India: Floods in Chennai and Tamil Nadu – RRF No.17/2017

On the morning of Friday the 3 November 2017, the state of Chennai, Tamil Nadu in India, was severely affected by a low pressure area that had formed over Sri Lanka and South West Bay of Bengal bringing heavy and incessant rain falls to Chennai and Tamil Nadu. According to media reports twelve people are reported to have died due to rain related incidents. An estimated 250,000 people have been affected due flood in Chennai, Cuddalore, Kanchipuram, Tiruvallur and Pondicherry areas.

Humanitarian Need

people have lost their livelihood, their clothing, little household food reserves were destroyed and their huts have been damaged. They are in need of food and non-food ( such as clothing) relief assistance from organisations and institutions. The daily wage workers, landless labourers and agriculture labourer are unable to go out for their work due to heavy rain and flood situation. Their families member are suffering due to lack of savings and food reserves. The flood affected people have requested UELCI to come forward and support with food and non-food relief assistance and save their lives in this crisis situation.

UELCI as a member of ACT Alliance is requesting this RRF through the ACT Alliance mechanism to respond and save 1575 flood affected households in Chennai, Cuddalore, Pondicherry and Kanchipuram districts

Proposed response

The Emergency relief program is proposed to be undertaken among the worst flood affected 1575 households in Chennai and Coastal villages of Tamil Nadu. Slum areas and villages are selected because they did not receive relief from the Government but severely affected by the flood. They lost their livelihood, food reserves and their mud houses are partially/completely damaged. They depend upon their daily wage labour, and due to floods they cannot get work hence struggling for survival. The UELCI has had a presence in the flood affected areas through the UELCI slum women advancement program in Chennai slums, and through member churches in the affected villages. The following places will be covered: Chennai District: 800, Cuddalore District: 800, Kanchipurm District: 400. TOTAL Households: 1575 Overall goal: The relief program improves the living conditions of 1575 flood affected house holds in Chennai and coastal area villages of Tamil Nadu. Objective: 1575 flood affected households have access to food and non-food ( cloths) in the crisis situation. Expected results: 1575 marginalised flood affected household lives are saved in the crisis situation

The ACT Secretariat has approved the use of US$ 40,000 towards the budget from its Rapid Response Fund

Costa Rica: Emergency response to the Tropical Storm Nate – CRC171

Tropical storm “Nate” formed on Thursday the 5th of October in the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. The storm caused heavy rains and landslides throughout several countries in Central America. In Costa Rica, landslides caused significant damage to roads and villages, cutting off some areas.  According to the National Emergency Commission more than 11,517 persons are in 178 shelters around the nation after having to leave their homes because of flooding and the risk of unstable ground giving way. More than a dozen main roads were closed, while others were only partially open. In the province of Guanacaste, which has been particularly hard-hit by the heavy rains, many roads were impassable to all but four-wheel-drive vehicles and horses.

A highway that connects the south of the country was washed away in Casa Mata. At least 5,000 residents fled to emergency shelters there, according to the Associated Press. As much of the Costa Rica returns to normal, many communities are still isolated, others without water, and destruction caused by rains continues to be tallied and dealt with. The National Emergency Commission (CNE) on October 9, updated the status of different parts of the country. Much of Guanacaste and Puntarenas, on the country’s Pacific side, remain under red alert, and others have returned to low or no alert as rains have returned to normal rainy season levels.

The Costa Rican government declared a state of emergency, and President Luis Guillermo Solís appealed to the international community for support.  The annual rainy season is currently underway in Central America; a five-month period typically ending in December in which the risk of flooding and mudslides are heightened. This year, some areas in the region, including Costa Rica, have gotten up to 50 percent more rain than average for the months of September and October.

ACT Costa Rica Forum through it local member Lutheran Church of Costa Rica (ILCO) in coordination with implementing partners CSF and ACTUAR are planning to respond to this crisis by providing Shelter/NFI s, Food security, WASH and Livelihoods. Over 1105 households and 5525  individuals will be benefited by this intervention. The ACT Costa Rica Forum is requesting 164,546.04   USD to run the activities.



