
ACT Alliance demonstrates its value as the leading faith-based alliance in humanitarian response by working with faith and humanitarian actors at the global, regional, national, and community levels. ACT harnesses the combined strength of its members in delivering humanitarian response at scale and with considerable reach through joint programming approaches.

We commit to an effective ecumenical response that saves lives and maintains dignity, irrespective of race, gender, belief, nationality, ethnicity, or political persuasion. Humanitarian needs define our priorities and the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence guide our actions. We remain committed to strengthening the resilience of affected communities and to being accountable to people and communities affected by a crisis. The ACT Alliance Secretariat is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability and is committed to the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response.

Our goals

  • Ensure ACT Alliance’s humanitarian responses are managed efficiently, delivered in a timely manner and evidenced appropriately.
  • Work with ACT forums and members to strengthen the resilience of disaster affected communities.
  • Support ACT forums and members to collaboratively ensure accountability to disaster affected populations in line with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments.
  • Support member-led and evidence-based humanitarian advocacy initiatives that amplify the voices of disaster affected
act alliance logo

Key achievements


Emergency Steering Committee successfully established, activated more than 30 times since inception with over US$67 million mobilised since 2022 for ACT’s Humanitarian Appeals.


ACT Emergency Appeal coverage (the total amount of funds generated versus budget) has 02 risen from 28% to 46% from 2018 to 2023.


Systematic approach to appeal management – inception meetings, coordination roundtable
discussions, enhanced monitoring, results frameworks and closing meetings all introduced 03 with a focus on Quality & Accountability.


Extensive consultation with members and forums on locally led response within ACT Alliance 04 has led to a Pledge of Commitments which is being launched at the General Assembly 2024.

We are active in more than 120 countries worldwide

Through its national, regional and sub-regional forums ACT Alliance provides humanitarian and emergency preparedness support to local communities helping them during a crisis and to become more resilient.


Policies and Manuals

ACT humanitarian mechanism

The Rapid Response Fund is an innovative funding mechanism designed to put local communities at the centre of decision-making and is recognised as one of few such funding mechanisms across the sector.

The RRF provides valuable opportunities to demonstrate the niche of faith actors in humanitarian response as we work closely with local ACT members and their community networks. On average, the RRF funds 20 emergencies annually and responses are implemented within six months.

The primary mechanism for large scale or global emergencies, including protracted crises: ACT Alliance raises an appeal to its membership with both requesting and funding members co-owning the process. Appeals are open for funding during their entire project period and accessible to both national and international ACT Alliance members.

Consortia represent a new funding mechanism for ACT Alliance. As part of Emergency Preparedness planning, consortiums are established before a disaster strikes and consortium members share a vision and strategic focus. Members self-organise and develop their own financial management models and programme strategies supported by the EPRP process and tools.

Emergency preparedness and response planning is integral to the strengthening of ACT Alliance’s capacity to respond effectively in emergencies through joint programming.

ACT national and regional forums develop emergency preparedness and response plans (EPRPs), working collaboratively to understand potential disaster risks and plan how to respond to emergencies quickly and effectively. Forum EPRPs are accessible by members through an online platform, which can be viewed by other members who may be interested to support them. ACT Forums use specific ACT guidelines and tools to support the process of developing an EPRP which is reviewed regularly.

EPRP platform

As part of the holistic and integrated approach to humanitarian response, development and advocacy, ACT’s emergency preparedness and humanitarian response is supported by stronger humanitarian coordination and advocacy with stakeholders and duty bearers.

In the current strategic period our advocacy focuses on three banner commitments to the Grand Bargain at the World Humanitarian Summit where ACT has made significant investments and where member engagement is quite strong: the localisation agenda and the primary role of national/local members and local faith actors; demonstrating the important role of faith actors in humanitarian response; and strengthening of cash-based programming across the humanitarian sector.

