Webinar: Strengthening Gender Justice in the Asia-Pacific Region
The regional Gender CoP Asia Pacific is happy to invite everybody interested to a webinar within the framework of the campaign “16 days of activism”.
Dr. Beulah Shekhar, Emeritus Professor in Criminology and Victimology of the Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences in Coimbatore, India, has plenty of practical and theoretical experience in regard to all forms and consequences of gender-based violence.
Reverend James Bhagwan as General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches in Fiji will bring in the theological reflection of the topic, based on his work in the Pacific area.
The webinar is moderated by Cyra Bullecer, ACT Alliance Regional Representative Asia Pacific.
Tuesday, 8th December 2020, 11.30 am Bangkok time – open invitation
(the webinar will be followed by the meeting of the regional Community of Practice and conclude at 1 pm Bangkok time)
Statement of the ACT Alliance Ethiopia Forum on the current situation in Ethiopia
The following statement was issued by the ACT Ethiopia Forum about the situation in the Tigray region. ACT has also issued two alerts (one for Ethiopia, and one for Sudan) regarding humanitarian response in the region.
The ACT Alliance Ethiopia Forum lifts up in prayer the people affected by the crisis that erupted on the evening of 3 November 2020 in the Tigray regional state of Ethiopia.
According to unconfirmed reports from UNOCHA the conflict has already resulted in massive internal displacements among residents, and refugees living in Western and Northern Tigray. According to UNHCR, more than 25.000 refugees from Tigray have already crossed the border to Sudan and their numbers are continuously increasing.
We stand in solidarity with all affected, mourn the death, condole those who lost loved ones, and join all those who call for a peaceful resolution, and the immediate stop of the fighting.
The ACT Alliance Ethiopia Forum calls for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor to allow relief operations and the protection of all civilians and humanitarian aid workers.
It further calls on its members and partners to mobilize resources – programmatic, financial, in-kind, and spiritual – to provide an appropriate humanitarian response as soon as secure access can be guaranteed.
ACT Alliance participates in first regional review of the Global Compact for Migration
Refugees on their way to western Europe, a man from Iran holds his son as they approach the border into Croatia near the Serbian village of Berkasovo. The ACT Alliance has provided critical support for refugee and migrant families here and in other places along their journey. Photo: Paul Jeffrey/ACT
Last week, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) was being reviewed for the first time at regional level by governments, UN agencies, and other stakeholders, to assess progress made in its implementation since it was adopted by the UN GA in December 2018. The first region to conduct such a review was the UNECE region, encompassing Europe, including Southeastern And Eastern Europe, Central Asia, as well as North America.
ACT Alliance has submitted a contribution to the United Nations Network on Migration (UNNM), which helped facilitate the consultations, together with the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), who have invited written submissions for the review process. ACT’s submission examines the four main thematic areas of the regional review process, which are based on objectives of the GCM:
(1) Social inclusion and integration of migrants;
(2) Human rights protection, pathways and decent work;
(3) Human rights protection and border management; and
(4) Countering discrimination through promoting a facts-based migration discourse.
The submission portrayed the ACT Alliance position on these topics, assessed the progress we have seen in these areas so far in the UNECE region, gave examples of how ACT members have been involved, and included a call to action for important next steps on the way to the first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) in 2022.
While acknowledging important progress in some countries- for example with regard to improving migrants’ access to health and other services, and promoting alternatives to detention in the context of COVID-19- ACT’s submission also highlighted major areas of concern, including pushbacks against migrants seeking protection, continued institutional discrimination, especially against undocumented migrants, states’ unwillingness to meaningfully address the impacts of climate change on human mobility, and the need for more participatory and inclusive dialogues to address xenophobia and discrimination.
The ACT submission, as well as all others, from states and non-state actors alike, is available on the UNNM website for the review.
