
ACT Alliance demonstrates its value as the leading faith-based alliance in humanitarian response by working with faith and humanitarian actors at the global, regional, national, and community levels. ACT harnesses the combined strength of its members in delivering humanitarian response at scale and with considerable reach through joint programming approaches.

We commit to an effective ecumenical response that saves lives and maintains dignity, irrespective of race, gender, belief, nationality, ethnicity, or political persuasion. Humanitarian needs define our priorities and the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence guide our actions. We remain committed to strengthening the resilience of affected communities and to being accountable to people and communities affected by a crisis. The ACT Alliance Secretariat is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability and is committed to the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response.

Our goals

  • Ensure ACT Alliance’s humanitarian responses are managed efficiently, delivered in a timely manner and evidenced appropriately.
  • Work with ACT forums and members to strengthen the resilience of disaster affected communities.
  • Support ACT forums and members to collaboratively ensure accountability to disaster affected populations in line with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments.
  • Support member-led and evidence-based humanitarian advocacy initiatives that amplify the voices of disaster affected
act alliance logo

Key achievements


Emergency Steering Committee successfully established, activated more than 30 times since inception with over US$67 million mobilised since 2022 for ACT’s Humanitarian Appeals.


ACT Emergency Appeal coverage (the total amount of funds generated versus budget) has 02 risen from 28% to 46% from 2018 to 2023.


Systematic approach to appeal management – inception meetings, coordination roundtable
discussions, enhanced monitoring, results frameworks and closing meetings all introduced 03 with a focus on Quality & Accountability.


Extensive consultation with members and forums on locally led response within ACT Alliance 04 has led to a Pledge of Commitments which is being launched at the General Assembly 2024.

We are active in more than 120 countries worldwide

Through its national, regional and sub-regional forums ACT Alliance provides humanitarian and emergency preparedness support to local communities helping them during a crisis and to become more resilient.


Policies and Manuals

ACT humanitarian mechanism

The Rapid Response Fund is an innovative funding mechanism designed to put local communities at the centre of decision-making and is recognised as one of few such funding mechanisms across the sector.

The RRF provides valuable opportunities to demonstrate the niche of faith actors in humanitarian response as we work closely with local ACT members and their community networks. On average, the RRF funds 20 emergencies annually and responses are implemented within six months.

The primary mechanism for large scale or global emergencies, including protracted crises: ACT Alliance raises an appeal to its membership with both requesting and funding members co-owning the process. Appeals are open for funding during their entire project period and accessible to both national and international ACT Alliance members.

Consortia represent a new funding mechanism for ACT Alliance. As part of Emergency Preparedness planning, consortiums are established before a disaster strikes and consortium members share a vision and strategic focus. Members self-organise and develop their own financial management models and programme strategies supported by the EPRP process and tools.

Emergency preparedness and response planning is integral to the strengthening of ACT Alliance’s capacity to respond effectively in emergencies through joint programming.

ACT national and regional forums develop emergency preparedness and response plans (EPRPs), working collaboratively to understand potential disaster risks and plan how to respond to emergencies quickly and effectively. Forum EPRPs are accessible by members through an online platform, which can be viewed by other members who may be interested to support them. ACT Forums use specific ACT guidelines and tools to support the process of developing an EPRP which is reviewed regularly.

EPRP platform

As part of the holistic and integrated approach to humanitarian response, development and advocacy, ACT’s emergency preparedness and humanitarian response is supported by stronger humanitarian coordination and advocacy with stakeholders and duty bearers.

In the current strategic period our advocacy focuses on three banner commitments to the Grand Bargain at the World Humanitarian Summit where ACT has made significant investments and where member engagement is quite strong: the localisation agenda and the primary role of national/local members and local faith actors; demonstrating the important role of faith actors in humanitarian response; and strengthening of cash-based programming across the humanitarian sector.

