tracks all complaints received and ensures proper documentation of responses and outcomes are recorded in the system.
  • Revises and complements the guidelines and tools in place.
  • Contributes to the development of a centralized complaint reporting system in view of digitalisation.

Safeguarding and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Harassment

  • Elaborates and popularizes position papers on safeguarding.
  • Develops messaging to requests from donors and other stakeholders on World Service positions.
  • Identifies training materials and adjusts them to World Service needs.
  • Develops a training concept for safeguarding with colleagues from DWS operations and HR.
  • Coordinate the assessment of risks within World Service and provides guidance on ensuring necessary processes for risk mitigation.

Managing Relationships and Responding to Donor Requirements

  • Maintains relationships with focal complaints handling staff and relevant Working Groups.
  • Works with and responds to requirements of donors, UN agencies, and Investigation Bodies on related matters.

Special Duties

As may be assigned by the supervisor.

Major Challenges

To deal with conflicting demands ensuring key priorities and deadlines are met through effective time management.

To support efficient communication within the department through close cooperation with the RPCs and the Country Programs.

To effectively and efficiently work with relevant colleagues globally to ensure that the level of compliance to the LWF CoC and relevant World Service policies is increasing and lessons learnt is incorporated in World Service Systems.


To apply, click on the following link:


Executive Assistant to the General Secretary

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has an opening in its Geneva offices for an







Starting date:  1 November 2019

Closing date for applications:  8 September 2019

Candidates are required to be in sympathy with the core values of our organization



The LWF is a communion of 148 member churches in 7 regions, living and working together for a just, peaceful and reconciled world.

The main functions of the Office of the General Secretary (OGS) are to:

  • Nurture and promote communion relationships with and among LWF member churches, Christian unity and ecumenical relations.
  • Promote the work and representation in matters of international affairs and human rights, connecting local concerns with global initiatives.
  • Nurture LWF partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations, the United Nations agencies and other relevant partners.

The main purpose of this position is to take charge personally of the administrative support to the General Secretary (GS), having a direct access to the GS. S-he will exercise discernment on relation management and issues management, while ensuring the smooth running of the OGS by managing the OGS support team.

The purpose of the position is also to ensure that the OGS administrative team provides a timely and efficient administrative support to the OGS and the GS, so as to facilitate the implementation of the OGS’s and LWF’s activities.

Required Qualifications

  • University associate degree in business administration / administrative assistance or equivalent.
  • Training in Information Management.
  • ECDL advanced certification or equivalent, or advanced level in office suite, database and CMS.
  • Proficiency in English and French.  German and Spanish are an asset.

Additional Study and Experience

  • At least 5 years’ international experience in a senior administrative position, in an international secretariat, within a faith-based/ecumenical or non-for-profit organisation.
  • Proven experience in information management, financial administration and in the follow up of transversal / institutional issues.
  • Successful experience in managing a team of administrative assistants.
  • Demonstrated ability to interact and work with various cultural environments with political dimensions.
  • Understanding / knowledge of theological themes.
  • People management skills.

LWF Core Skills

  • Working effectively with others – level high
  • Achieving results – level high
  • Initiative – level high
  • Leadership – level confirmed
  • Analytical thinking – level confirmed
  • Accountability – level confirmed

Required Skills

  • Operational organisation and planning – level high
  • Administration assistance – level high
  • Information and protocol management – level high
  • Working under pressure – level high
  • Discretion – level high
  • Attention to details – level high

Position Environment and Dimensions

Internally, maintains a personal access and support to the General Secretary. Coordinates the OGS support staff. Interacts also with programme staff and assistants in other departments, and with all LWF staff at all levels.

Externally, on behalf of the General Secretary and in relation with OGS activities, interacts and cooperates with member churches, donors and related agencies, ecumenical organizations, UN, INGOs and NGOs, any other LWF stakeholders.

This position’s environment requires a thorough understanding of churches structure, procedures, relationships and political dynamics as well as the sense of initiative and anticipation while observing a high level of diplomacy, protocol and confidentiality.


Supervises four Administrative Assistants

Limited travel from between 7 and 19 days per year


Main Duties

Acts at 2 levels:

  • Individual level as executive assistant to the General Secretary (GS)
  • Team level as OGS administrative team leader.

Administrative Support to the General Secretary

Maintains updated information on stakeholders for the General Secretary.

Proactively collects, processes, monitors, and reports to the GS any information of concern (external issues, LWF situation, activities, institutional projects, facts and figures).

Liaises mainly with the Office of the President, and for GS’s related activities with Member Churches and other stakeholders.

Screens incoming requests / information and prepares correspondence.

Ensures follow up and documentation with the adequate confidentiality level.

For GS-related activities, plans and arranges schedules and logistics for meetings, conferences, travels and visitors welcome, takes meeting minutes on request.

OGS Administrative Team Leader

Documentation and Knowledge Management

Manages the adequate information sharing between the General Secretary and staff / stakeholders concerned.

Manages the effective promotion in the OGS of updated guidelines and procedures and use of LWF institutional graphic lines, templates and documents.

Manages the effective information / data / documentation management in OGS respecting LWF filing and archiving policies.

Manages the team’s contribution to the Working Group on Archives.

Communication Support

Manages the processing of information and data from OGS for presentation purposes.

Manages informative contributions to publications produced by the Office of Communications.

Organises OGS meeting minutes taking.

Administrative Support

Ensures the smooth running of the team in line with the GS’s and OGS priorities, through effective and organized activities on documentation and on arrangement of travels, meetings, and events.

Manages OGS administrative assistance’s continuity.

Oversees invoices processing and expense reconciliations.

Manages a system of resource persons in the use of office suite, database and Content Management System.

Organises the support of OGS colleagues in information management.

Coordinates OGS requests, queries, and social events organisation.

OGS Administrative Team Management

Creates a conducive environment and manages efficiently the team with people management good practices.

Monitors and supports the good achievement of OGS administrative assistants’ deliverables.

Supervises induction programs of new OGS staff.

Special Duties and Back-up

As may be assigned by the supervisor.

In her-his absence, organises and ensures the continuity of the function of Executive Assistant to GS.

Major Challenges

To deal with frequent changes, time constraints, and pending issues follow up.


To apply, click on the following link:


Communication Officer: Communion Relations

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has an opening in its Geneva offices for an




Starting date:  As soon as possible

Closing date for applications:  8 September 2019



The Department for Planning and Coordination (DPC) is responsible for the overall coordination of the planning, monitoring and reporting of the programs of the LWF Communion Office of the Lutheran World Federation – a Communion of Churches (LWF) and for the assurance of their quality and accountability.

DPC supports at the organizational level the work of the Communion Office (CO), bringing orientation, administrative and technical support in the areas of Communication, Finance and Income Development, Human Resources, Information Technology and Systems, Archiving, and Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (PMER).

In this purpose DPC aims at enhancing the overall visibility of the LWF and strengthening relations through strategic communication, and at developing collaboration through internal communication, ensuring good access to information.

The Office for Communication (OC) puts in place systems for effective internal and external communication, supports the General Secretary and the program departments to enhance the overall visibility of the LWF, creating connections and nurture the identity of the LWF.

The Communication Officer raises the profile of the work of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) to inform, engage and inspire member churches (MCs) and partner organizations.

The main purpose of this position is to plan, create, edit and produce communication material (stories, information packages, messaging materials, and campaigns) to lift up the life and work of the LWF MCs, to coordinate global and regional communication networks and online capacity building.  Liaison and network building with communicators in MCs and/or related organizations. Building relationships with church and secular media.  his includes developing material for the LWF website and social media.  The position holder will maintain a comprehensive press network and be able to contribute to the LWF visibility through the web and social media.

The position helps create dynamic communication networks through workshops, training and regular contacts.

Required Qualifications

  • University degree in communication, journalism, or equivalent.
  • At least three years of working experience in a position involving various forms of communication: reporting, writing, and editing, preferably in an LWF MC, related agency, church-related media or other faith-based organization in an international environment.
  • Demonstrated ability to develop and foster a network / a learning community of communication professionals and volunteers.
  • Excellent editorial skills and knowledge of ecumenical and religious terminology.
  • Thorough knowledge of the LWF and its MCs.
  • Excellent proficiency in English. Working knowledge in French, German, and Spanish are assets.

Additional Study and Experience

  • Professional experience in writing for the web and working with social media.
  • Understanding of modern communication trends and the global media environment.
  • Proven capacity to work independently, with minimal supervision and under time pressure.

LWF Core Skills

  • Working effectively with others – level high
  • Initiative – level high
  • Analytical thinking – level confirmed
  • Leadership – level confirmed
  • Achieving results – level high
  • Accountability – level high

Required Skills

  • Innovation – level high
  • Communication / Networking – level high
  • Facilitation / Negotiation – level confirmed
  • Advocacy / Promotion – level confirmed
  • Project management – level confirmed

Position Environment and Dimensions

Internally, as a member of the OC team, mainly interacts with program executives and support officers, resource mobilisation staff, regional secretaries as well as country programs staff.

Externally, interacts and cooperates with MCs, donors and related agencies, ecumenical organizations, UN, INGOs and NGOs, any other targeted audiences LWF wishes to engage, as well as service providers such as external editors and designers.

As a member of a team of communication officers, where each is responsible for distinctive thematic areas, the structure is agile, close to program work and MCs, and not media-specific. The incumbent takes a leading role on communications related to the MCs, and works closely with his-her communications colleagues assigned to specific areas.


Limited travel from between 7 and 19 days per year.


Main Duties

The OC supports communion visibility, relationships and fundraising. It seeks to offer rapid, high quality, relevant information and use new technology and media effectively.

Within a team of professionals with various backgrounds, where complementary is valued, team members are expected to support each other and work towards common goals as set out in the LWF Strategy and the LWF Communications Strategy.


Strategically plan communication (messaging, news flow, social media material, media relations) on LWF’s MCs.


Produce and edit powerful messages, news features and stories, social media material to reach target audiences and make an impact. As needed liaise with external communicators and ensure lean compilation of raw material and production of communication outputs.

Coordinate the production of online material to build communications capacity to create learning communities.

Manage the selection and the supervision of related service providers.

Expertise and Support

Coordinate global and regional communication networks.

Support quality control, development and implementation of relevant LWF communication policies.

Create media awareness in the organization and expand the network of press contacts.

Support media monitoring, media relations and internal communications for LWF MCs and communion relations.

Assist in a sustainable LWF with a strong Lutheran identity through communication for communion building.

Contribute as part of the LWF Office for Communication to the on-going news flow and tasks that the office undertakes.

Monitor internally and externally good practices and trends in communication for continuous development in LWF communication strategy and activities.


Special Duties

As may be assigned by the Head of Communication.

Major Challenges

To develop a deep understanding of the LWF communion, regions, and MCs to strengthen communion relations and increase visibility on the life and work of the MCs.


To apply, click on the following link:


Resource Mobilization Coordinator

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has an opening in its Geneva offices for a





Starting date:  1 January 2020

Closing date for applications:  15 September 2019

Duration of contract:  initial contract of 5 years

Candidates for this position require a church endorsement



The Department for Theology, Mission and Justice (DTMJ) is primarily responsible for programs and themes geared towards supporting the presence and witness of the member churches (MCs) of the Lutheran World Federation – a Communion of Churches (LWF) globally and locally.  DTMJ also houses the advocacy unit of the LWF.