Date | Time

February 2024 marks two years since the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Heavy fighting and attacks continue to impact 3.7 million internally displaced people, with 111,500 people residing in collective sites and 6.5 million refugees seeking safety, mostly across Europe. The Appeal has been revised using updated needs assessments of ACT members (AIDRom, Christian Aid, Church World Service, HEKS/EPER, Hungarian Interchurch Aid and Lutheran World Federation) and findings and recommendations from the external evaluation conducted in December 2023 – January 2024. Based on this revision and the funds received, the new budget requested is 25,612,489  USD. UKR221 Appeal Extension Final UKR221 Results Framework Extension  

After nearly 13 years of conflict, Syria remains a complex humanitarian and protection emergency characterized by ongoing hostilities and their long-term consequences, including widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure, economic collapse, explosive ordnance contamination, Covid 19, and one of the largest numbers of internally displaced people in the world. Compounding this situation, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8, with at least 1,200 aftershocks have been reported (occurred at Central Turkey near the city of Gaziantep), followed by a second earthquake of 7.5 magnitude on February 6, 2023.  Striking communities during winter, these earthquakes left hundreds of thousands of people, including vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly, without access to essential resources like shelter, food, water, heat, and medical care in freezing temperatures. The disaster severely affected at least 15.73 million people in Turkey and Syria, resulting in a tragic loss of over 55,000 lives and nearly 130,000 injuries. The earthquakes led to the displacement of millions from their homes. In Syria, close to 9 million people were impacted, with the most significant damage concentrated in the north-western regions, particularly Aleppo and Idlib. In these areas, more than 7,400 buildings were either completely or partially destroyed, exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation in the region. As the situation is moving from emergency to recovery, Syria is experiencing further despair either in its political instability or economic downfall, the situation is ever-changing and even more dire. ACT Syria Forum members and HIA are responding together to deliver life-saving and early recovery support to a targeted 1.5 million beneficiaries. This 4th revision is based upon the updated needs assessments of ACT members in the appeal (CA, GOPA-DERD, HEKS/EPER, the LWF, MECC and HIA in Türkiye ). This includes an update of the results framework, budgets and the integration a Survivor & Community Led Response (SCLR) approach by of Christian Aid through their local partners.   Based on this revision and funds received, the new budget requested is 3,520,892 USD. SYR231 - Syria Turkey Response Revision 4 Results-Framework SYR231- Revision 4 Links to the previous versions: Syria and Türkiye: Syria Protracted Crisis – Developing the Resilience of Affected People and Emergency Response for Affected Communities of Syria-Türkiye Earthquake – SYR231- Revision 3 – ACT Alliance Syria and Türkiye: Syria Protracted Crisis – Developing the Resilience of Affected People and Emergency Response for Affected Communities – SYR231- Revision 2 | ACT Alliance Syria: Syria Protracted Crisis – Developing the Resilience of Affected People and Emergency Response for Affected Communities of Syria-Türkiye Earthquake- SYR231- Revision 1 | ACT Alliance SYRIA: Syria Protracted Crisis – Developing the Resilience of Affected People – SYR231 | ACT Alliance

On 7 October 2023, Palestinian militant groups launched a major attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. The attack included rocket barrages and vehicle-transported attacks across the border on Israeli communities and forces. In response, the government of Israel declared a state of emergency and war; The Israeli military retaliated by conducting a counteroffensive and an extensive aerial bombardment campaign on Gaza followed by an invasion. This conflict created a short-term crisis for families from Gaza Strip, as many of the Gazans who were visiting Jordan, families and students, were severely affected and got stuck due to the borders closure into Gaza and were not able to return. Thus, forcing them to stay in Jordan with no source of income and having to cover their own survival needs in Jordan such as paying rent, securing their basic daily needs (food, non-food, medications), and students who are already studying at the Jordanian universities lost all financial support to continue their studies Adding to this, the context created a negative impact on psychological wellbeing of these people who were stuck in Jordan resulting a sense of helplessness, stress, and insecurity. There is no ceasefire in sight and therefore the situation of Gaza families and students is expected to continue at least for three from the time a ceasefire is reached. ACT Jordan Forum member DSPR is planning to support around 1,230 most vulnerable people directly affected by the current conflict  with MPCA, shelter and MHPSS. RRF15-2023 Jordan

Kenya and Tanzania are witnessing widespread flooding attributed to the El Nino phenomenon, leading to the loss of lives, livelihoods and causing displacement. According to the Government of Kenya nearly 950,000 people across the country are affected, close to 89,000 households (534,000 people) are displaced and 160 people have lost their lives. According to the latest information from UNOCHA the death toll due to flooding and mudslides in Tanzania has risen to 88 persons, with 139 injured and 5,600 people affected according to the Tanzania government official report on 11th December 2023. Members of ACT Kenya Forum (NCCK, KELC, CWS) and members of ACT Tanzania Forum (ELCT, TCRS, CCT) are planning to response to the floods through a regional appeal.   EAR 231 Floods Response Consolidated Results Framework-Kenya Tanzania