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Last year in September 2022 heavy monsoon caused widespread flooding and landslides with severe ramifications for human lives, property, and infrastructure.  81 districts (Baluchistan 32, Sindh 23, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 17, Gilgit Baltistan 6, and Punjab 3) were declared ‘calamity hit’ by the Government— a one-third area (70% districts) across Pakistan was affected. ACT Alliance members Community World Service Asia and Norwegian Church Aid launched an appeal to respond to the urgent needs of the affected population through provision of essential needs, ash assistance, shelter kits, mobile clinics for primary health care services in remote areas, and WASH interventions. With the support from Funding Members, more than 50,000 affected people have been reached. Targeted people are provided with safe drinking water by rehabilitation of existing and installation of new water facilities, Provision of water storage containers. Moreover, sanitation facilities are provided in the targeted area, Multipurpose cash assistance were provided to around 800 families which helped them in rehabilitation of their shelters. The main purpose of the appeal revision is that the Pakistan Meteorological Department predicted heavy Monsoon rains in the country which already have started impacting the northern parts of the country. These rains will aggravate the situation of people who are already affected by floods in 2022. On these grounds NCA has decided to revise the current ACT Appeal (PAK221) so that we are able to adequately scale up and address the impact of 2023 Monsoon rains with a concentration in Sindh province. Much of the infrastructure destroyed by the floods remains to be rebuilt. More than 10 million people in flood-affected areas still lack access to safe drinking water, according to UNICEF.  Due to insufficient support and livelihood about 1.1 million people are at risk of sliding of becoming food insecure. The continued inflation that is being experienced by Pakistan in the last year has resulted in food inflation. Food inflation in May 2023 surged to 48.7 percent. This situation has resulted in a significant increase in the challenges for flood-affected communities to access adequate shelter, water, sanitation, re-construction of houses and agricultural livelihoods. In Sindh province, people are still displaced with some areas having land still waterlogged. According to Pakistan Contingency Plan for 2023, it is estimated that around 10 million people will be affected from Monsoon rains this year 2023 in Pakistan. The majority of affected people will be in Sindh province. Moreover, assessments in June 2023, by the Sindh Govt indicate that a total of 2.1 million houses still require reconstruction or repairs however, Govt. resources will only cover 350,000 households. Due to insufficient support and reduced livelihood opportunities about 1.1 million people are at risk of becoming food insecure. The continued inflation that is being experienced by Pakistan in the last year has exasperated food inflation. ACT Alliance members Community World Service Asia and Norwegian Church Aid is raising an appeal for USD 4,272,493. Since the appeal raised in October 2022 around USD 1.2 million has been mobilized. PAK221 - Pakistan Flood Response - Revised Appeal PAK221 - Pakistan Flood Response - Revised Results Framework

After nearly 12 years of conflict, and an earthquake of 7.8 magnitude that hit its foundation, Syria remains a complex humanitarian and protection emergency characterized by ongoing hostilities and their long-term consequences, including widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure, economic collapse, explosive ordnance contamination, Covid 19, and one of the largest number of internally displaced people in the world. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8, with at least 1,200 aftershocks have been reported, followed by a second earthquake of 7.5 magnitude, at a depth of 17.925 km (11.14 miles) has occurred at Central Turkey near the city of Gaziantep, as reported by the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) of the USGS on February 06, 2023, 01:41:15 UTC. Analysis indicates that this is a very strong earthquake. Widespread building collapse has been reported in southeast Turkey and northern Syria. The earthquake was also felt across Lebanon, Cyprus and the region while it is expected that aftershocks which may be at the same intensity as the initial earthquake will be felt for weeks. There have been more than 23,000 deaths reported as at the 11th of February between Turkey and Syria, with 14,014 in Turkey and 4,377 in Syria, and almost 7,700 people injured in Syria. With thousands of collapsed buildings, (around 1,765 totally destroyed and 5,571 partially destroyed , in addition to 115 schools were destroyed in Aleppo, Hama, and Lattakia cities ).  Many people remain trapped under the debris of collapsed buildings, rescue and search are fearing its too late finding anyone alive under the rubble. Flooding has been reported in displacement camps due to inclement winter weather. The Syrian population was already deeply affected by the ongoing war and the economic collapse of the country and now, many people must deal with being displaced, losing their livelihood, and fighting the harsh winter conditions. ACT Syria Forum members CA, GOPA-DERD, HEKS/EPER, LWF, MECC  And HIA in Türkiye  are responding to the protracted crisis and the earthquake with an appeal to raise USD 16,243,918 over two years, As of this publication, the appeal has raised USD 10,675,211. This appeal revision is primarily an update of the results framework, as a result of the coordination efforts and assessments of different programmatic and geographic areas that ACT Requesting Members have undertaken to refine activities and address changing needs. SYR231 - Syria Turkey Response Revision 3 SYR231 Results-Framework- Revision 3 Final Links to the previous versions: Syria and Türkiye: Syria Protracted Crisis – Developing the Resilience of Affected People and Emergency Response for Affected Communities – SYR231- Revision 2 | ACT Alliance Syria: Syria Protracted Crisis – Developing the Resilience of Affected People and Emergency Response for Affected Communities of Syria-Türkiye Earthquake- SYR231- Revision 1 | ACT Alliance SYRIA: Syria Protracted Crisis – Developing the Resilience of Affected People – SYR231 | ACT Alliance

