ACT Global Strategy 2019-2026

Global strategy coverAt the ACT Assembly in 2018, the Global Strategy Putting People First was adopted.  It is available in English, Spanish and French in a brochure format, a 12-pager and as a full Strategy document.

Brochure: EN ES FR

12-page: EN ES FR

Full Strategy: EN ES FR 

ACT Alliance 2017 Annual Report

ACT Alliance is the largest Protestant/Orthodox alliance in the world that engages in humanitarian, sustainable development and advocacy work, with over 146 members present and working in 127 countries around the world.

Together, we strive for a world where all may live with dignity, justice, peace and full respect for human rights and the environment.

Annual Report 2017 English

Annual Report 2017 French

Annual Report 2017 Spanish

ACT Alliance Statement to the Commission on Population and Development (CPD51)

ACT Alliance Submitted a Statement to the UN Commission on Population and Development. ACT members and partners have been engaged in various events at the 51st Session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD51).

“As a coalition of over 140 churches and faith based organizations working in humanitarian
response and human rights-based development in over 100 countries, ACT Alliance affirms our
commitment to the Programme of the International Conference on Population and Development,
urges its full implementation and calls for a joint resolution at the 51st session of the Commission
on Population and Development. ACT Alliance is committed to ensure gender equality as a
common value and believes that gender equality and access to sexual and reproductive health and
rights is a prerequisite for ensuring the enjoyment of other rights and for poverty reduction.

We welcome the theme of the Commission “Sustainable cities, human mobility, and
international migration” as the needs and rights of some of the most marginalized in the world,
particularly migrant women and girls, requires urgent resolution. Substantive progress is
desperately needed in view of the grave human rights infringements and consequences for
population policies by growing numbers of refugees, migrants, and displaced people in the world

The full Statement is available here.

Towards the Ambitious Implementation of the Paris Agreement: A Toolkit for National Level Advocacy

Image of cover page of NDC Toolkit
Cover page of the ACT Alliance Toolkit for national level climate change advocacy

ACT Alliance has launched a Toolkit, Towards the Ambitious Implementation of the Paris Agreement.  The purpose of the Toolkit is to support the climate change advocacy actions of ACT members, forums and partners at the national level. The Toolkit guides FBOs to develop successful approaches for meaningful climate advocacy to stay at 1.5°C and to operationalise our common vision of shaping our future in ways that take up the call for a strong moral and religious imperative in overcoming the climate crisis.

The Toolkit is divided into three main modules, with a section on each of the instruments mandated by the Paris Agreement, namely; the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and the mid-century long-term low greenhouse gas emissions development strategies or Long-term Strategies (LTS).

Key messages, questions and answers, checklists and lessons learned, as well as diagrams and info-graphics are used as visual elements to ease the learning process. Examples are used to further illustrate the content and various options for FBO advocacy interventions are proposed. The Toolkit is designed so that FBOs can make their own choice on which of the instruments to focus on. All three modules follow the same structure, allowing FBOs to prepare their advocacy engagements step-by-step, before getting involved in the in-country NDC, LTS and/ or NAP processes.

The Toolkit is available here:

English version

Spanish version

We welcome all of our members and forums to make use of this Toolkit, not only for advocacy purposes but also for capacity building and to facilitate internal discussions and reflections to ensure that specific national contexts are integrated into our global climate justice work.

Protection of Space for Civil Society and Human Rights Defenders – The Case of Israel and Palestine

Civil society organisations in the Middle East and across the globe are actively working on a wide range of issues including service delivery, cultural, social and religious activities, human rights support, development and humanitarian response. Through these organizations, the expressions of people’s concern for their fellow citizens, for the globe and for a better future are raised.

This report is based on a study that was conducted in 2016, and an updated analysis that was carried out in 2017, and identifies a variety of hindrances to CSO operations in the OPT/I.

Read here

ACT Alliance Advocacy Strategy (2015 – 2018)

The ACT Alliance Advocacy Strategy (2015-2018) is available for download in English, French and Spanish.

This advocacy strategy sets out ACT Alliance’s objectives and approaches for advocacy over the coming period, and will guide governance, members, forums, secretariat, advisory groups and other structures in their advocacy agenda.

The Global Strategic Framework of ACT Alliance for 2015-2018 integrates advocacy as a cross cutting strategy in its four aims;

  • Human dignity;
  • Community resilience;
  • Environmental sustainability;
  • A robust alliance

ACT Alliance Climate Change Advocacy Framework Position (2016 – 2018)

The ACT Alliance climate change advocacy framework position paper is designed as a broad outline of the policy areas and approaches that the alliance is working on. It serves as the general vision and guide for ACT Alliance’s climate change advocacy, campaigning, and messaging by providing a political and strategic framing of various thematic areas.

Thematic areas include:

  • Climate justice
  • Gender and human rights
  • Community resilience (adaptation, loss and damage)
  • Low greenhouse gas emission development
  • Means of implementation (climate finance, capacity building)
  • Campaigning and mobilisation for ambitious implementation of the Paris Agreement


The ACT Alliance Climate Change Framework Position is available for download in English and Spanish

ACT Alliance Climate Change Framework Position (2016-2018) – English

ACT Alliance Climate Change Framework Position (2016-2018) – Spanish

ACT Annual Report 2016

00_ACT_AR2016-FINAL_Page_01ACT Alliance is the largest Protestant/Orthodox alliance in the world that engages in humanitarian, sustainable development and advocacy work, with over 140 members present and working in 125 countries around the world.

Together, we strive for a world where all may live with dignity, justice, peace and full respect for human rights and the environment.

Annual Report 2016 ENG

Annual Report 2016 ESP