CSW69: Rights. Equality. Empowerment. For ALL Women and Girls
In 1995, world leaders vowed equal rights, opportunities, power, and safety for all women and girls. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action set this bold vision, which continues to be a ‘blueprint’ for gender equality. As we mark the 30th Anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, ACT Alliance members are standing together, and partnering with governments, UN Agencies, and civil society, to amplify our collective voice to make the promise of gender equality a reality.
ACT Alliance will be represented by over 20 delegates, from diverse regions and faith-based organisations, who have been engaging in a series of capacity strengthening workshops, which is rooted in the experiences and expertise of our members from around the world. Members are advocating for a strong Political Declaration, co-hosting Side and Parallel Events, launching a new report on social norm change, and networking to stand stronger, more united, more diverse, and determined to defend human rights and push forward for gender equality.
Launching a New Report on Social Norm Change
The new report, 30 Years on from The Beijing Platform for Action: Faith-Based Actors as Catalyst Towards Positive Norm Change, to be launched on 13th March 2025 spotlights work of ACT Alliance members and partners, who are using faith-based methodologies to promote gender equality and dismantle patriarchal power. Specifically, the report focuses on how faith communities can be a transformative force in ensuring human rights and dismantling patriarchal power. The report concludes with a series of recommendations and calls to actions to Member States, UN Agencies, and wider civil society, including faith-based actors, to catalyse collective action for sustainable development.
Read our Joint Statement for CSW69
ACT Alliance – Action by Churches Together, Anglican Consultative Council, Christian Aid, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches, Islamic Relief, Kirkon Ulkomaanavun Säätiö, Mother’s Union, Muslims for Progressive Values, Soka Gakkai International, and World Young Women’s Christian Association
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