
ACT Alliance demonstrates its value as the leading faith-based alliance in humanitarian response by working with faith and humanitarian actors at the global, regional, national, and community levels. ACT harnesses the combined strength of its members in delivering humanitarian response at scale and with considerable reach through joint programming approaches.

We commit to an effective ecumenical response that saves lives and maintains dignity, irrespective of race, gender, belief, nationality, ethnicity, or political persuasion. Humanitarian needs define our priorities and the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence guide our actions. We remain committed to strengthening the resilience of affected communities and to being accountable to people and communities affected by a crisis. The ACT Alliance Secretariat is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability and is committed to the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response.

Our goals

  • Ensure ACT Alliance’s humanitarian responses are managed efficiently, delivered in a timely manner and evidenced appropriately.
  • Work with ACT forums and members to strengthen the resilience of disaster affected communities.
  • Support ACT forums and members to collaboratively ensure accountability to disaster affected populations in line with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) commitments.
  • Support member-led and evidence-based humanitarian advocacy initiatives that amplify the voices of disaster affected
act alliance logo

Key achievements


Emergency Steering Committee successfully established, activated more than 30 times since inception with over US$67 million mobilised since 2022 for ACT’s Humanitarian Appeals.


ACT Emergency Appeal coverage (the total amount of funds generated versus budget) has 02 risen from 28% to 46% from 2018 to 2023.


Systematic approach to appeal management – inception meetings, coordination roundtable
discussions, enhanced monitoring, results frameworks and closing meetings all introduced 03 with a focus on Quality & Accountability.


Extensive consultation with members and forums on locally led response within ACT Alliance 04 has led to a Pledge of Commitments which is being launched at the General Assembly 2024.

We are active in more than 120 countries worldwide

Through its national, regional and sub-regional forums ACT Alliance provides humanitarian and emergency preparedness support to local communities helping them during a crisis and to become more resilient.


Policies and Manuals

ACT humanitarian mechanism

The Rapid Response Fund is an innovative funding mechanism designed to put local communities at the centre of decision-making and is recognised as one of few such funding mechanisms across the sector.

The RRF provides valuable opportunities to demonstrate the niche of faith actors in humanitarian response as we work closely with local ACT members and their community networks. On average, the RRF funds 20 emergencies annually and responses are implemented within six months.

The primary mechanism for large scale or global emergencies, including protracted crises: ACT Alliance raises an appeal to its membership with both requesting and funding members co-owning the process. Appeals are open for funding during their entire project period and accessible to both national and international ACT Alliance members.

Consortia represent a new funding mechanism for ACT Alliance. As part of Emergency Preparedness planning, consortiums are established before a disaster strikes and consortium members share a vision and strategic focus. Members self-organise and develop their own financial management models and programme strategies supported by the EPRP process and tools.

Emergency preparedness and response planning is integral to the strengthening of ACT Alliance’s capacity to respond effectively in emergencies through joint programming.

ACT national and regional forums develop emergency preparedness and response plans (EPRPs), working collaboratively to understand potential disaster risks and plan how to respond to emergencies quickly and effectively. Forum EPRPs are accessible by members through an online platform, which can be viewed by other members who may be interested to support them. ACT Forums use specific ACT guidelines and tools to support the process of developing an EPRP which is reviewed regularly.

EPRP platform

As part of the holistic and integrated approach to humanitarian response, development and advocacy, ACT’s emergency preparedness and humanitarian response is supported by stronger humanitarian coordination and advocacy with stakeholders and duty bearers.

In the current strategic period our advocacy focuses on three banner commitments to the Grand Bargain at the World Humanitarian Summit where ACT has made significant investments and where member engagement is quite strong: the localisation agenda and the primary role of national/local members and local faith actors; demonstrating the important role of faith actors in humanitarian response; and strengthening of cash-based programming across the humanitarian sector.

