Ukraine booklet- Psychosocial support October 2023

This booklet about ACT’s humanitarian work around the war in Ukraine focuses on ACT members’ work in psychosocial support to people and communities impacted by the ongoing conflict.  Download it here.

PSS UKRAINE – UKR221 – print web

National, Sub-Regional and Regional Forums Policy (2018)

A revised ACT Forums Policy was adopted by the Governing Board in 2018,  effective as of January 1, 2019. National and regional forums have been part of the ACT structure for a long time, but their functioning was not uniform, and their work was mainly related to coordination and cooperation around humanitarian work. With the advent of the new ACT Global Strategy 2019-2026 and the Membership and Engagement Model (effective as of 2020), ACT Alliance seeks to leverage the cohesion, effectiveness and relevance of the alliance by having the national and regional forums at its core. The major changes in the ACT Forums Policy are intended to ensure strong, cohesive and functional national and regional forums, as well as to express the new strategic direction we want to go in as an alliance.

National, Sub-Regional and Regional Forums Policy (2018) EN

National, Sub-Regional and Regional Forums Policy (2018) SP

National, Sub-Regional and Regional Forums Policy (2018) FR

Newsletter South-Sudan

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Find here a ACT Newsletter-Editing_South-Sudan published by the ACT Forum on July 30, 2021.

The Forum has launched an urgent call for action in a video as well. 



Have a say! The ACT Indonesia Forum

Irawaty Manullang – Forum Convenor in Indonesia, Executive Director of PELKESI

How often do you meet within the forum?

The Forum Coordination Meeting is scheduled once every three months, either offline or online, depending on the Forum members’ agreement. But at least twice a year we hold offline meetings for discussing joint programs and evaluation. Since the Covid-19 pandemic however we changed the offline meetings to virtual online meetings or discussions through WhatsApp. The virtual meetings are held nearly every month, especially regarding disaster response and gender programs.

Where is the focus of joint activities within the forum? 

Based on the ACT Alliance’s global strategy, the Forum holds planning for joint programs on Climate Change, Gender, Peace, Migration and Emergency Preparedness and Humanitarian Response (EPHR). But the issues the Forum has mainly focused on were EPHR and Gender. EPHR is the Forum’s most common concern because disaster frequency in Indonesia is high. Rapid response on disasters can be done as a consortium with the coordinator changing alternately. Concerning gender, currently we are in the process of introducing gender mainstreaming and a gender justice policy for every member. However, each member has different activities since each one’s understanding of gender is different Therefore ICCO, the Forum member who has already implemented a gender justice policy, will help the other members in doing a self-assessment, and also will facilitate completing the needed documents for each member to introduce a gender justice policy.   

Why do you think coordination or working together is important?

Coordination is a must in doing joint programs. Periodically, we can see the progress of the goals the Forum has agreed on, and what the obstacles and the solutions are, so that there are lessons learnt and a common agreement for improvements.

How do you collaborate with the National Council of Churches in your country?

PELKESI, YEU, and CDRM-CDS are members of the ACT Indonesia Forum (ACTIF) and Jaringan Komunitas Kristen untuk Penanggulangan Bencana di Indonesia (Jakomkris PBI) or Christian Community Network for Disaster Management in Indonesia. Jakomkris is striving to encourage churches in Indonesia to have disaster preparedness units. So when disaster occurs, members of ACTIF always coordinate with the local or national-level churches through Jakomkris in disaster response. On the other hand, ACTIF members also serve as facilitators for Jakomkris’ disaster management training for churches.   

In what sense do you benefit from the collaboration as an organization / individual?

As organization the benefit we get from the collaboration is that the disaster response in affected areas become quicker, right on target, and complement each other. Each member has different competencies in disaster response management. For example, ICCO is competent in women’s empowerment in agriculture, PELKESI in health services, YEU in inclusion, and CWS in migration. Individually, each member can broaden its network, and has easy access to disaster information and regulation, either by the central or local government.

How do you communicate throughout the year?

We forward any information we receive from ACT Alliance to the Forum members through the contact persons appointed by each organization. When we feel it’s urgent and needs immediate response, we forward it via the WhatsApp group. At PELKESI, I have some staff that helps me with communication and information issues, and supports me in organizing the Forum meetings using an online platform. Currently PELKESI is trying to empower its PELKESI Disaster Response Unit (PeDRU), so that one day they could handle PELKESI’s role as a convenor.

Besides, some Forum members in charge or as part of regional working groups also help in communicating information from the ACT Alliance, in case I have not received such information. When there are regional-level meetings, I usually coordinate with the PELKESI team and each members’ leaders.

What challenges have you encountered?

  1. Each member of the Forum, both NGOs and INGOs, have different characteristics. And that is the wealth of the Indonesian forum. We have planned several joint programs based on strategic issues at the same location, with work roles according to the potential and capacity of each institution. This will create a comprehensive collaborative activity. It turns out that the plan has not yet been implemented due to the large number of disasters that have occurred in Indonesia and resources have also become limited due to the pandemic.
  2. The difficulty of each member to find time to conduct a Forum activity as each member has its own schedule, and also the limits of virtual meetings which can only have a length of 3 hours maximum. Not to mention the cross-province meetings with significant time differences which make it harder to adjust. Therefore, some Forum agenda are still pending such as ratification of all mandatory policies of ACT, the membership fee mechanism, as well as offering trainings to all members.


Dr. Sari Mutia Timur – Director of Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU)

Where do you see the benefits/added value of participating in the forum?

Joining the forum allows YAKKUM to exercise meaningful collaboration with other members in different areas, such as in emergency response and advocacy. In emergency response, the forum has implemented appeals and Rapid Response Fund (RRF) projects across Indonesia and learnt from different contexts of emergencies, including how to work together with local churches in various levels of engagement. In advocacy, there are two things which have become the focus in 2021: the first is the initiative to mainstream gender through the ACT Gender Justice Program in Indonesia, and the second one is to support the COVID-19 vaccination program.

In addition, YAKKUM gains diverse perspectives, experiences and practices in delivering quality intervention, such as joint capacity building sessions on child protection, market assessment analysis, supply chain and the Core Humanitarian Standard. The forum commits to provide assistance to increase the capacity of its members as well as their local and church partners. 

What are the topics or issues which are most important for you within the forum?

Currently, there are five topics which YAKKUM intends to focus on and to contribute to the forum; the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP), inclusion, innovation, COVID-19 mitigation (including vaccination), and gender. Below is an elaboration of each issue:

  • An update of the EPRP is important considering the different contexts of emergencies and different geographical locations of interventions by forum members, as well as identifying the church partners within the EPRP.
  • Promoting inclusion within the forum starts through sharing sessions or discussions over program design, especially in addressing the rights and different needs of older people, persons with disability, persons living with HIV/AIDS and other at-risk groups.
  • Innovation in humanitarian intervention should be supported through encouraging local innovators. YAKKUM is currently initiating “Ideaksi”, a project with a community-based and inclusive approach, where local innovators from the different communities collaborate with at-risk groups to develop solutions to tackle the challenges in their respective areas. The initiative is expected to reduce barriers for vulnerable groups who are often neglected in disaster response or development programs.
  • COVID-19 mitigation efforts have been implemented by the forum members in different locations. However, with the current state of rising confirmed cases in Indonesia, a lot has to be done, especially in increasing public awareness on the adherence to health protocols, and public communication on vaccines. YAKKUM is currently advocating the accessibility of the vaccines to older people, persons with disability, transgender, and persons living with HIV/AIDS.
  • The issue of gender inequality is still prevalent in Indonesia, particularly among the most vulnerable communities. Forum members who participate in the localization and mainstreaming of gender justice policy in Indonesia, namely CDRM and CDS, CWS, ICCO, PELKESI and YEU, have started to collaborate in reviewing and contextualizing the eight principles of ACT Gender Justice Policy to be relevant with the Indonesian context. This is important to the forum as it meets the need for developing future program designs that has a gender justice perspective, which is one of the key requirements under SDGs 2030.


Josephine Adam, Interim Country Representative of CWS

Where do you see the benefits/added value of participating in the forum?

CWS always sees that working with various parties is one of the keys to successful program implementation for communities in need. One of the collaborations and coordination that is considered important for CWS is participation in the ACT Indonesia Forum. In this forum, there is a great enthusiasm for helping each other, complementing each other, and learning from each other. Many opportunities are given by all members, ranging from capacity activities with various trainings, workshops, collaborating in providing disaster response, or exchanging access to information. For CWS, these things really help to improve the quality of assistance to the community.

