Senior Global Human Resources Officer

Duty station: Amman, Jordan

Contract duration: one year (with possibility of extension depending on funds and performance)
Worktime: 100% FTE

Reports to: Director of Operations

Languages required: English, other languages are an asset

Experience: minimum 3 to 5 years


About ACT Alliance

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 148 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to


Major Function:

The Human Resources Officer (HRO) provides contract and recruitment support to staff and managers in all regions of the world where ACT Secretariat operates and assists with implementation of HR Projects and HR Policy and practice improvements under the guidance of the Director of Operations.


Main duties and responsibilities 

  1. Recruitment: Management of recruitment process (drafting Job Descriptions, posting advertisements online, filtering applications, providing recommendations on shortlisting, coordinating tests, setting up and co-conducting interviews, reference checking, drawing up contracts, organising orientation and training of new staff, etc.).Work with Communications to ensure correct profiling of ACT on its website as an employer.
  2. Contract Administration: Oversee the contract administration process and ensure that it is proactive, accurate, and efficient (preparation of staff and consultancy contracts, ToRs and their review, maintenance of master lists and filing, etc.). Assist with annual end of year global salary benchmarking and salary revision process.
  3. HR Platform: Provide support for continued implementation of and improvements to ACT’s HR Platform.
  4. Staff Care: Support actions to improve staff wellbeing and duty of care.
  5. Performance Management: Administrate ACT’s annual Performance Management cycle.
  6. Learning and Development: Review current L&D policy and practices and suggest and support concrete actions to improve and activate staff L&D opportunities.
  7. Other HR support: attend relevant working groups, networks and events within and outside the ACT Secretariat; other tasks as required.


Competences and behaviors 

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team.
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity.
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives.
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role.


Working relationships

  • Reports to the Director of Operations.
  • Engages with the ACT Secretariat staff and the Staff Representative Group as relevant.
  • Supports ACT Secretariat Managers and Directors on staffing matters.


Technical skills and experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or related field.
  • Minimum three years’ work experience in Human Resources, preferably within an NGO environment.
  • Excellent computer skills in a Microsoft Windows environment.
  • Ability to operate effectively with a high degree of independence.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills to interact effectively with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
  • High degree of tact, discretion, and good judgement to effectively manage sensitive and confidential issues.
  • Professional fluency in written and spoken English required. Fluency or working knowledge of French, Spanish or other languages would be a strong asset.



ACT provides equitable compensation and pension packages and flexible working conditions. ACT also applies a non-discriminatory approach to recruitment and celebrates a diverse workforce. Interested and qualified candidates should send only their CV and a cover letter, in English and by email only, to  by 12 May 2024 (24.00 CET). Please put “Senior Global HR Officer” in the
subject line and name your documents: “Firstname lastname CV” and “Firstname lastname Cover letter”.

Please note that ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme . As part of reference checking, ACT will contact the current and former employer(s) of the referred candidate, asking them to complete a Statement of Conduct form.

External evaluation of the Appeal HTI211 “Humanitarian Response to communities affected by the Earthquake in Haiti”

  • Consultancy for:External evaluation of the Appeal HTI211 “Humanitarian Response to communities affected by the Earthquake in Haiti”.
  • Location:  Haiti (Grand’Anse, Nippes, Sud)
  • Experience required: 4 years
  • Travel % : 50%
  • Languages required:  Proficient in French and English and can conduct interviews in Haitian Creole (Kreyòl Ayisyen).
  • Consultancy start target date:2nd of May 2024.
  • Duration of contract:5 weeks
  • Application deadline:18th of April 2024


See full vacancy here 20240313_ToR_External_Evaluation_Appeal_HTI211

Consultoría para sistematizar el evento: “Agendas Regresivas, un Desafío a la Democracia y Derechos Humanos en América Latina y el Caribe: Diálogos nacionales y encuentro regional de la Alianza ACT”


Consultoría para sistematizar el evento: “Agendas Regresivas, un Desafío a la Democracia y Derechos Humanos en América Latina y el Caribe: Diálogos nacionales y encuentro regional de la Alianza ACT” a realizarse del 19 al 23 mayo 2024 en Bogotá 


Ubicación: Bogotá D.C., Colombia 

Tipo de contrato: prestación de servicios 

Idiomas requeridos: español 

Experiencia requerida: 3 años  

Modalidad: presencial 

Fecha esperada de inicio de la consultoría: 19 de mayo de 2024 

Duración del contrato: 13 días 

Fecha límite de aplicación: 18 de abril de 2024  

Sobre ACT Alliance  

ACT Alliance es una coalición mundial de iglesias y organizaciones basada en la fe, organizada en foros nacionales y regionales que operan en más de 120 países. A través de más de 140 miembros, trabaja en Acción humanitaria, Justicia Climática, Justicia de Género, Migración y Desplazamiento, y Paz y Seguridad para apoyar a las comunidades locales. Su objetivo es promoción un enfoque coordinado y liderado localmente para las cuestiones de incidencia política, humanitarias y de desarrollo. 


Las posiciones y prácticas actuales relacionadas con la protección de ACT Alliance se encuentran en el marco de responsabilidad y calidad de ACT, Código de conducta de ACT, Código de buenas prácticas de ACT y respectivas políticas de Diakonia.  


ACT Alliance se alinea con los siguientes estándares internacionales: 

  • El Código de Conducta para el Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Medialuna Roja y las ONG en el Socorro en Casos de Desastre 
  • Los Estándares Esfera 
  • Principios de Asociación 
  • Norma Esencial Humanitaria 
  • Código de buenas prácticas para las ONG que responden al VIH/SIDA 
  • Principios de Estambul para la Eficacia del Desarrollo 
  • Esquema de divulgación de mala conducta SCHR 


Se pueden encontrar más detalles sobre estas políticas y estándares en  



Del 27 al 29 de marzo de 2019 más de 50 representantes de 32 organizaciones de 21 países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), Norteamérica y Europa, convocadas por la Alianza ACT se reunieron en la Ciudad de Guatemala para discernir y discutir sobre la compleja y volátil situación en la región, la intersección con los procesos políticos globales, así como su implicación en los derechos humanos, la seguridad, la democracia, las necesidades humanitarias y el desarrollo sostenible. 