Date | Time

The state of Odisha in India has been witnessing incessant rainfall from 15 July 2017, due to which flash floods occurred in river Nagabali and Kalyani of Rayagada district. More than 28,000 people in 50 villages under Rayagada Block and 20 villages under Kalyansinghpur Block have been affected. Five persons have been injured due to a wall collapse in Rayagada district. The ACT India Forum is planning to respond to this emergency via ACT member Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA). The 76’800 USD target project is aimed at providing relief assistance in the form of Food and Shelter/Non Food Items to the flood-affected people in the district of Rayagada, in order to address many of their survival needs. The appeal document can be accessed below Appeals_India_Floods in Odisha_IND171 Infographic2_Appeal_08_2017_India  

The state of Odisha in India has been witnessing incessant rainfall from 15 July 2017, due to which flash floods occurred in river Nagabali and Kalyani of Rayagada district. More than 28,000 people in 50 villages under Rayagada Block and 20 villages under Kalyansinghpur Block have been affected. Five persons have been injured due to a wall collapse in Rayagada district.
The ACT India Forum is planning to respond to this emergency via ACT member Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA). The 76'800 USD target project is aimed at providing relief assistance in the form of Food and Shelter/Non Food Items to the flood affected people in the district of Rayagada, in order to address many of their survival needs. Please click below to see the Concept Note.
Concept Notes_India_Floods in Odisha state_IND171  
As part of the revision of the ACT Alliance Humanitarian Response Mechanism, the “Preliminary Appeal” is replaced by the “Concept Note”, a shorter more concise document which summarizes the proposed ACT response and emphasizes collaboration amongst the ACT members. For further information on the Revised Humanitarian Response Mechanism, please refer to its online toolkit :

On May 23, 2017, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) launched a military and law enforcement operation in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur province in Mindanao, in pursuit of Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon, who was believed to be the designated leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the Philippines. His forces fought back with reinforcement from the Maute Group, a local militant group that has pledged its allegiance to the ISIS. This led to a firefight between the AFP and the Islamic extremists, which has displaced a total of 353,358 persons or 74,981 households from the 96 barangays of Marawi City and 20 municipalities of Lanao del Sur. Of the total affected population, 4,086 households/18,294 persons are currently staying in 78 evacuation centres while 70,895 households/335,064 persons are staying with their relatives tracked in 7 Regions (NDRRMC, July 5, 2017). Latest data from the government (Ibid) revealed that there are 418 reported dead and 209 reported missing, though more are expected because of the continuous airstrikes and ground assaults from the opposing parties. The insecure situation has not allowed any detailed damage assessments to take place; however, extensive damages are expected on homes, livelihoods and infrastructures, including academic and religious structures. The President of the Philippines declared Martial Law in the Mindanao group of islands on the same day of the conflict, while Marawi City declared the State of Calamity on May 25, 2017. Appeals_Philippines_Marawi crises_PHL171 Infographic2_APPEAL_07_2017_The Philippines

There have been heavy torrential rains since 2nd July 2017 in the North-Eastern state of Assam in India. The rains have continued and the floods have intensified in the last 48 hours. 24 districts of Assam have been affected during this current phase of floods. A population of 1,718,135 has been badly affected by current floods and is struggling with the worsening flood situation in the state. According to a report by the Assam Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), lately, 7 people were killed in various flood-related incidents in Goalpara, Jorhat and Lakhimpur districts. In Lakhimpur, 3 people were killed by drowning and landslides. The toll in the Assam flood has risen to 44 with five more deaths being reported on Wednesday, July 12, 2017. Approximately 1 million animals, including poultry have been affected and 1,652 houses have been damaged during this flood. Large scale destruction of infrastructure, cropland and wildlife has been reported from different areas. 2,498 villages with more than 140,837 hectares of standing crops have been badly affected due to floods. The flood water has caused widespread destruction in the world-famous Kaziranga National Park, where more than 560 animals, including 14 rhinos, were killed. Road services have been affected at 2,847 places while railway tracks, damaged by landslides in the Lumding-Badarpur Railway division, were yet to be restored. The situation is likely to worsen in coming days as the water level in major rivers is continually rising above the danger level and more rainfall has been predicted by the Meteorological Department of India. RRFs_India_Floods in North-Eastern State of Assam_No.RRF 08/2017 Infographic2_RRF_07_2017_India

