
ACT Alliance demonstrates its value as the leading faith-based alliance in humanitarian response by working with faith and humanitarian actors at the global, regional, national, and community levels. ACT harnesses the combined strength of its members in delivering humanitarian response at scale and with considerable reach through joint programming approaches.

We commit to an effective ecumenical response that saves lives and maintains dignity, irrespective of race, gender, belief, nationality, ethnicity, or political persuasion. Humanitarian needs define our priorities and the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence guide our actions. We remain committed to strengthening the resilience of affected communities and to being accountable to people and communities affected by a crisis. The ACT Alliance Secretariat is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability and is committed to the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response.

Our goals

  • Ensure ACT Alliance’s humanitarian responses are managed efficiently, delivered in a timely manner and evidenced appropriately.
  • Work with ACT forums and members to strengthen the resilience of disaster affected communities.
  • Support ACT forums and members to collaboratively ensure accountability to disaster affected populations in line with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments.
  • Support member-led and evidence-based humanitarian advocacy initiatives that amplify the voices of disaster affected
act alliance logo

Key achievements


Emergency Steering Committee successfully established, activated more than 30 times since inception with over US$67 million mobilised since 2022 for ACT’s Humanitarian Appeals.


ACT Emergency Appeal coverage (the total amount of funds generated versus budget) has 02 risen from 28% to 46% from 2018 to 2023.


Systematic approach to appeal management – inception meetings, coordination roundtable
discussions, enhanced monitoring, results frameworks and closing meetings all introduced 03 with a focus on Quality & Accountability.


Extensive consultation with members and forums on locally led response within ACT Alliance 04 has led to a Pledge of Commitments which is being launched at the General Assembly 2024.

We are active in more than 120 countries worldwide

Through its national, regional and sub-regional forums ACT Alliance provides humanitarian and emergency preparedness support to local communities helping them during a crisis and to become more resilient.


Policies and Manuals

ACT humanitarian mechanism

The Rapid Response Fund is an innovative funding mechanism designed to put local communities at the centre of decision-making and is recognised as one of few such funding mechanisms across the sector.

The RRF provides valuable opportunities to demonstrate the niche of faith actors in humanitarian response as we work closely with local ACT members and their community networks. On average, the RRF funds 20 emergencies annually and responses are implemented within six months.

The primary mechanism for large scale or global emergencies, including protracted crises: ACT Alliance raises an appeal to its membership with both requesting and funding members co-owning the process. Appeals are open for funding during their entire project period and accessible to both national and international ACT Alliance members.

Consortia represent a new funding mechanism for ACT Alliance. As part of Emergency Preparedness planning, consortiums are established before a disaster strikes and consortium members share a vision and strategic focus. Members self-organise and develop their own financial management models and programme strategies supported by the EPRP process and tools.

Emergency preparedness and response planning is integral to the strengthening of ACT Alliance’s capacity to respond effectively in emergencies through joint programming.

ACT national and regional forums develop emergency preparedness and response plans (EPRPs), working collaboratively to understand potential disaster risks and plan how to respond to emergencies quickly and effectively. Forum EPRPs are accessible by members through an online platform, which can be viewed by other members who may be interested to support them. ACT Forums use specific ACT guidelines and tools to support the process of developing an EPRP which is reviewed regularly.

EPRP platform

As part of the holistic and integrated approach to humanitarian response, development and advocacy, ACT’s emergency preparedness and humanitarian response is supported by stronger humanitarian coordination and advocacy with stakeholders and duty bearers.

In the current strategic period our advocacy focuses on three banner commitments to the Grand Bargain at the World Humanitarian Summit where ACT has made significant investments and where member engagement is quite strong: the localisation agenda and the primary role of national/local members and local faith actors; demonstrating the important role of faith actors in humanitarian response; and strengthening of cash-based programming across the humanitarian sector.

