Flooding in Tamil Nadu,India – IND152
Preliminary Appeal Target: US$ 657,278.
The Southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu was battered by exceptionally heavy rains since the 9th of November 2015. There were 3 intensive rain spells, the first from 8th and 9th November, the second from 15th– to 17th November and the third from the 30 of November onwards, and still ongoing, with some days of respite from downpours. Nearly 400 people have died and over 1.8 million people have been displaced.
In response to this unprecedented crisis, ACT members UELCI, CASA & LWSIT are making a preliminary appeal to respond to the needs of the people and communities affected by the flooding.
The preliminary appeal aims to provide food and non-food items to 6550 families in Chennai and Cuddalore districts of Tamil Nadu. In addition, the preliminary appeal aims to provide shelter repair for 4550 families in the two districts.
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Assistance to support and protect war affected vulnerable communities in Central African Republic – CAF151 (Extension)
Appeal Target: US$ 1’831’561.
ACT members The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Finn Church Aid (FCA) are providing assistance to the displaced and vulnerable communities with protection, education, food security, nutrition and psychosocial support through the Appeal CAF151, issued at the end of April 2015.
Due to late funding and critical security issues, implementation could not take place as quickly as anticipated, therefore, the appeal is extended till 30th April 2016 (instead of 31st December 2015).
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India: Tamil Nadu Floods – RRF No. 09/2015
Rapid Response Funds Payment for US$ 59,454 (US$ 30,000 UELCI / US$ 29,454 CASA).
UELCI will provide immediate life-saving relief (food and non food items) during the crisis stage along with early recovery for 1,950 flood affected families in Tamil Nadu and South Andhra Pradesh.
CASA will meet the immediate food and NFI needs of flood affected people in Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu state.
Pakistan: Assistance to Earthquake-affected, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province – PAK152
Preliminary Appeal Target: US$ 626,826
ACT member Community World Service Asia (CWSA) is aiming at providing life-saving support to earthquake-affected families in the 4 most devastated districts of the most affected Province: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), with the following objectives:
- Re-establish health services, provide mobile emergency services and patient follow up in the most affected areas
- Ensure immediate food relief for vulnerable, homeless families
- Supply emergency winterization kits to vulnerable, homeless families
- Enhance quality in the earthquake response by building the capacity of aid workers and by mobilizing earthquake-affected communities to hold providers of aid accountable
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Pakistan: Assistance to the Flood-affected families in Sindh & Punjab – PAK141 Revision 1
Appeal Target: US$ 268,794.
Community World Service Asia and Norwegian Church Aid will respond to 37,000 flood-affected individuals including male, female, children and elderly people that are displaced and do not have access to primary health care and basic WASH services in Sujawal District in Sindh and Rajanpur District in Punjab. This is in response to the urgent needs identified by the joint assessment conducted by the members, taking into consideration the response currently undertaken and planned by Community World Service Asia, the government and other NGOs in District Ghotki. NCA response in based on NCA assessment, current situation and needs in Sindh and Punjab.
NCA will respond to the ongoing emergency for the first 6 months funded by an internal grant focusing on water supply months and part of the same beneficiaries will be targeted for early recovery in the areas of their origin. (Revision 1: Changes in areas of response; NCA has increased beneficiaries from 10,000 to 17,000 individuals; prolonged water provision from 3 to 6 months).
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Pakistan: Earthquake – RRF No. 08/2015
Rapid Response Funds Payment Request No. 08/2015 for US$ 59,998.
The response aims to provide food packages (1-month ration) to 300 earthquake-affected families in Shangla District. Furthermore, through the deployment of a Mobile Health Unit and its own Mobile Laboratory, provide much needed emergency health services to those affected by the earthquake.
Malawi: Food Insecurity in Malawi – MWI151
Appeal Target: US$ 47,553.57.
This appeal follows an alert that was issued on 28 August 2015. The issuing of the appeal was delayed due to lack of funding. Now based on interest from ACT funding members and following advice from the ACT secretariat, the ACT forum in Malawi decided to revised the appeal in order to include only 1 ACT Requesting Member and to reduce significantly the appeal target.
The overall goal is to restore dignity and save lives of 1,000 households (5,500 people) affected by food insecurity in Dowa District.
Democratic Republic of Congo: Response to Burundian Refugee influx in DRC, REVISION 1 – COD151
Appeal Target: US$ 840,396.
Relatively late pledges to the Appeal delayed the implementation for one of the ACT members, EELCO. Additionally, in the meantime newly identified gaps in EELCO’s areas of intervention have motivated some change of activities. As a result, EELCO will revise its part of the Appeal, and request for an extension, while FCA, NCA and ECC remains unchanged (and their implementation period is now over). This first revision only affects EELCO part of the Appeal.
The ACT DRC Forum members providing emergency assistance to Burundian refugees and host communities affected by the Burundi crisis in DRC are Finn Church Aid (FCA), Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), Eglise du Christ au Congo National Office (ECC) and Evangelical Lutheran Church of Congo (EELCO).
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Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza and West Bank Post War Crises: Follow-on Response – PSE151
Appeal Target: US$ 2,015,704. The response of the ACT Palestine Forum members focuses on improving access to health and medical care services, mental health and psycho-social support, improving the nutrition status of malnourished and underweight children, supporting young people with vocational skills training, cash for work, protection, shelter, food security among others.
This full appeal replaces the preliminary appeal issued on 20 May 2015, now removed from this site.
Myanmar: Flood Emergency Response
Appeal Target: US$ 4,131,680. The following ACT Forum Members participating in the Appeal are operational in the flood stricken areas and well equipped to respond: Christian Aid (CA), Church World Service (CWS), DanChurchAid (DCA), Diakonia – Sweden, ICCO, Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA). Priority needs are food, Non-Food Items, WASH, Early Recovery and Livelihoods, Early Recovery and Livelihood Restoration, Education, and Emergency Preparedness.