En 2024 los miembros de América Latina y el Caribe se reúnen nuevamente para dialogar sobre el impacto de las agendas regresivas en términos de derechos humanos y democracias y nuestro rol como actores ecuménicos frente a este fenómeno. 

Objetivo de la consultoría 

La sistematización tiene como objetivo recopilar, analizar y registrar descriptivamente y en forma reflexiva, los diferentes momentos y procesos del evento.   

Alcance del trabajo: 

Identificar temas priorizados, ideas de acción conjunta priorizadas, recursos disponibles y próximos pasos a partir de la reflexión crítica de la experiencia desarrollada en el marco del evento. 

Categoría de análisis de la sistematización  

Planeación: diseño de plan y metodología para la recolección y sistematización de información durante las sesiones, tanto grupales como de la plenarias. En las sesiones se espera contar con la participación de hasta 35 personas de forma presencial.  

Espacios de concertación: se requiere analizar las diversas discusiones y decisiones para un informe final con los resultados del evento y proposición por la consultora/consultor de mecanismos de difusión de los resultados del evento para América Latina y el Caribe. 


Perfil del/a sistematizador/a 

  • Formación en Comunicación, Trabajo Social, Ciencias Sociales y afines, con experiencia en procesos participativos, en especial en procesos teológicos, religiosos, o ecuménicos 
  • Formación y experiencia de trabajo desde un enfoque intercultural y perspectiva de género. 
  • Experiencia previa en la realización de sistematizaciones de eventos. Con experiencia en redacción de informes o reportes con ayuda gráfica y excelente análisis de la información.  
  • Experiencia recopilando de forma efectiva diversas opiniones y/o puntos de vista en grupos de trabajo y equipos y exponiendo conclusiones de estas a grandes audiencias. 
  • Alta capacidad analítica y de síntesis. 
  • Habilidades avanzadas en ortografía y redacción. 


Plazo de ejecución  

Mayo 19 al 31 de 2024 


  • Primer producto: plan de trabajo, con la metodología e instrumentos de levantamiento de información que la/el consultor proponga para el desarrollo del informe del evento, el resumen ejecutivo y la presentación del informe. 
  • Segundo Producto: El/la consultor/a deberá participar de las sesiones del evento presentando las conclusiones y/o puntos más relevantes de las discusiones. Además, deberá preparar apoyo visual para presentar conclusiones y puntos más relevantes mientras se desarrolla el evento. 
  • Tercer Producto: Informe final del evento, que debe incluir un resumen ejecutivo, elementos audiovisuales de apoyo explicativo, anexos y otros. 

Presentación del resumen ejecutivo del informe final para audiencias de alto nivel y actores internacionales. La presentación puede elaborarse en formatos como Power Point/Prezi/Canva, u otros. Formatos comunicacionales que permitan la difusión de la experiencia y los resultados logrados. 


Modo de pago 

Se realizaría un pago único del 100% con la presentación de factura o cuenta de cobro y pago de seguridad social con la entrega de todos los productos, una vez se haya hecho entrega de todos los productos indicados anteriormente. 


Remuneración por prestación de servicios  

El monto destinado para financiar esta convocatoria es de $1,600,000 pesos colombianos.  


Por favor tenga en cuenta que deberá presentar certificado de prestaciones sociales pagadas y tramitadas por cuenta propia. 

Fechas de aplicación de la convocatoria 

Las aplicaciones a esta convocatoria se harán por invitación directa. Las aplicaciones serán recibidas entre el 18 de marzo y el 18 de abril de 2024 (por fuera de estas fechas no serán aceptadas). El proveedor debe presentar la propuesta técnica y económica detallada con el IVA incluido. 


Le pedimos amablemente que lea el Código de Conducta y los Principios y Políticas de ACT Alliance. Todos los consultores deben firmar el Código de conducta de ACT al iniciar cualquier tipo de compromiso con ACT Alliance. Esperamos que mantenga estrictamente la confidencialidad de todos los documentos compartidos/producidos durante esta asignación. 

Preservar la confidencialidad de la información, todos los documentos e información recolectada y producida debe ser tratada de manera segura, confidencial y utilizada únicamente para fines de cumplir los objetivos de esta consultoría durante el tiempo de la contratación. Los derechos de autor y todo el material que se produzca en el marco de esta consultoría son propiedad de Diakonia. 


Enviar propuestas completas al correo electrónico: 




Términos De Referencia para Contratación: Consultoría

Términos De Referencia para Contratación:



en la Incidencia Conjunta sobre Movilidad Humana y Climática para los

miembros de la Alianza ACT en América Latina y el Caribe


Ubicación: Remota

Tipo de contrato: Consultoría

Idiomas requeridos: Español

Experiencia requerida: 5 años

Fecha prevista de inicio: Mayo 2024

Duración del contrato: En función de las fechas acordadas con el candidato seleccionado.

Fecha límite de solicitud: 13 de abril de 2024


Consultoría para el Desarrollo e Implementación de Curso Virtual sobre la Incidencia basada en Derechos de Personas en Movilidad Humana y Climática con Enfoque Sensible a la Fe, dirigido a Iglesias y Organizaciones Basadas en la Fe en América Latina y el Caribe.



La consultoría tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo y la implementación de un entrenamiento virtual de 42 horas con enfoque transformador de genero (gender transformative) y derechos humanos, dirigido a fortalecer la capacidad de Iglesias y Organizaciones Basadas en la Fe (OBFs) en 12 países de América Latina y el Caribe en temas de incidencia para personas en movilidad humana. Se busca promover un cambio profundo en la comprensión y abordaje de las cuestiones de género, así como mejorar las competencias de los participantes para realizar incidencia basada en los derechos humanos, todo ello para

participantes con importantes diferencias en sus contextos nacionales y con diversa experiencia en programas o iniciativas relacionadas a la incidencia.