The political, economic and social context in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) did not change much during 2016 and the first part of 2017. Poverty, hardship condition, psycho-social problems and food shortage are still dominating the overall picture of the situation in Gaza. The ongoing siege imposed on the Gaza Strip since June 2006 is still contributing to the deterioration of health status and negatively affecting the provision of health services. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) conducted a humanitarian impact assessment of the blockade on the Gaza Strip in November 2016, and has repeatedly described the situation as a chronic emergency and a protracted human dignity crisis. The blockade and three major escalations of hostilities in the last six years have inflicted large-scale destruction on Gaza’s economy, productive assets and infrastructure. A chronic energy crisis, with power outages reaching 12-16 hours a day, also impairs service delivery, students’ educational activities, the function of hospitals and medical equipment, as well as the operation of more than 280 water and wastewater facilities. ACT Alliance, through the ACT Palestine Forum (APF), has been consistently working on the ground with the most vulnerable people. This Follow-on Appeal proposes to run Cash Relief, Job-Creation, Psycho-social Support, Health, Education, and Agriculture programs. Appeals_Palestine_Gaza and West Bank Crises_PSE171

Incessant heavy monsoon rains (as high as 553 mm) starting on May 26 have caused floods and landslides in many parts of Sri Lanka (15 districts). As of 1st June 2017, 206 people are reported dead, while 92 are missing; so far, over 658,490 people are affected. Further, 1,713 houses were fully destroyed and around 9,294 houses partially damage[1]. Most numbers of damages to lives and property are reported in Southern and Western part of the country: from Galle, Matara, Kalutara, Gampaha, Colombo and Ratnapura districts.  In addition, Approximately 68,734 people were relocated to 365 safe locations.

ACT Sri Lanka Forum through The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) plans to respond to this emergency through ACT Rapid Response Fund (RRF) at the amount of 60,000 USD, by providing Food Security, Non-Food Items, Health, and WASH programs.

[1] As per the situation report issued by DMC on 29-05-2017 at 7.00 hrs: RRFs_Sri Lanka_Floods and Landslides_No.RRF 07/2017

Ongoing armed conflicts between the DRC government forces and the Kamuena Nsapu militia faction in Lunda Norte Province have triggered large displacements. As of the 13th of April, it was reported that a total of 11,051 refugees had arrived from the DRC and were settling in two camps. These numbers continue to rise as it is estimated that there is an additional 300-400 refugees arriving each day. Tensions on both sides of the border are high. Still, the Angolan authorities assure that the border is not closed, but that the commercial movements are being closely monitored and the usual local market closed. The government sent a multi-sector team to assess the situation. The government of Angola has to date not declared an emergency, as the governments of Angola and DRC are analysing the situation and hope voluntary repatriation to DRC will be possible within one month or so. In the meantime, the situation in the camps is dire as the access to basic services is very limited. The situation is further compounded by the fact that the camps are over-crowded causing a lack of shelter, food & NFIs, and poor sanitation. Furthermore, protection issues are frequent as there are cases of unaccompanied minors and violation of human rights, particularly with regards to the risk of repatriation. ACT Angola Forum through Lutheran World Federation(LWF) plans to respond to the ongoing crisis and provide basic needs such as shelter, WASH, food and NFIs, child rights protection, human rights and health care assistance for life-saving. UN Agencies are advocating for an official emergency declaration, in order to facilitate a more comprehensive response. Preliminary Appeals _Angola_DRC Refugee Influx Crisis in Lunda Norte _ANG171 Infographic2_PRE_APPEAL_06_2017_Angola    

130 mm of rain fell in the city of Mocoa in southwest Colombia between 23:00 on 31 March and 01:00 on 1 April, causing the flooding of the Mocoa, Mulato, and Sangoyaco Rivers, and several mudslides throughout Mocoa. These rainfalls amount to one-third of the average for an entire month for the area. At least 332 people have died, 332 were injured, 106 remain missing. About 17,500 of the up to 70,000 living in Mocoa have been affected by the floods and mudslides, and 3,417 are displaced. 36 of 37 neighbourhoods of Mocoa have been affected.   Areas in southern Mocoa have been the hardest hit, and six are completely destroyed. The registration of victims has been closed, with over one hundred persons still counted as “disappeared.” Now the efforts focus on restoring services and normality to the capital of Putumayo Department.   Thousands of families remain in precarious living conditions, many of them in the 13 formal shelters established by the authorities. Authorities are ensuring that supplies and services are reaching affected populations, both in the 13 formal shelters set up and in the spontaneous settlements in the outskirts of Mocoa. The ACT Alliance Colombia forum Member, LWF in coordination with a local partner is responding to the emergency and have agreed to address the response to livelihoods restoration. Appeals_Colombia_Floods and Mudslides in Mocoa_COL171 Infographic2_APPEAL_05_2017_Colombia  

