The agenda for the General Assembly has been approved by the Governing Board at their meeting in May, 2024. It is now available for download.
One of the opportunities for members to engage on a wide range of issues at the assembly is through the ‘Member Conversations’. In essence we are aiming to enable space at the assembly for members to engage in critical conversations relating to some topical, and sometimes controversial, issues facing the alliance and how we can move forward in a constructive way together.
The concept note can be downloaded here:
The theme for the thematic feature day is Together for Justice – towards solidarity, equity, and inclusion. It takes up the overall Assembly theme and spells out which directions the collective work of ACT Alliance “Together for Justice” would take. It also highlights positive concepts (solidarity, equity, inclusion) to work towards when countering the multitude of divisions in the world.
The Concept note for the feature day can be found here in: