Guatemala +5 dialogue reports 2024

Regional Report: REGRESSIVE AGENDAS AND THEIR IMPACT ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACIES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN : This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the 11+ national dialogues on regressive agendas and their impact on human rights and democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It includes contributions from each of our forums in the region, enriched by the virtual regional dialogue and insights from our in-person event in Bogotá in May of this year (2024). This document is rich in analysis and trends, providing an overview of our current situation and future aspirations as a region and as an alliance, including our first regional theory of change.


Guatemala: REGRESSIVE AGENDAS AND THEIR IMPACT ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACIES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN – Guatemala +5 Event Report: This report offers a detailed narrative of the discussions and agreements reached during our 3.5-day event in May this year. The event gathered representatives from almost all forums in the region, along with invitees from Europe and North America, and the ACT Secretariat. In the report, you can see the lines of action the region has prioritized to move forward.

Guatemala +5 Event Report
Relatoría Evento Guatemala +5

Addressing the Protection Gap – Human Mobility and the Climate Crisis in International Frameworks


1. Download the English version of Addressing the Protection Gap here:


2. Here is the ACT News article announcing the English version here:

3. A more detailed article by the authors on the proposals in the study:

A Spanish version will be available by late 2024. Contact ACT’s LAC office for a copy if it is not posted here yet.

Safeguarding Policy Framework

ACT Alliance is committed to ‘principles of human rights, gender justice, do no harm, conflict resolution, participation and putting people first’ (Strategy, page. 9), which demands a robust Safeguarding policy, guidance, and capacity strengthening within the alliance.

The Quality and Accountability Reference Group, Safeguarding Community of Practice (CoP) and Gender Programme aimed to strengthen the Safeguarding policy position and guidance for members, including a mainstreaming of gender. While the ACT Alliance had a Child Safeguarding Policy, which was approved in May 2015, there was a need identified where a more holistic policy would benefit the alliance, which responds to the emerging contexts where we work, and create greater coherence with other policies. The process included a working group, led by ACT Secretariat and representation from national, regional and global membership with expertise in Safeguarding. Members also financially resourced to support the process, which they noted was the most participatory process for developing a policy that they had been involved in. This included focus groups with members on specialist areas, a survey, and regular guidance from the working group, including reviews of different draft versions.

The ACT Quality and Accountability Reference Group unanimously endorsed the Safeguarding Policy Framework and it was approved by the Governing Board in May 2024.

ACT Safeguarding Policy Framework 2024

ACT Cadre de politique de protection 2024

ACT Marco Político de Salvaguardia 2024


ACT Alliance Ideas for Climate Advocacy book, 2022.


Download below:

Ideas for Climate Advocacy, 2022.

ACT News article   Ideas for Climate Advocacy: New ACT climate justice publication

 Ideas for climate advocacy, 40 pages of practical strategies for climate justice, is now available. “We must keep hope alive and I think this publication can help us,” says Mattias Söderberg, co-chair of the ACT Alliance Climate Justice Reference Group. “We can make a difference and achieve climate justice if we take action now!” 

Divided into three sections, the book covers much of what Forums, members and regional climate justice CoPs will need to improve the effectiveness of their climate advocacy.  

The first section explores ACT’s understanding of climate justice based on the foundations of our faith and as a faith-based alliance. It includes a summary of the most important scientific findings on the climate crisis drawn from the recent 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). It examines how past and future climate impacts threaten the sustainable development of all people, but especially those in the world’s most vulnerable communities. COP26 is studied in detail to introduce climate policy and the Glasgow Climate Pact. This section ends by exploring the climate policy challenges of the coming years. 

The second section looks at advocacy practice. Using concrete examples, the publication shows how advocacy for climate justice at local, national, and international levels can be carried out in relatively simple ways. The aim is to raise the level of ambition in national and international climate targets, adaptation programmes, climate finance and in addressing climate-related Loss and Damage. This section also explains the basics of the Paris Climate Agreement and the resulting state obligations, and designing climate adaptation programmes to be gender responsive. Finally, it presents the Climate Justice Module of the ACT Advocacy Academy as the central training tool of our Climate Justice Programme. 

The third section highlights the advocacy activities of ACT’s Climate Justice Programme. Three examples illustrate how ACT Communities of Practice (CoPs) from different world regions advocate for higher climate ambition. The examples illustrate the different priorities of ACT regions for climate justice.  A bibliography and list of useful resources concludes the publication. 

We wish you good and inspiring reading. Download here.

2023 Narrative and Financial report

The 2023 Secretariat Narrative and Financial report can be found here.

Audited Financial Statements 2023

The ACT Alliance’s audit results can be found here.