The review meeting itself proceeded in two stages – kicking off with an informal multi-stakeholder consultation on November 9. 2020, which was attended by over 100 organisations, and during which ACT Alliance was moderating one of the roundtables – and continuing with the formal review on November 12-13. As documented in the excellent report by the civil society rapporteur, the multi-stakeholder consultation covered a wide range of topics, highlighting the diversity of countries and contexts, as well as the similarity of rights issues prevalent throughout most of them.
Major civil society concerns included: The persistence and increase in violence against migrants at borders; a continued disregard for the best interest of children in migration proceedings, including in situations of detention and returns; large labour rights deficits for migrant workers, putting them at risk of exploitation; the importance of providing migrants access to services, regardless of status, highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic; and the necessity to provide broader access to regular migration pathways for labour migration, family reunification, and through regularisation of status.
The formal review on November 12-13 included thematic panel discussions with the active participation of governments (including Turkey, Germany, Canada, Portugal, Kazakhstan, the UK, and Albania) and other stakeholders, reflecting on progress made in GCM implementation. For the most part, these discussions were quite honest and constructive, acknowledging the need to increase efforts not only in multilateral cooperation, but also domestically, and underlining the value of a whole-of-society approach.
In his closing remarks, the civil society speaker, Stephane Jacquemet from the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), echoed many of our collective concerns when he focused on (1) the priority of providing access to services for all migrants, regardless of status; (2) the need to create and expand regular migration pathways; and (3) the pressing need to promote alternatives to detention, and in particular, to prohibit child detention.
The regional reviews of the GCM will continue early next year, since all other regions have now opted to postpone their review processes due to the impacts of COVID-19. ACT Alliance will continue to work with our members through our advisory structures to gather inputs and represent the voices of migrants in these regions.
Christian Wolff is ACT Alliance’s Migration and Displacement Program Manager.
Ongoing humanitarian support in Beirut
MECC providing household goods to families affected by the Beirut Blast as part of the ACT response. Photo: MECC
ACT members in Lebanon are continuing to respond to humanitarian need after an explosion devastated Beirut on August 4, 2020. The ACT Lebanon Forum put out an appeal, which can be pledged to by contacting George Majaj.
Here are three stories, from the Middle East Council of Churches, the Department of Service for Palestinian Refugees, and Norwegian Church Aid, of the impact of the explosion and the work that ACT members are doing to respond to the needs that are so urgent in Beirut.
For every family in Beirut on August 4 there is a story; its effect touched the lives of thousands of people in the city most profoundly felt by vulnerable families.
Johnny the 47-year-old husband who lives with his wife Sally 50-year-old and their son Ramy 11 years old; along with his mother in law Maguy 83 years who has a hearing problem and Chronic diseases. The family live in Karantina, and their home is the second building facing the port.
During that evening the family was at home having dinner and Sally, was the first one to hear the first explosion and immediately the memory of the war flashed back and told her husband that there is something wrong. A few minutes later the whole family heard the big explosion and immediately ran away from the dining room to the hallway where it felt the safest place.
The power of the explosion shook the whole house down and the fridge moved from its place making a shield for the family and protected them from flying glass and windows. The house has five windows which all exploded and shattered everywhere.
Sally and Maguy were injured and Johnny’s eye was injured also. Ramy explains the horror and pain he felt during the explosion after seeing his family hurt. The family was in shock and the first thing that came to their mind was that the war is back.
Johnny’s story like many others is often delivered in tales of depression, of need and often hope. Since the explosion the family received help from several organizations; however, the family was extremely grateful by the support of MECC since it consisted of food, hygiene, detergent supplies that can support them for a few months along with mattresses and linens which was mainly their essential needs.
The family was grateful for that since there is always a fear of not being able to afford getting these essentials because of the economic situation, MECC alongside with local churches were able to support essential supplies to families in need and hoping to continue to meet other urgent needs.
Youth from DSPR’s Joint Christian Committee for Social Service in Lebanon programme have been working tirelessly since August 4 to help clean up the blood and debris from the explosion.
These teens have been volunteering to remove debris, clean up homes, and to do whatever else they can to help those affected by the blast in Beirut. Many of them were also impacted by the explosion.
17-year-old Vanessa says, “I was there that same day. I was with my family going to Damour (south of Beirut). We had crossed the port when the explosion happened. We got out of the car. There were people everywhere, covered in blood. Some people were dead. I tried to help. There was so much blood.”
The teenagers practically grew up together at their hillside mountain Palestinian residences, known as the “Dbayeh camp.” As Palestinians, their futures are bleak. Palestinians are barred from acquiring Lebanese citizenship, and thus acquiring Lebanese identity cards, which would entitle them to government services, such as health and education. They are also legally barred from owning property and prohibited from working in over 60 skilled jobs.
“Even if we are Palestinians,” said 18 year-old Jubran, “We live here. We must help.”
“We kids cannot rebuild [their] home[s],” said Rudolph Habib, “We don’t have money to help. All we can offer is our youth. The capability of cleaning and carrying things for all these people.
The 4th of August 2020 deprived Hayat from a safe modest home, her source of living but most of all her son. Hayat a 65 years old woman living in Ashrafieh has endured the long years of civil war in Lebanon with her daughter Nancy and her son Shadi. Despite all her suffering, Hayat is a survivor and a strong mother who managed to stand on her feet to be supporting her family who needs her.
During the Lebanese civil war, Hayat’s son, Shadi, lost his capacity to speak and hear when a bomb exploded next to their home. He was then a two years old child. Thirty-six years later, Shadi was killed in the Beirut Blast, where he was buried under a destroyed three storey building.
Hayat was watering the flowers in front of the nearby church and Shadi was visiting a friend nearby, when the explosion ravaged their neighborhood. Hayat’s daughter and neighbors ran to her rescue as she was thrown on the floor drenched in blood and directly took her to the hospital to treat the wounds caused by the shattered glass all over her head, chest and hands.
As soon as Hayat’s wounds were treated, a painful journey started in search of her son. Relentlessly, she toured the hospitals holding her son’s photo, hoping to find him among the wounded worried that he cannot provide his name being deaf. It was until the next day when the civil defense team found Shadi’s body under the wreckage of his friend Issam’s collapsed building.
Thanks to the ACT appeal funds, NCA is supporting IOCC to rehabilitate Hayat’s house. Hayat and Nancy have this house as their only shelter. The explosion caused damage to the ceiling and the walls, and broke the door and the windows of their house. But now, despite all her pain and sorrow, Hayat considers the support to be a gift from God. She was hesitant to believe that someone would come to help her till she met the engineers who visited her house to assess the damage. Then, in no time, the contractor started the work to ensure that the family house is ready before winter hits Beirut.
ACT responds to Typhoon Goni
Photo: OCHA/Gil Francis G. Arevalo
Super Typhoon Goni, referred to locally as Typhoon Rolly, made landfall in the municipality of Bato, Catanduanes province in the Philippines on 1 November 2020. Over 1.4 million people in five regions across Luzon were affected.
The typhoon made landfall as a category five storm and has been labelled the world’s strongest typhoon of 2020. Super Typhoon Goni followed the same path as Typhoon Quinta, which made landfall just five days prior, affecting 200,000 people, leaving 22 dead, and four people missing. A third typhoon (Atsani) has taken a slightly different path to Typhoon Goni and Quinta, is anticipated to make landfall in the Philippines in the next few days.
OCHA/Gil Francis G. Arevalo
The typhoons caused rivers to overflow, flooding communities and putting the region in a state of crisis. As widespread infrastructure was destroyed, many towns have become difficult to access, leaving thousands of families in need of food, shelter, safe drinking water, and hygiene materials.
The situation is particularly dire for people with vulnerabilities, such as the elderly who left their homes for evacuation centres or temporary shelters, as the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in crowded spaces is high.
ACT members are coordinating their response with other humanitarian actors and faith-based networks, such as NASSA/Caritas Philippines and the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches – PhilRADS. The ACT Philippines Forum is working on an appeal to provide immediate food and psychosocial support to the most affected.
More information on ACT’s response, including how you can help, will be provided shortly.
The Hundred Billion Dollar Climate Promise: Will it be kept?
The Hundred Billion Dollar Climate Promise: Will it be kept?
Today the OECD published a report on the status of climate finance that has been mobilised by developed countries in relation to their commitment to deliver 100 bn USD annually by 2020. The report takes stock of funds that had been delivered by 2018, indicating that although there is a steady increase in funds, the goal of reaching 100 bn USD by 2020 is far away.
“The significance of delivering 100 bn USD annually by 2020 is not just about reaching an arbitrary number target. It is about saving lives, and preventing further suffering around the world. These funds are urgently needed to deliver action on the ground by people and communities in climate-vulnerable countries,” says Patriciah Roy Akullo, co-chair of ACT Alliance’s climate justice group.
The increase in funds reflected in the OECD report is to a large extent due to a growing number of loans, offered by multilateral development banks. While loans serve as an important source of support, they are very different from grants which do not have to be repaid.
“The 100 bn USD should serve its intended purpose – to support, not to add a burden of debt. The increase in finance reported would look rather different if it was just grants that counted towards the 100 bn USD,” says Mattias Söderberg, co-chair of ACT’s climate justice group.
“With the current approach, countries are delivering a large portion of climate finance as loans- which developing countries would have to pay back. As a result, we risk ending up with a situation where developed countries actually generate a profit from the support that they have committed to deliver. To say this is unfair is an understatement” continues Söderberg.
Apart from the commitment to deliver 100 bn USD annually, developed countries have also committed to balance the support that they provide for mitigation and adaptation initiatives. Despite this, the OECD report reveals that there is still a large focus on mitigation globally.
“It is difficult to continue to have faith in promises such as the 100bn USD commitment, or the balance of support for mitigation and adaptation, when countries are not taking concrete initiatives to deliver on their commitments. There is a huge need for an increase in adaptation finance, and this is even more critical given the additional challenges that communities face due to COVID,” says Söderberg.
Climate finance is a central element in the UN climate talks and disagreements on this topic is often identified as the reason for a lack of progress in the general negotiations.
“Climate finance is urgently needed to enable climate action. However, the fulfilment of commitments are also needed to build trust and confidence in the UN climate talks. Developed countries should deliver on their commitment to mobilize 100 bn USD by 2020. This climate promise must be kept,” concludes Akullo.
Media contacts
Mattias Söderberg co-chair of ACT Alliance Climate Justice Group | msd@dca.dk
Patriciah Roy Akullo, co-chair of ACT Alliance Climate Justice Group | prak@dca.dk
Joanna Patouris, ACT Alliance Climate Change Communicator & Coordinator Joanna.patouris@actalliance.org
Policy Brief: A Review of the Sustainable Development Goals through a Climate Lens
In 2015, the international community made an unprecedented set of commitments to pursuing a sustainable future through the adoption of the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals as well as the Paris Agreement on limiting global warming to well below 2° Celsius. The world set course for a transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient societies and economies, with countries working toward common goals while focusing on their national circumstances, challenges, and opportunities. Adapting to climate change is a key objective of the two agendas.
Climate change threatens many of humanity’s biggest achievements as well as its future goals as reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Progress on SDG 13 on climate action is falling short of what is needed to meet the targets of the global agenda by 2030.
The brief explores various SDGs and presents a set of recommendations to strengthen the synergies between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Learning and inspiring through climate justice dialogues
Adapted from story by Anglican Alliance/Elizabeth Perry.
ACT continues to build its influential network of faith-inspired climate justice advocates around the world. Through this network, ACT has been able to influence, inform and inspire climate action at the national and international level, while working to ensure that the needs and solutions of communities made vulnerable by climate change are taken into account, and responded to.
Through the support of ACT member, Brot für die Welt (BftW), ACT has begun the implementation of its new Climate Justice project, “Faith actors enhancing inclusive, ambitious and sustainable climate policy and action in accordance with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.”
One component of the Project brings ACT Alliance members and faith leaders together through multi-stakeholder dialogues in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) regions.
“This series of dialogues has allowed ACT members and church leaders in Jordan to gather and share their stories, experiences, and solutions related to climate resilience, and to identify opportunities for collaboration and action. We also asked participants to share with us their reasons for taking action on climate change, and this helped us to understand some of the key concerns of our members and church leaders” said Rachel Luce, ACT’s MENA Regional Representative.
Participants share their reasons for taking action on climate change. Credit: Rachel Luce/ ACT
ACT’s Jordan office hosts first climate justice dialogue
The first dialogue was hosted by ACT Alliance’s MENA Region. Both because of COVID-19 travel restrictions and the different contexts within the region, this workshop exclusively focused on Jordan. Equivalent dialogues are due to take place in Palestine and Egypt later in the year.
The Jordan climate justice dialogue was convened through a combination of in-person meetings (compliant with local COVID-19 rules) and online sessions, bringing together ACT members, church leaders, environmental NGOs, representatives of Jordan’s Ministry of the Environment, and others to discuss climate change in Jordan. Participants explored issues of loss and damage, adaptation and mitigation, identifying their common concerns, and specific actions that they could take on climate change.
“These dialogues helped us to catalyze greater climate ambition amongst ACT members and faith leaders in the MENA region as participants said that they previously identified Climate Justice as a secular issue. By the end of the dialogue, participants said that they understood the need for faith actors to take action on climate change in their context,” said Rachel Luce.
A faith leader shares one of their reasons for taking action on climate change Credit: Rachel Luce/ ACT
“The dialogue encouraged participants to explore issues of climate justice in ways that they had not before,” said Joel Kelling, ACT’s MENA region Climate Justice Working Group Chair.
“One of the participants spoke about how they were used to the idea of creation care, but that the concept of climate justice was new to them,” he continued.
Bringing together various actors working on climate change in the region through the dialogues has the potential to strengthen relationships between ACT members and other local networks, “Some of the participants offered to provide additional capacity-building on climate change to clergy in Jordan. This is great for us, as the sharing of resources means that we do not have to replicate already existing materials,” said Joel.
As climate change continues to threaten lives, livelihoods and all of creation, it is important that all of ACT’s membership joins the fight on climate change, and the multistakeholder dialogues present an opportunity to do so.
“Climate change is one of the issues that bring ACT members in the region together, ACT’s MENA region will continue to mobilize and equip ourselves to contribute to tackling the injustices in our communities that are exacerbated by climate change,” said Rachel.
FCA to support quality education in Syria with USD 680,000 from Syria Humanitarian Fund
This article was originally posted on the Finn Church Aid website
FCA will be supporting 4,000 crisis-affected children and youth in Hama area in Syria with access to quality education in a safe and protected environment.
Finn Church Aid (FCA) has been granted over 680,000 USD from the Syria Humanitarian Fundto support 4,000 children and youth to access quality education in Hama area, Syria.
After ten years since the war broke out, the Syrian refugee crisis remains the largest displacement crisis of our time. About 6.2 million people are displaced within Syria, and nearly 12 million people in the country needhumanitarian assistance. At least half of theaffected people are children.
The war has also left the education system in ruins. More than one in three schools are damaged or destroyed, and many are used for other purposes than education. Some schools operate in double or triple shifts to accommodate the massive influx of displaced children.
Meeting the needs requires collective efforts from national, regional and international educational actors, says Karam Sharouf, FCA’s Education Programme Manager in Syria.
“Education is the key to comprehensive human, economic and socially sustainable development. Therefore, continuous support should be provided to the education sector in Syria, and educational capabilities that could contribute to rebuilding Syria should be developed“, Sharoufsays.
Quality education through rehabilitating schools and training teachers
In thecommunities that FCA will support in rural Hama,approximately one thousand children are out of school,setting the enrolment rate at 77per cent.Poverty and a lack of safety and security remain critical barriers to accessing education. Protracted displacement and limited economic opportunities have forced people in Syria to adopt negative coping strategies, including child marriage and child labour. This is usually more common in villages without schools, says Sharouf.
