As of July, UNCHR reports the total number of Ukrainian refugees globally is 6.3 million of which 5.96 million are in Europe.
According to IOM a further 5 million people have been displaced internally within Ukraine. In June, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) had recorded 24,862 civilian casualties to date in Ukraine with 9,083 people killed and 15,779 injured.
This fourth revision is based upon the updated needs assessments of ACT members in the appeal (AIDRom, Church World Service, HEKS/EPER, Hungarian Interchurch Aid and the Lutheran World Federation). Christian Aid joins the appeal as a requesting member in this revision working with local organisations in Ukraine with a Survivor & Community Led Response (SCLR) approach.
ACT members are responding in Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Poland, and Slovakia with the revised appeal budget of USD46,747,481 (Total income as of 8 August 2023: 25,381,252 USD and the Balance requested: 21,366,229 USD).