Russia: Emergency response to the floods in Irkutsk region – No.RRF 08/2019

Atmospheric anomalies and global climate change have led to catastrophic flooding in the Irkutsk region. Three air masses collided over the region at once: Arctic, subtropical and humid air from the Pacific Ocean. From June 25 to July 1 various areas of Irkutsk region of Russia and neighboring regions were hit by long heavy rains. The amount of precipitation in the Western, Southern and Central Irkutsk region in three days reached 1,5 to 4 monthly norms. The current flood broke the historical highs both in terms of the level of precipitation and the levels of the rivers that came out of the banks. Heavy rains led to the rise of rivers – tributaries of the Angara river by 10-14 meters, which is much higher than the critical mark. Official data, to date: more than 38,000 people affected (including 8,000 children), 25 persons killed, 7 persons are missing, 725 persons were hospitalized, 2,563 persons were evacuated; 110 settlements and cities were flooded, 49 sections of roads were covered by water, 22 bridges were damaged. About 10,800 houses were flooded or swept away. In seven districts of the Irkutsk region, a state of emergency was declared, with three of them almost completely flooded.

RRFs_Russia_ Floods in Irkutsk region-No.RRF08_2019

Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi: Emergency Response to Cyclone Idai-SAF 191 (Revised appeal).

On 14 March 2019, Tropical Cyclone Idai became one of the deadliest storms ever recorded to hit the Southern Hemisphere resulting in loss of lives, displacement, affected livelihoods of communities, destroyed critical facilities (schools, hospitals, churches) and ruined transport infrastructure. Catastrophic flooding, torrential rains, strong winds and landslides caused by Tropical Cyclone Idai affected at least 3 million people and caused more than 1,000 deaths across Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Two weeks after Cyclone Idai hit Mozambique, another Tropical Cyclone Kenneth hit the country.

Post-disaster assessments have identified humanitarian gaps in the Food, WASH, Non-Food Items and Shelter sectors, leaving many exposed. Due to the rapidly changing humanitarian context, ACT requesting members in the three countries have published a revised appeal aimed at reducing vulnerability and alleviating the suffering of Cyclone Idai affected persons in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

The total requesting amount is US$ 4,231,078

SAF 191 Consolidated ACT Appeal narrative (Revised) July 22 2019

Annex 4 – ACT CoS-SIDA Projects

Annex 1 – Consolidated Logframe SAF191(revised)

Central America: Humanitarian Assistance to People on the Move_CAM191

By October 12, 2018 the exodus from Central America to the United States has grown in complexity and continues to pose grave risks for the people on move, coming mainly from the north triangle (Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador) to reach the Mexican-USA border, to seek asylum due to social and political violence, drought and lack of economic opportunities given the high inequity and poverty in their countries. People on the move are growing in number, and the threat for their lives and properties have become severe brought on by gangs and traffickers.  The situation at each border, Guatemala, Mexico or USA, is more challenging due to the tightening of border control measures (e.g. at the Honduras-Mexico border), leading to cases of mass refoulement (migrants returned in huge numbers). For those that entered the United States are usually caught by border patrols and children are from their parents and sent to detention camps without any specific plans for reunification.

The purpose of this appeal is to initiate a humanitarian component to help meet the needs of people on the move, to promote legislation and policies that are in accordance with states’ human rights obligations, transparent, and to solicit the support from international community through the pertinent bodies of the United Nations. In addition, this measure seeks to guarantee the safety and physical integrity of migrants, especially minors, the elderly and women, and to prevent people from being deceived by international criminal organizations engaged in migrant smuggling, which endangers their lives, trying to have the families together and communicated. In this context, collecting information about rights violations, and providing evidence of CSO activities will be crucial for influencing a rights-based implementation of the Global Compacts for Migration and on Refugees in Central America and Mexico.

ACT Alliance North America members, ELCA, CLWR and CWS, are collaborating with members of the Central
America ACT Alliance Forum, CASM, CEDEPCA, SLS and LWF, for an 18-month humanitarian assistance initiative to assist Central American families and vulnerable individuals who are seeking asylum in the US.


Serbia: Emergency response to floods in Sumadija & West Serbia (RRF No.07/2019)

On 3 June 2019 five districts in Serbia (Moravica, Rasina, Sumadija, Pomoravlje and Ras, namely central and western Serbia) were affected with flash flooding caused by massive rainstorms and heavy showers that exceeded 100l/m2. The Serbian Ministry for Internal Affairs declared a state of emergency in these five districts. In all listed districts both rural and urban households are affected. Affected areas are localised, but heavily damaged. As high temperatures have been forecasted for the following days, there is a high risk of spreading contamination and infections, both among humans and animals. Water supplies are compromised. Several thousand hectares of agricultural land are destroyed as well as roads and more than 20 bridges.


Lake Chad Basin: Humanitarian Crisis (Regional Appeal) LTCD19

The Lake Chad Basin area, which includes parts of Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon, is facing one of the most severe humanitarian crises of our times. The crisis is characterized by displacement of at least 2.5 million (IDPs, refugees and, returnees).

The situation in the Lake Chad region is deteriorating, as States are unable to provide adequate services to the affected communities. This coupled with a decrease in humanitarian funding creates a gap in meeting humanitarian needs.

Lutheran World Federation (LWF-Chad & Cameroon), Christian Aid-Nigeria and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA-Nigeria) have raised a regional appeal covering Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria to respond to this crisis and are planning to support improved living conditions of the affected populations (IDPs, refugees and host communities.

LTCD 19 Humanitarian Emergency ( Appeal)

Tanzania: Rain Storm Emergency-RRF 05.

In the evening of Wednesday the 6 March 2019, the district of Same, Kilimanjaro Region in Tanzania was hit by unexpected heavy rains accompanied by storm and heavy winds.

On the night of 8th March 2019, a heavy rainstorm accompanied by strong wind also hit the district of Morogoro (Morogoro region) in Tanzania where 226 households were affected.

In both locations villages were badly affected, residential houses, business houses, food reserve items and livestock were adversely affected.

The disaster also affected and destroyed classrooms, teachers’ houses/offices, directly affecting schools.

According to the reports received from the assessment teams (government and Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service -TCRS), there are still gaps in the response that the ACT RRF can support.

TCRS proposes to provide most affected households especially those who are still hosted by community members (neighbours, friends, and relatives) with food assistance.

Tanzania_ Rainstorm Emergency (RRF)

Pakistan: Emergency Assistance to Drought-affected Population in Sindh Province – PAK191

The Government of Pakistan estimated that around 3 million people have been affected by drought in eight  districts of Sindh Province.  Majority of the affected communities are dependent on agriculture and livestock. Scarcity of water has severely affected their livelihood conditions. This has placed the local population under great strain, exhausting their coping capacities and resilience.

The needs assessment, conducted in 69 out of 513 revenue villages,  by National Disaster Consortium (NDC) from Oct 2018 – Jan 2019, confirms that 71% of the surveyed households are moderately or severely food insecure, whereas 32% are severely food insecure. They also reported that 67% of the respondents spends 65% of total household expenditures on acquiring food, one of the main reason for contracting debt. The report confirms that food is top priority of the drought affected communities that has compelled them to adopt negative coping mechanisms.  Direct food assistance is proposed to increased food security.

ACT members Community World Service Asia (CWSA) and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) plan to support 78,000 most vulnerable persons addressing food security and livelihood for two years, and with a budget of USD1,826,156.



Global Rapid Response Fund Appeal 2019 – GRRF19

The Rapid Response Fund (RRF) is a global fund of the ACT Alliance administered by the ACT secretariat. Funds for the RRF are provided by ACT Alliance members and non-members on the basis of an annual appeal, and is intended to be accessed exclusively by ACT national members in pursuit of the localization agenda and in recognition of their distinct advantage of being at the forefront of emergency response in their own localities.

ACT Alliance has the privileged position of being a network of local, national and international actors committed to partnerships amongst each other. This commitment enables international and global members of ACT to enhance the capacity of local and national actors, through resources, training and/or other support, allowing for first response in the beginning of a crisis or disaster to come directly from the community itself.

The requested amount for GRRF19 Appeal is 2,689,435 USD. This year, in light of the priorities set by the new ACT Global Strategy 2019-2026, including inter alia the continuing strengthening of the ACT Humanitarian Mechanism, the full rollout of the digitalized Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning (EPRP) process, and improving adherence to the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and Sphere. In addition to funding RRF projects of national members, the Secretariat proposes to utilize 7.5% of RRF funds resource parallel mechanisms that will strengthen the humanitarian mechanism and primarily benefit the RRF. As in the 2018 GRRF, the Alliance continues to recognize the challenges that remain so that we are able to deliver high-calibre and accountable humanitarian response, and there remains a strong need to address issues around quality, capacity and preparedness especially in the work of national members.

GRRF19 Appeal

India: Emergency Response to Cyclone Fani in Odisha State (Concept Note)

Cyclone Fani made landfall at Puri on 3rd May 2019 (Friday), State of Odisha.  It unleashed copious rain and windstorm that gusted up to 250 kmph, blowing away thatched houses and flooding towns and villages, before weakening and entering into neighboring state of West Bengal in India. The State Emergency Operation Center reported 37 deaths caused by the typhoon.  14,828,084 individuals were affected. Fourteen Districts were affected: Angul, Balasore, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Ganjam, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Kendrapara, Keonjhar, Khordha, Mayurbhanj, Nayagarh, and Puri. The government also estimated that 508,467 houses have been damaged.

ACT Member CASA will respond in the Districts of Puri and Jagatsinghpur  with a budget of USD 1,052,137.60 for a period of 90 days.  They will be giving assistance to the affected communities addressing shelter, health, WASH, and food security.

Concept Note India Cyclone Fani IND191

Indonesia: Emergency assistance to communities affected by flash floods in Jayapura Regency, Papua – No. RRF 04/2019

In the afternoon of Saturday 16 March 2019, the district of Jayapura in Papua was hit by flash floods around 19.30 PM (+9 GMT) that wiped out some areas in Jayapura District. The flood badly damaged most sub-districts in Jayapura District, especially in sub-District Sentani. The affected sub districts are as follows : Dobonsolo, Hinekombe, Hobong, Ifale, Ifar Besar, Keheran, Sentani Kota, Sereh, and Yohbe. According to data released by BNPB on Wednesday, March 20, there were approximately 104 casualities, 79 persons missing, 60 persons injured, and around 9,691 IDPs. The flood has also damaged villagers’ houses, public infrastructure and facilities including health facilities. The number of displaced people increased as the floods spread widely. People had to evacuate to 18 relief camps.

The national government declared a state of calamity in the areas most affected by the floods. Assessments made by ACT member PELKESI/ICAHS indicated that affected individuals need food, shelter assistance provision of health services, drinking water and access to clean toilets.  Household items have also been damaged. Most vulnerable are women, children under five, elderly persons, and persons with disabilities.  The national government has been inundated with other recent disasters, specifically Lombok and Central Sulawesi earthquakes, and this response is necessary to augment government support.

RRFs Indonesia_Flash Floods in Jayapura Regency, Papua-No.RRF04_2019