Bread for the World: Head of South East Asia & Pacific Unit [Referatsleiter/-in Südostasien-Pazifik]

Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service, is looking for a new head of its South East Asia & Pacific Unit.

The basics in 4 bulletpoints:

  • The position is based in the BfdW main office in Berlin.
  • The new position holder shall start at 1 December 2017.
  • German is the working language of BfdW.
  • Please apply until 3 June 2017.

You can find all details on our website:



Bread for the World: Head of Europe & Worldwide Programmes [Abteilungsleiter/-in Weltweit und Europa]

Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service is looking for a new head of its Europe & Worldwide Programmes.

The basics in 4 bulletpoints:

  • The position is based in the BfdW main office in Berlin.
  • The new position holder shall start at 1 January 2018.
  • German is the working language of BfdW.
  • Please apply until 18 July 2017.

You can find all details on our website:

Application Support Officer for Online Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

World Service has moved to use the Newdea Project Center as its online system for project and strategic management. The need for customizing the system increases with its more widespread use and will be transferred to a World Service staff.

The position will assist also in reaching out to Country Programs to develop technical solutions how to integrate or link mobile data collection tools to Newdea Project Center. Additionally, technical assistance will be needed in integration of Project Center with the LWF Finance system (Sage).

Find the application HERE

WACC Communications Coordinator- ACT Global Climate Project

The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) is hiring a Communications Coordinator- ACT Global Climate Project to implement the ACT Alliance’s Global Climate Project.  The Coordinator takes the lead in a number of initiatives and projects especially the coordination of the ACT global climate project, particularly the internal and external communications, supporting the various structures at global, regional and national levels in the implementation of climate change and sustainable development projects, and in building the ACT brand visibility and to manage the organisation’s reputation both at the secretariat and member level. It involves intensive work with ACT Alliance members and partners at regional and national level to help build ACT member and group capacities, and to facilitate increased collaboration and joint initiatives.  The position is based in Toronto, and the successful candidate must be legally entitled to work in Canada.

WACC welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.

Please click here for complete job description: ToR Communications Coordinator

Please name your documents “first name surname CV” and “first name surname cover letter.” Application Deadline: April 19, 2017

Apply to

Global Funding Officer in the Department for World Service

The Department for World Service is the international humanitarian and development arm of the Lutheran World Federation. World Service works with local and international partners to alleviate suffering, combat injustice and poverty, and lay the foundation for a life in dignity for all. More than 5,000 committed staff persons work for World Service in remote areas and often insecure situations, touching the lives of over 2 million people across 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. The Global Funding Team (GFT) in World Service is responsible for securing and managing direct funding (grants) from institutional donors (including US Government and EU).

The Global Funding Team (GFT) in World Service is responsible for securing and managing direct funding (grants) from institutional donors (including US Government and EU). More specifically as part of World Service’s strategy to increase its EU/ECHO portfolio and profile, a Global Funding Officer is being recruited to fill the current vacant position in the GFT in Geneva. This is with a view to consolidate and grow the relations and funding portfolio with ECHO (to 10m Euros by 2020) and Europeaid (to 10m Euros by 2020) in particular

More information HERE

Country Director – Syria

The Country Director is the leader-manager for LWR’s office in Syria and the official spokesperson for LWR in the country. Her/his primary responsibility is to develop both short-term and long-term strategies for recovery and sustainable development, provide direction and vision to LWR operations, office staff and coordinate with peer international NGOs in a manner that comports with LWR’s vision, values, and strategy and acquisition of  donor  funding  to build, sustain and expand country program. S/he plays a key role, working with other LWR HQ Departments to link programs and partners to donor, constituent, and advocacy targets. The Country Director also has overall responsibility for ensuring that the office is efficiently and effectively managed and liaising with local government.

More information HERE

Bread for the World: Regional Representative Pacific [Leiter/in der Verbindungsstelle (VEST) für den Pazifik]

Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service is looking for a new Regional Representative in its regional office in Madang/Papua New Guinea. For more information, please look here.

Syria Consultant

ACT member Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is seeking a consultant to conduct a strategic landscape analysis of INGOs’ operational and funding context in the Arab Republic of Syria. The assignment will last for approximately 10 weeks during February and March 2017 and will include information collection, situation analysis, field work, program designing, and research on setting up an office.

More info HERE

Advocacy Officer (100%, Nairobi, Kenya, initial contract for 1 year with possibility of extension)

ACT Alliance is looking for an Advocacy Officer to be based in Nairobi, Kenya. The overall responsibility of the ACT Advocacy Officer is to support and facilitate the member organisations and forums of ACT Alliance in order to enhance advocacy for human dignity, community resilience and sustainability, including the areas of climate justice, fighting inequalities and human rights, with particular focus on coordinated national, regional and global advocacy.

For full description please click here

Secretary for Planning and Finance

The Lutheran World Federation, Department for Mission and Development (LWF/DMD) seeks a comprehensive approach for the accompaniment of member churches in building capacities for holistic mission encompassing proclamation, Diakonia and advocacy for justice.

The main purpose of this position is to lead, monitor and control the financial management of the department and be responsible for its planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (PMER). This position also coordinates the funding support with the partner organizations and member churches and ensures compliance, accountability, transparency and stewardships of resources.

See the vacancy here