The humanitarian situation in Eastern Ukraine remains difficult and continues to deteriorate. This is due to the fighting clashes, which began in April 2014 between militia-armed groups in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, and the forces and armed groups under the central government in Kiev. Because of active hostilities, hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees continue to flee to the neighbouring regions of Ukraine and Russia. A total of 1,583,827 IDPs were registered in Ukraine as of April 25, 2017, and over 1.2 million refugees are in Russia. In Ukraine, 3.8 million people are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance due to the conflict. The civilian population in the conflict regions of Eastern Ukraine is in dire need of humanitarian assistance, suffering from the ongoing hostilities, lack of access to basic services and financial resources, and the destruction of local social, communal and economic infrastructure. ACT Alliance members Russian Orthodox Church -Department for External Church Relations (ROC/DECR)  and Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) plan to continue their humanitarian support to IDPs in Ukraine, refugees in Russia and vulnerable war affected civilians in the war regions of Eastern Ukraine to contribute to the alleviation of their suffering by addressing their most pressing needs in the sectors of Food Security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Health/Psychosocial support and Shelter and Non Food Items. The ACT Appeal UKR171 follows on the response to the ACT Appeal UKR161. Appeals_Ukraine and Russia_Crisis affected civilians_UKR_171 Infographic2_APPEAL_07_2017_Ukraine and Russia  

Kenya’s President, Uhuru Kenyatta on 9th February 2017, declared an on-going drought in Kenya a national disaster already affecting 23 out of 47 counties reported to be at alarm stage. The current drought situation affects an estimated 2.7 million people with children, pregnant women, new mothers and the elderly bearing the brunt of the calamity thus necessitating the urgent plea from government and community leaders to respond to immediate emergency and early recovery needs. Causes of drought are attributed to a late start of short rains between Oct-Nov 2016. These rains were also very brief and inadequate. As a result, there has been a persistent and widespread deficit of water and food for humans and scarce water and vegetation for livestock resulting in livestock mortality rates of 5%. In addition, poor 2016 short rains, affected proper growth of marginal crop producing regions which have predicted crop failure of up to 70 % (compared to a 5-year average)already resulting in an increase in food prices. Most affected populations being pastoral communities residing in Arid and Semi-Arid counties of Northern Kenya. ACT Alliance Kenya forum through its members Christian Aid, Church World Service (CWS), National Council of Churches in Kenya (NCCK), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Finn Church Aid (FCA), Anglican Development Services (ADS) and Lutheran World Relief (LWR) are responding and intend to scale-up interventions in WASH, Food Security, Early Recovery and Livelihoods restoration and Peace Building and Conflict Transformation through the ACT Appeal. Appeals_Kenya_Drought_KEN171 [caption id="attachment_5627" align="alignnone" width="700"]Credit: V.Muniz Credit: V.Muniz[/caption]  

The worst flooding since 1998 is scouring the arid landscape of coastal Peru. This Phenomenon has been affecting the country since January 2017. In February, there were damages due to the same reason in other geographical areas affecting 800 people, and an RRF of 59,072 USD was granted by ACT Secretariat to respond to the emergency (RRF04/2017, issued on 17.2.17).  The situation in Peru has kept worsening since then. The current situation has exceeded the local capacity to respond, the affected population have increased to 863,000 persons. The ACT Secretariat has approved to add 90,880 USD to the RRF.

Humanitarian needs are wide-ranging. Thus far it is estimated that 29,000 houses and dwellings have been destroyed or collapsed, affecting at least 120,000 people who are in immediate need for alternative shelter and other types of assistance such as water, sanitation and hygiene as well as protection. There is concern that levels of personal hygiene and sanitation are low, increasing risks of disease outbreaks, including acute diarrhoea, dengue and Zika virus.     The State of Emergency is in effect in 11 of the country’s 24 departments and one constitutional province, and a Health Emergency has been declared in 8 departments, affecting 655 districts. According to the National Office of Meteorology and Hydrography (SENAMHI, Spanish acronym), the emergency situation is expected to continue until the end of April. In the town of Piura, in Piura region, which is one of the most affected areas

RRFs_Peru_Floods and Mudslides _No. RRF 04/2017 - Rev.1

[caption id="attachment_5553" align="alignnone" width="700"]Credits: V.Muniz Credits: V.Muniz[/caption]