Over the past three and a half months there has been a sudden surge in Tanzania of asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from Masisi and Rutshuru territories in North Kivu. These locations are currently occupied by Congolese Revolution Army (M23), Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), as well as Mai Mai and other non-state armed groups who control towns in the same area. Civilians are now caught between groups of combatants. According to some recent peace agreements, it is expected that M23 have agreed to move away from these areas, but this is not the first time M23 promise to relocate but do not. Currently these agreements are yet to materialize. In November / December 2022, asylum seekers arrived into Tanzania at the average rate of 150 person per day. This year (March 2023) saw the highest number of asylum seekers from the DRC entering Tanzania in groups of 300–600 (highest peak recorded). This number then reduced to 20-30 asylum seekers arriving in Tanzania in May and June 2023. Majority of the asylum seekers are women, children and the elderly. The asylum seekers enter Tanzania through Lake Tanganyika using boat canoes from DRC. More asylum seekers are projected to cross from the DRC to Tanzania because of the expected continuation of clashes in eastern DRC (UNHCR 29/06/2023; Daily News 19/03/2023).  The number of refugees registered by UNHCR are 11,964 as of 14th July 2023 and they are now settled at Nyarugusu refugee camp. RRF 11 2023 Tanzania DRC Refugees  

Angola has been going through a prolonged drought, considered to be the worst in 40 years, due to three consecutive failed rainy seasons. The drought has affected food security in Cunene, Huíla and Namibe provinces. There have been a recorded 40% crop losses greatly impacting negatively household food availability, incomes and livelihoods ( The drought in Angola falls under one of the most under-reported or forgotten humanitarian crisis (CARE– breaking the silence, 2023). An estimated 3.8 million people where 114,000 children under the age of five are acutely malnourished (UNICEF: HAC 2023 report). The prolonged drought has been caused by irregular and in some cases lack of rains and as a result, farming communities have no harvest as expected. In addition, many have lost their seed stock. Livestock (oxen) that were used for ploughing their field have also died. According to the Global Network Against Food Crisis (GNAFC) report, Angola is among the countries where the food security situation is forecasted to remain critical due to below average rainfall and poor humanitarian assistance. The situation is predicted to be critical from August to Oct/Nov 2023. During this period, all food reserves will be depleted, the man-made dams (Chimpakas) will be dry and basic food prices will be at their peak. RRF 10 2023 Angola Drought

Typhoon Doksuri (Egay) is the fifth tropical cyclone to hit the country this year. It started as a low-pressure area and later on became a tropical depression in Southeastern Luzon last July 21, 2023. As it traversed westward over the Philippine Sea, it turned into a typhoon on July 22 and became a Super Typhoon when it approached Northern Luzon on July 25. The super typhoon’s strong winds and torrential rains battered the country on July 26 as it made two landfalls in the vicinity of Fuga Island in Aparri and Dalupiri Island in Calayan, both in Cagayan province. The super typhoon forced thousands of families to evacuate to safer areas, and destroyed roads, bridges, and houses. Based on the reports of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council, as of August 1, 2023, a total of 759,434 families or 2,790,213 persons were affected by the super typhoon. There were also 26 dead, 52 injured, and 13 missing persons reported. The NDRRMC recorded almost 3,600 damaged houses that forced people to evacuate. In addition, the total damage to livelihood specifically in agriculture cost PHP 1,965,320,443.00 (US$ 35.8 million) and a total of 487 damaged infrastructures amounting to PHP 3.5 billion (US$63.8 million). Many people are impacted, and they are now struggling to find places to live and ways to earn. The approved project will be addressing the urgent needs of around 17000 people in the sectors of Cash Transfers, Food/nutrition, Protection and WASH sectors. A total of USD 150,000 has been approved for a period of 6 months.  detailed proposal attached.  RRF 09 2023 Philippines Typhoon Doksuri

On 9 May, Israeli forces launched a military operation in the Gaza Strip. Israeli airstrikes struck residential buildings and houses where three members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad were staying, killing them along with ten family members In the Gaza Strip, the United Nations Human Rights Office (OHCHR) has verified 33 Palestinian fatalities from 9 to 14 May. Out of the verified fatalities, at least 12 were civilians. Among the 12 civilians were four girls, 2 boys, 4 women and 2 men. According to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 190 Palestinians were injured, including 64 children and 38 women. During the escalation, there was damage to housing units, schools, health facilities, and infrastructure. A total of 2,943 housing units were damaged, with 103 destroyed, 140 severely damaged, and 2,700 otherwise damaged. It is estimated that 1,244 Palestinians were internally displaced as a result. The escalation came to worsen the already fragile systems in the Gaza strip, along with the siege, blockade, high unemployment, economic collapse, extreme psychosocial distress and all of hostilities resulted in a direct humanitarian impact on education, livelihoods, access to basic services, shelter, health, water and sanitation. ACT Palestine forum member DSPR- NECC are planning to support around 7,130 most vulnerable people in the affected area of Gaza Strip with food/ nutrition, health, and protection/ psychosocial support. RRF06-2023 Gaza Escalation Response  