DTMJ develops theological reflection that articulates the understanding of being Lutheran churches in communion. It discerns and addresses issues that represent theological challenges to the churches today and require global reflection. It supports, equips and strengthens LWF MCs in holistic mission.

DTMJ programs are related to Theological Studies, Church in Mission and Action for Justice and cover a wide area of themes.

The main purpose of this position is to support LWF mission and strategy in developing and securing funding for DTMJ programs through donors’ relation management, grants management and reporting.

The incumbent overviews all funding needs and donors’ requirements for DTMJ programs. S-he provides orientation, guidance and support on funding issues to DTMJ programs staff, for programs that are locally implemented, in coordination with World Service colleagues. It requires a certain level of agility and a capacity to innovate and create synergies between funders and implementers.


Required Qualifications

  • University degree in fundraising or related degree combined with relevant job experience.
  • Training on government /institutional grant management.
  • Fluent English and one other LWF language required.  Other LWF languages desirable.
  • Advanced user in office suite, database and Content Management System.

Additional Study and Experience

  • Proven track record of successfully fundraising large projects/programs and managing partners and donors’ relations.
  • Minimum 3-year international experience in the area of fundraising with global donors, preferably within faith-based/ecumenical organizations.
  •  Proven ability to work and report with various project frameworks including UN, EU and back donors.
  • Experience in training others in fundraising methods.

LWF Core Skills

  • Achieving results – level high
  • Accountability – level high
  • Working effectively with others – level high
  • Analytical thinking – level high
  • Initiative – level confirmed
  • Leadership – level confirmed

Required Skills

  • Resources management / fundraising including technical proposal writing – level high
  • Communication / Networking / Promotion – level high
  • Facilitation / Negotiation – level high
  • Innovation – level confirmed
  • Project management – level confirmed

Position Environment and Dimensions

Internally, mainly interacts with the DTMJ and World Service program staff, PMER and finance staff, with communication team, and with other resources mobilization officers in the Departments for World Service and Income Development Office of the Department for Planning and Coordination, as well as with LWF regional secretaries and other relevant staff.

Externally, interacts and cooperates with member churches, donors and related agencies, ecumenical organizations, UN, INGOs, government agencies, and any other LWF stakeholders on DTMJ themes and programs.

Extensive travel of more than 20 days per year.

Main Duties

Resource Mobilization

Responsible for the development and implementation of the DTMJ Resource Mobilization plan.

Works closely with program staff to keep abreast of program content and awareness of program funding needs.

Develops, writes, coordinates requirements and submits quality proposal/s on time, in collaboration with the concerned staff.

Develops relationships with various donors, national or international, public or private, institutional or individual, member churches or ecumenical organizations.

Ensures that the approved grants are compliant with visibility and communications requirements of donors and in line with the LWF strategy, core commitments, ethical standards, and policies.

Manages and monitors the approved grants portfolio of DTMJ as per the contractual agreements with Donors.

Engages with donor relationship management specific to DTMJ programmatic funding.

Supports the development and implementation of CO fundraising strategy.

Expertise, Support, Learning and Development

Leads DTMJ staff on strategic engagement with key funding partners and development of potential fundraising networks.

Supports the stewardship of resources in the CO in order to make best use of the available funding.

Researches and monitors strategically the fundraising trends, activities and practices. Identifies trends and priorities with existing and potential donors.

Active member of the cross-departmental Staff Working Team on Resource Mobilization.

Contributes actively to sustainable knowledge management and continuous improvement.

Communication and Promotion

As the DTMJ Resource Mobilization focal point, represents LWF and networks with related organizations and key institutional and international donors to promote DTMJ programs.

Explores new funding opportunities in-country, internationally and in Switzerland.

Ensures a good visibility and updated information flow within LWF for his-her area of responsibility.

Ensures the information on DTMJ program funding is available at all times.

Special Duties

As may be assigned by the supervisor.

Major Challenges

In addition to being a new position developed in a context of restructuring, the challenge is to contribute to the smooth functioning of the Action for Justice as it brings together experiences from MCs and from World Service programs.