Iraq: Support to Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and their hosts including Mosul Military Operation – IRQ161 – Revision 1

The first revision of the IRQ161 appeal is hereby issued, as requested by the ACT Iraq Forum.
This revision is based on the evolving humanitarian situation as the fight against Islamic State is coming to the end, and the liberation allows hundreds of people to return to their homes. Significant barriers inhibit return movements, such as the destruction of property and lack of security and access to basic services, while the conflict between the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region may trigger new displacements. The humanitarian situation keeps evolving in all parts of Iraq, including the current areas of activity of requesting members.

Christian Aid expressed a need to adjust their original proposed activities to allow for responding to WASH activities in more critical areas across Iraq, one of the greatest needs identified in relation to the Mosul response. To reflect this, additional budget lines have been included for hygiene kits, hygiene promotion, and critical health messaging.

Nicaragua: Tropical Storm Nate – No.RRF 15/2017

Tropical storm “Nate” formed on Thursday the 5th of October off the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. The storm caused heavy rains and landslides throughout several countries in Central America. According to the report of SINAPRED (National System for Disaster Prevention), 73 municipalities from 11 departments were affected by heavy rains and winds (Chontales, Madriz, Boaco, Rio San Juan, Nueva Segovia, Triangulo Minero, Carazo, Rivas, Granada and the North Caribbean.). There are varying degrees damage throughout the 124 neighbourhoods and communities. 8236 houses were reported to have incurred some type of damage, of which 33 are totally destroyed; moreover, 6185 houses were flooded, and 27 remain at risk. 425 people were evacuated to solidarity homes. The Nicaraguan authorities have registered 16 fatalities as direct result of the storm. The government of Nicaragua has provided food supplies for more than 1600 affected households. The Ministry of Health has deployed 56 medical brigades composed of 544 health workers to the affected areas. Protection measures are being taken for vulnerable people in affected villages.

Data collected by the National System for Disaster Prevention in the affected communities indicates, that tropical storm Nate has critically damaged main livelihoods and food stocks. The population affected by Tropical Storm Nate in Nicaragua are in dire need of food, shelter, health services, access to safe water and restoration of livelihood. For this response the requesting member has identified gaps in food security. The Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD) is the requesting member for this response in coordination with Interchurch Center for Theological and Social Studies (CIEETS), to attend 700 households with food security. ACT Secretariat have approved 58,676.00 USD towards the budget from its Rapid Response Funds to attend the emergency.

Bangladesh: Emergency Assistance to the Rohingya Community in Cox’s Bazar- BGD172

Bangladesh, one of the world’s poorest nations, has seen a massive influx of Rohingya people fleeing violence and persecution in Myanmar. As of 21 Oct 2017, at least 815,000 Rohingyas are estimated to be sheltering in Bangladesh. Violence which began on 25 August has triggered a massive and swift influx and resulted in a critical humanitarian emergency. 603,000 new arrivals are reported, according to IOM Needs and Population Monitoring, UNHCR and other field reports. Population movements within Cox’s Bazar remain fluid, with increasing concentration in Ukhia, where the Government has allocated 3,000 acres for a new camp. Over half of the new arrivals are living in spontaneous settlements with little access to aid.

As this is a cross-border crisis which impacts Myanmar and Bangladesh, a coordinated and complementary humanitarian response among ACT Alliance members in the countries is necessary. Consequently, ACT Bangladesh Forum (Christian Aid, DanChurchAid, Diakonia, ICCO Cooperation) will assist over 60,000 households and 112,600 individuals in Bangladesh by providing Shelter/NFI s, Food Security, Protection/Psychosocial,  Health/ Nutrition, WASH, and advocacy programs. The ACT Bangladesh Forum is requesting for 3,578,740 USD to run the activities. Any indication of funding or other support is encouraged to be made in the name of the ACT Bangladesh Forum, and allocations will be made according to agreed mechanisms among requesting members.