The Kakhovka dam that sits on the Dnieper River, upstream of Kherson City in Khersonska Oblast. It's reservoir held 18 cubic kilometers of water used for cooling the 5.7 GW Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, and to irrigate areas of southern Ukraine and northern Crimea via the North Crimean Canal and Dnieper–Kryvyi Rih Canal. In the morning of the 6th June, the Kakhovka Dam was destroyed, causing extensive flooding. Water levels in the reservoir had been at a 30 year high. Thousands of residents downstream were evacuated, and floods submerged several villages in Ukrainian- and Russian-controlled areas. Ukraine's prosecutor general estimated that about 40,000 people located in Ukrainian- and Russian-controlled land were likely to be impacted by flooding. Three weeks after the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam, the massive flooding caused by the disaster has significantly receded, leaving behind devastation, an unconfirmed number of civilians killed and injured and a worsened humanitarian situation in areas already facing the dire consequences of the war. The disaster and the consequent depletion of the Kakhovka Reservoir have created enormous challenges for civilians to access drinking water and agricultural activities in southern Ukraine. Important concerns have been raised about the possibility of disease outbreaks caused by stagnant and contaminated water in areas where health services are extremely limited due to the widespread destruction caused by the war. ACT Ukraine forum member HEKS/EPER proposes to support 2,000 most vulnerable people in the affected area. RRF 07 2023 Ukraine Dam damage

On June 15, 2023, heavy rains hit the territory of the Republic of Serbia, causing floods throughout the country. 56 cities and municipalities affected by flash floods declared a state of emergency. Houses are flooded, huge material damage was done to crops, and infrastructure is damaged. More than 300 people were evacuated from their homes. ACT Europe forum members EHO and Philanthropy propose to support 600 most vulnerable affected households (approx. 2000 people) with MPCA. RRF 08 2023 Serbia Floods

Heavy rainfall and flooding caused severe landslides in Kalehe in the Democratic Republic of Congo in early May. As a result, 400 persons have lost their lives, and over 50,000 persons are displaced (OCHA, May 29, 2023). Schools and health centers were also swept away, and major roads and bridges have been destroyed or cut off thus affecting access/communication. According to the local government Humanitarian Affairs Division (DIVAH) report of 13th May 2023, 2,536 persons remain missing while 4,000 houses were destroyed. ACT DRC member EELCo proposes to support 1,330 most vulnerable displaced households with shelter, mobile cash, and psychosocial support for 155 persons. RRF 05 2023 DRC Floods

On May 14th, 2023, the Cyclone Mocha had a profound impact on Myanmar and Bangladesh, leaving 5.4 million people in its path and causing severe damage. Among these, an estimated 3.2 million individuals are considered most vulnerable due to factors such as poor shelter quality, food insecurity, and reduced coping capacity. The cyclone, the most potent in over a decade, wreaked havoc on infrastructure, communication networks, and housing, particularly in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps. The worst-affected areas include Sittwe, Rathedaung, and seven other townships, which urgently need shelter materials, food, clean water, latrines, and health services.  Finn Church Aid (FCA), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), and Christian Aid (CA), together with their partners, have conducted a rapid needs assessment and identified needs in shelter, water and sanitation, education, and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS). If these immediate needs remain unmet, the results could be devastating. The lack of shelter, clean water, and health services could lead to heightened disease risk, malnutrition, and other health-related complications. The cyclone has created an education emergency, with approximately 80% of schools and educational infrastructure reportedly sustaining damage ahead of the start of the new school term. Inadequate response and long-term implications may prevent the recovery of affected communities, exacerbate existing vulnerabilities, and perpetuate hardship.  The Myanmar forum including FCA, LWF and Christian Aid developed an appeal to addressing the urgent need of the 28,998 HH (197,000 people) in the sectors of Shelter, WASH, Education, Cash Assistance and Food vouchers. The appeal is designed a period of 12 months with a budget of USD 5,481,345.  The following objectives have been set for the appeal.  Objectives 1: To provide immediate lifesaving support to Mocha Cyclone affected population in Myanmar.  Objective 2: To improve better education opportunities to cyclone affected students in project locations.  Objective 3. To enable access to and restoration of community infrastructures through cash for work for cyclone affected people in Rakhine, Myanmar  Objective 4. To improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities among cyclone affected population. Assistance to the cyclone affected people in Myanmar Assistance to the cyclone affected people in Myanmar