To apply, click on the following link:



Income Development Officer (60%)

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has an opening in its Geneva offices for an





Starting date:  1 January 2020

Closing date for applications:  15 September 2019

Duration of contract: initial contract of 5 years

Candidates are required to be in sympathy with the core values of our organization



The Department for Planning and Coordination (DPC) is responsible for the overall coordination of the planning, monitoring and reporting of the LWF Communion Office (CO) of the Lutheran World Federation – a Communion of Churches (LWF) and for the assurance of the quality and accountability of LWF outcomes. DPC oversees and supports the work of the LWF in various areas including in Resourcing.

The main purpose of this position is to support LWF mission and strategy in developing, securing and managing institutional un-earmarked funding for the Communion Office (CO), through coordination and engagement with a number of LWF funding partners. The incumbent shall also convene the Staff Working Team on Resource Mobilization and oversee donor relationship management for a selected number of donors.

Required Qualifications

  • University degree in fundraising, business, accounting or a related degree combined with relevant job experience.
  • English written and oral proficient, as well as one other LWF language.  Other LWF languages desirable, in particular French.
  • Conversant in office suite, database and Content Management System.

Additional Study and Experience

  • Minimum 3-year international experience in the area of fundraising with global donors, preferably within faith-based/ecumenical organizations.
  • Proven track record of successfully funding projects/programs and managing partners and donors’ relations.
  • Demonstrated ability to work and report with various project frameworks from different sectors (public, private, foundations).

LWF Core Skills

  • Achieving results – level high
  • Accountability – level high
  • Working effectively with others – level high
  • Leadership – level confirmed
  • Initiative – level confirmed
  • Analytical thinking – level confirmed

Required Skills

  • Communication / Networking / Promotion – level high
  • Facilitation / Negotiation – level high
  • Resources management / Fundraising – level high
  • Project management – level confirmed
  • Innovation – level confirmed

Position Environment and Dimensions

Internally, mainly interacts with Resource Mobilization Coordinators, PMER and finance staff from other departments, LWF regional secretaries, Head of Finance and Director for DPC.

Externally, interacts and cooperates with counterparts in member churches, related organizations, ecumenical organizations, NGOs and other donors, institutional or individual, public or private.

Global level responsibility for:

  • Managing donor relationship of institutional un-earmarked funds.
  • Coordinating the annual funding requests and CO agreements.
  • Supporting the fundraising strategy development and implementation for the Geneva Communion Office.

Limited travel from between 7 and 19 days per year

Main Duties

Resource Mobilization

Interacts with member churches, related organizations, and other donors to increase and manage un-earmarked funding (e.g. LWF membership fees, LWF Assembly fees, Endowment fund, legacy giving and online donations) and generate financial support for Communion and Ecumenical Relations activities.

Coordinates the CO annual funding request, commitments and agreements/MOUs with related organizations.

Supports the development and implementation of CO fundraising strategy.

Researches new opportunities for fundraising for LWF non-program related needs.

Expertise, Support, Learning and Development

Develops and manages internal processes to support donor relationship and coordination in the CO.

Contributes to strategic engagement with selected funding partners, and development of potential fundraising networks.

Support the stewardship of resources in the CO to make best use of the available funding.

Monitors the fundraising trends, activities and practices and with existing and potential donors specific to un-earmarked funds.

Convenes the Staff Working Team on Resource Mobilization.

Communication and Promotion

Ensures a good visibility and updated information flow as required by the scope of the position.

Organizes donor visits to the CO, including Working Together meetings.


Special Duties

As may be assigned by the supervisor.


Major Challenges

To develop and generate general income for the CO specific to un-earmarked funding.