  1. Currículum para el Entrenamiento Virtual adaptado a los participantes:


El consultor desarrollará un currículum integral para un curso virtual de 30 horas. Este currículum deberá abordar temas clave de la incidencia para la promoción de los derechos de personas en proceso de movilidad humana en ALC. Se espera que el currículum refleje un enfoque gender transformative y logre incorporar de manera efectiva los derechos humanos en la incidencia que

realizan los miembros de la Alianza ACT Alliance. El currículo debe ser adaptado a los participantes seleccionados, quienes provienen de Iglesias y OBFs en América Latina y el Caribe. En la fase I se incluye 10-12 entrevistas/reuniones con actores claves de la Alianza ACT para recibir asesoría para la elaboración del currículo.


  1. Metodología y Material Audiovisual Didáctico:

El consultor diseñará una metodología participativa para cada sesión del entrenamiento de 1,5 a 2 horas cada sesión. Además, se elaborará material audiovisual didáctico. El objetivo es crear un entorno de aprendizaje que fomente la reflexión y la participación. El consultor o consultora deberá trabajar con el equipo regional para la identificación casos de buenas prácticas desde la

misma Alianza que puedan servir como ejemplos para algunas de las clases.

En esta etapa se espera que la consultoría evalué la plataforma FABO como plataforma donde el curso virtual realizado y sus materiales se harán accesibles a nivel global para garantizar la compatibilidad de materiales.


  1. Kit de Herramientas para la Incidencia:

Se desarrollará un kit de herramientas para la incidencia centrado en enfoques transformador de género, sensible a la fe y basado en derechos humanos para la incidencia desde Iglesias y OBFs en América Latina y el Caribe. Este kit proporcionará recursos y estrategias prácticas para impulsar la transformación en leyes y políticas relacionadas a la movilidad humana y la movilización social. El kit tendrá mantendrá como eje central el rol y el valor agregado de las Iglesias y OBFs en la región. Se espera que el kit de herramientas sea desarrollado con un enfoque estético y visualmente atractivo. El consultor deberá emplear recursos visuales que resalten la información de manera clara y efectiva, optimizando la presentación de contenidos complejos en formatos accesibles y agradables para los usuarios.


  1. Implementación del Curso:

Durante el año 2024, el consultor implementara el curso virtual, garantizando un ambiente educativo enriquecedor y promoviendo la transformación efectiva de las perspectivas y prácticas de los participantes.


  1. Informe sobre el resultado del curso y pasos a seguir para la Alianza ACT El consultor generará un informe detallado con los resultados del curso virtual, que incluirá análisis de los logros, desafíos y experiencias de los participantes. Se espera que el informe tenga una extensión máxima de 8-10 páginas y proporcione información cuantitativa y cualitativa sobre el impacto del curso en la comprensión y aplicación de conceptos de género, derechos humanos e incidencia. El informe también contendrá recomendaciones específicas

para la Alianza ACT en cuanto a la continuidad del fortalecimiento de capacidades y la mejora de sus estrategias de incidencia y trabajo con Iglesias y OBFs. El consultor socializará el informe de resultados y recomendaciones.



Se busca una consultoría con experiencia sólida en incidencia, específicamente en temas de movilidad humana en América Latina y el Caribe. Además, se requiere experiencia y conocimiento en justicia de género, derechos humanos y trabajo con organizaciones religiosas.

Es esencial contar con la capacidad de integrar enfoques gender transformative y derechos humanos en contextos religiosos y sensibles a la fe. Además, se valorará la habilidad para desarrollar materiales educativos efectivos y metodologías participativas.

  • Experiencia Relevante: El consultor debe tener experiencia previa en el diseño y ejecución de programas de capacitación, particularmente en temas relacionados con incidencia en ALC, migración y desplazamiento, género, derechos humanos y trabajo con organizaciones religiosas u OBFs.
  • Conocimiento Temático: Debe demostrar un profundo entendimiento de los conceptos de incidencia, transformación de género, movilidad humana y climática. Ojalá la consultoría contara con experiencia en la integración en contextos religiosos y basados

en la fe.

  • Habilidades en Diseño Gráfico y Material Didáctico: El consultor/la consultora debe tener habilidades demostrables en la creación de material visual y didáctico de alta calidad. Debe ser capaz de desarrollar gráficos, infografías y otros elementos visuales que mejoren la comprensión del contenido por parte de los participantes.
  • Educación y Formación: Un título profesional en campos relacionados como género, derechos humanos, teología o áreas afines sería un plus.
  • Habilidades de Comunicación: Debe ser capaz de comunicarse efectivamente con diferentes audiencias, tanto en la escritura como en la presentación oral.
  • Flexibilidad Cultural y Religiosa: Dado que el proyecto implica trabajo con

organizaciones religiosas, se necesita una comprensión y respeto por la diversidad cultural y religiosa.

  • Habilidades de Facilitación: Ser capaz de facilitar discusiones productivas y participativas en grupos, fomentando un ambiente de aprendizaje interactivo.
  • Habilidades Organizacionales: Capacidad para manejar múltiples tareas, cumplir con plazos y coordinar actividades.
  • Referencias y Portafolio: Debe proporcionar referencias de proyectos anteriores y ejemplos de trabajos similares realizados.
  • Herramientas Tecnológicas: Familiaridad con las herramientas tecnológicas necesarias para la realización de encuestas en línea, entrevistas virtuales y desarrollo de material didáctico.
  • Compromiso: Debe demostrar disponibilidad para trabajar según el cronograma acordado y compromiso con la calidad del proyecto.
  • Trabajo en Equipo e Integridad: Se espera que el consultor actúe con integridad, respetando la confidencialidad y los principios éticos profesionales y tenga compromiso hacia el trabajo en equipo y la creación y mantención de un buen ambiente laboral.
  • Idiomas: español mandatorio. Se valorará el inglés, portugués, francés y/o creole.




Pago: El 30% del monto total, es decir, USD $3,500 se abonará al consultor al inicio de la Fase I, después de la firma del contrato y envío de comprobantes de pago de seguridad social.

– Pago Final: El restante, es decir, USD $2,000, se abonará al consultor después de la presentación y aprobación de los entregables de la Fase II y presentación de la factura.


Reclutamiento: ABRIL-MAYO



Checkeo de referencias y preparación del contrato

-MAYO: Firma de Contrato


Fase I: Diseño – Mayo – Agosto o Junio- Septiembre

– Monto máximo disponible: USD $3,600

– Entregables Fase I:

*10-12 entrevistas realizadas las primeras 3 semanas posteriores a la contratación

*Diseño de curricular y adaptación según insumos de participantes y Secretaria ACT,

*Documento Metodológico (sesión por sesión) aprobado tanto por la Comunidad de Practica como la Secretaria de ACT.

* Kit de herramientas aprobado por la Comunidad de Practica y la Secretaria de ACT.


Fase II: Implementación – Agosto, Septiembre y Octubre o Septiembre, Octubre y Noviembre

– Monto: USD $2,000

– Entregables: Diseño ajustado del curso

– Implementación exitosa del curso

– Informe (máx. 10 paginas) sobre el curso y sus resultados.

– Otros solicitados


Pago: El monto total máximo de la Fase II, es decir, USD $2,000, se abonará al consultor después de la presentación y aprobación de los entregables de la Fase II.


El total máximo contemplado para la consultoría es de: USD $5,500


Nota 1: El cumplimiento de los hitos y la entrega de los productos mencionados en los términos de referencia son un requisito para el desembolso de los pagos correspondientes. Los plazos de pago pueden estar sujetos a ajustes según el cronograma real de ejecución del proyecto.


Nota 2: Existe cierta flexibilidad con respecto a las fechas.


Esta forma de pago se basa en la estructura acordada y refleja la distribución de la compensación según las dos fases del proyecto de consultoría.


La consultoría presentará los productos de manera progresiva, sujeto a revisiones y aprobaciones. El pago se realizará en etapas acordadas conforme se entreguen los productos específicos y las respectivas facturas. Los detalles adicionales sobre entregables y pagos se establecerán en el contrato de consultoría.


Los interesados/as deben enviar su propuesta detallada, incluyendo CV, experiencia relevante y propuesta económica a antes del 13 de abril.


Para consultas adicionales, por favor contactar a Tássia Sodré al correo:

Team Assistant

Duty station: Bogota, Colombia

Worktime: 100%

Reports to: Regional Representative, LAC

Languages required: Fluency in English and Spanish language, with demonstrated written skills. Working knowledge of other languages, particularly French or Portuguese an asset

Experience: At least 2 years of documented experience working with development or humanitarian projects financed by International Cooperation preferred

Application deadline: 20/03/2024

About ACT Alliance

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 150 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to

Job Summary

The Team Assistant will be based in the ACT Secretariat’s Regional Representation Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in Bogota and will support work with the forums and in the ACT programmatic areas, as well as dedicate an important percentage of time to administrative tasks. He/she will report to the Regional Representative for LAC but will liaise with global offices.

Duties and responsibilities


  • Provide general administrative support to the LAC Secretariat team and liaise with Diakonia as necessary.
  • Collaborate with the Regional Representative, Humanitarian Programme Officer, and other secretariat staff on administrative and program arrangements, including organizing meetings/consultations in the LAC region and taking meeting notes.
  • Assist the Regional office in maintaining organized and updated member, forum, and other relevant databases and files.
  • Coordinate regional events, including venue selection, obtaining quotations, managing logistics, etc.
  • Oversee procurement processes and expense management for the office.
  • Compile a biweekly newsletter and other communication materials to keep members informed of events and opportunities. Liaise with the ACT Secretariat communications team, supporting and ensuring excellence in communications.
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by the Regional Representative.


  • Support the implementation of ACT programmes in the LAC Secretariat. Programmes include Gender Justice; Climate Justice; Emergency Preparedness and Humanitarian response; Migration & Displacement, and Peace and Human Security. Provide effective support for the organization, implementation, reporting, coordination of activities and communication efforts of programme activities.
  • Liaise with Forum Convenors and Coordinators and support the work of national forums.
  • Support ACT CoPs (Communities of Practice) activities. Be a focal point on issues and activity implementation related to the following CoPs: Gender, Youth, DRR and Community Based Psychosocial Support.
  • Support the ACT advocacy team on advocacy initiatives, including drafting communications material or reports in the LAC region.
  • Contribute to building the ACT brand visibility and manage the organization’s reputation both at the secretariat and member level,
  • Organize collective training sessions and webinars liaising with guest speakers and forums.

Competences and behaviors

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team.
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity.
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives.
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role.
  • Effectively motivates, influences and develops others, drives high performance, inspires people to follow them and acts as a role model.

Qualifications, skills and experience

  • Relevant academic degree with relevant work experience in the humanitarian/development/advocacy sectors, preferably in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Experience in office administration required.
  • At least 2 years of documented experience working with development or humanitarian projects financed by International Cooperation preferred.
  • Work experience in faith-based, human rights or non-profit organizations required.
  • Solid skills and knowledge in project planning and management is an added advantage. Familiarity with applications, narrative and reports for donors is an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of issues relevant to the mandate of ACT Alliance, including a good understanding of the ecumenical context and relevance of churches and faith-based actors in emergency response, long- term development and advocacy.
  • Availability and interest to support and sometimes lead regional communications efforts.
  • Highly developed interpersonal and communications skills.
  • Ability to work under pressure in a networked working environment.
  • Fluency in English and Spanish language, with demonstrated written skills. Working knowledge of other languages, particularly French or Portuguese an asset.

How to apply

ACT provides equitable compensation and pension packages and flexible working conditions. ACT also applies a non-discriminatory approach to recruitment and celebrates a diverse workforce. Interested and qualified candidates should send only their CV and a cover letter, in English and by email only, to by 20/03/2024 (24.00 CET). Please put “Team Assistant” in the subject line and name your documents: “Firstname lastname CV” and “Firstname lastname Cover letter”. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please note that ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme As part of reference checking, ACT will contact the current and former employer(s) of the preferred candidate, asking them to complete a Statement of Conduct form.

We ask for your understanding that we are only able to contact shortlisted candidates.


ACT Alliance: Consultancy for the design and development of a virtual training in Latin America

Location: Remote
Contract type: Consultant
Languages required:  Spanish and English
Experience required:  5 years
Target starting date March
Duration of contract:  Depending on agreed dates with the selected candidate

Application deadline:  February 20th, 2024

ACT Alliance is a coalition of over 145 member churches and faith-based organizations (FBOs) united in the mission to bring positive and sustainable change in the lives of the most impoverished and marginalized people in more than 127 different countries. Our commitment extends to people of all religions, political ideologies, genders, sexual orientations, races, and nationalities, guided by the highest international standards. To achieve this, the ACT Alliance is dedicated to catalyzing the efforts of its members to advance programmatic and advocacy priorities around its five thematic areas: Humanitarian Response, Climate Justice, Gender Justice, Migration and Displacement, and Peace and Human Security.

In 2023, ACT Alliance reunited members of each ACT forum in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to trace a series of engagement looking to foster joint action -from the members and forums- in relation to human and climate mobility advocacy processes in the continent – at the national, regional, and global level. As part of the commitment, it was approved the generation of a capacity and experience exchange allowing to foster the knowledge and abilities of each members – in terms of better understanding human and climate mobility, the most strategic, prompt, and feasible spaces and tactics for advocacy – in the framework of the joint action leaded by churches and FBOs- to influence decision-making progresses that affect people and countries in the region, and to endorse the construction of policies and initiatives allowing to promote human rights in the region, as a crucial axe for the member organizations of the Alliance. Likewise, the creation of a Community of Practice on Human and Climate Mobility was agreed, to work as a space for exchange and joint work between members of the Alliance with interest in addressing joint actions in this topic.

The ACT Alliance is looking for a consultant for the design and development of a virtual training on joint advocacy processes on human mobility and climate mobility in Latin America, for Churches and Faith-Based Organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Click here for the ToR in English and here for the ToR in Spanish.


Interested parties should send their detailed proposal to, including:

  • CV or resume*
  • Cover Letter
  • Technical proposal with time plan
  • Financial proposal with number of days and daily rate in USD including all taxes and/or final price for the deliverables.
  • Sample of relevant previous work and/or references
  • Consultancy / company registration

Please title your email: “Call: MH advocacy course”.

Any application sent in a different time range or that does not comply with the indications and requirements described herein will be automatically rejected.

For further inquiries, please contact

*In the case of work teams, the CV of each team member must be sent.



ACT Alliance Regional Finance and Administrative Assistant

Duty station: Amman, Jordan – the candidate should have the right to live and work in Jordan 

Contract duration: one year (with possibility of extension depending on funds and performance)
Worktime: 80/100% FTE 

Target start date: to be determined

Reports to: Regional Representative MENA

Languages required: English and Arabic, other languages are an asset

Experience: 2 to 4 years

Application deadline:  02/01/2024

About ACT Alliance

ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 148 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to 

Established in 2015, the ACT Alliance MENA Regional Office, registered in Amman, serves the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with a specific focus on supporting members with programs or interest in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, and Turkey. Operating across six forums, this regional office is one of several within our global network, strategically placed to maintain close connections with members and facilitate impactful work on the ground.

While the MENA regional office serves a specific area, the ACT secretariat coordinates the work of members across the world. Our network of offices worldwide underscores our commitment to a comprehensive, universal approach to the diverse challenges faced by members globally.

Major functions

The Finance and Administrative Assistant plays a pivotal role in providing comprehensive support to the ACT Secretariat from the Amman Office, with a focus on program assistance through administration, and financial coordination. This position is integral to the seamless operation of the secretariat at the regional and global level.

In this capacity, the Finance and Administrative Assistant actively collaborates with Secretariat staff and external members. Responsibilities include regional logistics, overseeing local bookkeeping, facilitating English/Arabic translation for documents and meetings, government relations, and coordinating various meetings. The multifaceted nature of the Finance and Administrative Assistant role ensures a robust office support system, fostering a seamless connection with alliance members.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Logistics
  • Procure office supplies, equipment and furniture, ensuring cost-effectiveness and quality.
  • Supervise the maintenance of office facilities and equipment through effective coordination with suppliers.
  • Coordinate appointments, meetings, flights, hotels and conference rooms for ACT Alliance staff and members, ensuring seamless logistics support.
  • Provide ad hoc general administrative support to global teams, particularly in organizing logistics for global events like Conferences of Parties and Staff Weeks.
  • Travel Support
  • Occasionally accompany the Regional Representative, Humanitarian Advisor, or other staff for regional or global travel.
  • Provide logistics and administrative support during travel, ensuring smooth execution of meetings or events.
  • Coordinate travel arrangements, accommodation and other logistical details, to facilitate efficient and effective engagements.
  • Finance
  • Execute bookkeeping responsibilities for the MENA Office using QuickBooks Non-profit.
  • Monthly reporting to the Global Finance team to maintain financial transparency and accountability.
  • Manage general office files, including job files, vendor files and other operational documents.
  • Liaise with auditors and banks, facilitating necessary meetings and documentation.
  • Process payments, handle checks and coordinate financial matters with the global Finance team.
  • Government
  • Assist in the preparation of government reports, ensuring accuracy and adherence to regulatory requirements.
  • Engage with line ministries as needed to address relevant matters.
  • Administrative tasks
  • Welcome visitors, ensuring a hospitable environment and offering necessary amenities.
  • Execute clerical duties such as answering phone calls, responding to emails, and preparing office documents, correspondence, memos and presentations.
  • Record meeting minutes and transcribe recorded meetings for documentation.
  • Undertake other relevant duties as needed, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.
  • Assist members at the ACT Alliance MENA Office, in alignment with organizational agreements.
  • Assist in obtaining visas for visitors and members when necessary.
  • Facilitate English to Arabic and vice-versa translations for publications, meeting notes and various ACT Alliance documents; provide translation support during field visits.

