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General Assembly 2024 Stories

18th October 2024

Sheik Musa lives in the heart of the busy fishing town of Tombo, in the Western Rural District in Sierra Leone. Sheik Musa is a respected community leader and had long been aware of the pervasive influence of harmful traditional practices, and the violence against women, in his community. Yet, it was not until he participated in a positive masculinities project that he found the tools to truly effect change. The ACT Sierra Leone Forum, working with community leaders, collaborated on a project that aimed to challenge entrenched gender norms and foster a culture of respect and equality. 

New knowledge was shared and gained, in different sessions and the Positive Masculinity Manual, which equipped participants with the tools to transform harmful social norms. Sheik Musa shared how the project initiated a conscious change in his mindset about gender and gender relations. He reflected on how this was challenging, he was raised in a society where patriarchal and religious values were deeply ingrained. Sheik Musa had always been hesitant to question the status quo. However, as he delved deeper into the curriculum, he found himself confronted with uncomfortable truths about the impact of gender inequalities on his community.

With a new mindset, Sheik Musa became a vocal advocate for change in his congregation and community. He used his platform, like many other religious leaders, to challenge harmful practices and promote gender equality. He delivered sermons on the importance of respecting women’s rights and spoke out against violence in all its forms. Sheik Musa also engaged with community members in open dialogue, encouraging them to question their own beliefs and attitudes towards gender roles. He worked with local organisations to implement initiatives aimed at empowering women and girls, from providing access to education and healthcare to promoting economic opportunities.

And slowly but surely, Sheik Musa’s efforts began to bear fruit. Instances of gender-based violence began to decline, replaced by a growing sense of respect and equality. Women felt empowered to assert their rights, while men embraced their role as allies in the fight for gender justice. Today, as Sheik Musa looks out over his community, he sees a brighter future on the horizon. Where once there was ignorance and oppression, there is now understanding and hope. And it’s all thanks to the transformative power of education and the unwavering commitment of leaders, like Sheik Musa, to build a more just and equitable world for all.