Power struggle resulting in Conflict in Sudan erupted on 15th April 2023 between two Sudanese generals; the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). As a result of the conflict, more than 700 persons have died in Sudan, 60,000 have been injured and close to 250,000 have fled Sudan to neighbouring countries. Thousands more families continue to move both within Sudan and across the borders of Sudan to neighbouring countries. Movement of persons is expected to increase as violence continues. At least 1,042,114 individuals (209,136 households) have been displaced internally because of the conflict. Due to the conflict, internally displaced persons in Sudan, refugees, returnees and third country asylum seekers in other countries require basic requirements (food, water, clothing, shelter) in addition to protection, psychosocial and medical support. In Chad, IDP camps are already overcrowded as Chad was already hosting over 570,000 refugees from different countries prior to the recent escalation in violence in Sudan. In other countries, the influx of refugees could put a strain on local community resources, including food, water, shelter, and medical care. ACT National Forums/ members of (Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Ethiopia, Egypt)  will respond to the regional crisis with an appeal to raise USD 8,147,051. ACT requesting members “NCA, LWF,  Presbyterian Relief and Development Agency (PRDA), EECMY-DASSC, EoC-DICAC and BLESS”, will focus on supporting the most vulnerable communities and protecting the rights of all and addresses the protection and assistance needs of affected people due to Sudan crises focusing on Sudan and the surrounding countries that are affected by this crisis. SDN231 Consolidated Appeal Results Framework- SDN231

On may 3rd violence broke out in Manipur state of India after Naga and Kuki tribals organized a 'Tribal Solidarity March' to protest moves to give scheduled tribe status to the majority Metei community. Internet services, including mobile internet, were suspended across the state and Section 144 was imposed in several violence-hit areas of the state to stop the violence. More than 30,000 people have been displaced due to conflict to camps and shelter identified by the government and law enforcement agencies. The India forum members CASA and LWSIT are requesting for RRF support to provide Dry Ration Kit, Wash Kit, Non-Food Items, Temporary Shelter and Psychosocial Support to the affected people. RRF 04 India Manipur Conflict. approved proposal

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Angola has been going through a prolonged drought due to three failed consecutive agriculture seasons in Cunene, Huíla, and Namibe provinces. As a result of the poor rain patterns, farmers have recorded a 40 % crop loss; greatly impacting negatively on household food security, income, and livelihoods. The drought in Angola falls under one of the most under-reported or forgotten humanitarian crises (CARE– breaking the silence, 2023).In Angola, this is the worst drought in 40 years, and it has been characterized by hunger and rising food prices affecting an estimated 3.8 million people resulting in 114,000 children under the age of five acutely malnourished (UNICEF: HAC 2023 report). The drought is caused by irregular or lack of rains for farming communities as farmers have not harvested sufficient food due to the poor rains over several past seasons. Many have lost their seed stock, and livestock (oxen) that were used for plowing their field have also died. The situation is predicted to be most critical from August to Oct/Nov 2023. During this period, all food reserves will be depleted, the man-made dams (Chimpakas) will be dry, and basic food prices will be at their peak. According to the Global Network Against Food Crisis (GNAFC) report, Angola is among the countries where the food security situation is forecasted to remain critical due to below-average rainfall, and humanitarian assistance until the next harvest is needed to prevent further deterioration. The national member of ACT Angola Forum the Council of Churches of Angola (Conselho de Igrejas Cristãs em Angola) CICA is planning to respond to the drought crisis through Rapid Response Funds. Angola Drought