Date | Time

The powerful Hurricane Matthew, category 4 (in the Saffir-Simpson Scale), hit Dominican Republic on October 4th, leaving 4 people dead, 22,745 evacuated and more than 2,398 houses damaged. The heavy rains caused rivers to overflow, widespread floods and landslides, destruction of agricultural crops, houses, bridges and basic services facilities like electricity, communication and drinking water. Up to date, 11,853 people remain evacuated and the alerts have dropped to yellow but in the meantime the official institutions are receiving more damages reports on rural flooding, overflowing of rivers, streams and creeks, as well as landslides. Relevant national agencies from the government are taking care of raising the awareness of the population, and conducting evacuations in vulnerable areas as well as road rehabilitation. Now, there is a great risk that a large number of people can become affected by diseases due to the large amount of mud and contamination from the poor sanitary conditions left by the hurricane in the overcrowded locations where people remain in shelters. rrfs_07_2016_hurricane-matthew-dominican-republic

The announcement of the Peace Agreements between Colombia’s FARC guerrilla group and the Colombian Government calls for a definite end to all attacks between both parties, as well as to create the conditions to begin implementing the Final Agreement which implies the disarmament of the group and to prepare the country for the FARC’s reintegration into civilian life. The implementation of the peace agreements between the government and the FARC in Colombia begins with the process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of FARC members. This process will be implemented in 28 zones (22 rural zones and 6 temporary camps) where the members of the guerrilla group will gather for their reintegration into civilian life. appeals_09_2016_protecting-civilians-in-colombia_col161

In 2015 and 2016, Malawi experienced the El Niño weather phenomenon, manifested by poor distribution of rainfall and prolonged dry conditions, which resulted in delayed planting and poor crop development. The Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) report of June 2016 showed that a minimum of 6.5 million people (39% of Malawi’s population) will not be able to meet their annual food requirements during the 2016/17 consumption period, in 24 of the Malawi’s 28 Districts. This protracted drought was combined with floods in some areas of Malawi, which have also increased the risk of water-borne disease outbreaks. On 12th of April 2016, His Excellency President of Malawi Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, declared the ongoing severe drought a national disaster requiring external support. The government has since allocated USD 48,630,137 for maize purchases in the 2016/17 budget. In addition, the World Food Programme (WFP) has launched a Joint Emergency Food Assistance Programme (JEFAP) to assist vulnerable households with relief food items. However, the magnitude of the problem will require other agencies to complement government and WFP efforts. The government has also called upon well-wishers to assist the people in Malawi, especially those in the worst affected areas. The ACT Forum in Malawi is planning to respond to the crisis through ACT members the Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD) and the Evangelical Lutheran Development Service (ELDS), in two districts: Chikwawa and Nsanje. At the moment no response by government or any other actor has started in the proposed Districts although according to the MVAC, recommendations for response was supposed to start by July 2016 in selected Districts. preliminary-appeals_09_2016_severe-drought-response-in-malawi_mwi161  

There is currently a massive influx of refugees from South Sudan into Uganda following the collapse of the Transitional Government of National Unity due the fighting that erupted on 7th July between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), government forces of President Salve Kiir, and Sudan People’s Liberation Army-In Opposition (SPLA-IO), loyal to the former first vice president Dr. Riek Machar. The July 7th 2016 crisis has continued to manifest the power struggle between Machar and Kiir on ethnic lines and has unsettled the already volatile young nation of South Sudan, as it led to the collapse of the April 2016 agreement (which successfully enabled the return of Riek Machar to Juba and the subsequent formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity). The recent clashes also led to the loss of about 300 lives and displacement of over 36,000 people internally, with about 110,000 people forced to flee to neighbouring countries. ACT Uganda Forum has been responding through its members Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Finn Church Aid (FCA). Both organisations have been focussing on Adjumani, where all the refugee hosting settlements are full to capacity, so there is an eminent need to identify new sites or consider the expansion of existing ones. LWF has constructed an emergency shelter and distributed blankets among other relief items, but with new arrivals, the emergency response team is over-stretched. FCA is providing inclusive Education in Emergencies for South Sudanese refugees with focus on children with disabilities. appeals_09_2016_-influx-of-south-sudanese-refugees-in-uganda_-uga-161  