To apply, click on the following link:


Finance Manager, Haiti

Finance Manager, Haiti

The closing date for applications is 20 August 2019

Contract duration: 3 years

Place of Work: Port-au-Prince, Haiti


LWF World Service

The LWF World Service is responsible for carrying out diaconal response to humanitarian emergencies and human needs on behalf of the The Lutheran World Federation (hereinafter referred to as LWF) – a Communion of Churches.

In pursuance of its responsibility and based on its strategy, World Service:

  • Operates together with and on behalf of the LWF member churches.
  • Provides support to refugees, returnees, internally displaced people, their host communities and communities at risk, emphasizing livelihoods, quality services, protection and social cohesion.
  • Establishes and runs country programs and emergency operations.
  • Engages in cooperation and partnership with governmental and non-governmental organizations, the relevant United Nations agencies and other structures involved in humanitarian and development programs as they link to the mandate of the department.
  • Represents the LWF in the ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together).

. For additional information please see


General Description

LWF and Norwegian Church Aid (hereinafter referred to as NCA) have been present in Haiti for two decades, and function in 2019 as an integrated office using the LWF financial management system (including SAGE accounting system). Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) is also a part of the Joint Office, but they have an independent Finance system.


Purpose of the position

The basic purpose of the position is to provide overall leadership and quality control assurance to ensure that the integrated LWF/NCA finance function is carried out in a professional and competent manner. The role assures responsibility for finance-related aspects, such as administration and control of funding and expenditure, allocation of overheads, and assistance in preparation of budget proposals etc. and government liaison with regards to Finance. The position advises and informs the Country Director and the Management Team on matters relating to budgeting, financial planning, reporting and finance staffing.

A core responsibility is to build up capacity of local finance staff to enable them to better perform their roles and responsibilities. Another core responsibility is to build up the capacity of the partners as part of strengthening the civil society.

The position is based in the capital, Port-au-Prince where the Finance Manager will lead the finance team and be a key member of the country management team.

The position reports to the Country Director of DKH/LWF/NCA in Haiti, with technical oversight from the LWF Global Finance Coordinator based in Geneva.


Required Qualifications

University degree in accounting.

Professional accreditation such as ACCA, CMA, CPA or equivalent.


Knowledge and Experience

  • Minimum 4 years of experience in a finance position on similar level.
  • Significant working experience at management level in humanitarian assistance or development oriented programs within an international environment and preferably with church-related or non-governmental organizations.
  • Knowledge of the reporting requirements of ECHO, USAID, UNHCR and government funding agencies.
  • Strong leadership, conceptual and analytical skills and demonstrated organizational, management and supervisory skills.
  • Knowledge and experience of cooperation with United Nations and governmental agencies.
  • Team-oriented, flexible and with excellent communication skills.
  • Advanced computer skills.
  • Experience and knowledge of LWF and/or its related agencies would be an added advantage.


Language Skills

English             advanced written and oral skills required

French             advanced written and oral skills required

Haitian Creole  skills would be an advantage


Main duties

  1. To ensure that budgeting, planning and financial reporting is timely, accurate and consistent with established practices, formats and reporting requirements as laid out in the agreements with the respective HQs of the three organisations, and funding agencies;
  2. To provide on-going support to the local finance staff in their implementation of the SAGE accounting software and ensure that usage of this application is fully optimized;
  3. To ensure that the policies, procedures and practices as expressed in approved Policies, Regulations and Manuals are adapted to the local context, updated regular, and understood and fully implemented by the Country Director, the Program Manager and the relevant finance and administration staff in the office;
  4. To identify financial training needs among staff and local partners and recommend practical means in which these needs can be fulfilled;
  5. To identify weaknesses in accounting, internal controls and overall administration and address the weaknesses with the help of the management team.
  6. To ensure that cash flow projections are accurate and up to date, and that they reflect potential temporary shortfalls in funding;
  7. To ensure that the integrated office is prepared for the annual external audit and participate, where required, in ‘exit’ discussions with the audit firm;
  8. To be in attendance for all or part of an internal audits and project audits, and contribute to the discussions and the recommendations resulting from the audits;
  9. To conduct the annual staff evaluation of the finance employees, the recruitment of new finance staff and termination of currently employed finance staff as needed;
  10. To recommend for inclusion in the key Manuals (Finance Manual, Accounting procedures etc.) any changes deemed appropriate for the strengthening of the finance or admin functions;
  11. To promote close collaboration and teamwork between Finance and Program, building on synergies to promote efficiency and effectiveness;
  12. Ensure that billing to other organizations in the Joint and Shared office spaces is done properly according to the Shared Services Agreements and other agreements;
  13. To undertake any other assignments as called upon by the DKH/LWF/NCA Country Director for the benefit of the integrated office;