Over the past three and a half months, there has been a sudden surge in the number of asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) arriving in Tanzania, from Masisi and Rutshuru territories in North Kivu. Currently, asylum seekers are traveling from these territories and resting at Goma before proceeding to Tanzania via Bukavu and Uvira. Pastors, priests, fishermen, and good Samaritans are supporting asylum seekers at night with means of transport- boats to Kigoma from Uvira, Makobola, and Baraka. Upon reaching Lake Tanganyika shores in Tanzania during the night to morning hours, some transporters organized by pastors are taking them to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) Kigoma Office and mostly recently to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) office and Immigration posts in Kasulu and Kigoma. As of 19th June 2023, 11,764 Congolese asylum seekers arrived in Tanzania via Kigoma and Kasulu borders, out of which 11,531 have been registered by UNHCR as refugees and relocated to Nyarugusu refugee camp. The government's stand has been for the refugee emergency response in Kigoma to be a transit location and temporary and to settle refugees in Nyarugusu camp. ACT (Action by Churches Together) Tanzania Forum members are alert and closely following the situation in DRC as it may continue to be more complex as the country anticipates holding its general election in December 2023. Tanzania has an encampment policy and refugees in the camps are restricted from engaging in income-generating activities and no market is allowed to operate within the camps. The Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service, a member of ACT Tanzania Forum is planning to respond to the DRC Refugee Influx through Rapid Response Funds supporting WASH, Non-Food Items, and Psychosocial support. Tanzania DRC Refugee Influx

The situation of the refugees in Lebanon has been exacerbated by a series of disasters ranging from the beginning of an economic crisis, the outbreak of COVID-19, and the devastating 2020 Beirut blast. Lebanon has the world’s highest number of refugees per capita. The country hosts around 500,000 Palestinian refugees, 500,000 migrant workers from different nationalities and 1.5 million Syrian refugees of whom about 78% lack legal status (UNHCR) and 89% live below the extreme poverty line. The political and economic situation in Lebanon has reached a critical stage, bordering on a large-scale emergency that threatens to push the country into collapse. Lebanon is teetering on the brink of becoming a failed state. As the prices of essential goods continue to surge, and the local currency further depreciates during 2023. The impact is disproportionately severe on vulnerable and impoverished families, particularly women, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities, who are struggling to meet their basic needs in a dignified and safe manner. Combined with the political deadlock in the country and the inability to reach a common understanding of how the country should proceed, the economic crisis only worsened to extreme lengths. As a result, the Lebanese currency continued to depreciate while inflation increased. Of course, this meant that more people fell into poverty and those already classified as vulnerable are now in a much more difficult position. ACT Lebanon forum Members (DSPR- JCC, HEKS-EPER and MECC), are getting ready to respond to this crisis with focus on sectors of Health, Education,  Basic needs, Livelihoods and MHPSS. Alert-Lebanon- Protracted Crisis

Typhoon Doksuri (Egay) started as a low-pressure area and later on became a tropical depression in Southeastern Luzon last July 21, 2023. As it traversed westward over the Philippine Sea, it turned into a typhoon on July 22 and became a Super Typhoon when it approached Northern Luzon on July 25. Various tropical cyclone warning signals ranging from 1 to 4 were raised in several Luzon provinces including Metro Manila with TCWS #5 being declared in the northern Babuyan islands at the peak of the typhoon. The super typhoon’s Alert Note_Typhoon Doksuri on July 26 as it makes two landfalls in the vicinity of Fuga Island in Aparri and Dalupiri Island in Calayan, both in  Cagayan province. It moves West Southwestward at 15 km/h with maximum sustained winds of 175 km/h near the center and gustiness of up to 240 km/h. The fifth tropical cyclone to hit the country this year, Doksuri displaced thousands of families who were then evacuated in safer areas, destroyed road and bridges and houses made of light materials. The super typhoon affected 12 regions of the country. As of July 27, there were 158,076 families or 538,021 individuals affected in 1,686 barangays in Regions 1,2,3, IV-A CALABARZON, IV-B MIMAROPA, Region 5, Region 6, Region 10, Region 12, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) and Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) including the National Capital Region. About 8,670 families are staying in 581 evacuation centers in the affected regions. The total number of displaced populations is currently at 12,851 families (29,372 persons). Damaged houses reached to 2,298 with about 2,186 partially damaged. (DSWD-DROMIC 27 July 2023) There were also 84 municipalities affected by power interruption due to damage electrical posts caused by the strong winds of the super typhoon. Initial estimate from the Department of Agriculture pegged the damage and losses to agriculture to Php53.1 Million.

