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General Assembly 2024 Stories

2nd October 2024

Shripa Shil was a tail0r working in a shop and her husband Bongkar Shil worked as a part-time laborer in the Upazila Parishad.

Their life was going well. They were happy with their beloved four year-old son. But then in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, her husband was diagnosed with a liver tumor.

Their situation was bad as they didn’t have enough money for treatment but she tried. She asked their family and friends to help them. Some  helped by giving them some cash, and the Union Chairman, UNO of Kutubdia Upazilla also helped them, but luck was not with them. She lost her husband.

She was widowed while still a very young woman. She couldn’t go to the Tailor shop and work anymore. People judged her because she was a widow.

But she had a dream that she would buy a sewing machine and will make women’s  & children’s clothes, etc. at her home. The dream was fulfilled by CCDB’s ACT Alliance project.

The project selected her for livelihood support as she desired and had prepared a business plan for.

Subsequently, provided her income generating activy (IGA) training in Upazila Parishad. She received BTk 12,000 (100USD) and  bought a sewing machine and some cloth for making a dress.

She was very happy to get this type of kind and each month she saved some money to support her family and for her children’s eduation  She was very happy to get support from CCDB and  thankful to the CCDB & ACT Alliance members and wished for continue support for the most disadvantaged in the community.