Monday 20th February 2017 marked the most historic declaration of famine in parts of South Sudan, affecting mostly Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who are dispersed and the host communities already affected by the on-going conflict. Across South Sudan, more than 3 million people have been forced to flee their homes and nearly 7.5 million people need humanitarian assistance and protection, as a result of multiple and deepening crises, including conflict, inter-communal violence, economic decline, disease, and climatic shocks, which have led to displacement, distress, destitution and death. South Sudan ACT Forum members CA, DCA, FCA, ICCO-Cooperation, LWF, NCA and PRDA are planning to respond jointly. The key response sectors are Food Security & Livelihoods, Nutrition, WASH and NFIs, as well as Education (EiE) & Psychosocial Support. This intervention will be targeting at least 180,000 severely crisis affected people across South Sudan, with a target of 9,161,771.54 USD. Appeals_South Sudan_Famine Crisis_SSD171 [caption id="attachment_5490" align="alignnone" width="700"]Credit: Valter Hugo Muniz/ACT Credit: Valter Hugo Muniz/ACT[/caption]

Date | Time

Very heavy rains and floods have happened on the arrival of Matthew category 4 Hurricane (in the Saffir-Simpson Scale) currently ravaging Haiti and Cuba. The Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti early on October 4th and on the same day in the afternoon in Cuba.   Hurricane Matthew entered Haiti on the south-western coast on department of Grand'Anse, 230km southeast of Port-au-Prince with winds near 220 km/h causing devastating impact, violent winds, flash floods and mud slides primarily in the Southern Coast of the island, Nippes and Grand'Anse departments, although nearly the whole country has been affected. 11 communes of the Great South have already been flooded, a landslide in Anse Milieu has cut off road access, and violent winds in Pointe-à-Raquette, Gonâve Island, are causing great panic. One person has been reported dead in Port-Salut. Meanwhile 61,302 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are still living in hosting sites or camps rendering them extremely vulnerable to the violent winds and heavy rainfalls expected. Hurricane Matthew is continuing to the North affecting the Nippes, West, Artibonite and Northwest departments in particular. alerts_26_2016_hurricane-matthew-in-haiti-and-cuba

The El Nino climatic event has caused the worst drought in 35 years in Southern Africa. The region normally receives rain between October and April, but the 2015- 2016 season rain did not fall until late February (UNOCHA May, 2016). This crippled rain-fed agricultural production which accounts for the livelihoods of most Southern Africans. The subsequent April 2016 harvest proved meagre, with a regional maize production shortfall of 9.3 million tons.  This was the second consecutive poor rainfall season in the region deepening vulnerabilities. Southern Angola has been experiencing consecutive seasons of poor rainfall. The recent El Nino has exacerbated the situation, affecting access to water for human consumption, irrigation and livestock. There has also been an increase in cases of malaria, diarrhoea, cholera, malnutrition in children under age 5, measles, scabies, acute respiratory infections and yellow fever (258 died of yellow fever between January- April 2016). An estimated 756,000 people in rural areas require humanitarian assistance of which 75,593 require immediate food assistance. An estimated US$ 261.423 million is required for the response (Angola Vulnerability Assessment Committee Results 2016). The most affected municipalities are Cunene, Namibe and Huila Provinces. ACT Angola Forum members, Lutheran World Federation and Norwegian Church Aid plan to respond through ACT  appeal, due to their presence by  providing WASH interventions, Food security  through climate-smart agriculture and community based disaster risk reduction [CBDRR] to 5,000 vulnerable households in the municipalities mentioned. alerts_25_2016_-severe-drought-response-in-angola

A severe earthquake with magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale hit the North-West Tanzania on the 10th of September 2016 at 15:27 local time. The epicentre was located in close proximity to the border town of Nsunga on the Lake Victoria and nearby Bukoba municipality, a major town and the regional centre for the Kagera region. Less than 72 hours from the quake, 17 persons were reported dead and 170 hospitalized. While assessments are still on-going, preliminary evaluations record that 840 buildings have been destroyed including three schools and dormitories. Over 1,264 houses are reported to be unsafe and hundreds of people are currently displaced. The Acting Regional Commissioner of Kagera region estimates the need for temporary shelters for over 3,000 people as well as for medical supplies, non-food items, food assistance and psychosocial support. ACT Tanzania forum plans to respond to the needs of the affected population through ACT Alliance humanitarian mechanism. TCRS and ELCT are planning to support the affected populations through provision of Emergency shelters, Non-food items and Community Based Psychosocial Support. Long-term plan to re-build the education facilities that have been destroyed is also being considered. alerts_24_2016_earthquake-in-tanzania    