On June 15, 2023, heavy rains hit the territory of the Republic of Serbia, causing floods throughout the country. 56 cities and municipalities affected by flash floods declared a state of emergency. Houses are flooded, massive material damage is done to crops, and infrastructure is damaged. More than 300 people are evacuated from their homes. The weather forecast predicts new precipitation in the coming days, so there is a possibility of new floods. Landslides have been triggered in some municipalities, endangering houses. ACT Alliance Europe Forum members EHO and Philanthropy are planning to respond with Rapid Response Funds to support the most affected families. Alert Serbia Floods

Early Tuesday, June 06, 2023, the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant Dam which crosses the Dnipro River on the front line in Nova Kakhovka in Khersonska – has led to massive flooding, forcing dozens of thousands of people to flee and impacting at least 46 towns and villages which have been reported fully or partially flooded, according to the Ukrainian authorities. Kakhovka Reservoir, which was formed by the Kakhovka Dam and stretches 240 kilometres through Zaporizka, Dnipropetrovska and Khersonska oblasts, is one of the largest water sources in the south of the country. It provides water supply, including drinking water, to major industrial cities, including Kryvyi Rih, Marhanets, Nikopol and Pokrov, home to nearly 700,000 people. ACT Alliance Ukraine Forum member HEKS with its local partner is planning to respond with Rapid Response Funds to support the most affected people. Alert Ukraine Kakhovka dam destruction

Heavy rainfall and flooding caused Rivers Lwaro and Nyamukubi in the Democratic Republic of Congo to burst their banks and cause flooding and severe landslides in the Mbinga geographic area of Buhavu the week of 1st-6th  May 2023, affecting at least 50,000. At least 75% (4,000) of the houses in the territory of Buhavu were destroyed causing the death of 400 persons and injuring over 120 persons (OCHA, May 29); with 2,536 still missing according to the division and the Humanitarian Affairs Division (DIVAH) report of 13th  May 2023. Schools and health centres were also swept away, and major roads and bridges have been destroyed or cut off thus affecting access/communication. ACT Alliance DRC Forum national member EELCo-South Kivu is planning to respond with Rapid Response Funds to support the most affected Households. DRC_ Flash Floods+Landslides

On the 9th of May Israeli escalation against the Gaza Strip induced catastrophic humanitarian situation in the lives of the people living in Gaza. According to Palestinian ministry of health (MOH) on 13th May at 11:00 AM, 33 Palestinians were killed in Gaza, including 6 children and 3 women, and more than 190 were injured including 64 children and 38 women, many of them were serious injuries and might have a long-term disability that needs further interventions. The initial governmental report showed that hundreds of housing units were totally destroyed or damaged, where hundreds of Palestinians have had to leave their homes in Gaza due to the ongoing air strikes targeting their homes which were completely, partially damaged or their houses at risky areas with a potential to be targeted by bombardment, multiple water and sanitation facilities and infrastructure were also damaged. Access to the sea for fishing was suspended during the escalation affecting more than 4,400 fishers and their families, as well farmers were unable to safely access farmlands near the Israeli perimeter fence for irrigation, harvesting, feeding livestock and other essential activities, critically undermining their livelihoods, and leading to scarcity of fresh vegetables and other food commodities in local markets. The hostilities continued until a ceasefire came into effect at 22:00 on 13 May. The ceasefire continues to largely hold, despite incidents involving the exchange of fire, shortly after the ceasefire. ACT Palestine forum is preparing an RRF to respond to the needs of the affected communities. ACT member DSPR- NECC is getting ready to respond to this crisis with focus on sectors, Food and NFI’s, Health, and MHPSS. Alert-Palestine- Gaza Escalation

Cyclone Mocha, described as the strongest in more than a decade, hit the coast of Myanmar and Bangladesh on the morning of Sunday, May 14. The resultant flooding has forced hundreds of thousands of individuals to evacuate their homes in both Myanmar and Bangladesh. Almost 5.4 million people are estimated to have been in the path of the cyclone, enduring winds in excess of 90 kmph across Rakhine and the Northwest. Of these, nearly 3.2million are most vulnerable to the cyclone impact based on analysis of shelter quality, food insecurity and coping capacity. As per initial reports immediate needs for relief items, shelter, food, health, and WASH support in the affected areas. Concern about waterborne disease outbreaks is high, and close monitoring will be critical. Explosive ordnance risk education and hygiene awareness will also be required, along with psychological support. The State Administration Council (SAC) has declared 17 townships as severely affected areas and is preparing for a coordinated response. However, commercial flights are not currently allowed to reach Sittwe, and UNOCHA together with WFP and other organizations are organizing to get approval from SAC to reach affected population. ACT Alliance members in Myanmar, Christian Aid, Finn Church Aid and Lutheran World Federation are currently present on the ground and conducting assessments.   ACT Myanmar Forum -Alert Cyclone Mocha  