Somalia's federal government declared a state of emergency in October 2023 after extreme weather exacerbated by El Nino destroyed homes, roads, and bridges, residential and commercial buildings, health, and school facilities. The El Nino induced rains which began on 4th October 2023, have caused massive flooding, and have resulted in massive flash floods in Somalia’s low lying riverine and coastal areas. The number of people affected by the heavy rains and floods has reached 2.48 million, according to the Somalia Disaster Management Authority (SODMA), with 899,000 displaced according to UNHCR’s Protection & Return Monitoring Network (PRMN) and 118 killed across the country (UNOCHA) ACT Somalia Forum members are planning to respond to the flood response. This intervention will be implemented in a consortium composed of the five ACT Somalia Forum members in Somalia namely FCA, DKH, LWF, NCA, and Diakonia Sweden in five different geographical locations. SOM 231 Emergency Response Early Recovery and Resilience Building for Flood affected Populations of Somalia Final SOM 231 Consolidated Results Framework-ACT Somalia Forum

Since 2019 Lebanon has been experiencing a series of disasters ranging from the beginning of an economic crisis, the outbreak of COVID-19, and the devastating 2020 Beirut Blast. Combined with the political deadlock in the country and the inability to reach a common understanding of how the country should proceed, the economic crisis only worsened to extreme lengths. As a result, the Lebanese currency continued to depreciate while inflation increased. More people fell into poverty and those already classified as vulnerable are now in a much more difficult position, large numbers of people can no longer afford to pay for basic needs. This made them unable to afford healthcare and education as money is very scarce and only covers necessities of food. Assessments among the affected population highlighted the need for food, cash assistance, rehabilitation and psychosocial support. The extension for additional 12 months of the appeal is based upon the needs assessments of ACT members in the appeal DSPR and MECC, and  arises from the high humanitarian needs on ground to respond to the current crises in Lebanon as the appeal was underfunded. LEB211 Appeal - Extension

Since October 8, the number of people forcibly displaced in South Lebanon due to conflicts and violence on its borders continues to rise. These internally displaced persons found themselves in precarious situations, in desperate need of assistance and protection; especially those who do not have the means to rent elsewhere. Over 50,000 IDP’s are now scattered in collective shelters, municipalities and some in rental houses or with families. IDPs in collective shelters often lack the basic necessities of life, including food, water, healthcare, and essential supplies. Tyre.  As of 21st of November 2023, Lebanon has recorded 55,491 internally displaced persons (IDPs).  IDPs have sought safety in 429 locations (villages or neighborhoods) across 355 cadasters throughout Lebanon. Displacement has been observed in 25 out of the 26 districts across all eight governorates. Most of the IDPs (73%) are in five districts out of the total 25 districts hosting IDPs - specifically, Sour, El Nabatieh, Aley, Beirut, and Saida. ACT Lebanon Forum member MECC  are planning to support around 5,360 most vulnerable people directly affected by the current conflict MPCA and WASH. RRF14 -2023 Lebanon - Internal displacement

Since the 30th of October, Tropical Storm Pilar (TS Pilar) has caused heavy rains and flash flooding, pouring between 144.5 and 210.0 mm of rain in the first 11 hours of the meteorological phenomenon. It rained the equivalent of the entire month of November.  Both the Federation of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives of the Central Region (FECORACEN in Spanish) and the Salvadoran Chamber of Small and Medium Agricultural Producers (CAMPO in Spanish) report that the losses of livelihoods and agricultural production crops amount to up to 75% of beans and 50% of corn, which will imply an increase in the price of products in the basic basket. They estimate the losses amount to $22.2 million, of which $15.2 million correspond to bean crops and $7 million to corn. The National Directorate of Civil Protection registered 334 emergencies attended, among the main ones: 25 landslides, 9 rescues, 15 injured, 3 deaths, 2 missing, 9 damaged vehicles, 135 fallen trees, 15 gullies, 3 houses destroyed, 35 homes flooded, 66 homes affected and 15 buildings destroyed, 19 landslides, 2 rivers overflowed, 1 bridge destroyed and 1 affected, 12 communities without electricity, 2 communities without telephone communication and 90 streets affected. This project seeks to alleviate the humanitarian needs of the population affected by Tropical Storm Pilar, in the sectors of Psychosocial Support, WASH and Food Security (through the delivery of cash transfers/vouchers). It also seeks to strengthen capacities for community resilience for disaster risk reduction. The project will last 4.5 months and will reach 873 families (3,492 people) affected by Tropical Storm Pilar, through the provision of humanitarian services and subsequent actions that were previously consulted at the community level. The SLS and ALFALT will be the direct implementers of the project, with the support of professional staff from LWF El Salvador, Christian AID and CREDHO in terms of coordination, quality programming and monitoring. RRF 13 2023 El Salvador Tropical Storm Pilar