“There are many cases of early marriage, and many families rely on their children workingdue to the absence of the father, who might have died or travelled away“, Sharouf says.
Schools constitute a protected environment for children and enhance their well-being, but currently, schools are overcrowded. Theyalso lack doors, windows,heating systems and learning materials. Sanitation facilities are largely unusable.FCA will rehabilitate school buildings to make them safe and accessible and constructinclusive and gender-sensitivesanitation facilities.
The need for teacher training is enormous as the number of teachers in Syria’s formal educationsystem has declined by more than half in the past five years. The remaining teachers have not received systematic in-service training during the war, and newly recruited teachers often lack the required qualifications. FCA arrangesteacher training that includes child safeguarding and psychosocial support, and equips schools with teaching materials and recreational kits, for example, craft materials and sports equipment.
The programme will also focus on ensuring access to quality education for children and youth through non-formal education, such as remedial classes and accelerated learning that helps learners to catch up with their age-grade after years out of school.
“These groups will be able to continue education and keep up with the academic achievement of their peers, thus reducing their chances of dropping out of school to a minimum“, Sharouf says.
FCA has substantial experience in providing quality education services, especially in emergencies, and is a solid partner of local actors already implementing education activities in Syria.
The Beirut blast response by local ACT members
DSPR-JCC volunteers helping clean up after the Beirut blast of August 4, 2020, which displaced hundreds of thousands. Photo: DSPR-JCC
The landscape of Beirut and the lives of hundreds of thousands of its residents, changed in an instant on the afternoon of August 4, 2020. At 18:00 local time, over 2700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate exploded in a warehouse in the port of Beirut, killing hundreds, injuring thousands, and displacing over 300,000 people. “Hundreds of thousands became homeless in seconds,” said Sylvia Haddad of ACT member Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR)’s Joint Christian Committee for Social Service in Lebanon (DSPR-JCC).
ACT members, including DSPR and the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), began to respond through the local churches and their programmes. “Every helping hand was needed,” Haddad said. “A JCC youth group in Dbayeh camp insisted on going to Beirut to help.”
The youth, along with everyone else who could- including people living with disabilities- pitched in to clean up. The blast levelled buildings, shattered glass, and destroyed homes and livelihoods in a wide radius of Beirut.
Beyond assisting with the cleanup, DSPR-JCC began to support affected vulnerable people in four camps around Beirut, providing food vouchers, food, hygiene supplies, and helping to meet household needs. “ACT Alliance gave us our first support from their emergency funds [Rapid Response Fund] while we approached other donors for help,” Haddad said.
MECC took an active role in coordinating the various churches in Beirut in helping them to respond effectively and cohesively, avoiding duplication and sharing resources as best they could. MECC churches provided food, hygiene supplies, COVID kits, health care, life-saving items, and livelihood support.
In addition, MECC prioritized giving unconditional cash or vouchers to affected families. “Unconditional cash lets people buy what they need, and respects their privacy,” said Samer Laham of MECC. “We also gave unrestricted cash so people could buy what they need from the local market.” This cash allows the local economy to pick up, and for local farmers and merchants to be supported.
Haddad also sees the value in providing cash to affected families. “Cash is the best in this context- people do not always prefer lentils and rice,” she said, noting that cash allows them to buy the food that is best for their family needs.
Laham noted a continued need and role for churches in the response to the blast. “People need moral and spiritual support to absorb the trauma,” he said. “They will also need help to cope with the approaching winter, and with their children’s education needs.”
MECC and DSPR, along with Christian Aid, Diakonia Sweden, and Norwegian Church Aid, have joined in launching a $3.2 million appeal for ACT’s humanitarian work in responding to the Beirut blast. The appeal will target 40,480 people living in the affected area who lost family members or property to the explosions. Particular focus will be placed on supporting children, women, the elderly, people with disabilities, and vulnerable families who do not have the financial capacity to cope.
The full appeal can be read here, and those wishing to pledge to the appeal are asked to email George Majaj, Humanitarian Programme Advisor for MENA.