On may 3rd violence broke out in Manipur state of India after Naga and Kuki tribals organised a 'Tribal Solidarity March' to protest moves to give scheduled tribe status to the majority Metei community. Internet services, including mobile internet, were suspended across the state and Section 144 was imposed in several violence-hit areas of the state to stop the violence. More than 30,000 people have been displaced due to conflict to camps and shelter identified by the government and law enforcement agencies. As these communities are not able to do business as usual There is a pressing necessity to provide immediate assistance to minimize loss of life and to ensure that the needs of the most vulnerable are covered first. The violence has happened in the district of Imphal, Churachandpur, Bishnupur, Kangpokni, Tengnaupal. Kakching, Thoubal, Jiribam and Bishnupur in the state of Manipur. The people need Food, Shelter and Sanitation to restore to their normal life. They may also need counselling and confidence building measures ACT Manipur Alert Revised, 16th May

On April 15th, 2023, marked the day a violent power struggle broke out in Khartoum, Sudan’s capital city between the two main warring factions; the ruling militia regime (Sudanese Armed Forces-SAF) which is currently acting as the official Army of the country and a rival paramilitary force; the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The violence broke out due to high rising tension between the country’s most powerful generals, who jointly staged coup d’état in October 2021. As of 14th May,2023, an estimated 900 civilians have been killed and a further 4,000+ injured, whereas an estimated 5 million Sudanese are internally displaced and 1 million flown to neighbouring countries. Sudan: As a result of the war 936,000 people have been newly displaced including 736,200 people displaced internally and 200,000 who have crossed into neighbouring countries. Women and children represent 75 per cent of those affected by this conflict that have become more vulnerable. This includes an estimated 450,000 children who have fled their homes. South Sudan: 59,229 (53% female,47%male) individuals had cross into South Sudan. 94% these are South Sudanese returnees. According to UNHCR estimates, between 125,000 and 180,000 South Sudanese and 45,000 Sudanese are expected to arrive in the next three months. Ethiopia: More than 20,400 people have crossed Ethiopia’s Metema border and 5,300 in Almahal, Benishangul-Gumuz Region. Most of these are Ethiopian returnees. Chad: The total number of refugee arrivals from Sudan has exceeded 50,000 (18,500male, 31,500 female) UNHCR projects a total of 100,000 Sudanese refugees in Chad by the end of May. Egypt: 81,172 people have crossed into Egypt, including 76,135 Sudanese and 5,037 third-country nationals. It is estimated that up to 300,000 Sudanese people are expected to cross the Egyptian borders over the next few months. ACT National Forums/ members of (Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Ethiopia, Egypt)  are preparing  an Sub regional response/ appeal to respond to the needs of the affected communities and countries of the Sudan crisis. ACT members NCA, LWF, CA,  Presbyterian Relief and Development Agency (PRDA), Mission 21, EECMY-DASSC, EoC-DICAC and BLESS, this includes DKH support to LWF Chad,  are getting ready to respond to the crisis with focus on sectors of Food security, Health, WASH Education, MHPSS, CASH, Protection and other sectors based on needed. ACT Alert Sudan-Sub regional

Tropical Cyclone Freddy which is the longest-ever recorded cyclone, characterized by torrential rains, floods, and mudslides in Mozambique and southern Malawi has brought devastating effects. The Cyclone has caused severe flooding affecting homes, hampering access, and increasing the danger of flooding and death. Critical roads, electricity, and communication are destroyed in the most affected areas in Malawi and Mozambique. The floods and increasing water levels due to the rains are causing the displacement of people.   Cyclone Freddy is a large-scale emergency that hit Malawi and Mozambique. Both countries' governments are calling for international support. The persons affected are mainly poor rural farmers in both countries.  he Cyclone has been razing buildings, damaging farmland, critical infrastructure (especially roads), and telecommunications, and causing severe flooding and landslides people have been forced from their homes and are displaced in schools and churches. Others are hosted by families. Livelihoods have been lost because the Cyclone has swept away/destroyed most farm crops and farmers were about to harvest their crops. Most farmers have also lost their livestock due to drowning.   ACT Forum members in Malawi (CARD, ELDS) and ACT Forum member in Mozambique (DKH) are launching a regional appeal to respond to the effects of the Cyclone. ACT Alert Malawi-Cyclone Freddy



Niall O’Rourke

Head of Humanitarian Affairs


Geneva, Switzerland

Caroline Njogu

Regional Humanitarian Officer


Nairobi, Kenya

Cyra Bullecer

Humanitarian Operations Manager


Bangkok, Thailand

George Majaj

Humanitarian Programme Advisor


Amman, Jordan

Anyi Elizabeth Morales Mora

Humanitarian Programme Officer

Latin America and the Caribbean

Bogota, Colombia

Marjorie Schmidt

Finance Coordinator


Geneva, Switzerland