Between 19 and 20 September 2023 after nine months of blockade, Azerbaijan launched a massive military attack on the Nagorno-Karabakh region, several were subjected to intensive shelling by the Azerbaijani armed forces. According to Human Rights Defender’s report as of September 20, at least 200 deaths and more than 400 wounded persons, including civilians, were reported. The number of injured people among the civilian population exceeded 40 persons, including 13 children. There were 10 confirmed civilian deaths, including 5 children. Further information about casualties was impossible to define objectively as the Nagorno-Karabakh state and municipal administrations were no longer functioning. Over 101,848 Armenians fled, more than 30,000 of them were children, 52% are women and girls, 31% are children, and 16% are people with disabilities. 98,000 displaced located across Armenia (with population of 2.8 million) People arrived in Armenia exhausted physically and mentally after nine months of blockade, waiting hours to cross the border with Armenia with many in shock. Malnutrition and stress were evident among the displaced population with problems especially severe among children and pregnant women. People arrived squeezed in cars and buses, with a few bags many people only managed to bring some clothes with them. The displaced people are in urgent need of all types of support including shelter, daily essentials, warm clothes, shoes, food, kitchen utensils, bedding, hygiene supplies, heaters, furniture, etc. A total of 53,900 displaced are in temporary accommodation in state-provided facilities, others stay at relatives’ homes or find accommodation on their own. The movement of people to and from the region and villages is very high and will continue, as local authorities offer accommodation mainly in rural areas, mostly in empty houses lacking basic living, sanitary and hygiene conditions, such as water supply, bathrooms, etc. The influx of refugees has been so large that in many ways the lives of host communities, who are already overstretched, have been significantly affected. An estimated 95,000 people from host communities will require support. ACT Alliance members Armenian Round Table and HEKS/EPER developed this appeal for a 12 months period to address the most urgent needs of affected people by providing Multi-purpose cash assistance and shelter as well as to facilitate access to livelihood and job opportunities. ACT Appeal ARM231 ARM231 Results Framework

Due to rising water levels upstream primarily driven by heavy rainfall, the Akosombo dam experienced a major outflow causing massive flooding in the Eastern and Volta regions of Ghana. This action was prompted by the escalating water levels upstream of the Akosombo Dam, primarily due to heavy rainfall in the area. Based on the humanitarian gaps identified during the needs assessment, community consultation, and the presence of a functional market, the Presbyterian Relief Services and Development will provide multipurpose cash valued approximately at USD 90.75 (GhS1,035) for 1,000 households (6,000 beneficiaries) through mobile cash transfer and support the livelihoods of 200 households. ACT Alliance National member in Ghana, Presbyterian Relief Services Development will implement this project through local churches based in the affected areas while coordinating well with the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO). RRF 12 2023 Ghana Floods

On October 7, the Government of Israel declared war and initiated a series of airstrikes on the densely populated Gaza Strip, after Palestinian armed groups breached the security barrier at several points resulting in significant loss of life while simultaneously launching barrage of rockets into Israel. The attacks from both parties, led to the loss of thousands of Palestinian and Israeli lives, with tens of thousands of individuals sustaining injuries. In Palestine, the ongoing hostilities have created a humanitarian crisis, with homes, schools, medical facilities, and critical infrastructures being extensively damaged or destroyed.  In the Gaza Strip, the conflict has led to significant and alarming mass displacement of people. Approximately 1.4 million out of Gaza's 2.2 million residents are currently displaced. Gaza Ministry of Public Works and Housing reported 15,749 housing units destroyed, 10,935 uninhabitable and 142,500 housing units sustained minor to moderate damage. The total number of housing units reported as destroyed or damaged accounts for at least 43% of all housing units in the Gaza Strip. The attacks have affected 34 healthcare facilities and 24 ambulances. Twelve hospitals and 46 primary care clinics are no longer functioning. All five wastewater treatment plants in Gaza have been forced to shut down due to lack of power, which previously provided water and sanitation services to over 1.1M people. 2 out of the 3 main lines mobile and internet communications were destroyed, hindering the communication channels. As a result of the war in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem are witnessing an escalation of violence, including casualties, settler violence, and attacks on healthcare facilities and staff. Due to the security situation, Israeli has put many restrictions on movement and access throughout the West Bank, putting more strains on people’s livelihoods and are severely impacting access to essential services. ACT Palestine Forum members DSPR, LWF, HEKS-EPER and ELCJHL are responding to this conflict with an appeal to raise USD 5,237,649 over two years for responding to the urgent needs with special focus on people who have been directly affected by the current conflict in Gaza, Jerusalem and the West Bank. PSE231 Appeal- Gaza Conflict PSE231_Results framework Final

As of July, UNCHR reports the total number of Ukrainian refugees globally is 6.3 million of which 5.96 million are in Europe. According to IOM a further 5 million people have been displaced internally within Ukraine.  In June, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) had recorded 24,862 civilian casualties to date in Ukraine with 9,083 people killed and 15,779 injured.    This fourth revision is based upon the updated needs assessments of ACT members in the appeal (AIDRom, Church World Service, HEKS/EPER, Hungarian Interchurch Aid and the Lutheran World Federation).  Christian Aid joins the appeal as a requesting member in this revision working with local organisations in Ukraine with a Survivor & Community Led Response (SCLR) approach. ACT members are responding in Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Poland, and Slovakia with the revised appeal budget of USD46,747,481 (Total income as of 8 August 2023: 25,381,252 USD and the Balance requested: 21,366,229 USD). UKR221 Appeal Rev4 UKR221 Results Framework Rev4

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A series of explosive eruption from Mt. Lewotobi Laki-Laki occurred from December 23rd to January 1st, 2023. After the eruption on December 23rd, 2023, a crack was seen in the northwest of the peak 160 meters long and emitting thick white smoke with the height around 300 meters. On January 1st, 2024, at 00.03 Central Indonesian Time there was an increase in continuous earthquakes with an amplitude reaching 7 mm. A new eruption center was observed originating from a fracture in the south-southeast of Mt. Lewotobi Laki-Laki’s summit. The eruption occurred 1,000-1,500 meters high from the peak, the eruption ash column was white, grey to black. Based on the government’s report and initial assessment, recently, the disaster indicates in a moderate impact and is categorised as medium-scale emergency. Nevertheless, there is a possibility for status raise since Mt. Lewotobi Laki-Laki’s was increased by PVMBG to Level III since January 1st, 2024. The local government of East Flores District has also declared a disaster emergency alert for 14 days starting from January 1st, 2024. Indonesia forum is planning to respond to the urgent needs of the affected population with life saving activities focus on the most vulnerable population. ACT Alliance members including Pelkesi, YEU, MBM and CWS are currently working in the areas and planning to expand to the affected areas. Indonesia_Alert_Lewotobi Volcano Eruption_2024

On 7 October 2023, Palestinian militant groups launched a major attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. The attack included rocket barrages and vehicle-transported attacks across the border on Israeli communities and forces. In response, the government of Israel declared a state of emergency and war. The Israeli military retaliated by conducting a counteroffensive and an extensive aerial bombardment campaign on Gaza followed by an invasion. This conflict created a short term crisis for families from Gaza Strip, around 115 families, who were visiting Jordan for family reasons, and university students, around 30 students, who is studying in Jordan and got stuck due to the boarder’s closure who were not able to return back to Gaza which forced them to stay in Jordan with no source of income required in paying their housing rent, securing their daily needs of food and non-food items, medication, and university tuition fees for the students who are already studying at the Jordanian universities and lost all financial support to continue their studies. Adding to that the crises created a negative impact on psychological wellbeing of those who got stuck in Jordan creating the feeling of insecurity and stability. ACT Jordan Forum member DSPR is preparing an RRF for responding to the urgent needs with special focus on people who have been directly affected by the current conflict in Gaza. ACT Alert- Jordan Humanitarian Crisis