In 2015 and 2016, Malawi experienced the El Niño weather phenomenon, manifested by poor distribution of rainfall and prolonged dry conditions, which resulted in delayed planting and poor crop development. The Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) report of June 2016 showed that a minimum of 6.5 million people (39% of Malawi’s population) will not be able to meet their annual food requirements during the 2016/17 consumption period, in 24 of the Malawi’s 28 Districts. This protracted drought was combined with floods in some areas of Malawi, which have also increased the risk of water-borne disease outbreaks. The most critically affected Districts are the following: Balaka, Chikwawa, Kasungu, Nkhota-kota, Dedza, Dowa, Mchinji, Mulanje, Nsanje, Phalombe, Thyolo, Mangochi, Neno, Ntcheu, Salima, Mzimba, Rumphi, Ntchisi, Chiradzulu, Machinga, Mwanza, Blantyre, Lilongwe and Zomba.   Alerts_Severe Drought in Malawi

Since the beginning of 2015 a mass influx of people seeking asylum in Europe or a better life have been travelling into Europe in increasing numbers. The number of asylum seekers has constantly risen from a few thousand in 2014 to over a million entering Europe in 2015. While the number of people entering Europe via the Balkans has fallen since the second quarter of 2016, there are still significant numbers of people arriving daily in countries along the route. Many people are now staying in the countries of arrival in Europe and not moving further, which has caused both governments and NGOs to respond to new needs or respond to the needs in a different way (at least in the semi-long term), including more integration, education and other services. Alerts_21_2016_Europe_Support to Refugees and Migrants

As of 30th July 2016, 14 people have died and over 340,000 households in 16 districts have been severely affected by the continuing heavy rains during the last few days which has caused floods in Northern - Central parts of Bangladesh.  The continuing downpour and rising waters have now exacerbated an already bad situation. As of 1st August 2016 (reliefweb),  the rivers Dharla, Ghagot, Brahmaputra, Jamuna, Gur, Atrai, Dhaleswari, Lakhya, Kaliganga, Dhaleswari, Padma and Titasare have been all flowing above the danger level by 62 cm on average and in some places as high as 137 cm. According to Flood Forecasting & Warning Centre and Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWBD), rising water level in several major rivers will keep exacerbating the flood situation in the next 24 - 48 hours particularly in the low lying areas adjacent to Rajbari, Manikganj, Munshiganj and Sariotpur districts as well as Dhaka city. Alerts_20_2016_Floods_in_Northern_and_Central_Bangladesh

Heavy torrential rains during the last few days have caused floods in North-Eastern states of India. The flood situation continues to remain grim in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.  As of the 24th of July, so far 7 people have died and over 600,000 people have been affected in Assam, while over 100 households in Arunachal Pradesh were rendered homeless. The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) reported that over 50,000 people in 130 villages have been affected. About 1,206 villages in 14 districts have been affected by the deluge, with Bongaigaon, Kokrajhar, Laxmipurt, Goalpara and Tinsukia being the worst affected districts. So far, nearly 46,680 hectares of crop area have been inundated by flood water (Indian Express). Alerts_19_2016_Flooding in North-Eastern State of Assam, India

On July 9th renewed clashes broke out in the South Sudanese capital of Juba due to a reported power struggle between the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) in the government and the SPLA opposition. Hundreds of people have been killed in the fighting between rival armed groups, raising fears of a slide back into full blown conflict. The recent clashes have triggered  massive influx of South Sudanese refugees into Adjumani Refugee Settlement in Uganda. Majority of the refugees are entering through Elegu Border Point which is managed by Lutheran World Federation (LWF). Following the days of the clashes in Juba (July 12th 2016) Elegu Border Point has received over 14,100 new arrivals with about 13,000 of them arriving between the three day period of 17th and 20th of July. Refugees cite the fragile security situation, fighting, torture, forceful recruitment of youths, looting of properties and hunger as reasons for fleeing to Uganda. Women and children constitute 90 percent of new arrivals.   Alerts_18_2016_ Uganda_ influx of South Sudanese refugees    