On 10th September 2016 at 15:27 local time an earthquake with the magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale and at a depth of 40km hit north-west Tanzania. The epicentre was located in close proximity to the border town of Nsunga on the Lake Victoria and nearby Bukoba municipality, a major town and the regional centre for the Kagera region. On 11th September at 22:15 a stronger aftershock was felt in Bukoba. The most recent figure shows that 17 persons are reported dead and 170 hospitalized. While assessments are still on-going, preliminary evaluations record that 840 buildings have been destroyed including three schools and dormitories. Over 1,264 houses are reported to be unsafe and hundreds of people are currently displaced. Marine police stations that were to be used as a shelter had been destroyed by the aftershock on 11th September. The Acting Regional Commissioner of Kagera region estimates the need for temporary shelters for over 3,000 people as well as for medical supplies, non-food items, food assistance and psychosocial support. rrfs_06_2016_earthquake-in-tanzania

The ETH161 Appeal has been both extended (for 5 additional months) and revised, for the following reasons: late receipt of funds, underfunding of some components and challenges and delays in implementation, including massive coordination effort and heavy bureaucratic process to get permission to respond to particular geographic area, which didn’t stop requesting members to prioritize the limited resource received and take action to respond. The major humanitarian needs include: to protect the lives of millions of people who are at risk due to lack of food, water and disease outbreaks. To support their livelihoods as they lost significant part of their livestock and the remaining animals are in very poor condition.  Also, as the affected people consumed their seeds, these need to be replenished to ensure adequate planting for the next agriculture season.  Also agricultural inputs are needed to ensure good harvesting for the coming year. Flooding and other drought or conflict-related displacement will lead to more humanitarian needs such as shelter and non-food items. The ACT Forum in Ethiopia is supporting ongoing response efforts by population affected by drought through food assistance, early recovery and restoration of livelihoods, health and nutrition support, agricultural and livestock production and WASH. Around 25% of the total targeted population said to be in need of physical and psychosocial support (see 2016 HRD) which LWF Ethiopia intend to address through mainstreaming of CBPS aspects.   Appeals_5th September_2016_Drought Response in Ethiopia_ETH161_Rev.1  

Appeals_08_2016_Refugees_Migrants_Humanitarian Response_EUR161Since the beginning of 2015 an increased flow of people seeking asylum in Europe or a better life have been travelling into Europe in increasing numbers. The number of asylum seekers has constantly risen from a few thousand in 2014 to over a million entering Europe in 2015. While the number of people entering Europe via the Balkans has fallen since the second quarter of 2016, there are still significant numbers of people arriving daily in countries along the route. Many people are now staying in the countries of arrival in Europe and not moving further, which has caused both governments and NGOs to respond to new needs or respond to the needs in a different way (at least in the semi-long term), including more integration, education and other services. Although Government authorities have scaled up their capacities, they are unable to handle all the needs. Serbia, Hungary and Greece now have significant populations of vulnerable people – many who will not be able to continue their journey into Europe. ACT Alliance members International Orthodox Christian Charities with its implementing partner Apostoli (IOCC/Apostoli), Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), Philanthropy (PHIL), Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO), Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) and Christian Aid (CA) together with ACT Alliance EU (CA/ACT EU) plan to continue their humanitarian support to refugees/migrants in Greece, Serbia, and Hungary to contribute to the alleviation of their suffering, by addressing the most pressing needs in the sectors of Food Security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Health, Psychosocial support, Shelter, Non-Food Items, Education and Protection, as well as by providing related humanitarian advocacy across Europe.   Appeals_08_2016_Refugees_Migrants_Humanitarian Response_EUR161    