Representation and promotion

  • Represent/be a positive ambassador for the integrated office and its overall objectives, internally and externally


Support, advice and challenge management at the Representation

  • Actively participate in the Senior Management Team in the Country Office.
  • Ensure that the Senior Management receives relevant operational reports at least once a month to follow up and take decisions


Manage the finance and administration team

  • Assist in developing relevant position descriptions and in recruiting, training and supporting finance and administrative staff
  • Identify financial training needs  among staff and recommend practical means in which these needs can be fulfilled
  • Conduct annual evaluations of finance and administrative staff


Develop and maintain a proper filing system

  • Secure the development and maintenance of a proper finance filing system.
  • Supervise development and maintenance of proper staff filing



Develop guidelines and routines and build capacity and competence within finance management and accounting processes

  • Develop and maintain local finance handbook and local financial routines in line with global manuals and routines
  • Responsibility for proper authority, skills and competence within the Finance Department.
  • Responsible for proper authority, skills and competence with partners, in cooperation with relevant programme staff


Drive change and improvement in accounting and finance management processes

  • Proactively look for improvement in DKH/LWF/NCA internal routines in the yearly financial cycle.
  • Suggest and implement actions for improvement based on deliveries from partners and staff


Identify risk in the finance management process (internally and externally with partners) and advise on actions for follow-up

  • In co-operation with the Logistics and Security Coordinator, ensure that all assets put at the disposal of the Representation are safeguarded to prevent misappropriation, or in the case of theft, fire or other emergencies.
  • Make sure, in cooperation with relevant programme staff, that all partners are empowered to deliver and document the results specified in their approved applications – including proper financial management and reporting

Control and quality assure deliveries in the yearly financial cycle, including budgets, allocations, transfers and reporting to Head Office and back donors

  • Secure involvement by qualified finance staff and assist programme staff in all planning and budgeting processes.
  • Financial follow up and monitoring of projects throughout the project period, in cooperation with relevant programme staff.
  • Ensure that all financial reporting is timely and in accordance with the respective HQs of the three organisations and donor requirements.
  • Ensure implementation of a smooth cash flow management for offices and projects.
  • Responsible for compliance with finance and tax related country level statutory obligations.
  • Responsible for in-country organizational and project audits.

Identify risks in the finance management process (internally and externally with partners) and advise on actions for follow-up

  • In co-operation with the Logistics and Security Coordinator, ensure that all assets put at the disposal of the Representation are safeguarded to prevent misappropriation, or in the case of theft, fire or other emergencies.
  • Make sure, in cooperation with relevant programme staff, that all partners are empowered to deliver and document the results specified in their approved applications – including proper financial management and reporting.

Financial administration of personnel

  • Supervise preparation of monthly payrolls, taxes and benefit calculation for national staff.
  • Supervise revision of staff time sheets and track annual leave.
  • Provide assistance to staff recruitment.


Other duties

Undertake further duties relevant to the position, as agreed with the Country Director.


Applicants are required to uphold the core values of our organization.