While ACT Myanmar Forum members (Christian Aid and LWF) will respond to this crisis in Myanmar by providing Shelter/NFI s, Food Security, Protection/Psychosocial, Early Recovery/ Livelihoods, Unconditional Cash ,Education, and Advocacy programs. Over 21,000 households and 15,000 individuals will be benefited by this intervention.

Liberia: Emergency response to the storms and floods – No.RRF 14/2017

In Liberia, since the beginning of this year, there have been constant storms and floods resulting in significant damages and losses. On Tuesday, August 31st, it was reported on the National Radio Station (ELBC Super Morning Show) that a heavy storm had occurred in Bong County (Central Liberia) which caused the destruction of houses thereby leading to the displacement of hundreds of local community dwellers.

There are presently 5,244 people who are affected and 118 houses destroyed in Suakoko Town. 560 persons are without shelters, according to reports received from the National Disaster Committee based Gbarnga, Bong County.Other impacts of the storm and floods include the destruction of school buildings, offices, etc. Other parts of the country including Grand Cape Mount County and Margibi County have also been affected by heavy flooding which subsequently damaged individual houses. As the rainy season is at its peak in Liberia, more storms and potential flooding are expected.

The ACT Liberia Forum through Lutheran Development Services is planning to support the affected communities through the provision of food, non-food items and safe drinking water to restore their dignity and livelihoods.

Myanmar: Humanitarian Appeal for Rakhine – MMR171

The conflict in Rakhine started in 2012 and displaced about 140,000 individuals. During the period 2015-16, about 25,000 IDPs were resettled near their original home by the government. On 9 October 2016 an armed group attack on border guards in Northern Rakhine and the retaliation by the Myanmar army caused severe unrest and affected the lives of thousands of people especially in Northern Rakhine. The violence intensified further on 25 August 2017. According to the Inter Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) of the UN, 500,000 people are reported to have crossed the border since 25 August 2017.

As this is a cross-border crisis which impacts Myanmar and Bangladesh, a coordinated and complementary humanitarian response among ACT Alliance members in the countries is necessary. Consequently, ACT Myanmar Forum members (Christian Aid and LWF) will respond to this crisis in Myanmar by providing Shelter/NFI s, Food Security, Protection/Psychosocial, Early Recovery/ Livelihoods, Unconditional Cash ,Education, and Advocacy programs. The ACT Myanmar Forum is now requesting for 1,512,360 USD to run the program. Over 21,000 households and 15,000 individuals will be benefited by this intervention. Any indication of funding or other support is encouraged to be made in the name of the ACT Myanmar Forum, and allocations will be made according to agreed mechanisms among requesting members. ACT Bangladesh Forum (Christian Aid, DanChurchAid, Diakonia Sweden, ICCO Cooperation) will assist over 6,600 households or 39,600 individuals in Bangladesh.


Cuba: Emergency response to the Hurricane Irma – CUB171

On September 6th, 2017, Hurricane Irma, a category 5 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 295 km/hour, became one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded in the Atlantic. This highly destructive hurricane approached the eastern coast of Cuba (in Guantánamo) on Thursday, September 7th. Hurricane Irma battered the entire north coast for 4 days. At 8:00 p.m. on Monday, September 11th, the hurricane finally left Cuban territory leaving a huge amount of devastation in its wake. Approximately 2,000,000 persons were evacuated from their homes and sought refuge with their relatives, neighbors, in emergency shelters or in local churches. Tidal surges measuring up to 9 meters in height came crashing down on the coastline.  10 human casualties were reported as direct result of the hurricane.  Irma has caused considerable environmental, economic and social damage throughout the country; more specifically, there is inadequate supply of safe water for human consumption; significant loss of coastal dunes, forests, fruit trees, as well as seed granaries, banana and other crops; total or partial destruction of houses, health and educational centers, markets, bridges and access roads to those communities. Widespread flooding promoted unsanitary conditions which have resulted in health issues. Many communities remain without electricity and telecommunications, due to extensive infrastructural damage to the national network. The tourism industry, the main source of income for the Cuban economy, was seriously impacted, due to the destruction of hotel infrastructure. All this has seriously affected the psychosocial well-being of vulnerable groups, especially elderly persons, children, teenagers, youth, women, persons with disability and persons with chronic illnesses.