Floods that started on 17th October 2023 in Manyara region (northeastern), Kagera and Mwanza regions (northwestern) in Tanzania, linked to the El Nino phenomenon characterized by heavy, excessive. continuous rain that have triggered floods and landslides. The excessive rains have resulted in death, injury and destruction of homes, farms and public property. Flood affected families have been left without food, safe water, shelter, and household items. School classrooms and health structures are also destroyed, and this may disrupt access to education and health services. There has also been a rise of infectious diseases as the flood water is infected. Due to the heavy rains, some communities remain isolated due to the increase in the flow of rivers and streams. Three national members, Council of Churches of Tanzania (CCT), Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT)  and Tanganyika Christian Refugee Services (TCRS)  are planning to respond to the effects of the floods. Tanzania Floods  

Kenya is experiencing widespread flooding caused by enhanced rains which started on the third and fourth weeks of October 2023 marking the beginning of the rainy season (October – December). The rainy season has been characterized by heavy storms that caused flooding , flash floods, and increased river levels (Relief Web, November 2023).   The Government of Kenya (November 27th, 2023) classified the floods emergency at the Alarm stage up from the alert stage. While acknowledging the floods disaster as a national concern, the President of the Republic of Kenya has acknowledged that this is a large-scale emergency that needs attention and additional resources (AFP, November 2023).   Some of the worst affected counties include counties in Kenya that border Somalia (Mandera, Wajir and Tana River counties) and counties in the northern Kenya region bordering Ethiopia are also hit hard by flooding (AP News).   Some ACT Kenya Forum members have already started providing support to the affected communities while other ACT Kenya forum members who have programs in the worst affected regions are planning to respond to the flood emergency. Two international members (Church World Service (CWS) and Lutheran World Federation – World Service (LWF-WS), and two national members Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church (KELC) and the National Council Churches of Kenya (NCCK) are planning to respond to the flood’s crisis. Kenya Floods Alert

Somalia has experienced massive floods due to intense and heavy above normal rains. The heavy rainfall has caused river water levels to rise rapidly resulting to flooding. Somalia's government has declared a state of emergency as almost 100 lives are lost across the country and 700,000 people made homeless. The rains, which started on 4th October 2023, are characterized as El Nino induced weather conditions and have affected all regions of Somalia. It has rained consistently and continuously during the months of October to November 2023. The heavy rains are predicted to last until April 2024 (ReliefWeb, 2023).  ACT Somalia Forum Members, NCA, Diakonia Sweden, LWF, DKH, FCA are planning to raise an appeal in the sectors of WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) and Education to support the affected. Somalia Floods

Since the 8th of October 2023, exchange of artillery fire and rockets between Hezbollah and the Israeli army commenced, following the Israeli attacks on Gaza, and has been escalating on a daily basis since then.  Due to this escalation, several thousand families from South Lebanon have fled their homes to neighboring areas particularly Tyre.  As of 21st of November 2023, Lebanon has recorded 55,491 internally displaced persons (IDPs).  IDPs have sought safety in 429 locations (villages or neighborhoods) across 355 cadasters throughout Lebanon. Displacement has been observed in 25 out of the 26 districts across all eight governorates. Most of the IDPs (73%) are in five districts out of the total 25 districts hosting IDPs - specifically, Sour, El Nabatieh, Aley, Beirut, and Saida. Damage has also been inflicted upon private property, public infrastructure, and agricultural land damaged by widespread fires ignited by the use of ammunition with incendiary effect. In south Lebanon, 52 schools are closed, of which 17 are public, impacting more than 6,000 children who will need to explore alternative options for their education. ACT Lebanon Forum member MECC is preparing an RRF for responding to the urgent needs with special focus on people who have been directly affected by the current conflict. Alert - Lebanon - Internal Displacement