People in the state of Madhya Pradesh have been struggling with one of the worst flood situations due to heavy rainfall for past few days. Rivers are over flowing, washing away bridges, breaching embankments, marooning villages. The state capital of Bhopal city has also reported extensive water logging. The slum dwellers of the city have been the worst affected. According to media sources (Indian Express), 22 people have died so far due to the floods and 9 persons are reported missing. An estimated 2,360 houses have been completely damaged and 17,236 houses have been partially damaged. A total of 332,400 persons have been affected due to floods in Madhya Pradesh. The Indian Meteorological Department, in Bhopal, predicted that there will be further rain and thunder showers are likely to occur at most places over Madhya Pradesh in next 24 hours, potentially exacerbating the situation. Alerts_17_2016_Flooding in India - Madhya Pradesh

As a result of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine thousands of people were forced to leave their homes in Ukraine. The number of displaced people continues to increase. By 04 July, 2016, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine (MoSP) had registered 1,790,267 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine and 3.1 million people are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance. As of 20th June 2016, the UNHCR reported 1,389,452 Ukrainians are seeking - or already received - asylum or refuge in other countries. Out of these - 1,092,212 are in Russia and 139,143 in Belarus. Others are in Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. As a consequence people who reside along contact line have difficulty accessing basic necessities like food, clean water, medicines, medical services and other basic services. Since the beginning of the conflict in 2014 at least 9,449 people have been killed and another 21,843 have been wounded.   Alerts_16_2016_Ukraine_Russia_ IDPs_and Refugees

On Thursday, the 30th of June, several cloudbursts caused heavy rainfalls – recorded over 100mm within two hours – which subsequently lead to flooding and landslides in Uttarakhand which were responsible for killing at least 30 people in Pithoragarh and Chamoli districts. Several people are missing and feared to have been washed away in a crisis that brought back memories of the deadly floods in 2013 which claimed nearly 6,000 lives. According to officials from the District Disaster Mitigation and Management Center, in Pithoragarh, eight people were killed due to landslides while in Chamoli, there are five people have died. The incessant rains have halted movement on the Thal-Munsyari road and the Rishikesh-Badrinath National Highway while in Chamoli, the Alaknanda river has surpassed its danger mark. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a yellow code warning for next few days, indicating an alert for the same. It has forecasted that heavy to very heavy rainfall is very likely in isolated places. As per the Meteorological department's benchmarks, this means that there will be rainfall in the range of 60mm-120mm. The alert has been issued for the districts of Nainital, Udhamsingh Nagar, Champawat, Almora, Dehdraun, Uttarkashi, Pauri, Haridwar and Tehri for the next 72 hours. So far, 10 dead bodies have been recovered, while about 17 people are still buried under the debris. In four villages of Chamoli district, six people were killed, while three others are missing. Alerts_15_2016_India_Flooding and Landslides

Now more than a year since Burundi’s current crisis began, more than 140,000 women, children and men remain in refugee camps in Tanzania and are unable to return home.  The situation inside Burundi continues to worsen.  A low intensity urban conflict is spreading progressively from Bujumbura to other provinces, resulting in targeted assassinations, torture, harassments and abuses.[1]  Coupled with an economic collapse brought on by the conflict, this makes it virtually impossible for displaced Burundians to return home safely. On average 100 refugees from Burundi are still entering in Tanzania every day while 140,448 Burundian refugees are currently living in Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli camps in Kigoma region. As many informants from UNHCR, INGOs and refugee leaders suggest, a quick solution to the current political crisis in Burundi and the short-term repatriation of refugees are unlikely. The current refugee situation is developing into a protracted crisis that will plausibly last for several years.   Alerts_07_2016_Scale Up Burundian refugee crisis in Tanzania      



Niall O’Rourke

Head of Humanitarian Affairs


Geneva, Switzerland

Caroline Njogu

Regional Humanitarian Officer


Nairobi, Kenya

Cyra Bullecer

Humanitarian Operations Manager


Bangkok, Thailand

George Majaj

Humanitarian Programme Advisor


Amman, Jordan

Anyi Elizabeth Morales Mora

Humanitarian Programme Officer

Latin America and the Caribbean

Bogota, Colombia

Marjorie Schmidt

Finance Coordinator


Geneva, Switzerland