Early this year, Zambia experienced continuous heavy rains which resulted in floods, causing significant damages and losses.
On Wednesday, 21st February 2018 districts of Petauke and Chama were reported to be flooded. These floods washed away a bridge connecting Lundazi and Chama districts causing heavy traffic delay and the floods also caused destruction of houses, leading to the displacement of community members.
There are presently 2,140 Households affected in Petaule and Chama districts with 377 community members evacuated and over 198 children requiring psychosocial support.
At least 500 affected households require Treated Mosquito Nets and lighting; blankets and clothing. According to reports from Zambia Disaster Management Mitigation Unit (DMMU), the government of the Republic of Zambia has provided tents, treated mosquito nets and clothing to 1,601 affected Households to affect families in only Chama.
Affected households are either staying at a community School or Church.
ACT Zambia Forum shall respond to floods in Chama and Petauke by re-constructing a school building and supporting 2,140 HH with food rations and emergency non – food items.
The ACT Zambia forum national member working on this response in Chama and Petauke is United Church of Zambia (UCZ).The response will continue for three months since floods shall continue to affect communities in Chama district(which is located in a valley).
ZAMBIA-Emergency Response to Storm and Flood affected populations in Zambia RRF 02