Since the 30th of October, Tropical Storm Pilar (TS Pilar) has caused heavy rains and flash flooding, pouring between 144.5 and 210.0 mm of rain in the first 11 hours of the meteorological phenomenon. It rained the equivalent of the entire month of November. Given these conditions, the likelihood of flash floods in rivers and streams, urban flooding, landslides, and falling rocks and trees is high. As of November, at least three people died while more than 500 others were evacuated. The government has activated the emergency systems by issuing a nationwide red alert on October 29 and declaring a 15-day national state of emergency. The country has suspended classes nationwide until November 1 for public, private and higher education institutions. The Government of El Salvador has pre-equipped 100 shelters in different areas with the capacity to shelter more than 8,000 people. In a rapid assessment conducted by the Federation of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives Central Region (FECORACEN), local producers have reported serious impacts on their livelihoods and agricultural production crops. In certain areas of the country, up to 75% of bean crops and up to 50% of corn crops have experienced remarkable damage. Information at local level is almost non-existent and few humanitarian organizations are conducting rapid needs assessments. The members of ACT Alliance are carrying out a detailed damage and needs assessment in the communities most affected by the TS Pilar. Members of the ACT Forum El Salvador such as Christian Aid, the Christian Association for Education and Development, the Lutheran World Federation, the Salvadoran Lutheran Synod and the CREDHO Association are currently in the field and plan to provide support. Municipalities of San Miguel, Usulután, and Ahuachapán have approached the ACT Forum El Salvador to request humanitarian aid, as well as some government institutions such as the Crecer Juntos Institute. OCHA's office in El Salvador is coordinating the response in conjunction with NGOs and the National Civil Protection System. Despite the lack of information from the communities, the government and ACT Forum members have estimated that the more pressing humanitarian needs are related to the sectors of food security and nutrition, WASH, Psychosocial support, especially for children and women, and livelihoods. Cash transfer has also been identified as feasible for this response. The Salvadoran Lutheran Synod and ALFALIT are seeking to submit an RRF proposal to alleviate the most humanitarian needs based on the Damage and Needs Assessment being currently conducted in the targeted communities. The project foresees providing humanitarian services in the sectors of CASH, CBPS, protection, and WASH to reach 100 families in the 20 most affected municipalities (4,000 people; 2,040 women and 1,960 men). It is estimated that a budget of approximately USD 300,000 is required to develop and provide optimal humanitarian support. ACT Alert - El Salvador Tropical Storm Pilar 2023    

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Karnali Province in western Nepal at around 11.47 p.m. local time (UTC 6.02 p.m.) on 3rd November 2023, with over 400 aftershocks occurring thereafter. The quake epicentre was in Ramidanda in Jajarkot District, some 65 kilometers northeast of Surkhet, the capital city of Karnali Province. Tremors have been felt in the adjacent Sudurpashchim and Lumbini provinces as well as other parts of Nepal. According to the Ministry of Home Affair’s updated information as of 7th November 153 have been killed, 256 injured and significant number of people are displaced in two districts, namely, Jajarkot and Rukum West. The quake has also damaged over 10,000 houses (6,000 completely damaged and 4,000 partially damaged) both public and private including at least 400 schools. Government has appealed for financial support to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund and has highlighted the extensive damage in Jajarkot and Rukum West including to historic sites and public buildings. Survivors are sheltering in tents, facing cold weather challenges. As per initial assessments transitional shelter, winterization kits, WASH facilities, and psycho-social support to the most vulnerable, including children, women, elderly, and persons with specific needs, etc are the major needs on the ground. ACT Nepal Forum members FCA, LWF, FELM and Cordaid/KiA are available on the ground and planning to respond to the emergency.   ACT Alert -Nepal Earthquake 2023  

Due to rising water levels upstream primarily driven by heavy rainfall, the Akosombo dam experienced a major outflow causing massive flooding in the Eastern and Volta regions of Ghana. This action was prompted by the escalating water levels upstream of the Akosombo Dam, primarily due to heavy rainfall in the area. According to the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), the most affected region is the Volta Region. The floods have resulted in the destruction of residential properties and farmlands and significant disruptions in essential services, especially water and electricity.  The displaced persons are hosted in schools and other institutions living in overcrowded conditions as accommodation is scarce. The displaced have limited access to safe water and this may lead to an outbreak of waterborne diseases due to unhygienic conditions as many are cooking outside. ACT Alliance national member in Ghana, Presbyterian Relief Services and Development is planning to respond to the needs of the affected. Ghana_Widespread Flooding