Competences and behaviours

  • Commitment to Alliance Values: Demonstrates unwavering commitment to the values of the ACT Alliance, aligning actions with organizational principles and delivering on agreed priorities to the highest standards.
  • Adaptability and Innovation: Proactively seeks innovative and creative solutions in the face of challenges. Exhibits efficiency and reliability, adapting seamlessly to changing circumstances and uncertainties, all while maintaining a decisive and integrity-driven approach.
  • Relationship Building and Collaboration: Cultivates effective internal and external relationships, recognizing the significance of collaboration in problem-solving. Involves others in decision-making processes and consistently treats colleagues and external partners with consideration and respect, recognizing the diverse faith backgrounds within the alliance.
  • Continuous Learning and Knowledge Contribution: Demonstrates a passion for personal and professional growth, actively building and developing core skills required for the role. Contributes knowledge beyond the immediate scope of the position, fostering a culture of shared learning within the global team.

Working relationships

  • External Engagement: Engages with government departments, legal representatives, auditors, and vendors, ensuring a seamless flow of information and collaboration.
  • Internal Collaboration: Reports directly to the Regional Representative, providing key insights and updates on operational matters. Establishes and maintains collaborative relationships with Forums in the MENA Region, fostering effective communication and coordination. Actively collaborates with internal stakeholders, including the Humanitarian Advisor, Regional Communities of Practice (CoPs), and alliance members, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives. Works closely with the Finance Manager, and the administrative team, fostering synergy and coordination across functional areas.

Technical skills and Work experience

  • Work Experience: Possesses a minimum of 2 years of relevant work experience within an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) office environment, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the sector’s dynamics.
  • Educational Background: Holds a bachelor’s degree in business, finance, administration, human resources, or a related field, showcasing a strong academic foundation.
  • Software Proficiency: Proficient in a diverse array of computer software applications, particularly within the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, and Access), facilitating seamless documentation and communication.
  • Financial Management: Has experience with QuickBooks or QuickBooks Non-profit, or other financial management system.
  • Basic Mathematical Skills: Possesses fundamental mathematical abilities, contributing to accurate financial and administrative tasks.
  • Confidentiality Handling: Comfortably manages confidential information with discretion and adherence to ethical standards.
  • Organizational and Multitasking Skills: Exhibits exceptional multitasking and time-management skills, adept at prioritizing tasks to ensure efficient and effective workflow.
  • Language Proficiency: Has professional fluency in both English and Arabic, enabling effective communication in a multicultural environment.
  • Adherence to Code of Conduct: Demonstrates the ability to sign and adhere to the ACT Alliance Code of Conduct, reflecting a commitment to ethical standards and values.


ACT provides equitable compensation and pension packages and flexible working conditions. ACT also applies a non-discriminatory approach to recruitment and celebrates a diverse workforce. Interested and qualified candidates should complete and submit the form found at this link:, in English by 2 January 2024 (24.00 Jordanian time).  Due to the volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Thank you for your understanding and interest in the ACT Alliance.

Please note that ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme As part of reference checking, ACT will contact the current and former employer(s) of the preferred candidate, asking them to complete a Statement of Conduct form.  

ACT Alliance: Human Mobility and Climate Justice Programme Officer

Duty station: Colombia or remote
Duration:  6 months
Worktime: 100% FTE 
Target start date: January or February 2024
Reports to: Regional Representative and Programme Managers
Languages required: English and Spanish
Experience: 3-4 years
Deadline for applications: 12/12/2023 

ACT is looking to fill this vacancy either through a 6-month staff contract for a Colombian resident or national from Jan-June 24 or a 6-month consultancy that can be done remotely from anywhere.

About ACT Alliance 
ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organizations engaged in humanitarian, development, and advocacy work. It consists of 148 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalized people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race, or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to   

ACT Alliance’s structure is unique, with national, sub-regional and regional forums that bring local, national, regional, and international church-related organizations to work together under the same principles and standards, bringing different skills and expertise to support each other and leverage collective action in humanitarian, development, and advocacy engagement. Thanks to the presence of national ACT forums in over 50 countries, and of its global secretariat in strategic locations (Geneva, New York, Nairobi, Bangkok, Amman, Brussels, Toronto, and Bogota), ACT Alliance is able to bring local and regional concerns to the global arena.   

About the job or consultancy
The Latin-American Human Mobility and Climate Justice Programme Officer will support the development and accompaniment of the regional initiatives of both a) Migration and Human Mobility and b) Climate Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean looking closely at the intersection between human mobility, climate change, and gender and at the implications of this nexus on human and climate mobility, and community resilience and social cohesion. The programme officer will assist in developing the programme’s implementation together with the Regional Secretariat, strengthening the programme’s capacity, and assisting LAC forums in stepping up national and regional joint efforts. The programme officer will also help strengthen advocacy efforts with a focus on the forums’ leadership and engagement related to the two programmes he/she/they will be supporting. The Programme Officer is responsible for supporting assigned projects or activities (including event planning and coordination, and capacity-building design) partner coordination, work planning, reporting, communications, budget, and contracts/administration for LAC.

Duties and Responsibilities 

  1. Support the Regional Representative and Programme Manager (Migration and Displacement, and Climate Justice programmes) with regional efforts for human and climate mobility initiatives and programmes. This includes providing support with developing the programmes and coordinating the programmes and CoP in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.
  2. Under the leadership of the Regional Representative and the programme managers, implement effective coordination of regional efforts for human and climate mobility to enhance joint action regarding advocacy and development-related programming to respond to people to the needs and social cohesion of the people in the move and communities of origin, including coordinating the developing and/or implementation of the Community of Practice on Human and Climate Mobility regional roadmap and first activities.
  3. In this sense, work with members for the development of an advocacy pilot for the regional review meeting on the implementation of the Regional Consultancies for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
  4. Coordinate the design and development of a virtual course on regional joint-advocacy among forum members and mobilize participants for the preparation and implementation of the course.
  5. Systematize information (provided from the Secretariat, based on previous surveys and interviews) and generate visual and informative materials allowing to position and inform on the work, opportunities, and concerns of the members in the region relating to human mobility, climate mobility, and gender mainstreaming.
  6. Assist in the development or review of national, subregional, or regional forum-led proposals and concept notes.
  7. Organize internal in-person or virtual meetings and events and represent the organization to external audiences.
  8. Develop close relationships with 13 national and 3 subregional forums to contribute to national forums strategic objectives in LAC regarding Human and Climate Mobility. Promote and guarantee that any initiatives and actions are forum driven.
  9. Ensures regular reporting to the Regional Representative and programme managers.
  10. Supports ACT communications work at the regional level.
  11. Assist with administrative and logistic tasks, including translation of documents from Spanish to English and vice versa.

Experience and technical competencies:


  • At least 3 years’ experience in or Human Mobility or Climate justice-related experience will also be valued when it relates to climate mobility.
  • University degree in political science, international development, or any other relevant field.
  • Sound knowledge in Human Mobility and Climate Justice regional and international advocacy.
  • Familiarity or interest to work in coalitions, alliances, and partnerships.
  • Full professional proficiency in Spanish and English.
  • Ability to work under pressure and strong ability to multi-task.
  • International travel availability.


  • Experience supporting new and successful climate justice and/or migration and human mobility proposals, is an asset.
  • Experience working for or with faith-based organizations and churches.
  • Significant experience in training and/or liaising with national NGOs.
  • Working knowledge of French and/or Portuguese an asset.

Competencies and Behaviours

  • Readiness and commitment to work both on programmatic and administrative tasks and remain focused and motivated.
  • Interest in being part of a team and being a team player, as well as contributing to a healthy work environment.

ACT provides equitable compensation and pension packages and flexible working conditions. ACT also applies a non-discriminatory approach to recruitment and celebrates a diverse workforce. Interested and qualified candidates should send only their CV and a cover letter, in English and by email only, to 12/12/2023 (24.00 CET). Please put “[name of position]” in the subject line and name your documents: “First name last name CV” and “First name last name Cover letter”. NB: consultants should provide consultancy status and their daily rate to work between Jan and June 2024.

Please note that ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme  The Misconduct Disclosure Scheme ( As part of reference checking, ACT will contact the current and former employer(s) of the preferred candidate, asking them to complete a Statement of Conduct form.

ToR download

We ask for understanding that we are only able to contact shortlisted candidates.

ACT Alliance: Consultancy for Research on loss and damage

Type of Contract: Consultancy
Languages Required: English
Experience required: At least 3-4 years of experience with climate change programming and human rights
Consultancy start target date: 7/12/2023
Duration of Contract: 25 days over a 3-month period
Application deadline: 23/11/2023

About ACT Alliance
ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 148 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to

Terms of reference (click for full ToR)
ACT Alliance would like to engage a consultant for research in determining loss and damage interventions in programming, how to strengthen them and bridge policy and institutional gaps at national level for enhanced loss and damage response.

ACT Alliance’s structure is unique, with national, sub-regional and regional forums that bring local, national, regional and international church-related organisations to work together under the same principles and standards, bringing different skills and expertise to support each other and leverage collective action in humanitarian, development and advocacy engagement. Thanks to the presence of national ACT Forums in over 50 countries, and of its global secretariat in several strategic locations (Geneva, New York, Nairobi, Bangkok, Amman, Brussels, Toronto and Bogotá), ACT Alliance is able to bring local and regional concerns to the global arena. Conversely, global trends and development can be transmitted to the regional and national levels using these structures.

COP 27 delivered a landmark decision establishing new loss and damage financing architecture – funding arrangements and a fund. The decision settled the long-contested matter of financing loss and damage by setting in place a new institutional arrangement (the fund) and a mosaic of funding arrangements (institutions, processes and structures) that should deliver financing for loss and damage. This finance should address loss and damage in the contexts of economic and non-economic loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and slow onset events in the context of ongoing and ex-post, including rehabilitation, recovery, and reconstruction. While the scope of financing loss and damage is posited, there is a need to further understand loss and damage response interventions/activities, programming considerations, and institutional contexts for addressing loss and damage. This will be key in determining programming approaches for addressing loss and damage, contributing to the body of knowledge on loss and damage response activities, and institutional strengthening for effective loss and damage response.

ACT Alliance intends to undertake research work in three developing world regions (Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean). We envisage building bottom-up evidence and knowledge, ensuring gender and inter-generational perspectives, that will underpin and inform an era of deepened discussion on loss and damage interventions, and programming approaches. The research outcomes would be a conceptual understanding of what constitutes loss and damage activities, including gender transformative actions, clarify through programming experiences how in practice loss and damage can be better programmed, and provide reflections on ways to strengthen policy and institutional contexts of countries for enhanced loss and damage response.


The consultant will: 

  1. Develop a conceptual understanding on the identification of loss and damage interventions. 
  2. Apply DCA’s loss and damage activities identification criteria that will be provided to present a mix of case examples focusing on addressing loss and damage interventions.
  3. Conduct an analysis of gaps, challenges, lessons, approaches, and opportunities for advancing loss and damage response at programming/implementation level.
  4. Undertake an organizational-facing assessment to interrogate means to facilitate an effective response to loss and damage focusing on facilitative structural, systemic, and programming capacities.
  5. Provide key recommendations on:
  • Identification, design, and strengthening of programmatic approaches to loss and damage response.
  • Strengthening organizational capacities to effectively programme for addressing loss and damage.
  • Identify areas and good practice where faith-based actors have capacity (might add value) to restore human dignity, existential (spiritual) health and well-being in contexts of climate induced loss and damage.

Before starting the research, a briefing meeting will be held with some representatives of the ACT Climate Programmes’ Community of Practice to build common understanding of the assignment.
Literature review
The consultant will conduct a desk-based review of the existing literature on human rights and climate change, and adaptation, loss and damage, links with human mobility in the country/region, and resilience. Key documents produced by ACT members will be availed. Case studies will be sought, and the consultant will help the alliance understand how to identify key loss and damage activities and maximize impact in loss and damage response programming.
Workshop/dialogue with the member organisations
The consultant will design and conduct a workshop/dialogue with ACT forum members to test some hypotheses, develop key advocacy messages, and gather additional inputs for the final report. ACT Climate/DRR CCA CoPs/Migration and displacement working groups. 