As of 30th July 2016, 14 people have died and over 340,000 households in 16 districts have been severely affected by the continuing heavy rains during the last few days which has caused floods in Northern - Central parts of Bangladesh. The continuing downpour and rising waters have now exacerbated an already bad situation. As of 1st August 2016 (reliefweb),  the rivers Dharla, Ghagot, Brahmaputra, Jamuna, Gur, Atrai, Dhaleswari, Lakhya, Kaliganga, Dhaleswari, Padma and Titasare have been all flowing above the danger level by 62 cm on average and in some places as high as 137 cm. According to Flood Forecasting & Warning Centre and Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWBD), rising water level in several major rivers will keep exacerbating the flood situation in the next 24 - 48 hours particularly in the low lying areas adjacent to Rajbari, Manikganj, Munshiganj and Sariotpur districts as well as Dhaka city. RRFS_05_2016_ Floods¬_in_Northern_and_Central_Bangladesh

Heavy torrential rains during the last few days have caused floods in North-Eastern states of India. The flood situation continues to remain grim in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.  As of the 24th of July, so far 7 people have died and over 600,000 people have been affected in Assam, while over 100 households in Arunachal Pradesh were rendered homeless. The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) reported that over 50,000 people in 130 villages have been affected. About 1,039 villages in 14 districts have been affected by the deluge, with Bongaigaon, Kokrajhar, Laxmipurt, Goalpara and Tinsukia being the worst affected districts. So far, nearly 46,680 hectares of crop area have been inundated by flood water (Indian Express). RRFS_04_2016_Flooding_in_North_Eastern_State_of_Assam_India

ACT Alliance members Russian Orthodox Church /DECR/RTT (ROC) and Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) plan to continue their humanitarian support to IDPs in Ukraine and refugees in Russia to contribute to the alleviation of their suffering by addressing the most pressing needs in the sectors of Food Security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Health (Psychosocial support) and Shelter and Non Food Items. The ACT Appeal UKR161 follows on the response to the ACT Appeal UKR152. Appeals_07_2016_IDPs & Refugees in Ukraine & Russia_UKR 161 x

People in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India have been struggling with one of the worst flood situations in their area, due to heavy rainfall for the past few days. Rivers are over flowing, washing away bridges, breaching embankments and marooning villages. The state capital of Bhopal city has also reported extensive water logging. The slum dwellers of the city have been the worst affected. According to media sources (Indian Express), an estimated 35 people have died so far (as of July 21) due to the floods and 9 persons are reported missing. Around 2,487 houses have been completely destroyed while 19,283 houses have been partially damaged. Preliminary Appeals_Flooding in Madhya Pradesh (India)

Now over a year since Burundi’s current crisis began, more than 140,000 men, women and children remain in refugee camps in Tanzania and are unable to return home. The situation inside Burundi continues to worsen.  A low intensity urban conflict is spreading progressively from Bujumbura to other provinces, resulting in targeted assassinations, torture, harassments and abuses.[1]  Coupled with an economic collapse brought on by the conflict, this makes it virtually impossible for displaced Burundians to return home safely. On average 100 refugees from Burundi are still entering  Tanzania every day while 140,448 Burundian refugees are currently living in Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli camps in Kigoma region. As many informants from UNHCR, INGOs and refugee leaders suggest, a quick solution to the current political crisis in Burundi and the short-term repatriation of refugees are unlikely. The current refugee situation is developing into a protracted crisis that will plausibly last for several years.   Preliminary Appeals_07_2016_Burundian refugee_crisis in Tanzania_TZA161    

Date | Time

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Nr.: 30/2015. ACT Philippines Forum members ICCO Cooperation, Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Christian Aid (CA) and the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) are currently collecting information from their local partners or networks within the affected areas. After gathering sufficient information, it will be determined if a response is needed. Alerts_30_2015_Philippines_Typhoon_Koppu  

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 29/2015. It is still unclear whether an ACT response would be required, but if the conflict continues, it is expected that massive displacements will occur and those internally displaced will definitely require humanitarian assistance. The situation at the moment is very fluid and can change drastically at any moment. Members are closely monitoring the situation and will plan a response based on the needs and gaps identified. Due to the volatile situation in Kunduz City, it is very difficult to acquire detailed information at the moment. The members of ACT Afghanistan Forum include Christian Aid, Community World Service Asia, Hungarian Interchuch Aid and Norwegian Church Aid. Alerts_29_2015_Afghanistan_New_Wave_of_Displacement

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 28/2015. Planned activities for ACT Member Christian Aid in the Federal Iraq region include: hygiene kits; food items (raw items & ready-made/processed food); chronic diseases medications; clothes and underwear items; Bedding (Mattresses, pillows, sheets, blankets). Planned intervention in the Iraqi Kurdistan region by Christian Aid includes: food items; winterisation Items; cash assistance and cash for work livelihood activities; and vocational training courses and small grants. ACT Member The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) plans to respond in the following sectors: food security; WASH; NFI; psychosocial support; and school facility improvement. Alerts_28_2015_Iraq_IDP_Crisis

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 26/2015. The ACT Malawi Forum, after a detailed assessment of the food situation, is planning to respond with the provision of food items inputs and activities on early recovery program activities. Alerts_26_2015_Malawi_food_insecurity

Burkina Faso has been struck by heavy rains and strong winds since the beginning of the raining season. Significant damage has been registered. As of 28 August 2015, 8 of the 13 regions of Burkina Faso have been affected. Homes, personal property and livestock have been destroyed and hectares of fields flooded. The current situation is 8 dead, 54 injured, 26’885 victims and more than 3’699 people homeless. Alerts26_2015_Burkina_Faso_Floods  

ACT Alliance Alert Reference Number: 25/2015. Based on initial rapid emergency assessment, EECMY-DASSC plans to respond by the provision of feed (hay/straw, and concentrates) in order to help livestock keep their body weight and productivity in terms of milk and meat. Drugs (antibiotics and anthelmintics) will also be provided to livestock in order to maintain their health. Alerts25_2015_Ethiopia_Drought

13 August 2015 - Forum members in Jordan plan to respond to the most urgent needs of those refugees with life-saving medication, food and hygiene and sanitation items. Alerts 24_2015_Iraqi_Refugees_in_Jordan

5 August 2015 - ACT Myanmar Forum and partners plan to assist with shelter, food, potable water, non-food items, cash and DRR. Alerts 23_2015_Myanmar_CycloneDamage-Floods

4 August 2015 - During the last few days over 120 people have died in India due to flooding and the toll is rising. The most severely affected areas are West Bengal and Odisha, parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat. ACT members are currently monitoring the situation. Alerts_22_2015_India_MonsoonRains_Flooding

3 August 2015 - CT member Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) plans to intervene in psychosocial assistance to children and mothers in reception centres, distribution of hygienic items to women with small children in two locations, partial reconstruction of HIA's former reception centre, and preparation for winterization. Alerts  21_2015_Hungary_Migrants

1 April 2015 - Seven months after unprecedented flooding in 2014, Jammu and Kashmir have again been lashed with heavy and incessant rains in the past 36 hours. Alerts_09_2015_Kashmir_Floods_Landslides

13 January 2015 - Flooding and heavy rains have affected 17 districts in the country. Four out of these districts have been heavily affected and include: Mulanje, Nsanje, Chikwawa and Karonga. ACT Forum in Malawi plans to respond in these four heavily affected districts.

Alerts 01_2015_Malawi_Floods



Niall O’Rourke

Head of Humanitarian Affairs


Geneva, Switzerland

Caroline Njogu

Regional Humanitarian Officer


Nairobi, Kenya

Cyra Bullecer

Humanitarian Operations Manager


Bangkok, Thailand

George Majaj

Humanitarian Programme Advisor


Amman, Jordan

Anyi Elizabeth Morales Mora

Humanitarian Programme Officer

Latin America and the Caribbean

Bogota, Colombia

Marjorie Schmidt

Finance Coordinator


Geneva, Switzerland