On October 7, the Government of Israel declared war, after Palestinian armed groups breached the security barrier at several points resulting in significant loss of life while simultaneously lunching barrage of rockets into Israel. The declaration of war has initiated a series of airstrikes on the densely populated Gaza Strip. This offensive has led to the loss of thousands of Palestinian lives, over 50% of them are  women and children, and  over 6 thousand individuals sustaining injuries. The ongoing hostilities have created a dire humanitarian crisis, with homes, schools, medical facilities, and critical infrastructure being extensively damaged or destroyed.  The impact of this conflict has forced approximately 400,000 of Gaza's 2.2 million residents to flee their homes, either out of fear for their lives or due to the destruction caused by airstrikes. Many have sought refuge in UNRWA schools and churches even though some of these shelters have also been damaged by airstrikes. The number of those affected by the hostilities is anticipated to rise. The Israeli government on 13 October, has requested the Palestinians to ‘relocate to southern Gaza immediately’ without any guarantee for their safety or their return, this concerns almost 1.2 million people residents in the northern parts of Gaza.   Furthermore, Israeli authorities have cut off the water supply to Gaza, exacerbating an already severe shortage of potable water. A complete siege ordered by the Israeli government has severed access to electricity, food, and fuel, further aggravating the dire humanitarian situation. Gazans now have access to electricity for only 3-4 hours per day, hindering the functioning of health facilities and the treatment of the injured.   As a result of the war in Gaza there has been an escalation of tension and this has led to increased violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including confrontations, casualties, settler-related violence, and attacks on healthcare, for the seventh consecutive day. ACT Palestine Forum members DSPR, LWF and ELCJHL are requesting to activate the ACT humanitarian mechanism for an appeal for responding to the urgent needs with special focus on people who have been directly affected by the current conflict. Alert - Gaza Conflict

120,000 Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh home are rapidly leaving their native land as the result of hastening of a humanitarian crisis and fear of military attack by Azerbaijan army and blockage of the sole road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia.  As of 10 am on 28 September, the total number of forcibly displaced people is 66,500. The intensity of arrivals is very high; their number is increasing by the hour. People are arriving exhausted physically and mentally after 10 months of blockade, long waiting hours to cross the border with Armenia, in shock of military assault and fear of persecution. ACT Armenia Forum through the Armenian Round Table will access ACT’s Rapid Response Fund to provide assistance to affected people. ACT Alert Armenia Influx of Displaced People

Angola has been going through a prolonged drought due to three failed consecutive agriculture seasons in Cunene, Huíla, and Namibe provinces. As a result of the poor rain patterns, farmers have recorded a 40 % crop loss; greatly impacting negatively on household food security, income, and livelihoods. The drought in Angola falls under one of the most under-reported or forgotten humanitarian crises (CARE– breaking the silence, 2023).In Angola, this is the worst drought in 40 years, and it has been characterized by hunger and rising food prices affecting an estimated 3.8 million people resulting in 114,000 children under the age of five acutely malnourished (UNICEF: HAC 2023 report). The drought is caused by irregular or lack of rains for farming communities as farmers have not harvested sufficient food due to the poor rains over several past seasons. Many have lost their seed stock, and livestock (oxen) that were used for plowing their field have also died. The situation is predicted to be most critical from August to Oct/Nov 2023. During this period, all food reserves will be depleted, the man-made dams (Chimpakas) will be dry, and basic food prices will be at their peak. According to the Global Network Against Food Crisis (GNAFC) report, Angola is among the countries where the food security situation is forecasted to remain critical due to below-average rainfall, and humanitarian assistance until the next harvest is needed to prevent further deterioration. The national member of ACT Angola Forum the Council of Churches of Angola (Conselho de Igrejas Cristãs em Angola) CICA is planning to respond to the drought crisis through Rapid Response Funds. Angola Drought



Niall O’Rourke

Head of Humanitarian Affairs


Geneva, Switzerland

Caroline Njogu

Regional Humanitarian Officer


Nairobi, Kenya

Cyra Bullecer

Humanitarian Operations Manager


Bangkok, Thailand

George Majaj

Acting Regional Representative


Amman, Jordan

Anyi Elizabeth Morales Mora

Humanitarian Programme Officer

Latin America and the Caribbean

Bogota, Colombia

Marjorie Schmidt

Senior Humanitarian Finance Officer


Geneva, Switzerland