The Cuba Council of Churches (CIC) an ACT Alliance local member in the Cuban Forum are supporting the Hurricane affected households to have sufficient food, access to safe water and sanitation, Psychosocial support, shelter rehabilitation, and livelihoods recovery. Over 20,000 households in 75 communities will be benefited by this intervention, the requested budget for this intervention is  1, 395,795.00 USD.

Indonesia: Assistance to people displaced by increased volcanic activity on Mt.Agung – No.RRF 14/2017

The volcanic activity from seismicity of Mt. Agung in Karangasem Regency, Bali Province, has kept increasing over the last weeks. On 22 September 2017 at 20.30 WITA,  the status was raised from orange alert (level 3) to red alert (level 4, the highest), by the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM). The high volcanic activity has put some districts in a state of emergency with any potential eruption in the future. National and provincial authorities reported the significant increase of volcanic activity and by 23 September 2017, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) deployed initial team to assess and set up the command post. On 5 October 2017, the total numbers of IDPs at 427 points in 9 districts is 146,797.

Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU), a national member from the ACT Indonesia Forum is the ACT requesting member for this response,  and had identify the following sectors as priorities: Shelter, non-food items, Health/ Nutrition, and WASH.  Although, YEU is requesting for USD 59,998  but considering the current funding level of the global RRF pot at ACT Alliance Secretariat,  ACT Secretariat has approved the use of USD 40,000 to the ACT Indonesia Forum in implementing the activities under this RRF.  However,  YEU remains positioned to receive additional contributions especially if a huge eruption occurs. .

Infographic2_RRF_10_2017_Indonesia_Vulcan Eruption

Bangladesh: Emergency Assistance to the Rohingya Community in Cox’s Bazar – BGD172 (Concept Note)

Bangladesh, one of the world’s poorest nations, has seen a massive influx of Rohingya people fleeing violence in Myanmar in the last 4 weeks. The extent and implications remain uncertain. Close to half-a-million (429,000) Rohingya refugees have fled to Bangladesh since Aug 25, escaping violent attacks carried out by Myanmar troops and Buddhist vigilantes.  There is very high fluidity and internal mobility, the majority of arrivals are still on the move, with more than 15,000 people coming in everyday.

As this is a cross-border crisis which impacts Myanmar and Bangladesh, a coordinated and complementary humanitarian response among ACT Alliance members in the countries is necessary. Consequently, ACTBangladesh Forum (Christian Aid, DanChurchAid, Diakonia Sweden, ICCO Cooperation) will assist over 6,600 households or 39,600 individuals in Bangladesh by providing Shelter/NFI s, Food Security, Protection/Psychosocial, Early Recovery/ Livelihoods, Unconditional Cash, Health/ Nutrition, and WASHprograms. The ACT Bangladesh Forum is requesting for 3,541,249 USD to run the activities. Any indication of funding or other support is encouraged to be made in the name of the ACT Bangladesh Forum, and allocations will be made according to agreed mechanisms among requesting members.

While in Myanmar side, ACT Myanmar Forum members (Christian Aid and LWF) will respond to this crisis by providing Shelter/NFI s, Food Security, Protection/Psychosocial, Early Recovery/ Livelihoods, Unconditional Cash and Community Resilience programs to over19,000 households and 12,500 individuals.

As part of the revision of the ACT Alliance Humanitarian Response Mechanism, the “Preliminary Appeal” is replaced by the “Concept Note”, a shorter more concise document which summarizes the proposed ACT response and emphasizes collaboration amongst the ACT members. For further information on the Revised Humanitarian Response Mechanism, please refer to its online toolkit :

Infographic2_CN_10_2017_Bangladesh_Roringa Refugees