ACT Alliance is the largest Protestant/Orthodox alliance in the world that engages in humanitarian, sustainable development and advocacy work, with over 140 members present and working in 125 countries around the world.
Together, we strive for a world where all may live with dignity, justice, peace and full respect for human rights and the environment.
Annual Report 2016 ENG
Annual Report 2016 ESP
ACT Alliance is the largest Protestant/Orthodox alliance in the world that engages in humanitarian, sustainable development and advocacy work, with over 140 members present and working in 125 countries around the world.
Together, we strive for a world where all may live with dignity, justice, peace and full respect for human rights and the environment.
Annual Report 2016 ENG
Annual Report 2016 ESP
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015 brings together 17 goals with 169 targets in an ambitious and comprehensive programme to transform the world by 2030. As such, it presents both huge opportunities and challenges. Much has been written about the SDGs, and it is beyond the scope of this paper to analyse the framework itself. However for ACT Alliance, as it moves to develop a strategic approach to its engagement with the framework, as important as the goals themselves, are the set of common principles that underpin it and which parallel ACT’s own understanding of transformational development.
ACT Strategy on SDGs (ENGLISH)
ACT Strategy on SDGs (SPANISH)
ACT Strategy on SDGs (FRENCH)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015 brings together 17 goals with 169 targets in an ambitious and comprehensive programme to transform the world by 2030. As such, it presents both huge opportunities and challenges. Much has been written about the SDGs, and it is beyond the scope of this paper to analyse the framework itself. However for ACT Alliance, as it moves to develop a strategic approach to its engagement with the framework, as important as the goals themselves, are the set of common principles that underpin it and which parallel ACT’s own understanding of transformational development.
ACT Strategy on SDGs (ENGLISH)
ACT Strategy on SDGs (SPANISH)
ACT Strategy on SDGs (FRENCH)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015 brings together 17 goals with 169 targets in an ambitious and comprehensive programme to transform the world by 2030. As such, it presents both huge opportunities and challenges. Much has been written about the SDGs, and it is beyond the scope of this paper to analyse the framework itself. However for ACT Alliance, as it moves to develop a strategic approach to its engagement with the framework, as important as the goals themselves, are the set of common principles that underpin it and which parallel ACT’s own understanding of transformational development.
ACT Strategy on SDGs (ENGLISH)
ACT Strategy on SDGs (SPANISH)
ACT Strategy on SDGs (FRENCH)
ACT Alliance recognises the importance of enabling the empowerment of its local, national, regional and global structures to raise the visibility of, and engage people in, humanitarian, development and advocacy issues relevant to their contexts under the ACT Alliance brand. Branding under the ACT Alliance brand enables members to show they are part of an international collaboration.
However, ACT Alliance also recognises that social media, regardless of the localisation of the content, has a global reach that can impact positively or negatively not only on those groups involved in social media communication, but also on the over 140 member organisations that associate with the ACT Alliance brand.
This is because the ACT Alliance brand represents not only individual member organisations or groups, but a global network which must be taken into account in all forms of global communication. Social media content and messaging in the name of the ACT Alliance brand that is not in line with the ACT Alliance policies and values risks damaging the ACT Alliance brand for all members of the alliance.
This policy serves to ensure consistent messaging and communication in the name of ACT Alliance across social media channels in line with the ACT Alliance brand. In this way the brand can be managed, protected and preserved. The policy stipulates the requirements and responsibilities with which the ACT Alliance secretariat staff, ACT Alliance structures such as ACT Forums, Communities of Practice and Advisory Groups, and staff of ACT Alliance member organisations must comply when communicating through social media channels under the banner of, on behalf of, or in the name of ACT Alliance.
ACT Social Media Policy June 2017 (English)
ACT Política-Redes Sociales junio 2017 (Spanish)
ACT Politique-médias sociaux juin 2017 (French)
ACT Alliance recognises the importance of enabling the empowerment of its local, national, regional and global structures to raise the visibility of, and engage people in, humanitarian, development and advocacy issues relevant to their contexts under the ACT Alliance brand. Branding under the ACT Alliance brand enables members to show they are part of an international collaboration.
However, ACT Alliance also recognises that social media, regardless of the localisation of the content, has a global reach that can impact positively or negatively not only on those groups involved in social media communication, but also on the over 140 member organisations that associate with the ACT Alliance brand.