The consultant will conduct several interviews with key informants, ideally climate and human rights experts, across the policy, advocacy, and programming spheres. A list of interviewees will be generated in conjunction with the ACT forum. 

Intermediate meeting(s)
Depending on the progress of the research, a minimum of one meeting will be organized on weekly or fortnightly basis with representatives of the ACT forum and respective working groups. 

A final report of about thirty pages, written in English, will present the results of the investigation, highlighting: 

  • The context of the study and the methodology chosen (2-3 pages). 
  • An overview of approaches to responding/addressing loss and damage (6-9 pages).  
  • An analysis of the gaps, limitations, opportunities for strengthening organizational/institutional frameworks, structures, systems, and processes to respond to loss and damage (5-7 pages).
  • Conceptual understanding on identification of loss and damage activities/interventions (3-4 pages).
  • Case examples of loss and damage interventions, including discussion on cross-sectionality with development priorities (5-7 pages).
  • Concrete recommendations on how to: a) strengthen identification and programmatic design/approaches to loss and damage; b) strengthen institutional effectiveness in the response to loss and damage (3-5 pages).

Sharing and restitution
The consultant will be invited to present his/her analysis, conclusions, and recommendations to the coordination team of the research, namely ACT Alliance, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Act Church of Sweden and Finn Church Aid. Following this meeting, the consultant may be required to review his or her report.

Tender process
Only registered consultants or companies shall be considered. Qualified and interested parties should send their tender application to: by 23/11/2023

In your tender, please include:

  • Expression of Interest, including time estimation
  • CV of the consultant
  • Justification of consultancy or company registration
  • Samples of/or links to previous consultancy work completed
  • List of 3 professional reference persons
  • Financial offer: gross daily rate for the consultancy in USD – including administrative overheads, taxes, and charges.

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted


ACT Alliance: Senior Global Human Resources Officer

Duty station: Amman, Jordan, the candidate should have the right to live and work in Jordan
Contract duration: one year (with possibility of extension depending on funds and performance)
Worktime: 80/100% FTE
Target start date: to be determined
Reports to: Director of Operations
Languages required: English, other languages are an asset
Experience: minimum 3 to 5 years

Application deadline: 3 November 2023

About ACT Alliance
ACT Alliance is one of the world’s largest coalition of churches and church-related organisations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. It consists of 148 members working together in over 120 countries, with headquarters in 73 countries, whose aim is to create a positive and sustainable change in the lives of poor and marginalised people regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality in keeping with the highest international codes and standards. 64% of our members are headquartered in the Global South, 30% in the Global North, and 6% are Global members. For more details about the general work of ACT, please refer to

Major Function: ACT Alliance is looking for a Human Resources Officer (HRO) to provide contract and recruitment support to staff and managers in all regions of the world where its Secretariat operates and to assist the with implementation of HR Projects and HR Policy and practice improvements under the guidance of the Director of Operations. Link to ToR.

Main duties and responsibilities

  1. Recruitment: Management of recruitment process (drafting Job Descriptions, posting advertisements online, filtering applications, providing recommendations on shortlisting, coordinating tests, setting up and co-conducting interviews, reference checking, drawing up contracts, organising orientation and training of new staff, etc.). Work with Communications to ensure correct profiling of ACT on its website as an employer.
  2. Contract Administration: Oversee the contract administration process and ensure that it is proactive, accurate, and efficient (preparation of staff and consultancy contracts, ToRs and their review, maintenance of master lists and filing, etc.). Assist with annual end of year global salary benchmarking and salary revision process.
  3. HR Platform: Provide support for continued implementation of and improvements to ACT’s HR Platform.
  4. Staff Care: Support actions to improve staff wellbeing and duty of care.
  5. Performance Management: Administrate ACT’s annual Performance Management cycle.
  6. Learning and Development: Review current L&D policy and practices and suggest and support concrete actions to improve and activate staff L&D opportunities.
  7. Other HR support: attend relevant working groups, networks and events within and outside the ACT Secretariat; other tasks as required.

Competences and behaviours

  • Committed to the values of the ACT Alliance and takes pride in delivering on agreed priorities according to the highest standards individually and as part of a global team.
  • Proactively finds innovative and creative solutions, is efficient and reliable, adapts to change and uncertainty, is decisive and acts with integrity.
  • Builds effective internal and external relationships, involves others when solving problems and treats others with consideration and respect in an alliance where faith is a key ingredient of people’s lives.
  • Passion for building and developing core skills for the role and contributes knowledge outside of immediate own role.

Working relationships

  • Reports to the Director of Operations.
  • Engages with the ACT Secretariat staff and the Staff Representative Group as relevant.
  • Supports ACT Secretariat Managers and Directors on staffing matters.

Technical skills and experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or related field.
  • Minimum three years’ work experience in Human Resources, preferably within an NGO environment.
  • Excellent computer skills in a Microsoft Windows environment.
  • Ability to operate effectively with a high degree of independence.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills to interact effectively with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
  • High degree of tact, discretion, and good judgement to effectively manage sensitive and confidential issues.
  • Professional fluency in written and spoken English required. Fluency or working knowledge of French, Spanish or other languages would be a strong asset.

ACT provides equitable compensation and pension packages and flexible working conditions. ACT also applies a non-discriminatory approach to recruitment and celebrates a diverse workforce. Interested and qualified candidates should send only their CV and a cover letter, in English and by email only, to by 3 November 2023 (24.00 CET). Please put “Senior Global HR Officer” in the subject line and name your documents: “Firstname lastname CV” and “Firstname lastname Cover letter”.

Please note that ACT adheres to the SCHR misconduct scheme As part of reference checking, ACT will contact the current and former employer(s) of the preferred candidate, asking them to complete a Statement of Conduct form.