What are the topics or issues which are most important for you within the forum?
All forum members have experience providing disaster response. This experience gives more strength or value to the members and ACT as a forum. The forum needs to discuss further on how lessons learned from the experience of implementing disaster response by forum members can be used as lessons by other institutions or church organizations that care about disasters. The discussion includes exploring the possibility of documenting lessons learned from disaster response experiences in a book, or publishing guides or modules that can be used as references for other institutions in carrying out similar programs.

ACT Alliance Humanitarian Policy

In May 2021 the Governing Board approved this revised Humanitarian Policy.   Endorsed by the EPHR (Emergency Preparedness & Humanitarian Response) Reference Group and the Technical Working Group for ACT humanitarian reform, the policy is designed to  enable an effective ecumenical response that saves lives and maintains dignity whilst strengthening the resilience of affected communities and accountability to people and communities affected by crises.  The five reform areas set out in the revised policy are:

  1. Rapid Response Fund (RRF) will be expanded to cover small and medium-sized crises
  2. Appeals will be re-focused to large-scale and protracted crises and Emergency Steering Committees established for all major crises
  3. A consortia approach will become an integral part of the ACT Humanitarian Mechanism
  4. EPRP – joint programming at forum/country level will be incentivised
  5. Humanitarian financing of the secretariat will include direct costings at appeal level

The RRF is ACT’s main mechanism for locally-led response and its primary purpose is to provide resources to national members of the Alliance in the first days following an emergency.  Requesting members are required to apply the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and Sphere in the design and implementation of RRFs. The RRF is a unique fund that demonstrates the commitment of the Alliance to localisation.

Collectively, these reforms are designed to reposition our work to ensure we are delivering on the humanitarian objectives set out in our Global Strategy.  We are in the process of developing revised tools and templates for RRF and ACT Appeals as well as operational guidance, scheduled to be piloted in Autumn 2021, with wider adoption planned in early 2022.

ACT Humanitarian Policy rev 2021 English

ACT Humanitarian Policy rev 2021 Spanish

ACT Humanitarian Policy rev 2021 French


ACT Complaints Policy

The ACT Alliance as a membership-based organisation is committed to providing high-quality humanitarian, development and advocacy programmes and to working in an open and accountable way.  The alliance was founded with clear respect for the independence of its members. At the same time, the ACT Alliance has a vested and collective interest in the performance of individual members or groups of members.

In an effort to achieve high quality, ACT strives to meet and even surpass the expectations of its stakeholders, i.e., ACT members and their partners, communities with whom ACT members work, donors, supporters and the public. There may however, be occasions when ACT does not meet the reasonable expectations of all stakeholders at all times. ACT stakeholders have a right to raise a concern, give feedback and if necessary lodge a complaint when this occurs.

The ACT Alliance promotes accountable and transparent ways of working with all stakeholders. It encourages its members and the secretariat to address staff and stakeholder concerns quickly and effectively so that issues are resolved to the satisfaction of the concerned person and do not progress to the level of a complaint. Programme level concerns should be raised and discussed with responsible employees as close to the activity as possible.


The purpose of the ACT Complaints Policy is to:

  • recognise, promote and protect ACT stakeholder rights, including the right to raise a concern and/or complain about breaches or non-compliance to the ACT Alliance Code of Conduct and or the Code of Good Practice;
  • set out roles, responsibilities and timeframes on handling of complaints and provide clear policy guidance for responding to and resolving complaints;
  • ensure a consistent mechanism to hold ACT members,  staff of members and the secretariat staff accountable in terms of their behaviour and compliance with ACT standards and policies;
  • provide a mechanism for stakeholders to raise a concern or complaint about the work of an ACT member if that member does not have its own complaints policy in place;
  • ensure that ACT learns from all situations in order to strive for high quality and continuous improvement in ACT’s humanitarian, development and advocacy work;
  • increase the level of stakeholder satisfaction with the work of the ACT Alliance; and
  • learn from and improve the work of the ACT Alliance.

The ACT “Complaints Handling and Investigations Guidelines” provide additional, specific and complementary guidance to ACT members and the ACT secretariat on the key principles underpinning complaints handling and outline the minimum standards for the establishment of complaints handling mechanisms within their own organisations and programmes.  These additional guidelines support the implementation of this policy.

The ACT Alliance Complaints Policy is available in English, French and Spanish.




(ACT Policy)