This is because the ACT Alliance brand represents not only individual member organisations or groups, but a global network which must be taken into account in all forms of global communication. Social media content and messaging in the name of the ACT Alliance brand that is not in line with the ACT Alliance policies and values risks damaging the ACT Alliance brand for all members of the alliance.
This policy serves to ensure consistent messaging and communication in the name of ACT Alliance across social media channels in line with the ACT Alliance brand. In this way the brand can be managed, protected and preserved. The policy stipulates the requirements and responsibilities with which the ACT Alliance secretariat staff, ACT Alliance structures such as ACT Forums, Communities of Practice and Advisory Groups, and staff of ACT Alliance member organisations must comply when communicating through social media channels under the banner of, on behalf of, or in the name of ACT Alliance.
ACT Social Media Policy June 2017 (English)
ACT Política-Redes Sociales junio 2017 (Spanish)
ACT Politique-médias sociaux juin 2017 (French)
ACT Alliance recognises the importance of enabling the empowerment of its local, national, regional and global structures to raise the visibility of, and engage people in, humanitarian, development and advocacy issues relevant to their contexts under the ACT Alliance brand. Branding under the ACT Alliance brand enables members to show they are part of an international collaboration.
However, ACT Alliance also recognises that social media, regardless of the localisation of the content, has a global reach that can impact positively or negatively not only on those groups involved in social media communication, but also on the over 140 member organisations that associate with the ACT Alliance brand.
This is because the ACT Alliance brand represents not only individual member organisations or groups, but a global network which must be taken into account in all forms of global communication. Social media content and messaging in the name of the ACT Alliance brand that is not in line with the ACT Alliance policies and values risks damaging the ACT Alliance brand for all members of the alliance.
This policy serves to ensure consistent messaging and communication in the name of ACT Alliance across social media channels in line with the ACT Alliance brand. In this way the brand can be managed, protected and preserved. The policy stipulates the requirements and responsibilities with which the ACT Alliance secretariat staff, ACT Alliance structures such as ACT Forums, Communities of Practice and Advisory Groups, and staff of ACT Alliance member organisations must comply when communicating through social media channels under the banner of, on behalf of, or in the name of ACT Alliance.
ACT Social Media Policy June 2017 (English)
ACT Política-Redes Sociales junio 2017 (Spanish)
ACT Politique-médias sociaux juin 2017 (French)
Call to Action: WCC, AACC and ACT Alliance on overcoming hunger and sustaining justice and peace in the Horn of Africa
On June 28th and 29th 2017, members of the ecumenical family along with national and international organizations gathered at the All Africa Conference of Churches in Nairobi, Kenya for the “Mobilisation of faith communities for overcoming hunger and sustaining justice and peace in the Horn of Africa”. Together, faith leaders developed a ‘Call to Action’.
Read the full ‘Call to Action’ here:
ACT Alliance believes in an end to gender inequality and injustice, gender-based discrimination and violence, and in closing the gender gap and address unequal power relationships for the promotion of human dignity for all. To this end, the ACT Alliance expects each member to develop a board-approved, gender justice policy which is specific and relevant to their local cultural and programmatic context within three years of the adoption of this ACT Alliance Gender Justice Policy.
While there has been progress on gender equality in some countries, women in many parts of the world suffer discrimination and are under-represented in decision-making processes. Violence against women remains an endemic problem inhibiting their full participation of women in their communities, economies and societies. When a humanitarian crisis occurs gender inequalities are even more acutely highlighted. In such situations, women, young girls and boys form the most vulnerable groups and are exposed to greater risk of sexual violence in particular. In recent years there has been growing evidence of violence, harassment, discrimination, exclusion, stigmatization and prejudice directed against people because of their gender and sexual identities.
The response to humanitarian and development needs and rights must be designed in a way that it pays attention to identifying the different needs, capacities and unique contributions of different individuals and groups. Ignoring these aspects has serious implications for the survival and protection of people and may create set-backs in efforts at long-term improvement.
Thus, all initiatives ranging from emergency assistance, recovery, reconstruction through to long term development, should utilize and benefit from gender sensitive analytical tools and approaches.
The 2017 policy is a revision of the 2010 Gender Policy which makes it congruent with existing standards and commitments adhered to by ACT Alliance. The 2017 Gender Justice Policy is a mandatory policy for all ACT Alliance members. It is available in English, Spanish and French.
ACT Alliance Gender Justice Policy 2017 English
ACT Alliance Gender Justice Policy 2017 Spanish
ACT Alliance Gender Justice Policy 2017 French