Officer for Digital Data Management and Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (PMER)

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has an opening in its Geneva offices for an






Starting Date:  As soon as possible

Duration of Contract:  Initial contract of 5 years

Closing date for applications:  31 August 2019

Extensive travel of more than 20 days per year

Candidates for this position require a church endorsement


The Department for World Service (DWS) is responsible for carrying out diaconal response to humanitarian emergencies and human needs on behalf of the Lutheran World Federation – a Communion of Churches (LWF).  In pursuance of its responsibility and based on its strategy, DWS

  • Operates together with and on behalf of the LWF member churches,
  • Provides support of refugees, returnees, internally displaced people, their host communities and communities at risk, emphasizing livelihoods, quality services, protection and social cohesion,
  • Establishes and runs country programs and emergency operations,
  • Engages in cooperation and partnership with governmental and non-governmental organizations, the relevant United Nations agencies and other structures involved in humanitarian and development programs as they link to the WS mandate and represents the LWF in the ACT Alliance.

This position is part of a global Geneva-led PMER and QAA team, setting high quality and accountability standards, developing and ensuring that the necessary monitoring and evaluation systems, infrastructure, staff skills and knowledge are in place and constantly improving internal mechanisms related to compliance.

The purpose of this position is to provide support to quality programming, learning, and accountability for the DWS at all levels by:

  • Leading the conceptualization and technical implementation related to digital data collection and management;
  • Coordinating and supporting PMER processes at all levels (project, Country Program, and in Geneva);
  • Enhancing the learning and capacity development of LWF World Service in Country Programs in PMER and data management.

Required Qualifications

  • University degree in Economics, Statistics, Sociology or similar subjects with a strong emphasis on quantitative studies.
  • Proficient in office suite, spread sheet and database.
  • Proficient with online project management and collaborative tools.
  • Proficient English.  Working knowledge of French or Spanish would be an asset.

Additional Study and Experience

  • Further training and expertise in Technology for Development
  • Demonstrated experience managing cloud-based data collection and management systems
  • Proficient and comfortable in managing and cleaning data and statistics, including large relational data sets
  • At least 5 years working experience in a PMER / MEAL role, preferably within an internationally distributed team, in a development-oriented or NGO, preferably within a faith-based/ecumenical organization

LWF Core Skills

Achieving results – level high

Accountability – level high

Working effectively with others – level high

Analytical thinking – level high

Initiative – level high

Leadership – level confirmed

Required Skills

Planning, monitoring and evaluation methodology – level high

Popularization of technical jargon – level high

Communication – level high

Facilitation and coordination – level high

Coping with time pressure – level high

Training – level confirmed


Position Environment and Dimensions

Internally, as a member of a team of QAA, mainly interacts with World Service in Geneva and with QAA team members outside Geneva, with the Global Grants team, and globally with country programs technical staff in view of PMER and digitalisation.

Externally, interacts and cooperates with technical staff from related agencies, and other like-minded organisations.


Main Duties

Digital data management

Supports technically the roll out and review of the Global World Service Strategy, with a focus on indicator tracking and the collection and management of country results data.

Ensures the quality, usability and consistency of the data collected.

Leads the development of new digital data collection processes and coordinates the roll out and capacity building at field level.

Supports the efficient use of Newdea, LWF online PMER system for project management.


Facilitates and documents in-house planning processes.

Analyses gaps in and builds capacity of Country Programs PMER and data management processes (during travels, remote support).

Updates as needed guidance notes and other PMER materials on evaluation, peer-reviews and feedback mechanism of achievements to the grassroots.

Contribute to the development of tools and process for data collection and PMER quality checks in close collaboration with the Operations Team.


Support the development of tools and the daily coordination of the global QAA Team’s work.


Major Challenges

To support efficient networking and coordination among the global QAA team, regional PMER focal points and within the Country Programs.

To ensure close cooperation with the Regional Program Coordinators in Geneva and the Country Programs, supporting efficient communication within the department and giving and receiving regular information specific to the QAA team.

To effectively and efficiently work with relevant colleagues globally to ensure that good quality data are collected and meaningful reports are produced and uploaded on time.



To apply, click on the following link: